
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    jo,  Something tells me you still have fireworks in your marriage...as you cleverly planned!
  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    I think it is an umbrella

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I think it's a skyscrapper with reflective windows reflecting a billboard or something nearby!

    Jenn3-Sorry you were feeling rotten on your bday.  The nice thing about being a birthday celebrant around the 4th is that there's generally a celebratory feeling for a few days, so pretend today is your day instead.  Reesie's tomorrow & I'm Monday!  

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Happy Birthday all you little Firecrackers! Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th. Someday when I move on to the next big adventure I want my ashes sent up in a big fireworks display on the 4th. My family thinks I am nuts but I love the 4th and fireworks and you can of course actually have this done, my daughter thinks I should have them compressed and simulated into a diamond so that they can say "wasn't Mom a real gem" LOL

    How do you all celebrate the 4th? We will be going out to my families farm eat lots of good food and deserts and then shoot off fireworks, ride go carts and laugh alot.

    Mystery Pic: vertical blinds

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605


  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    mystery pic - a fabric hand-held fan

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132

    Have a great fourth everyone,

    Welcome to the new members

    Claire my son leaves for his week at BSA camp tomorrow, he goes update NY

    marlege congrats on results

    Linnea congrats on finishing chemo

    Elimar my skin is holding up a bit pink but otherwise ok. I have been using a rx steroid cream on the advise of the dermatologist at MSK. It seems to be working so far but I suspect it builds through the treatment.

    My guess on mystery pic is. ??????

    By the way anyone know how long the joint pain lasted after taxol and nuelasta?

    Enjoy the weekend.


  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132


    I just noticed you also had 25 rads and 5 boosts, are the boosts much different? I am getting both lying down on my stomach.


  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    jean, my joint pain stopped pretty soon after taxol...i did fine with the neulasta so didn't have a combo effect, it was only the taxol that whipped my ass!!

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471

    i had trouble with joint pain days 3-5. Aleve and Clartin a day before, day of and day after works for some although i did not find it effective. I ended up asking (and getting) a half-dose of Neulasta after the 3rd treatment. No cost break because it is a one time dose, but that seemed to help. don't know if that might be an option for you but it did help me.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    I'm late as usual, but congrats, Marlegal, on your clear mamm!

    Jenn ~ Happy, happy Birthday!!!!!!!

    Jo ~ Here's an early "Happy Anniversary" for Monday in case I forget. I celebrated my 38th just this past May. Seems like I've been married fooorrreeevvveeerrr........ Ha-ha! He's a good egg, as my Grandma used to call him!

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    happy birthday jenn reesie and marlegal....world is a better place for you being in it

    congrats jo....that is something special

    sherry....sorry you had that *crap* literally:) I got struck down in DC this past week with food poisoning...it was not pretty but par for the course for me these days it seems....hahaha

    so many pages to catch up on...brings me to the same conclusion...you are all the best:)

    surgery on thursday...so at least I have something else to obsess on...although with my current run of luck or lack thereof...perhaps I should reschedule...the PS might put the nips on my back and the fat grafts into my butt to enhance the cellulite ......


  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    On this past weeks episode of "In Plain Sight" on USA, Mary McCormick said this & I want to share it. It is.... well, it has made me think.....


    There are times in your life when all you can do at the end of the day

    is turn out the lights -

    flop on your bed -

    and throw in the towel - raise the white flag.

    For some, that kind of surrender is hard to even comtemplate

    and harder to accept.

    And there's a dignity in that -

    In fighting to the finish - to the red-faced bitter end.

    But, in those moments - in bed - right when the lights go out

    A solace can be found.

    The very act of giving up becomes a starting point.

    You clear your head - 

    you still your beating heart

    you navigate the rocky shoal of setting out again.

    Call it surrender - or serenity - it doesn't matter which.

    Because the thing you never thought you'd do

    or say

    or ever have to face

    becomes more than what you have to do,

    it becomes the way it is. 


    When I heard this, it spoke to me. Crazy ?? Maybe, I don't know.... It wish I'd written it, it's powerful to me. Maybe this is my new "starting point".

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    wow valjean...spoke to me so loud I had no choice but to hear it....

    thank you

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Happy Birthday to all of you Independence gals! Isn't it nice the country throws a party for you with fireworks and all!!

    Jo--Happy Anniversary, your husband is a lucky man!!

    JeanH--My boys just got home last night from western Tennessee. The entire camp consisted of boys from Florida except for one Tenn troop. Floridians will do anything to get out of the summer heat!! I can't remember where but I went to a GSA/BSA camp in northern NY in the early 70's. It was on a lake and was absolutely beautiful. Don't remember much except they kept the boys across the lake--we kept making plans to sneak over there, but never quite made it!!

