
  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Sherry have a great time with your family. A time to treasure always.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Marlegal ~ Happy 6-year cancerversary!! Kiss

    Barb58 - Congrats on finishing rads!

    Janis - I'll keep good thoughts for you as to the reason the onc wants to see you & has taken more x-rays. {hug}

    Joni ~ Oh, girlfriend, ENJOY all those days off !! You deserve it!!!

    Sherry, I never have my hormone levels checked so I can't help you there.

    Jo ~ Still keeping your friend, Becky, in my prayers....

    As always, everyone is in my prayers. ♥

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Valjean,Faulkh, thanks for the happy thoughts.  I am sure it is just routine.  Not worried.

    Sherry, I have never had hormone levels checked either.  I had a complete hysterectomy 15 years ago and never took HRT,  I lost a lot of hair, rarely ever have to have my legs or armpits.  My hair has been thinning something awful the past three years.  No idea why.  I hope they can figure out what is going on with you.  You have a fabulous weekend surrounded by family!  I would be so excited!

    I have rads and tow doctor appointments so a busy day ahead.  I hope everyone has a great day! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    janis it sounds to me like you have low testosterone as well which i found out happens alot when you have your ovaries taken out.  The loss of body hair is a big clue but I did not know that.  I still have my ovaries and my estrogen is working quick well so it is very odd for me to have low testosterone.  But common when you have your ovaries removed. Low testosterone seems to be more of a concern when you are still having cycles as you should have more testosterone vs once you are in menopause.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    It is strange, but I have never had my hormone levels checked.  I have been without insurance for many years.  This has kept me from getting routine medical care.  I go to a clinic for my medical and my primary care doc was shocked when I told him I had not had a mammogram in 15 years.  Good thing he convinced me to go, huh?  :)

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Barb - congratulations!! Free at last, free at last! That's terrific.

    Woke up at 1am to another aftershock of 4.8. This is too weird. Now getting prepared for Irene! If the models are right we will get sustained winds of 40 to 60 mph and lots of rain. Geez, give me a break. Starting the generator today to make sure it works. Filling up everything with water. There were no D batteries at walmart last night...lol I'm sure there won't be any milk or bread at any store by tomorrow, why is that? Lol


  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Foxy.. i hear there have been quite a few aftershocks. Some people around here have said they have felt it too, i havent at least i dont think i have lol!!!. heading to the store soon to prepare for Irene. I lived in S Fla for years and through HUrricane Andrew down there, so i dont take it lightly but i dont panic either, at least we know those are coming, the earthquake that unnerved me!! and im sure everyone else too :)

    I have never had my hormone levels checked either I am going to ask my GYN about it in Oct!

    Have agreat day ladies

    Janis and Kitty thinking of you both today!

    Jo sherry and all you other wonderful ladies.. have a great day! hugs!

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Lets all be happy today

    This is to everyone still in treatments, those who finished and the rest becasue I love ya.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Sherryc,  I did have a hormone check, but don't know if testosterone was part of it.  It was to check my FSJ which was still going strong at the time.  If leg hair is an indication, I might have more testosterone than my husband! 

    (Side note: I did notice my leg hair decreased when I was pregnant long ago...and the "cause" I heard then was that the protein was being diverted to the baby, but that probably has some normonal cause as well.)

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Tinker...thanks for the good wishes.  Everything went well today.  Just routine.  I did forget to ask what is a safe deodorant to use.  I came home and just out of habit put my Secret on under both pits.  I realized right away that was a very bad idea.

    Foxy, I hope you make it through the storm with few problems.  Other than 5 years in Houston, I have lived all my life in the western states.  I can't imagine the rain.  I lived in Wyoming for 16 years prior to moving here.  I thought it didn't rain in Wyoming, but SW Idaho is the worst.  Hot and dry every day all summer.  I would love a good storm (although not a hurricane, thanks anyway).  I hope everyone on the east coast is safe and has minimal damage.  I will be thinking of you all.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Hope everyone on the east coast is battening down the hatches!! We have had rain feeder bans most of the day.Wind pops and whips around for awhile and then it rains for a few minutes. And then its sunny.  I hope that's all anyone gets and this little storm  skirts on by the coast with out making landfall. Meanwhile, its a good excuse for another kind of hurricane. . .  

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Battening down all hatches here. We had another small quake at 1pm this afternoon apparently centered in a different place about 30 miles from the other one. I hope this doesnt set our fault line off. For now I'm freverently trying to stake up my dahlias for the impending winds. I just know they will be destroyed. It's already a bit windy here. Expecting storms tonight. Unrelated to Irene. Practice I guess. Lol. Pass that "hurricane" would ya!


