
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    enngeeemm69--Antibiotics for mastectomy are given IV just before and after surgery.  Pills aren't usually needed after even with the drains in place.  A  tummy tuck (or DIEP reconstruction) is a bigger surgery, more hanldling of the skin so greater risk of infection so antibiotics for a while after surgery is the usual plan.  The need for antibiotics is actually based on the amount of skin handling and number/size of incisions rather than the presence of drains.  Hope you get the drains out soon, they are a PIA. 
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Thanks Marlegal Im dong well thanks.  I've been really busy this week and havent really had a chance to get on.  I wanted to stop by and tell you gals Happy 4th of July!  We are going away for a vaca, and no internet around.  Have a fun time all!  I hope everyone will have a blast!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Husker so glad you got a second opinion and feel good about  the new RO.  That will make such a difference in your treatment.

    lynniea so happy your chemo is done, now on to the next phase.

    Paula have a great time this weekend.

    Think I will be canning tomatoes this weekend.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Glad to hear you passed your mammo exam, Marlegal!  A+++

    lynniea, let us know when your surgery gets scheduled.  

    HnS,  "brunette Aunt Bea," LOL.  You must have reminded that woman of her heyday in the 50's.  As for the Pineapple Whip...must be some kind of "secret recipe" just like "Orange Julius."

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Elimar, now I want a creamsicle (thanks to your mention of "Orange Julius").  Actually, I think I want a Rita's Gelati - Orange Water Ice with Vanilla Ice Cream, tastes just like a creamsicle.  Wait, I changed my mind - looks like they have a special red, white and blue gelati - it looks REALLY good.

    HnS, I think you sent your Bizarro World my way.  My sister and I went out to dinner last night (our weekly Thursday dinner - our compromise to her coming over to my house everynight and just sitting there watching me - I know she's concerned for me but...), well anyway, the service was so bad we ended up getting dinner free, with dessert to go and twenty dollars worth of coupons to return another night. 

    It was a circus - my sister asked the manager if we were being Punk'd.  Funny thing is she was so upset and it was all my food that got messed up several times.  She couldn't understand why I was so nonchalant about it. 

    It's funny because my DH and I went to the same place a couple of weeks ago and had awesome service and excellent food.

    Lynniea, maybe we'll get to be surgery buddies (although your surgery will probably be sooner than mine - had to work around both docs vacations).

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    For our more Northerly Sisters...


  • enngeeemm69
    enngeeemm69 Member Posts: 5

    Hi all. I got my pathology report from my breast surgeon today. My right breast had DCIS, intermediate to high grade with necrosis, forming grossly identifiable mass apprx 8.5 cm in greatest dimension. No identifiable invasion. My left breast showed benign tissue with areas of fibrocystic change and ductal hyperplasia without atypia. The left breast mastectomy was prophylactic. All three lymph nodes that were removed showed no metastatic tumor identified. My dr said the margin was close, however, I won't need chemo, radiation, or tamoxifen. Whew. I go back to see her in a couple of weeks. She will be following up with me 6 months after that.

    I feel so blessed that this was caught early. I know so many women aren't as fortunate. I do feel a little guilty for asking "why me?" when I came out relatively unscathed. I also hope I never have to deal with cancer again. I hope I can work through these feelings. I am feeling kind of emotionally numb right now.

    Mjbmiller, I am going through reconstruction. My plastic surgeon put in tissue expanders with 300 ccs of fluid on the day of my surgery. These tissue expanders definitely leave a lot to be desired. One of the nurses told me they are like braces, you have to tolerate them, but the results will be beautiful. I hope I won't have any complications with the reconstruction process like I've read some people have had. So far so good though.

    NativeMainer, thank you for the information on the drains and antibiotics. That makes lots of sense!

    I hope you all have a wonderful Fourth of July! Enjoy it!

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Lynniea your in my thoughts keep us up todate on surgery time

    When to my specialty store to look at cammies, bras and fillers. Found a nice cammi an insurance paid for 80% of it. Ready to go back to Tuesday.

    Everyone enjoy the 4th July weekend. Be safe.

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

    I sure will thanks for your thoughts.  And have a great 4th of July

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    enngeeemm69 - I think everyone of us has asked that same question - "Why Me?" at one time.  It is really a rhetorical question with no answer.  Glad you know where you are in your treatment and happy with your decisions.

    Have a Great 4th of July everyone. 

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    enngeeemm69 there's NO reason to feel guilty. When any of us get our first get dx it's scary as Hell. There's no way to know what the final outcome will be. It's natural to wonder why.

