
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Paula66, are you also in the middle of rads now? 

    JeanH,  how is your skin doing on the rads?

    suebak, I haven't heard about that happening...but we all know stress can change things up and treatment times are stressful. 

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Poop....I just called the RO's office and my RO won't be in on Wednesday next week until the afternoon (I have another Dr. appt. in the a.m. but a little later - it would have been a perfect time).  So I'll have to save my visit for another time. But now that I have it in my head it's going to bug me until I get to do it.

    Barbe1958 - I definitely wouldn't be surprised if she didn't recognize me.  Not only was I in a wheelchair I think I had hair then Wink

    Maybe not, though, it was a follow up appt.

    Speaking of recognizing - when I went to the gyn a couple of weeks ago her nurse asked how my DH was doing.  Now he's only been there with me once - and she remembered him. Hmm...should I be jealous?  J/K

    Speaking of pies...Tastycake is selling Watermelon Pies now.  I'm not sure I'd want to try that.

  • kal_1865
    kal_1865 Member Posts: 145

    lynniea - way to go last chemo today!!!

    Go to fullsize image

    Hi everyone, and welcome to any newbies!  Unfortunatley I've been real tired after starting back to work 2 weeks ago and have not done much posting.  I am such a wuus, only working 3 days a week for now and it's making me crazy that I can't do more.  By the time I get in the car at the end of the day I want to just nap in the parking lot.  Yesterday, after taking care of 5 or 6 tasks that the rest of my co-workers put off for months (because of the pain-in-the-butt factor was too high for them) my boss jokingly said "when are you coming back full time?"  He seems to appreciate my, "let's just get it done" attitude, it's apparently a lot better than my old "no way" negativity-life certainly changed in the last year...LOL!  Anyway, I really can't give enough credit to all of the incredible women that worked during active treatment.

    I hope everyone has busy plans filled with family and friends for the long 4th weekend!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    lynniea...last chemo today...

                                                 ...a happy dancing koala just for you!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Elimar I didnt have to do rads.  I just had to do the Chemo and Tamoxifen.

    Congrats Lynniea!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    Lynniea -      .
  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388

    kal1865 - give yourself some time, your energy and pace will increase over time.  After going back to work during my first round with this mess in Jan 2010 I can remember feeling so drained and not in the best frame of mind. It was really hard to get back..........  My bosses gave me a raise realizing how much I did and appreciated me more after being gone, but it felt like the expectations to get back to the old me were there and it seemed to drain me even more.  The expectations were there, but only because I placed them on myself.  I did get back to my "old" self over time and it felt wonderful.  I just recently went out again, probably won't be back this time.  But, my relationship with work is still good.  (((hugs))) give yourself time.

    RE:  Chocolate - I don't crave it the way I used to, but if I get a good piece of dark chocolate (w/rasberry) I sure do enjoy it!!!!

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

  • enngeeemm69
    enngeeemm69 Member Posts: 5

    Hi. I've been lurking on bco since my diagnosis in April. I finally decided to join when I found this thread. About me, had my first mammogram at age 40 in 2009. They saw micro calcifications in my right breast. They said probably nothing, will follow up on that breast in 6 months. Left breast was clear. Fast forward to April 15, 2011. I went for my second 6 month follow up on just the right breast. I thought it would be the same as the previous April. Looks the same, we'll just keep watching it. Boy was I wrong. They saw a nodule in my right breast. Dr thought it was just a papilloma. They did an ultrasound. Sent me to get a core biopsy the following Weds. Got the news on the 22nd that the tissue was pre- cancerous DCIS. Thought I'd just have to have a lumpectomy, rads and take tamoxifen for 5 years. My breast surgeon decided to do a stereotactic biopsy on the calcifications. Turns out the area was pre-cancerous as well. Dr said looks like a mastectomy is the way to go.

