
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Antionio sabato Jr--YAY! 

    the New Guidelines--BOO!

  • News tonight said they are backtracking with that statement on guidelines. They also said something about how the backlash from women is amazing...what did they expect? 

       I was thinking about movie actors I find attractive this morning on the way to work....already mentioned John Corbett, but guess no one else finds him attractive.   Then there is Kevin Costner,and I also like Nicolas Cage, although he certainly is not what you would call handsome, but I loved him in Moonstuck.  If you go way back, Charleton Heston had about the best looking body I had even seen when he was in Ben Hur...but up until that point I had probably not seen too many men in a loin cloth.  Sam Elliott was another one I always liked.....a bit on the rugged side, but in a good sort of way. 

    I hope that woman who canceled her procedure is going to do something and not just ignore the lump. 

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137

    My Aunt (RN) told me awhile ago that they had shot down the whole "New" guidelines thing

    DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH what were they thinking to mess with pissed-off women ??

    oh yeah Sam Elliot is nice and I Loved John Corbett in my big fat greek wedding ! and Sew in the City....Then there was The Very First James Bond !! Sean Connery, who looks as good if not better today than way back when...........

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Sheila - heard that same story on the news. The physician said that the woman's rationale was that the item (breast cancer) found in her breasts by mammography couldn't possibly be that important because these experts said that women don't need mammograms before the age of 50 and she was only 41. So therefore she decided didn't need the surgery and canceled it. That's the kind of thing that frightens me: that someone would dismiss a serious medical problem. Bizarre - I can't really see someone doing that - smacks of major desperation to escape to the Island of Denial and/or a big problem with understanding information provided by medical professionals...

    This thread is really forcing me to use both sides of my brain - outrage over assinine recommendations on one hand, then BAM! Half-naked men. Back and forth. It's a little much. I'll second John Corbett.

    I must add that I personally keep MY six-pack abs in an insulated cooler...

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Kleenex...Thanks for the info, only heard part of it. But if women start following that denial process, I'm Sealed

    Rumoret...I'm glad you are better.

    I think I vote for Clooney. He is getting more handsome as he matures!!!!!

    Have a nice evening Ladies.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    That woman cancelling her surgery just wants her 15 minutes of fame...and it looks like she got it! I have no patience for martyrs. For petes sake! You have a history or a suspicious lump you get it checked out! In Canada, we can book our own mammos at 50, but before that we have to have a docs requisition to get any kind of test. Not a big deal at all.

    As for not doing BSE how stupid is that? That's like saying don't look at your ass in the mirror!

  • cmharris59
    cmharris59 Member Posts: 111

    WTG Barbe! Good post!

    As for the guys... I really like Alan Rickman, Clive Owen and Robson Green.  Hugh Laurie, too. I guess I just love their accents and brooding good looks.  Yummy!

    I am afraid it is a Nay on Leonardo and Johnny.  Rather see Keanu Reeves and Denzel Washington and  Wesley Snipes.. and um.. er...As far as as legends go.. Charleton Heston, Sean Connery, Cary Grant, and Don Ameche.  Then there is Doug McClure, Patrick Wayne, Tom Berrenger, and.. Gee.. I could go on and on...

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    oohhh Clive Owen YYEESSS

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    ohhhhhhh you naughty naughty girls! Love all of these men and I"m wishing you all some good dreams tonight!

    You know I might have some issues about BC and my real sex life but there's obviously nothing wrong with our imaginations (:

  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347

    ummmmmm.....does it have to be a movie actor? I think I fell in love with Derek Jeter this season....

    New York Yankees' captain Derek Jeter (L) receives a Key to the City from Mayor Michael Bloomberg during the World Series victory celebration at City Hall in New York, November 6, 2009. The Yankees defeated the Philadelphia Phillies in the 2009 Major League Baseball World Series.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Thanks for weighing in on Sexiest Man Alive (and some of them were not even alive, so we might have Sexiest Dead Guy next week.)   I might be joking, and it might be crass, but girls, a little publication called Rolling Stone magazine went there before I did with their infamous 1981 cover.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    It's been a looooong Mid-Age day!.  Mom breaks tooth off her denture.  We go get that fixed.  One kid had a mental lapse so gives me last minute notice that he won't be able to meet with two college professors we had scheduled to meet today.  That turned out to be a good thing cuz...Other kid had a lightheadness with worrisome vision problems, Univ. Health Ctr recommended bloodwork and a CT scan, so all afternoon at hospital.  (Tests o.k., so still not sure what's up)   To top off those pesky little things, husband gets news that his father, who just had a gallbladder surgery, also has metastatic cancer throughout his body.  So who has time to worry about a little thing like whether the soreness in my radiated nipple area is the beginning of "breast/truncal lymphadema" or what I like to call "nip-edema?"  All I can say is, "Calgon, take me away!"

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

     I cant sleep either. I was on Amazon.com etc....

    I hope you enjoy the bath. Sorry about family problems.

    I hope the kid is okay.

    Good Night

  • queenlurker
    queenlurker Member Posts: 34

    elimar-so sorry to hear about your troubles, when it rains it pours I guess. 

    angel-I love baseball, but so not a yankee fan.  Got to thinking that we should build our perfect man (love the loin cloth idea).  Would accept Jeters eyes and smile.  I think that George could be a little taller.

    Hoping for a trouble free day, with prince charming of course!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I don't care what team he plays for! He can put his bat in my cage anytime!

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    elimar, I guess you do have a few things to keep your mind off radiated boobs.  Hope you have a better day today.

    It would be funny to build a perfect man with everyones idea's.  I am not that good with photoshop, so it will not be me building my dream man.

    Hope everyone has a great day.


