
  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Annetek you're killing me here. Had to do a double take at the pic. Thought my eyes were getting worse again ;)

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Oh, Marlegal.  It isn't saying goodbye, it's see you elsewhere.  I understand completely where you are coming from.  It feel awkward at times when you spend so much time reading to catch up that when you actually post the response is no longer on topic. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Marlegal,  First of all, I hope you will pop back in every now and then just to say you are doing well.  You already know we jump from tpic to topic, subject to subject, so it's not like you'll be derailing any train of thought if you insert a post wherever.

    Second, for me, it is a little disconcerting, all the people who have gone on with no mention at all.  Not that anyone owes me an explanation, but I wonder about many of the ladies and wonder if they are just taking a break or if we'll never hear from them again.  So, thanks for removing the question mark in your case..  

    Finally, I have said a few times recently (although privately, not on this thread) that for "new normal" to get a close as possible to "old normal" it will probably involve NOT visiting BC.org, or at least much less frequently.  I can fully understand that, so I always think (past, present, and future) -- You go, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

                      Now with much fanfare, I would like to say Happy 2nd Cancerversay...to ME!


    I am celebrating my surgery date, removal of B/C.  What that means to me, exactly, and what I am celebrating, is that for my type cancer the risk peaks at two years, drops off slightly til three years, when there is an even sharper decline; and even tho' I live with the knowledge that I could recur 8 or 10 years out, the risk will always be at a  lower percentage than it is right now.  So, one more step onward.  I'm heading downhill (risk-wise, I mean) and that's a good thing.


  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504
    Yay Elimar!!!
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Happy Cancerversary Eli!!!!!   May they keep rolling on for years!!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{ELI}}} Happy dancing!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Marlegal - You will be dearly missed sister - please try and pop in every once in a while to say hi and let us know you are okay.

    Welcome janinnj - You have found a great place for information and support.

    Eli - Happy Cancerversary - may there be many more.


  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Congrats Eli, hope you celebrate today.

    I am depressed today, acctually all week.  Last Friday I called the PS office upset.  The swelling went down in breast and the skin was sagging.  I thought he was getting the excess skin.  The nurse called back that yes the PS removed the excess skin and that what was left would contract, is this a bunch of hooey!  I followup with him on the 13, I did not see him when the drain was taken out.  I thought this would be over and I would be happy with the results.  Not happy in TX.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    mjbmiller - What a bummer - hope something can be done to fix the problem  (((HUGS)))

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Huh, was going to post something but was 2 pages back so now I forget! I understand where Marlegal is coming from, but I post when I can.

    Elimar, I have almost the same stats as you, but are ER+/PR+ and I peak at 5 years. The 5-year mark is the most dangerous for ER+/PR+ women as it is a slow growing cancer and takes a bit longer to recur. THEN the odds go slowly down each year after that.

    Oh! I remember!!!! You wondered what I would call someone with breast cancer who dies of something else? Dead!

    What ever happened to the term REMISSION??? We used to hear that a LOT 20-30 years ago. Now it seems it's either all or nothing. So, I am in REMISSION. What are you in?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Way to dodge the question. Barbe.

    They don't use remission as much anymore because it doesn't accurately describe the condition of everyone who has had B/C. That would be discounting that some lucky women have every speck of (observable) cancer removed.  Remission can also mean cancer known to be present, but stable and not growing.  So, of the other terms, not counting "cured," I like to use "cancer-free" because doctors, tests, or you cannot prove that I am not at this point.  To a lesser degree I say NED, no evidence of disease, which is basically the same thing, but "cancer-free" just rolls off my tongue better and I don't have to decode NED for women who aren't hip to all the B/C jargon words.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    My way of looking at this I always say.......

    I'm a Survivor until its proven otherwise (every 4 months)

    HI All♥.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    In all my cancerversary excitment, I forgot to say, Welcome janinnj!

    mbjmiller, maybe things will improve over time.  If not, I hope they can come up with a solution that is to your liking.  I don't like the idea of women having to settle for something that might be "better than it was" but still not the end result that we had hoped for.  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Here is your mystery pic. There were no stains used. It is from a picture I took up here in Canada:

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I didn't dodge the question e, I said 'dead'!!!