    Reesie--yes I do work at that store that shall remain nameless--internet policy at work about posting personal/business postings on the web. Blah, blah, blah. I see you have a nook, l love mine. Its hard to explain to people that they still will read real books, this just gives you more choices. I totally get your son's complaint--mine is when people read books while in the store and then leave them on their chair--splayed out open. Damages the spine and then peeps won't buy it. Once they purchase the book, they can destroy it all they want. Don't get me started on the -we aren't a library rant!!!!

    These pictures totally confuse me, first I thought it was some kind of Japanese high rise. Then a fan. Now I'm leaning towards a cover for a heating/ac unit. Tomorrow, I'll think its something else!!! 

  • I was going to guess window blinds, but then someone said fan and since they do seem to be at different heights that makes sense so I have no idea what it is....pretty material whatever it is.

    Happy 4th of July to all you middle-aged women.  I am headed to my father's with the smallest of the dogs since he is my sidekick.  Am hoping my dad doesn't want to go to the fireworks and will just be content going to the band concert in the park.  No rain predicted so knowing him, he will want to do it all. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Valerie, those were VERY powerful words!!! Thanks for posting them. So, the end is just a new beginning really....makes sense. That's why I've never used the term 'new normal'. If it's normal, there is no point in saying 'new'. But! I do hate the term 'it is what it is'. I find that a defeatist term. You just sit back and let life happen to you and you don't have to do anything in return. Nope!! I want to live my life, not watch my life!!

    Good to see you Annette!!!

    Marybe, how sad we have to pace ourselves against the old people, eh???? I live in a 'lifestyle community' and the old people sure move around a LOT more than me!!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    That was perfect Val.

    So the funniest thing happened last night, well this a.m. really. My twins' friend's bday is today too. Since all their friends are in the just legal year party was at midnight in a bar. I wasn't gonna go but ma DL has to work today so she wanted me to so she could spend at least part of my bday with me. She made me where one of those stupid light up kiss the bday girl pins and kept turning it on when I turned it off. Well toward the end of the night some guy comes over with two shotsone for me and one for him lol. He said he'd been wanting to buy me a drink all night. The look on DS and DD faces was AWESOME. It totally freaked them out.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Val, your words moved me. Thanks! Hi Annette.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hey, party girl, reesie, I like that idea of starting the birthday at midnight.  I'll have to do that, if only I can manage to stay awake that late on my next one  I don't know if you like watermelon (you wrote something about a watermelon pie) but I always get some watermelon at the store for the 4th.  If you aren't crazy about the flavor, I think you will at least enjoy my virtual carving of this watermelon; but I also made a cake because it looked cute. 


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I'll be back in a few hours with to reveal just what the weekend mystery pic is.  See page 412, and get your last minute guesses in.

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    window blinds

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Val I watched in Plain Site too and really thought about what she said, it is well said and we all have to face changes, the death of a child, a divorce you didn't want or see coming, your children leaving the state, losing our job, battling disease, cancer doing things we never thought we would or have to do but now is our reality.  My motto is the only thing consistent is change!!  Many of the changes bring positive things others bring changes we need to deal with. Hope you are doing better, PM or e-mail me if you want still have not found you on FB. 

     Barb-58 I agree we want to live our life, sometimes that means figuring our how to do things differntly so we can enjoy the things the mean the most or the things we have to do.  It has been a challenge this year for me to realize I can't do what I used to so how do I maintain my energy and accomlpish the things I have to and want to.  Somethings have to give but in long run I know that feeling better is possible if I learn my own balance.

    El wonderful cake trying to bite into it!!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    JeanH - I sent you a PM on the rads question.
  • PatMom
    PatMom Member Posts: 322

    I love that intricate carving Elimar. 

    I think that the mystery pic just might be beach chairs folded and stacked next to each other.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    No picture!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    karen1956, not sure what is going on because I can still se it there.

    Mystery Pic:  I can't show more of the pic, because it's only one that I found on the internet.  Like some of the others, it is only showing part of what it is and it is a close up AND WE HAVE A WINNER!  It's Barbe1956.  That is the bellows of an accordian, a customized model (the flowery look.)  I could look at it and see all of the other answers making sense too...good guesses.  Barbe, your turn to post one next Sat.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    E I love watermelon. But not watermelon flavored stuff like candy. That watermelon looks awesome.

    In the Poconos today visiting my brother, his family, and my Mom. We're celebratin the 4th on the 3rd here :). Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone.

    Joni, VM is home getting my house ready for my return later. I'll send him over to you when he's done.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    I could have used Virtual Man today.  Had to clean house - somethng I haven't done myself in over 8 years.  Last week, my housekeeper quit and moved to Iowa of all places.  This was a no notice thing so I am tired.  Not cooking tonight - going out the DH and friends to a new Olive Garden that just opened.  I love Italian!