    I have a family history of breast cancer, my maternal great grandmother, maternal grandmother and maternal aunt all had it. As a result, my dr sent me for I BRCA 1 and 2. No mutations were found. I am glad for that, my mom, 3 sisters, and my daughter won't have that worry on their backs. I opted for a bilateral mastectomy because I was concerned that this could could come back in my left breast in the future and be invasive. I had my surgery a week ago today. My breast surgeon called me today to tell me they didn't see any invasions, so surgery seems to be my only "treatment".

    I look forward to getting to know you all. I pray for your healing and look to your strength as I am on this journey.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Welcome enngeeemm69 (I had to copy and paste that, didn't want to miss any letters).  Sorry you had to join us here.  There's a great bunch of gals here.  We can answer any serious questions you have, any silly questions, or just listen to you vent. 

    We're known to share all sorts of goodies from chocolate to cheetos to Virtual Man.  The best part is VM will do any cleaning you want when you get him and the food is all calorie free. Feel free to read back to the beginning (all 400+pages) or just jump right on in.

    Well, I'm busy not working again...guess I better get back at it.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    Welcome enngeeemm69 - Sorry you had to join the club but this is a great bunch of gals and we do tend to have fun but can get serious when we need to. Come here often to ask questions, vent and have some fun.
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    enngeeemm69 glad you joined us here although hate that you had a reason.  This is a great place for support and to ask question.  Don't hold back
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    enngeeemm89, well, right away I've got to have a high opinion of you, that you chose this thread to throw back that cloak of anonymous lurking and step out into the crazy world of B/C by doing just what I always invite any Newbie to do:  JUMP RIGHT IN. 

    If you have been reading for a while, you sadly know that there are SO MANY of us having to deal with B/C in all its forms.  Glad your surgery went well...do you still have some drains in place?  You did get some good news on the BRCA, also that there was no invasion.  Do you take Tamox. or not?  If not, what kind of followup do you do... the 6 mo. exams for five years?

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504
    Welcome enngeeemm89...I'm new to the forum too. I hope you recover quickly from surgery...
  • suebak
    suebak Member Posts: 31

    Enngeeemm89-Sorry you had to join this group also.  I must say, this is the place to be, if bc has become a part of your life.  I have learned so much from these woman.  They listen, laugh and vent with you, when need be. Everyone here understands what you are going through. I honestly think my DH is a little jealous of BCO, I spent every free moment here.  Oh well

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    jenn3, thinking about you...hope you are feeling more like your strong self today.
  • enngeeemm69
    enngeeemm69 Member Posts: 5

    Thank you Reesie, jo1955, Sherryc, Elimar, Barb58, and Suebak for the warm welcome. I have always been a "lurker" on message boards. This diagnosis has forced me to seek out people in my age group for support. I have many girlfriends around my age (late 30's to early 50's) and not one of them has dealt with breast cancer. This hasn't been like when I got pregnant for the first time where I could pick up the phone to discuss pg symptoms with my girlfriends. Heck, even when my second pregnancy was twins I still had two girlfriends who'd just had twins themselves to lean on for support. I really am happy to have you all as my support for my, unfortunately, not unique diagnosis. I am going to be the "pioneer" for my girlfriends, in terms of bc, I guess.

    Elimar, I do still have two drains in place. I had a tummy tuck for my 40th birthday present, so I am painfully familiar with them. The one thing that has confused me with the drains this time is that I am not taking an antibiotic. I took it a few times while in the hospital after the mastectomy last week. Anyone else take antibiotics the whole time they had their drains? As far as I know, I don't require any further treatment. I have an appointment with my breast surgeon tomorrow. I will get the pathology report then. I'll let you know what I find out. Take care.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    enngeeemm69 - I can't help you with the drain issues - I had a lumpectomy but I do know that there will be others that will come along and answer your questions.

    Please do let us know what your path report says. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Welcome enngee, I can't help on drains either. I had a lumpectomy and one drain.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Enng I just had my drain out from my surgery. The Dr gave keflex for two days following surgery so I had a few days without. That has been standard with my past surgery. I just kept the area clean and change bandages daily. Good luck. Did you do recon with surgery? So glad you need no other tx plan.

