
  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Day 2 and 4 TX done!  Oh boy am I tired!  I don't know if it's the healing after HDR's or the early mornings Undecided ?  Maybe both but I'm just wiped out today.  Between sessions I got in my hair washed and could have fallen asleep at the hair bowl!  I'm turing in early tonight and hope I'm better for tomorrow's sessions. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ  

    Janis - good to hear your session went well !  Kitty

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Foxy. I live in woodbridge about 1 mile off 1 95. I am glad everyone is ok there wow a DMV wall came down? scary stuff.. i think too it was so scary because its so not expected here and we didnt realize what it was until after it stopped, it was llike we were frozen.

    Thanks EPH, yes some stuff did move around a friend of mine has her fireplace detaching from the wall yikes!

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    WOW, I hope all you east coast VA sisters are all good.  What a scare!  Take care everyone and be careful of falling debris and after shocks.  Kitty

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Wow ya'll move fast.  I tried getting caught but am just going to jump right in here.  For those having rads, you will all do well.  I did not use deodarant on the radiated side but did on the other side.  I had my treatments late in the day so tried to stay out of the heat.  Once rads were over, I went back to using all my regular stuff.

    An earthquake in VA?  So glad everyone is doing good and there wasn't any damage.

    Went to lunch and shopping with a friend today and had a great time up until the point I figured out I lost my cell phone - never have done that before.  Fortunately, I did have insurance on it and should have a new one tomorrow.   The one thing I hate is that I have now lost all my contact numbers.  That really sucks.  Still waiting for word on my friend Becky.  Will update when I find out something. 

  • Ladies

    I don't post often but read a lot You sure are a fun group. I just need a shoulder to cry on and feel kind of silly. My oldest son just went back to college this morning (starting his 3rd yr at JMU). I cried on and off all day looked at little ridiculous in the office. I do miss him so much when he leaves. We have a great relationship. He worked a summer intern job at my company this summer and we drove I to the office together. We have a long commute (2 hrs one way) so we spent a lot of time talking and reconnecting. I really did miss him this morning and feel such a void. I cried all the way home tonight. Don't get me wrong I am so happy for him and he is doing really well but I was not ready to let go this time. I keep flash backing to when he was a baby and I use to dance with him in my arms. I guess this whole damn year with the BMX is finally getting to me. Thanks for shoulder to cry on


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Liz - I will be more than happy to lend a shoulder for you to cry and and offer up lots of hugs.  I can't imagine what you are feeling right now - DH & I were not blessed with children.  I'm sure this has been a difficult time for you.  Just know that we are all here for you.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Liz I know just how you feel.  My daughter moved to Alaska in Feburary and I am still heartbroken to this day.  I wish I could tell you it gets easier, but I cant. It will never be until I have her back in my arms again.  I miss her huge hugs.   I also look back to how we danced together as well.  We are here for you so cry away!!!  Hugs for ya!

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Liz, here is my shoulder. I also have a son I'm very close to. It is so hard to watch them go off to college if you DON'T have BC. My son went to VA Tech. Isn't it great to have those long conversations with them? I'm glad he's settled down in Richmond after college. Talk to him as much as possible, it will make you feel better. When you can't, come here and we will talk to you!



  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Foxy..glad to hear you made it safely through the quake and your daughter didn't have any injuries.  I am from San Francisco originally and remember quakes as a child.  The last on I was in was 1980 when visiting my mom.  The epicenter was only about 70 miles away and it was quite a jolt.

    Years ago, in the last bad SF quake, 1989.......the damage was really bad and we could not reach family who lived there.  It took about two days.   I finally got in touch with my beloved Aunt Marilyn who informed me they were fine, but said that Correlle was not earthquake proof!

    janinnj..thanks so much for the helpful tips!  My tech, Maria, was a real sweetheart.  Everything went smoothly and at the end she gave me a sample tube of a gel called "Calendula".  She said to use this three times daily and when I run low, just let her know and she will get me another sample tube.  It was strange today being my first session and not sure what to expect.  Nothing to do of course but lie still, but those machines never seemed very close to my chest.  Still my breast is pink tonight.  Funny!

    Kitty sorry to hear you are so tired today.  I guess it comes with the territory.  I am a very early morning person, I never sleep in so that wouldn't bother me.  However, if you are not used to it, I can see it would be a problem.  I usually get up between 5:00-5:30 every morning.  I have always been a poor sleeper, and as I get older I cherish my quiet, solitary morning time!  Once my hubby gets up it is constant noise it seems.  He has to blare the TV which makes me nuts...plus he loves to talk to me when I am on here, or writing e-mails, etc.  So.......I really love my couple hours of peace and quiet in the morning!

