
  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Paula, thank you..that was very sweet :)

    Mystery pic ... gonna go grab a few more pair of reading glasses to see if I can get any more detail  before I make my guess! ... I'll be back in a minute.

    Okay - still can't figure it out!  Sand and bowling ball were pretty good guesses though.  Hmmm..... I think I'll go with a blanket.  Why?  Because I can!

    Kids were here for the weekend and just left - it seems sooo quiet now!  A good time had by all though, and now hub and I are heading down to the bay. If the flies outnumber us by too much it may be a short visit!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Carol hope things get better soon.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Carol ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))) and hope you heal quickly and can find out what your options are.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Time to reveal this week's mystery pic.

    Annette - Sorry but it is not a picture of your ass.


    SHERRY - With the guess of laminate.  It is a picture of my bathroom floor...

    So Sherry gets to come up with next weekend's mystery pic.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Gee this is the second time for me to win.  guess I am getting good at this guessing game.  I'lll have to try to stump ya'll next week.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Congrats Sherry!  I still say its a bowling ball! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sherry - Guess we both are getting good at this as it was my second time as well. Heck, I almost forgot to post this week.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Jo I guess we are just getting back to old things that keep us busy and that is a good thing.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sherry - I agree.  Have been a lot busier these days and loving every minute of it.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I still think that Annette's answer was the best.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Joni - You crack me up!!!


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Eph I agree with you Annettes was the best!!!!!!!!!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    I think Annette seems to be making her way around -with pics of her big toe and her A$$ showing up lol. I'm just wondering when she's gonna visit me :)

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Yea she really has been showing her money maker!

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    The bathroom floor! Dang! Good one.


  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    HA! You guys have NO idea...I blame it on BC...actually used to be fairly modest, since having to whack off the boobs and grow me some new ones I let almost everyone see em ahahaha..I take pics for the pic forum on my phone and it dawned on me the other day it is time to start deleting....if anyone found the phone if lost...well, I can't imagine what they would think-it has pics from a few weeks right after the mastectomy to last Saturday!

    Eph- I gotta come to Oregon- one state I have never been in and it looks so beautiful...if I do, I will stay clothed, perhaps....

    Sherry- you I might actually see this week-hubby took kiddo to camp yesterday but I am supposed to go up Thursday afternoon (have to pick kiddoup in Comfort at 9am Friday) and am thinking maybe we can have a cuppa joe....

    Reesie...look out-I go to NYC every spring for work so YOU are on my target list for '12-jersey ain't that far:)

    Paula- you are most definitely in the right place:))))

    how cool it is to wake up and be silly    it is a good thing    thanks:)

    NO WORK TODAY - THIS WEEK (well, except of course on Thursday morning-damn boss asked if I could come in and give a presentation- so FINE, I will, then I hit the road for San Anton...got ticked since I usually go a couple of days before and roam around Kerrville, Fredericksburg....but, it is my yob so I will...answer me this...why why why did I wake up at 430 this morning?

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Annette - Why did you wake up at 4:30 this morning? Bet you woke up the chickens.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    annettek, You woke up at 4:30 because you forgot to shower last night and remembered that your a$$ still had some dirt and gold paint on it (and notice, no one even asked you how that got there!  It was the weekend...don't ask, don't tell.)

    Going for a groping today, but this is the GYN.  My big qestion this time is if I can get TVUS instead of endometrial biopsy on my next visit when it will be time for that.  Want to ask him if I am at more risk for ovarian cancer since I have had B/C? Do any of you know?  (Not likely that I am BRCA+, untested because it is not that probable.)

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    elimar - I had a TVUS at my last GYN appt - wanted to have a baseline established.  Sure glad I  insisted on it.  Mine showed a 1.5 cm fibroid tumor and very thick uterine lining.  I asked if this was because of the Tamoxifen and of course you never get a straight answer.  I ended up having a hysteroscopy D & C.  The TVUS will show a lot of things.  I had mine done right in the doctor's office.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Elimar I asked the same question about ovarian cancer and was told that if I was BRCA neg then I had no more risk.  so I got test and am neg.

    Annette would love to meet up with you.  I have to go to a 4-H Banquet Thursday evening since I am the secretary for our Extension Office.  I have to be there about 6pm.  Let me know what your schedule is and I will PM you with my phone number.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    jo,  My docs plan is to follow me with a yearly endometrial biopsy.  While that is o.k., I was hoping that I could rotate between that and the TVUS (because that shows the ovaries as well.)  I guess what I need to find out is if they are both equally good at monitoring what's happening in the uterus.  If they are comparable, then my preference would be to alternate with them.  I'll be back later with his opinion on that.
  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Annette--you lucky girl, on vaca this week?? You can wake up any time in the a.m. cuz you can take a nap later if you want! Not such a bad deal!! 

    I've had a TVUS 4 times in the last year to mark the progress of a growth that would not go away. Its not grown so the Gyn onc said come back in 6 months this time and for me not to worry any more. At least I know I am being checked every 6 months for pieces and parts down there. Not happy with the thought that if you don't have symptoms they won't give you a scan. I go tomorrow to my PCP to see if my thyroid has balanced out. Hopefully enough time and chemo has passed that my thyroid is going to start acting normal. I wonder how much the rads had to do with that. . .