  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Just got back from the grocery store and omg!!!! it was a madhouse worse than 95 at rush hour.. ok ok im exagerrating on that one, but it was packed! hope everyone on the east coast is preparing and does well this weekend! hugs

    Janis glad all went well today :)

    Foxy..yes batten down those hatches!!!! hang on and good luck :)

    HUgs ladies


  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    Foxy....you poor Virginians are having a terrible week! I hope and pray that all turns out well for all of you...

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Claire - I'll take one of those "hurricanes" - Thank you very much!  I hate it when anyone has to go through hurricanes.  We had Dolly a couple of years ago and we stay and rode it out - never again.  I was so scared - told DH I am packing up and leaving next time around.

    All you VA ladies - what a week you have had.  Hope you are all well.

    East Coast Girls - Batten down the hatches and stay safe this weekend. 

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    I'm way behind in reading this thread. The last time I checked in was during the party weekend and I skipped ahead several pages to get to that.

    Janis - glad the extra xrays were not because anything was wrong. I know - any little variation of the routine and you start to wonder if something is going on. I find it hard to believe that you won't have reg appointments, with your onc, during your radiation. Granted, I was treated more than 17 years ago and maybe thing have changed; but I had a radiation oncologist, that I saw regulary during and after radiation. I also saw a medical and surgical oncologist through out and for years after treatment. I'm still seeing my med onc yearly. Now with my PMX, I will be seeing my surg onc yearly, once again, for who knows how long.

    Marlegal - congratulations. Borrowing from another list serve, I belong to - at 6 years post diagnosis, you have reached DISH status +1 - gold level. DISH = Damn (good damn, not bad damn) I'm Still Here!!!! 4 more years and you reach platinum level DISH. P.S. I know you are NED and congratulations on that, but DISH has nothing to do with NED status. It's the number of years since diagnosis.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Hauntie.......I apparently was wrong; I misunderstood.  I will be seeing my radiation onc once a week.  Saw him today and we had a good visit.  He said if anything comes up, anything....to call.  He is very nice and thorough and i like him a lot.  I feel I am in good hands.  Anyway it is my medical oncologist I will not see until the end of treatment.  I get it now!  (inserts lightbulb smiley)!

    cmblastic...oh that picture is making me drool.  I don't think I have ever had this drink, but it sure lives up to my specs.  Tall glass,  plenty of ice and fruity stuff, and some Bacardi I would hope!  Thanks for sharing!

    tinker.....I bet the stores are an absolute zoo.  I lived in Wyoming for many years.  Both cities I lived in, Casper and Cheyenne, are the largest cities in the state, each having about 50,000 people.  When the blizzard warnings showed up, the stores were always a madhouse.  I hope you survive this nasty storm.

    Jo I lived in Houston for five years and we had a few close calls, but never a direct hit.  I remember when they were downgraded to tropical storms and finally understood what buckets of water meant.  It would storm for days on end and we always had a lot of local flooding.  Since then I have lived in such dry areas I miss rain terribly!

    Be safe everyone! 

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Good luck to everyone in the path of the storm.  Then once you're situated safely, have an extra one of those nummy hurricanes for me.  :)

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Stay safe all you gals in the path of Irene!!!

    Well I think I found out what was causing me to have so much fatige.  I was taking Ambien because I wasnt sleeping due to treatment, the port and the TE.  Well I finally put 2 n 2 together yesterday after talking with the nurse.  I didnt take one last night and had no issues at all today like I have been having for months.  It was nice.  So I think that Im gonna stop the Ambien for sure and see if this is what is going on.  She did say the pain is a SE from chemo and the Tami so Im stuck with that for now.  Have a great night all.  I have to study, grrr!  Atleast its not blueprints, whew.  

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Oooh, I'm going to ride out the storm at my 92 year old Dad's house with him and one of my DBs. DB has been to New Orleans several times and has genuine hurricane glasses. A trip to the liquor store may be in order.

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Hold on everyone in the path of Irene.  Keep safe and have those drinks ready.  Seems like everyone is doing okay this week with TX's and appointments and that's great!  Janis - the rock you tossed must have worked!  Finished day 4 of HDR today with no problems.  Last day tomorrow!  I'm looking forward to getting rid of this catheter but a little squeamish about the pain.  Jo, I know you said it didn't hurt you but I'm a whimp.  Doctor told me today that it might sting for a little bit so told me to take the Vicodin before I come.  Had my US for the thyroid today so I'll be waiting AGAIN for the results.  UGH!  I hate the waiting!  Kitty

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Eli, you're right about the uniqueness of this thread  not needing monitoring by the moderators. I think the tone was set early on - this is for friendship first and foremost, with information glad given if requested. What a concept, huh?

    Hauntie - thanks!!  I like being a DISH at any time for any reason :)  And someone talked about hanging around after treatment - I haven't had active treatment for more than 5 yrs. I come because I consider many of you friends, because I like to think I may have something to offer as a result of my experiences, because there are times when I still need support due to post-treatment lingering issues, and because Eli paid me $500 when she first started this thread to say all those things :)  Ha - just want to see who is still reading this!!!!