    Linneay congrats

    My DS now has his permit to drive now, please pray for us!

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Welcome enngee-69 sorry you have to be her but glad you found us, can't help on the drains, I did have some when I had my thyroid removed and I did not have antibiotics after I left the hospital.  Hope you recover soon. 

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

    Thanks ladies for the happy dances.  I also heard they are doing a lumpectomy and taking lymph nodes out

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    I'm still sev pages back, so sorry if some of my answers are old!!

    suebak - I live in Collingdale!!!  I loved your post about AC and pulling the cancer card.  For me, it was having someone clean my house...I had always nagged..I mean, asked...for that and he always came up with an excuse. Ta da, during chemo I brought it up and voila, he didn't object. That was 6 yrs ago and I kept it up (except for last 2 months 'cause of renovations)  anyway...we get few enough perks out of this deal, I say we milk it for all we can!

    Paula, good to see you post...haven't seen you for a bit.  hope all is ok with you.

    Oh - I had my annual mammo today - all clear :)  They still send me for a BSGI also due to nasty changes from rads, and that's in July, but I'll take a clear mammo any day :)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    Marlegal whoopy for a clear mammo. Smile What is a BSGI?
  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Ooh, I can talk twins too. I checked your bio, my oldest son - 24 is almost 4 yrs older than his boy/girl twin siblings -21 so almost the same age diff as yours. I don't know about drains yet though. See me in August.

    Mjb good luck, you're gonna need it lol ;)

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Hey how did I miss you there Marlegal. Congrats on the mammo. Yeah what Sherry said - what's a BSGI?

    6 years huh? If we get someone else to do it my DH doesn't ever have to realize I can.

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471

    Went to new RO for 2nd opinion. He is great and I am feeling much better about things. What a relief! 28 tx, plus 5 boosts. Sees no need to add supraclavicle since I have no node involvement. No negativity about my prognosis. Very thorough, staff seemed nice, spent lots of time answering all my questions. Starting Wed, only one day later than original plan. So so happy. (is it weird to be happy about rads?!) 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    What a weird, weird week it's been....so glad tomorrow is Friday, maybe a sense of normalcy will return next Monday. I know it all began because I just suddenly freaked out about my MO appointment on Tuesday, but then the yard man came on Wednesday and messed everything up, and then today there were all these things DUE that I completely forgot about and didn't complete until 4:59 pm! Got several strange emails from friends that didn't sound like them at all - it's like Bizarro World from Seinfeld! I think I'm going to hibernate tomorrow and hide from the world!

    Welcome to our new posters, and congratulations to everyone who had good test results - always good to hear!

    husker - great news about the new RO! Happy is happy, I guess, but I'd rather be happy about something pleasant, you know? 

    Elimar - um, my attempt at at Pineapple Whip was pretty much awful. haha, but my son liked it - they almost always do, I guess. 

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    HnS not my youngest DS - he's like Mikey - he hates everything.

    Husker - it's wierd what pleases us all these days. I' m excited I'm having double surgery in August lol.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Haha, reesie - I loved that commercial! But Mikey likes Life cereal.."Hey, Mikey! He likes it!"

    Oh, yeah, it's bad what passes for happy at the moment. I'm happy my hair looks like a brunette Aunt Bea from Mayberry, because at least it's hair. I look like I just came from getting a "shampoo & set" at Dot's Hair Salon. A lady in her 70's told me I had beautiful hair the other day at the doctor's office - no doubt she would pay for this rockin' look! 

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

    Hi ladies done with 8 sessions of chemo.  Also saw the OC yesterday to.  I have many test next week and than begin next journey.  She said they they spoke about me at the tumor board where the whole team was there.  They are suggesting I get all the lymph nodes taken out since my MRI looked so good and don't want to take a chance.  I see the surgon on the 14th of July.  I hope everyone has a nice 4th of July weekend.