
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Hopefully she'll be called NativeMainer, and Barbe1958, and elimar, and cmblastic, and BarbaraA and Valjean and annettek, and Teka, and Jo1955, and reesie, and Barb58, and Sherryc, and Paula66 and by many, many more names. 

    I know what you are asking, Barbe1958.  I say I am "cancer free."  I can elaborate or change the subject depending on who I'm talking to or how I'm feeling.  There really isn't a good term to use, is there?  

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    From your finger tips to God's computer monitor NM (felt I had to update from your lips to God's ears for the cyberworld)


  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388

    Just popping in to say hello.  The blood drive my friend threw was a huge success, so much so that the team there for the blood drive had to stay an extra hour and the people that didn't make it onto the bus had to go to the hospital. 

    RE:  FM pain - I was given Cymbalta years ago when they thought that I had FM (later dx'd as AS).  Chronic pain is miserable and so hard for many doctors to understand. (((hugs)))) to all of you.

    Hope everyone is having a good week.  Jenn

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    I second that Reesie!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    jenn3, You hit the jackpot with that friend!  That is really wonderful. 

    I also was given Cymbalta for FM and it worked pretty well, but it used the same liver enzyme as Tamox., and was called a major interaction.  I stopped taking it for that reason, but now that article I just posted on the previous page has new evidence that it might not have mattered.  Who knows, if the Effexor doesn't help me, I may try Cymbalta again at some point.

    reesie, way to keep it current...LOL!  Cool

  • suzanneinphoenix
    suzanneinphoenix Member Posts: 34
    I  think I'm surviving....even if that's for another year or until I'm 95 .....I don't think I'll ever say I'm a "survivor" ....but that's just me talkin' Cool
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    annettek, Glad it went smoothly.  To not traumatize the blood vessels in the area makes a lot of sense, so the waiting is a good thing.

    Val, have a nice time girlfriend!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    suzanneinphoenix, yeah, to say "I'm surviving" isn't quite as bold as stating "I'm a survivor," which always remains to be seen.  (Although I am o.k. with saying "survivor" as in "one in the act of surviving" not neccessarily as "having survived it.")
  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    annettek - I think I forgot to tell you it was good to hear everything went well...sorry.

    It's great what your fried did Jenn!

    I ran the Good Friday blood drive at church for several years.  This year there wasn't one - I guess they couldn't find someone else to do it. Frown

    I think I'll see about getting something going for the fall.  I'll run it by Father Bill after mass on Sunday. 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Well I have managed to be the only one outa 4 people to find ticks from our vacation.  Could it have been the healthy ones who had them, no it had to be the chick who finished chemo just a few months ago.  I did call both my doctors just to be on the safe side. They said to just keep an eye out and other sypmtoms as well.   Man I can remember a time when stuff like this didnt even faze me.  Boy how times have changed.  I hope that the 2 I found will be the last of them. 

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Paula, you shoulda brought my son with - he would have gotten them for you.  One time they went walking on a trail and I found SIX on him afterward - and none on anyone else (and 7 people went).

    Your nice freshly scrubbed chemo blood must've attracted them Wink

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh Paula, I hate ticks almost as bad as I hate leeches. ICK!!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Reesie they musta loved my fresh clean chemo blood, lol.  you would think they would have taken one bite and dropped dead. Tough little buggers.  Plus they were tiny ones. I just cant believe I was the only one who had them.  Barbara, I dont care for the dang things myself.  I havent had a tick on me for years.  Atleast its easy to spot the little suckers on my bald head, lol.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Well I think it is 6 of one and 1/2 a dozen of the other.  Cancer free/full remission.  Ether one tells me there is so sign of cancer right now or your markers are within normal range.  I am just not gonna sweat it.  As Paula says "Fight Like a Girl".  I have a shirt that says "Fought like a girl and won".  It is my Friday shirt, but long sleeve, not comfy in hot weather.

    Real tired after 1st week back at work post surgery but doing OK.  Every time I get home DS wants to go out for a drive, drive to the pool, drive to the store, drive anywhere.  Well I am not the driver so why not.  He is doing great, not anywhere like Fast and Furious or Driving Miss Daisy just somewhere in the middle, closer to Miss Daisy thank goodness.

    Hope everyone has a "Fantastic Weekend".

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    paula...that really ticks me off (sorry, could not resist:)

    thank you all for being so loving- means a lot. I gotta say I am blessed with this darn PS- saw him today and well, he just never ceases to amaze me. I looked down and said- "Wow you did better than what God gave me" and he shook his head and said shhhh, whatever God gives us is the best, but when we have to, we just try to do the best we can....." Docs as a rule are not so humble and most PS would jump to being told their work was better that the big guy's....it really struck me- how serious he is about his work and that he is humble in the ways that matter...

    here is hoping that everyone of us finds the very right doctors we need when we need them

    going to sleep for awhile

    be happy

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    WOW....you gals have really went to town. Been off awhile. Went camping with the kids & grand kids last weekend then work all this week. Only got to check a couple forums maybe once this week. Who did the mystery pic last weekend? What was it? Who won? Guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow to see this weekends.