    Hugs and love girls...hugs and love

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    I worry about all of you in the path of Irene.  Just know my thoughts are going to be with all of you.  Please stay safe! 

    Kitty one more day, YIPPEE!  So happy for you.  I have 30 treatments left.  Putting those X's on my calendar.

    Oh Paula so glad you figured out what was the cause of much fatigue. I am real sorry you are in pain.  I hope you get to feeling better really soon.  Soft hugs......

  • chrisct
    chrisct Member Posts: 310

    Lurker, here.  Glad I stopped by - you've reminded me I'm supposed to fast for bloodwork tomorrow - Almost forgot with all this hurricane concern.

    One of the blood tests I'm having is HMG-PEA panel.  Don't know what that is - have any of you heard of it?  I'm hoping there are thyroid tests in there.  My Dr is doing B-12, vit-d (was 28 at the end of '09) and an iron test.  I have no energy - feel worse this year than last year or after rads, so wondering if something else is going on.  Last year I was able to run 5 miles.  This year I can barely run 2.5 and it's a struggle to do that.  Could be the tamox, I suppose.  And my hair seems to be falling out faster than I think it should be.  I have been counting the hair from the shower and after I comb it (mental, I know) and several times I've counted 175.  And my pony tail seems to be getting smaller and smaller.  It's freaking me out.  Leg hair is doing fine, however, as it did during chemo.  Figures.

    Took my DD to have her senior picture taken (she's a senior?  How did this happen?) and the photographer said that he went to Walmart last night to buy a lightbulb and saw that all the batteries were gone from that store as well.  I hope they've restocked!  It's been 26 yrs since we've had a big hurricane - (Bob in '91 wasn't bad in my area) - so I have a feeling most people around here are not prepared and everyone is now scrambling.  I know I am.

    Keep safe, everyone!  Hope Irene stays off shore!  (sorry about the weather references, Elimar)Embarassed

  • janinnj
    janinnj Member Posts: 63

    Janis-glad your visit today was routine.

    Kitty-may your cath removal go smooth.

    One good side effectf Irene is I get a day off Rads tomorrow.  The hospital is setting up cots in the Radiation dept for the employee to stay over so they won't have travel during the storm.  My Mon got here last night and she has never experienced a huricane.  People are already going crazy around here.  Some of the gas stations are already out of gas and traffic is crazy leaving the shore areas.  The day care center at the hospital is going to be closed tomorrow and that means my key employees won't have anyone to watch their children.  I am supposed ti be off tomorrow to spend time with my mom.  Hope they just let me close the ofice.  Financial Counseling is not considered essential. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    marlegal....reading!  I need to get Eli on my good side.  I could use some quick cash!  LOL...I am awfully glad you are here.  Your posts are always fun and I am thrilled you are still here to offer advice.  Also for hugs, support, a good laugh.  I know I already feel so attached to this group in such a short time.  I think I will linger for awhile!

    chris, I am so sorry to hear that you feel so lousy.  I so admire you for the running.  I have a bum knee and still walk daily, but not as far as I used to.  Just short walks daily with my DH and dogs.  My hair has been thinning for the past three years, I hate blow drying, so depressing.  My entire sink and counter is filled with hair.  I have no idea what that is all about.  I so hope things start getting better for you.  Hopefully your blood work will provide some answers.  Will be thinking of you and hoping for good news soon.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Marlegal.. you are too funny I am glad you are here as well Friends and support are what gets us through this. The journey is never done :)

    Chris hope you are feeling better!

    Paula I am so glad that you have figured out what is going on. what a relief and how great to know an answer to one of our question happy for you! hugs

    Janis.. i know when we get snow here it i sthe ame reaction I think being right in the mid alantic in Va if it makes people think we are not suposse to get anything, there seems to always be panic where i live lol!

    Stay safe all eastcoast ladies!!!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    KittyGirl - So glad the HDR worked for you.  Tell you what, you let me know when the catheter is coming out and I will jump in your pocket and go with you and hold your hand.  You are doing to do great.  Ask the doctor to numb the area up first and it will be a breeze.

  • chrisct
    chrisct Member Posts: 310

    Janis- sorry you are having hair and knee problems. Maybe we have something similar going on.  If my bloodwork shows anything, I will certainly share. 

    Paula - so glad stopping the Ambien made the difference.

    Janinnj - hope they let you close the office.

    Kitty - hope your catheter removal is painless and you get your test results quickly.

    Must remember to fast and go for bloodwork tomorrow...honestly, I can't remember anything anymore.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Question.... any east coast ladies having any arm discomfort on the side that had lymph node dissections on? my Left arm is tight amd bothering me....