    Why can't we say remission if we can say NED? Remission just means a holding pattern.....like it could come back or not. A lot of people say 'so, you're alright? Right?' 'they got it all, right?'. It's THEM that want the assurance!

    FYI, it took 37 minutes for me to figure out how to crop that pic and get it postable on this forum!!!! I need a teenager to figure it all out for me...anyone?

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    I was in remission for 14 years and now for the past year and a half it has been active and it doesn't seem to be changing....

    When you are NED, cancerfree or in remission, do not take it for granite, make memories for you to carry and for the people in your life....you never know what is around the next corner or the next mammogram or the next drs. appt.

    Sorry not feeling much of anything these days....

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Blondie, I hear you loud and clear. That's why I always say, we are just one test result away from Stage IV. We all have the chance of being where you are today. God bless you, sweetie!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    How am I celebrating so far?  Well, I already walked about 3 miles on some nature trails this morning, and saw three colorful birds...a bluebird, a goldfinch, and a cardinal.  I saw a young deer too.  Then, there was the less pretty...catfish, big turtles, a snake (where's my hoe!), and some turkeys.  A nature-y mix.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Barbe, your answer of "dead" does not stay in context with my question, "What do you call someone who stays cancer-free their whole life post treatment?" which followed your statement to jo that we are NOT cured.  My point is that if a person's cancer never comes back, and there is no evidence of it, I do not have a problem with the label "cured" as it would apply to that person.

    If you, personally, choose to never use the term, fine with me.  A rose by any other name would smell as cured.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Oh I forgot to say welcome janinnj. Do you live in NJ?

    Congrats E! I declare you cancer free! I'm not ready to give up hope that it's possible :)

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    e - my word was REMISSION. That brought up another whole bunch of posts. I like remission. It sounds like something in a car that can be fixed. It lets the asker know that all may not stay the same forever, but has a MUCH more positive spin on it than anything else I've heard. It also seems the most acceptable to people as they know the term. So that person was 'in remission'.

    I have heart disease, too. I may die being hit by a taxi, but I still have heart disease. Doesn't change my diagnosis just because I didn't die of it.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    The heart disease analogy is not a good one.  In that scenario, you would still have evidence of heart disease, even if the taxi mowed you down.  In the scenario where I would be o.k. with calling someone "cured," there would be NO evidence of disease, but maybe the same taxi.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Can we agree to disagree on which terms we would use, Barbe?.  I don't think we are that apart in actual meaning.  I do agree that I am one scan away from being Stage IV.  Mind-blowing and scary as that is. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I really don't need to worry about the scan thing........I'm already there!

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388

    Whew.........it's hard to keep up.

    Paula66 - Yuck!  Hate ticks, but do love camping.

    Reesie - I had a BMX in 09, then received a letter a year later reminding me of my annual mammogram.  Gotta love it!

    Jan - Welcome!

    Mjb - I am so sorry that you're not happy with what you're seeing.  I don't have experience with recon so I don't have words of advice, but sending you a big (((Hug)))

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Chrissyb, you can give me a reality check any time!

    The mystery pic...I have been staring and thinking about whether anything natural is that pink  It looks like a plastic something, or maybe a design pattern on a lycra or spandex swimsuit.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Now celebrating by relaxing on the deck with a frosty drink (iced tea.)   Surprisingly no Cheetos today, and since I don't have any in the house right now, they will remain conspicuously absent on my cancerversary.  Poor planning on my part. 

  • janinnj
    janinnj Member Posts: 63

    Thanks everyone for the welcome.

    On the subject of if you can be cured?  My MO said from the beginning he was going for a cure.  But that was when we just thought I had DCIS which was all that showed up in the first biopsy.  I think that remission is when you still have identified cancer but it is not growing and causing other health issues.  Ned is when they cannot find anything at all.

    Mjb. Has your surgeon offered any advise as far as creams or anything to help the skin firm up?  After all you have been through you have a right to complain and ask for more if you are not happy .

    reese- yes I live in Mays Landing, NJ.

    Got to go pick up my Grandson for the rest of the weekend.  He is 5 and the light of my life.