    We're all glad you caught it early and don't have to go through any more treatments.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    enngeeemm69, great news that the nodes were clear, and no invasive component.  With a little luck, everything will go as planned with your reconstruction.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    enngeeemm69 congrates on the good news and that you don't have to have any further treatment.  Good luck with your reconstruction and when your feeling sorry for yourself just come here and we will cheer you up.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Well, since we are at the top of a new page, maybe I will just post Weekend Mystery Pic tonight...



  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    It looks like...i cant remember the name now. What Japanese women use to get cool.

    What is it called?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Ooooh, Seyla, you must have just been waiting for the weekend to start.  You are quick to the pic!!!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    I'm hungry and cant sleep. I'm jumping thread to thread.Wink

    Is there a right day to start guessing???????

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Once it is up, guessing begins.  Usually, the pic gets posted on Sat. a.m., but I was just taking advantage to get it at the top of a page so more can see and guess.  Now, be good and have a piece of fruit.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    I had rasberries, macademia nuts but Im starving for food like a midnight meal.

    I have apricots & peaches. I love my summer fruitTongue out

    But what i really want is seafoodSealed

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    enngeeemm69--A late welcome!! Congrats on your path report, celebrate the good news!!

    lynniea--Cel-a-brate, good times, cel-a-brate!! Sending a little Kool and the Gang your way for your end of Chemo dance!!

    Husker-Sooo glad you are happy with your new RO. Its a shame you had to go that route, but glad it worked out.

    As for chocolate--still crave it. would not turn it down. Especially dark chocolate. At work right now we have godiva bars buy 2 get one free. If I bought some, would you all like to share?  I really shouldn't eat it all!!

    Happy Fourth weekend to all!! Think of me, I will be selling books on Monday, to all those people who don't have families or picnics to go to!! My husband and youngest come home this weekend from a week at Boy Scout Camp in Tennessee. D**n, suppose I have to clean the house--ooh wait--it didn't really get that dirty cuz my two biggest messer uppers weren't here!!! Smile 

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Claire do you work at a BN? My son would be so jealous. He used to say that would be his dream job.

    When my kids were younger we used to go to the bookstore at least once a week. Each one was allowed to get one book and he used to try to talk his brother and sister into getting books he wanted so he was really getting three. But even if they didn't he would still read theirs.

    Well now he works at Best Buy and he does most of his reading electronically. But he still likees to read actual books and God forbid if anyonee borrows a book and folds a page to mark it. He cringes everytime the Kindle commercial is on where the lady shows sher criend she can do that with an actual book lol.

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    It is a peacock feather!!

    El I had my fruit my DH and I prepared 10 quarts of fresh strawberries last night yummy, I also had strawberries in my yogurt for breakfast.  Looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend at home and in the garden.  I have some josta berries and gooseberrie that will be ripe in a couple of weeks, trying to decide jam or wine??? 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    I think the pic is a ceiling.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    Mystery pic guess - looks like a sill screen room divider.  Undecided
  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388

    still trying to figure out the mystery pic????

    enngee- belated welcome, I am sorry you had to find you're way here, but the women are wonderful!

    maralegal - congrats on your mammo!

    Yesterday was my birthday and of all days, I felt like crap.  I couldn't keep anything down!  Stupid me, sucked it up and went to a wonderful restaurant with my Mom and sister and ate lunch, then promptly came home and got sick (again and again).  Thank goodness I made it home. I woke up sick and with breakfast didn't stay down I should have known better..........But, my Mom and sister were so happy to take me out I felt bad not going.   Then I had to cancel our small get together that night with my friends and family.  I was so upset.  But.......the good news! I am feeling much better today, so it'll be like a belated birthday or extended birthday weekend.  I will see friends today and family tomorrow.  I am now 45.......

    I hope that everyone is having a great 4th of July weekend!!!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548



  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Happy Birthday Jenn! We have lots here this weekend. We all get to celebrate with our country :)

    Glad you're feeling better today . Still it sucks that you were sick on your birthday :(

    I hate when I see all the typos in my posts because of the stupid touch typing on my nook. Have to resist the urge edit all my posts.

    Still haven't figured out a guess for the pic yet.

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Jenn sorry he hear you wer sick on your B-day but very happy you are better today, have a great weekend.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    jenn3, made some belated b-day cupcakes...pineapple with gingerale (to settle your stomach.)


    Yes, I did bake them on the pavement in my driveway, however did you guess?  Cool

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Jenn - Glad you are feeling better - sucks you were sick on your birthday and can do more today.


    Monday - DH and I will celebrate our 38th wedding anniversary.