  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137

    What's new this am ? NOW they are bring up guidelines on cervical ca...............they better LEAVE US ALONE !!


    so sorry to hear about your bad day, especially the news about your FIL I will pray for him and your family.

    We have a twin and her husband home for the week-end from K.C. haven't seen them in a couple of months.

    Blessings all,

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Elimar - I hope today is a better day for you!  And best wishes for all the members of your family.

    And regarding good looking men...how about Hugh Grant and Brad Pitt?  I also have some sort of fixation on Chris Daughtry, although he is WAAAYYYY too young.

    Happy Friday to everyone!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    It's a new dawn. It's a new day.  The Earth hasn't left it's orbit, so it's all good.  Thanks for the kind words.  Yesterday was exactly what I was talking about in the opener of this thread...getting the squeeze from all sides.  I was so tired last night, yet couldn't fall asleep until 1:30.  We all have those days, I know it.

    Along those lines, my whole "summer of cancer" was just stressful, so I am going to ask this Mid-Age gang what are some of the activities you do to keep the stress at bay?  Now, keep it real.  I don't mean things like,  "I like to hike in the Sierras with my best friend, then gaze upon the sunset while we reflect about the Dalai Lama's teachings."  We all do that when we can; but I mean things that could be done on a regular basis.

    I used to like to curl up with a good book (or juicy tabloid with Brad and Angie on the cover,) in the quite sanctity of my sunny living room.  It was my favorite place to relax.  Now, however, even when the floor is not vibrating with the low notes of my son playing bass guitar in the basement, the room houses my mom's (noisy) oxygen concentrator so it's not the cozy niche it used to be.  I'm looking for some new ideas people, so please share yours.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    My DH and I bought Rock Band Beatles and EVERY night we either bang on drums or play guitar! I find it extremely relaxing. We play it hard enough to be a challenge without feeling defeated. When those notes are coming at you pretty quick, it's hard to think of anything else. It is so calming that I get relaxed just hearing a Beatles tune on the radio!

  • PatMom
    PatMom Member Posts: 322

    I am always relaxed after a yoga class.  A local yoga studio has a class specifically for cancer survivors, and my breast surgeon's practice has an instructor come in and run classes a couple of times a week. 

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    I bought a Kindle this year so I am never without a book,  I mostly read fiction because for me it is the great escape. During my lunch hour everyday I listen to Deepak Chopra's "The soul of healing meditations", it works for me much like a good long nap (almost). I am trying to learn to walk in the style of the buddhist monks, but I seem to have ADD and it is not working out so well LOL

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    I find Sudoku very relaxing for some reason.  It's a way for me to take my mind off anything that is worrying me, since I have to concentrate.  I also found it helpful during chemo.  When I could actually focus and finish an intermediate level puzzle, I knew that I was coming out of my chemo induced fog.

  •     I like to cook....used to love to cook, but when my taste was gone I sort of drifted away from it, but am getting back into it.  Made two cheesecakes last night which I will give to someone, but am not sure who....made one for the guy at this store where we got out kitchen cabinets because he would assemble them for us for free and there is supposed to be a charge, but I called and he is not in today and isn't this weekend either so I need to find a place to take it.  I think the other one I will take to this old lady I know who isn't doing real well....mostly because of her age and she lost her ability to taste long ago, but still likes sweets.  I like to make food and take it to other people.  It's something I am good at and I like giving my food to people because it makes them happy and making someone happy makes me happy.. 

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    I can't knit so a friend introduced me to these knitting loom things. It's a plastic ring, in various sizes, with pegs all the way around. You wind the yarn around each peg and then use a hook to bring the yard up and over the previous wound yard. You can make either hats or tubular scarves. I made a lot of them while going through chemo because I could make them while watching TV or when I was brain dead for days after chemo. I use to give them to my kids' friends when they came over. I recently made one and realized how much I missed making them...


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    My favorite stress escapes are reading scif-fi novels, brushing the dog (there's LOTS of a german shepherd to brush!) and listening to relaxation CD's.  When I have the time I love to go to the shore and sit and listen to the surf, seaguls, and boat sounds. 

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137

    We like to go to the Movies often, but the very best stress reliever is Lincoln. He has been my greatest joy and distraction. Whenever I was sad, Rich would say do you want to go see Lincoln

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    All you ladies are amazing.  I use to read lots, but seem to have lost interest.  I do listen to books on tape while I am driving to and from work and I think that is the reason I don't read much.  I have tried to get interested in several other crafts, but they just don't seem to hold my interest.  Of course, when I am working, I leave my house at 5:00 am and return about 6:00 pm, so that doesn't leave much time. 

    By the way, when we start building our perfect man, I want to use Val Kilmer's lips.  When I saw him as Batman, that is all I could think about were those kissable lips. OMG they are so gorgeous.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend.


  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    One of my favorite distractions is PEOPLE - getting out with a friend and either having coffee or breakfast or lunch, or going on a "Field Trip" to some interesting location for female bonding. I'm not a "shopping enabler" type of friend ("oh, buy that, you deserve it!"), so I'm safe to take to outlet malls, etc.

    I've used TV too much as a distraction lately, but shows like Hoarders and Clean House always make me feel better about MY foolishness and mayhem (clutter).

  •   When are you going to start building this guy? Do any of you watch Brothers and Sisters on Sun night....the French boyfriend certainly had a nice looking body. I asked my friend Kathy who knows all trivia who he was and she said he was in the Sex and the City movie and I asked really, who was he?  And she said Samantha's neighbor and I said I didn't remember and she said the one showering and I said Oh, now I remember him.   Remember that game where you would turn the little knobs and add a different set of eyes or nose or mouth?  I know this isn't the middle aged memories thread, but what was that game or toy or whatever?