    I hope you all have a fantastic evening.  Rest up everyone.  Hugs!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    By the time I wrote the previous post...new posts had arrived.  Wanted to address both Liz and Paula.

    Liz.....my son went out of state to college so I know that feeling.  We lived in Wyoming then and he went to Montana State University.  It was stange taking him there for parent's weekend that first year!  I remember driving the long way back and feeling so strange.  It is difficult, no doubt.  He came home of course for holidays and we always stayed in touch, but it never feels the same.  I knew he would never really live at home again.  He didn't!

    Paula...when and where did your daughter move to?  Same son of mine went on to grad school for geology.  He worked in the Denver area for a large oil company.  He eventually married, three years ago.  My DIL is also a geologist and his former student.  They decided they were sick of the big metro life about three years ago.  They both applied for jobs in Anchorage and were hired.  They moved there I think three years ago.  That was probably the hardest one for me, as I don't fly and knew I would no longer see them often.  Jenifer is an only child and the move was really tough for her parents.  They lived there for about a year and a half and returned to Colorado.  My son worked for BP and absolutely hated it.  Jen was able to transfer with her job back to Denver, and Adam got a job soon after.  I was thrilled...we were now within a two hour drive again.   Then my DH got sick, could no longer live in the high altitude of Wyoming, so we moved here last year.  I am so far from them now, nearly 1,000 miles.  It is really hard sometimes being away from family.  Our financial situation makes it impossible for us to visit.  Still I feel better knowing we are not quite as far apart now!

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    4.2 aftershock. Wish this stupid fever would go away. I've never been sick this long after Zometa!


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Janis my daughter lives in a small town called Solodla.  Its a few hours drive from Anchorage.  I am hoping by next year I will be able to go see her.  With all the medical bills thats gonna have to wait until then.  I had started chemo when she first left and she wasnt gonna go but I told her it was ok.  In my heart I was screaming no dont go. She has such a sweet soul and would do anything for me.  I barely remember New Years Eve because I was still so out of it from surgery.  The pain pills really knocked me for a loop.  I mostly slept.  Anyways she got phone call after phone call to go out but instead she wanted to stay by my side.  She was in one recliner and I was in the other.  I told her to go have fun because I wasnt gonna be to much of a party animal.  She told me that she was right where she wanted to be even if I was passed out.  I will never forget that as long as I live. I sure do miss her big huge hugs!!!!!!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Paula did you get an e-mail?

    I'm just wondering how can I get these kids to move out like you guys have?

    J/k I know I'll be lost when they do.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Reesie I went there and the site says I have to register so I did.  Now I dont know how to get to your page.  I knew you would know.

    Reesie I would love to let my kids live with me forever.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Paula she sounds like an absolute sweetheart!

    Liz we are here to listen to lend a shoulder an ear or whatever you may need!! hugs!

    Foxy!. i heard we have had several aftershocks. I only felt a slight one compared to this aftrenoon about 8 or so.. be safe!!!

    Jo... so glad you had a nice time with your friend and hope you find your cell soon!!! still praying for Becky! hugs!

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    Saying a prayer for you Foxy that you start feeling better soon...

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Funny thing is Paula I'm not sure - my page is:


    I think you enter that in the search?

    We didn't feel any aftershocks here :)

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Foxy I am so sorry to hear you are feeling so unwell.  Healing hugs to you!

    Paula I always wanted a daughter...just think they stay closer than sons do.  You are very blessed to have her, no matter how far she is now!

    Jo sorry you lost your phone....how frustrating.  I am not a cell person but know they are not fun to lose. 

    Reesie my two sons are 32 and 35, so have been gone a long while.  I have not lived in the same city with either of them in many many years.  Being apart was initially so hard, but am used to it now.  I still miss them tons. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Liz I know how you feel about this last year.  I lost my youngest son in 1995 and this year on his anniversay death I cried much more than normal.  I think the year just finally caught up to me.

    Elli--how long did you have the sun tan square on your chest.  I am 7 months post rads and it is still there.  Would really like for it to fade out.  It has gotten better but I thought it would be gone by now.

    Glad all the East Coast girls are safe and sound after the quake.