    Lots of things been happening on here. Congrats to all who had surgeries, nipple replacement, etc.

    For me, I would have to go with remission, since I know I'll never be free of cancer and that one day it will kill me. I'm just hoping that day will be many, many years from now. At least another 15-20 would be nice. My son still hasen't found THE ONE. I'd like to make it long enough for him to find that right person for him & have 1-2 kids.

    Have a good weekend everyone!!!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    leisap, Last week's pic is at the bottom of page 411, if you want to look and see if you can figure it out.  (That is kind of weird 'cause when I posted it, it was at the top of page 412...I did not know posts could move around like that???)  The answer is in the middle of page 413.  Barbe guessed it and should be posting a new one tomorrow. Stay tuned.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    mjbmiller, you did it...survived the back to work challenge.  Hope you get to relax this weekend (although if you have to do more driving with son, is that even possible?)  
  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Valjean have a great time with the grandkids, hope you are able to relax and enjoy.

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend!!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    LOL Annette, its good to see you up and doing well. 

    O I forgot Reesie, tell your son to be ready Labor Day weekend, I will be going back to tickland for one last fling.  I choose him to be the tick magnet.  

    mjb its good to see you out and about also.  I have been wondering how you are.  I remember driving with my son.  He scared the jeebies outa me whenever he drove.  I wish he would be more Driving Miss Daisy then the Fast and the Furious.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    I got a letter in the mail today re my mammo. I "should call [my] physician for further guidance. It is important that [I] follow up on this recommendation."

    Hmm..do you think the Category 6 is a concern?

    Ok I know they have to cover their butts but I didn't get any dire letters from my bone and ct scans and they showed a lot more.

    I love form letters.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    After my mammo this year, I got one of those form letters in the mail 3 weeks after - already knew results.  What idiots!

    Ressie - Keeping fingers crossed everything turns out okay. 

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471

    I got one last week. Something like...you had a mammo (in Jan) and you should probably follow up on that. but if you're doing something else (like surgery, chemo, rads, maybe?) let us know. 

    Okay, maybe it wasn't exactly those words, but something like that. I guess it is nice that they follow up (sort of), but...  

  • janinnj
    janinnj Member Posts: 63

    Hi  this is my first post on this thread.  I an currently in the lull between chemo and rads and trying to get my head around the change.  I've been lurking on a few of these boards and have found alot of good information being shared.  Thanks everyone.

    The letters they send out after mammos are crazy.  I got one certified mail when they saw something last year.  I never did like getting certified letters.

    mjbmiller- I noticed we have very similar dx.but you are several months ahead of me.  What type of surgery did you just have?

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Welcome, janinnj.

    My onc is more on top of things than the former imaging center for my mammos.  She called me last time to tell me they found something.  She asked if I had recieved a letter which I had not.  That letter took 3 more weeks to get!  I have changed imaging centers after multiple screw ups.  Like writing that they found something in the diagnostic mamo on my left breast when I only had it on my right!  Or stating that I had a US  and it was really a mammo.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Off to bed finally.

    Love the conversation on ticks because that reminded me I will have to watch out for them on my vaca. DD lives in the woods, tall grasses around & the ticks even like to hitchhike into the house. When we play horseshoes, I always tuck my pants into my socks ~ bummer when it is hot. The same DD that lives with/near the ticks Laughing went swimming once at a lake also in the Upper Peninsula of MI & came out with a leech between her toes. She was in her early teens & FREAKED out. I know the entire campground heard her. It was soooo funny ~ later ~ after daddy removed it. We now call Indian Lake "Leech Lake".

    Be safe everyone. Take care.

    Hugs ♥

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Janinnj - I sent you a pm response.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    This is a really hard post for me to write.  I don't get on these threads every day, let alone more than once a day, and this thread moves sooo fast.  I find that it's hard to keep up and I hate missing something so I find I'm reading back 3 or 4 pages every time I come on. I'm still working 9-10 hours a day during the week, and we have a trailer at a campground on weekends, so I soooo regret that I won't be checking this site on a regular basis anymore. I find I'm more comfortable on threads where 2 or 3 days is less than one page so I can stay up to date more easily.

    Eli, I've loved being a part of your group, and I've "met" great friends here. I hope to see many of you on other threads, but I think I have to leave this one, as much fun as I've had and hopefully brought some fun to you too.

    As I've said before, I truly love you all. Be well, stay strong, and be good to each other.

    Thanks for the love sistahs :)

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Aww Marlegal, you'll be missed. Keep in touch!

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    Marlegal- i can;t let someone so special like you go so I will just have to make sure to meet up with you on another thread:)))