    Eli, I'm with you a yearly biopsy seems invasive. A definite for sure answer but I agree that a TVUS every other year might be as good. Have you had previous problems down there before? 

  • koalakid39
    koalakid39 Member Posts: 12

    HI! Mind if I join you? I have hunted through topics trying to find info...I'm Kim...had a mastectomey 5 weeks ago and got a port put in 1 week ago.  Has anyone had problems with chest pain after the port was put in? It seems to happen only in the mornings and if I take ibuprophen i feel better, but i don't like taking it everyday....thanks

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    koalakid - Welcome to the club no one wants to be a member of but glad you found us.  The Middies are a great bunch of gals that are super supportive and fun loving.  I can't help you with your question as I did not have chemo.  I do know someone will come along and be able to help you.

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

    Hi Ladies Hi Koalakid I did have chemo and a port I did not have that problem but I can see it happening with the the surgery you went through.  I had a problem because mine flips over and I have to flip it back the right way.  What kind of chemo are you having.  I have one suggesting take it one day at a time. If you have more questions you can pm me.  I will be glad to help in any way,

  • koalakid39
    koalakid39 Member Posts: 12

    jo and lynniea...thank you...yes, not a club anyone wants to be a part of but so glad it's here! Never in a million years did i think i would get breast cancer at 45...no family history, and now i will be worried about my teenage girls (13&17).  I don't know yet about what kind of chemo, waiting on the ONCOtype DX results (plus i still have a drain). I should get a call from the oncologist later this week.  I did call  the back-up dr office, they said that if i was having bad chest pain to go to the ER, but i feel better after taking the ibuprophen so i will wait and see what happens tomorrow morning......I'm so glad to have some support other than home, i want to kill my husband half the time! I think he just doesn't know how to handle this whole thing.  Lynniea, I love the koala pic!  thanks again!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Hi, koalakid30, and welcome!  Glad your B/C was detected early and hope you have a low Onco score.  I am not understanding why chemo is recommended for you and you have your port in already, even before getting the Onco results back?  If you have a low score, couldn't you skip chemo?  You put that your nodes were clear, did they find vascular invasion, or something?
  • koalakid39
    koalakid39 Member Posts: 12

    Hi Elimar and thank you! The reason that chemo was recommended was because my tumor was kind of in between the size of doing chemo and not doing it. It was 1.5 cm. My Onc told be that there are 2 type of people, those that do the absolute minumum as far as treatment, and those that do the absolute maximum for treatment. I am the later....I am afraid that if I don't do everything possible right now that something might happen after the tamoxifin and then I'd be in more trouble.  He went ahead and ordered the Onco to get a better picture of things.  From everyone I have talked to, they say it's a good decision to go with the chemo. He said that the only risk factor I had was my age (i personally think my weight had something to do with it, i'm on the large side and have read a lot about obesity and BC...). I would rather play it safe.  I will still be worried about getting it in the left side and right now i wish i would have talked my dr into doing a bilateral mastectomy, it sure would make my life easier (i still can't wear a bra because i have a drain).  I hope this made sense! 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    jo,  I have had two PAPs with abnormal cells, and one that was good after that.  Hopefully today was my second good one.  I have to go every six mos. til next summer because of that, so two years out from the last abnormal one. Fun.


    My GYN docs comments on the TVUS were: "It's not as accurate as the endometrial biopsy."  "It gives an estimate of thickening."  "The images are shadowy."  (I really had to supress my thoughts of a puppet theater in there.)

    I was asking about TVUS because I think getting endometrial biopsy every year seems like too much, so I asked him if I could get it every other year?  By now, some of you know me as one who likes to get out of this kind of stuff.  He said endometrial cancer can be aggressive, and his aim would be to catch it early.  When he told me that, all together, he had a total of THREE women get endometrial cancer while on Tamox., I realized the numbers are vastly in my favor, because he is older with a long career and thousands of patients.  So, I told him I felt comfortable getting a biopsy every other year, but that I would come right in if I had symptoms.  Like most B/C things, I guess it comes down to personal comfort level when making choices.

    I asked if the biopsy was "hit or miss" on the cells it removed.  He said it was to a degree, but that he is collecting from more than just one spot (which he emphasized with hand gestures similar to stirring a pot of porridge, only horizontal.)

    He said I am not more likely to get ovarian cancer, that is mainly a concern with the BRCA positive women (like Sherryc mentioned.) So, I don't really need the TVUS to look at them either.

    My doc is "old school" conservative, and I'm just sharing his responses, not challenging anything you all have worked out with your own doctors.  My doc hugs patients.  I like that now that I am used to it.  At first I thought, "Hey!  What are you doing?  Keep those hands on my boobs and crotch where they belong!" 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    koalakid35,  Oh yes, the age factor.  That might be tipping the scales on the decision.  I didn't catch your age at first.