    On a good note.  All of my boys and families are coming in this weekend.  One live in Seattle, one in West Texas and one an hour from me.  With everyone being so spread out it has been a very long time since we have all been together at the same time.  My step dad and FIL are both not in good health so this will be a really nice weekend for everyone.  The bonus is I get my Seattle kids for a week.

  • Ladies

    Thanks for the support. I felt so much better after I unburdened. It is so nice to have folks that understand. I have to keep reminding myself he is only at college. I can't imagine how parents send their children off to war. I got a good night text from him with an I love and miss you mom. Made it almost feel like he was here. Thanks again

    Foxy so sorry about the fever. Praying it breaks soon and the aftershocks stop.

    Paula. Your daughter sounds heaveningly. You are very blessed

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Faulkh, Mine are here in town so I don't miss them in the same way.  I used to enjoy talking with them in the car ride home from H.S., then once they started driving themselves, I did miss that talk time.  I bet your son is missing you too.

    Sherryc,  After a year, my rads tan was still about one shade darker...faint but I could clearly see the borders of it. Now, almost two years, I would say it is a half shade different, nearly disappeared. When I am in the sun, even tho' I have a shirt on, I think the sun gets thru' a little and it seems like the rectangle gets a hair more visible.  Or I am imagining that.  It is very subtle.

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Finally! The fever broke in the middle of the night. I'm stiff from shivering I think. Gotta change the sheets today, lol. No more aftershocks that I felt but I was pretty out of it! Today we start getting ready for Hurricane Irene this weekend. Lots to do on a farm for that! What's up with all the natural disasters? Mother nature has it in for VA here lately!

    Liz, glad he texted you. It does make you feel better.

    Sherry -I still have a darker spot from rads 15 yrs later. No recon though. Probably makes a difference. Have fun with your family, it sounds great!

    Barb - thanks for the prayer, it worked. I felt really bad yesterday. Usually not that bad from Zometa. I have it every 21 days now. The little bit of feel bad is worth the results as it does seem to be working.


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Foxy, so glad to hear your fever finally broke.  Finally a little relief for you.

    Sherry..How tough to lose a child, my heart goes out to you.  I am thrilled to hear you get to have everyone home this weekend.  Enjoy every precious moment! 

    Faulk...it gets easier after they have been gone for awhile.  Still it sure is strange when they mature and head out to college.  Sounds like a lot of people here understand.  Just know you raised him right!

    Round 2 of rads today......felt fine yesterday so guessing all will be well.

    Have a great day everyone. 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Foxy glad the fever broke for you.  Take care and stay safe!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Paula I spelled your name right but was so concerned about that didn't notice I spelled yahoo wrong. I hate touch screen typing lol.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Reesie I got to your page.  I got it this morning.  I just love the touch screen, not, lol!

    I have a question for you gals.  In Feb I started chemo 4 dd A/C and 4 dd Taxol.  It pretty much wiped my out physically but I did push myself to go to work everyday and also other activies.  My counts were always way low but they still let me do chemo.  They did back off by 10% on the last A/c because of them.  I always felt very run down no matter what I ate or did.  Well I still feel this away after my last chemo.  That was May 13.  I had intense pain in my large bones from the nuelasta and the Taxol.  That has let up.  My thing is I have been so wiped out these last few weeks and I also ache like crazy.  Am I over reacting or should I call the ONC or my PC?  I also take tamoxifen so I dont know if that is what is doing it!  What would you do?  Any suggestions would be very helpful.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Paula--the rule of thumb is to take the total amount of time you were getting treatment and double it to find out when the chemo/rads effects will be completely out of your body.  For dose dense chemo, it's 3 times as long as treatment.  You were getting chemo for 4 months, dose dense, so you can expect to still feel effects for 12 months, or until next Feb.  Add in Tamoxifen that also causes bone pain, and you can feel achey for much longer.  I would call one of my docs and have some blood work done (CBC, CMP) just to see if I was anemic or had some liver or kidney damage from the chemo.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    deleted double post.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sorry I can't answer you Paula, I do hear that Tamoxifen causes aches and pains tho....

    Jo, I lost my cell phone in a Zellers store (Target for you 'mericans) and went to customer service and told them. I got a call the next morning!! My phone wasn't very high tech so I guess no on wanted it. Have you tried calling your own number yet?

    Foxy, glad the fever finally broke. I was sending you to the ER today if it didn't. It just saps way too much of what you need to keep!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Still waiting on news from my survivor friend Becky and her mammo.  Nothing yet - Sheesh!  The waiting is horrible.  

    Should be getting a new cell phone today.  I am so lost without it.

    Have a great day everyone.