
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    When you click on the link it has to show you. I dont know what else to do. Maybe Joni will post it again. Sorry

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Okay, I got it this time.  I must not have refreshed the page after you posted the link!  Thanks for your patience.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Glad you did it!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I have had two star-crushes in my life I think 1)  Brad Pitt when he was younger, he reminded me of someone I knew.  2) Andy Gibb, he was sooooooooo cute!  I saw him in person, front row, and I was hypnotized.  Now I just crush on my hubby, who probably thinks I am a nut.  He might wish I had a crush focus elsewhere!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Ah Meece, that's sweet.  Wish my husband was crushable, but not the kind you're referring too! Ha

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137

    Wow ! This is exhusting keeping up with all you gals and your dream guys..........

    Good Night All !

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    I followed the link to Patrick "Kronk" Warburton! Love the voice! He was in "Get Smart" as that robot created by the two geeky guys - he staples a piece of paper to the front of one of the office bully's heads in one of my favorite scenes ever. And wasn't he a "face painter" on Seinfeld or something? Thanks for the link! Weird that we see things differently - I never did see a box with a red X, or even a space...

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    barb, if you can make the man, go far it.  I am not any good at that sort of thing.

    Hope everyone has a great day.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    The other day my son was playing a computer game.  I told him a character sounded just like Liam Neesoin.  That is Liam Neeson, he said.  If we're building a Franken-HUNK, I'll take the voice of Liam.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Yea! I actually went for a 20 minute walk in the park today. Admittedly I had to hold my boobs instead of swing my arms,but in nyc you can get away with anything.


    Finally feel like I am rounding the corner in terms of surgery recovery.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend, and check out that video if you get a chance.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Cookie, I may have missed it in one of your earlier posgts, but what surgery did you go thorugh and how long has it been?

    I am having trouble staying in bed after recon surgery on Thursday.  I hurt, but I have never been one to stay down.  My husband says I am walking laps, rest awhile and walk around the house to see wha everyone is doing, then back to bed.

    After my Lumpectomy, I stayed with my parents in their recliner day and night for 2 days.  I washed my hair on the third day and went home and dealt with the real world, after all I had to work the next day.  Laughing

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Meece!  You are doing very well for having surgery three days ago!  You have been posting a lot too...you must not be too bulked up with bandages, or how are you managing it?  Good healing wishes to ya!
  • crusader1
    crusader1 Member Posts: 114

    Hi ladies,

    I am 60ish and do enjoy reading the posts on this board.

    I love the Yankees and think Jeter is real cute.

    Tomorrow I go in for my first fill. I am a little anxious. But this is my third TE so I have been thru a lot.

    Hello Cookie..Yesterday was fun.



  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I have a big wide belly band, and packing on both breasts.  I have nothing else to do but surf around on the net.  I am learning even more here.  It's lonely, DH likes his sports on the weekend, so he's in watching the big screen and I channel surf.  Muscle relaxers help, too. I hate the no shower rule.  I get up, wash with a wash cloth, apply baby powder and head back to bed.  DH said he'll wash my hair tonight. I am determined to heal quickly.  I have a little weekend in wine country planned for the 27-29. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hi crusader1, hope all goes well today getting your first fill. 

    cookiegal, picturing you on your walk. LOL.  I did walk around the house that way, but not outside; but you're right, in NYC you can get away with it.  The first timeI went walking outside after surgery, I had to tell my husband, "Slow down, I can't have ANY bouncing."

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Middies, I hope you are all set to have a good Thanksgiving WEEK. 

    Don't feel my energy level is up to par, but I do have a lot to be thankful for.  So glad that my main treatment is behind me now, and this is only one of the many holidays I plan to have in my future as a survivor.  (If that sounds too obliviously positive, well, I'm putting my ongoing fear in a storage box for the holidays.)

    I got my Dx in June.  There must be some of you that got your Dx around this time of year, and I have just been thinking about how awful that is on the woman and her family.  One year, I had a surgical biopsy on Dec 17.  Terrible time having those results hanging over my head.  Luckily that time it was B9.  Still had to recover from the surgery over Christmas.

    Invitation:  Anyway, over the course of the next month, I am planning to post more on the "Just Diagnosed" forum, to see if I can offer any assistance or kindness to the newly diagnosed sisters.  Some of you go on those threads quite a bit already, and more of us probably should.  I'm inviting all who post here to join me in a Mid-Age outreach effort.   We all can imagine how hard it is to just be getting the cancer Dx at this time of year.  Let's make an extra effort to help with our answers and support.

    Wishing everyone well for the upcoming Holiday Season. Kiss

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    elimar you make a very nice point! 

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Wow! I go out of town for a week and come back to find you building-a-hunk-by-committee!!!!

    "Read" back, just enough to "read" the pictures. LOL. More! More! More!

    Did you middies notice that we're on PAGE 50!!!! Pretty special for a group between 40 & 60ish.

    (OK, so I'm easily entertained.)

    It was an exhausting, emotional week with lots of elation mixed in -- seeing old friends, making new ones, searching for speaking engagements for the future, breakfast for authors w/my new publisher, four hour presentation, 3.5 days of vending in an Exhibit hall with THOUSANDS of vendors, little sleep. You get the picture.

    The most amazing conclusion was that our youngest daughter performed as a finalist in a concerto competition Sat night and I was able to be there in the audience, in admiration of her persistence and hard work. She plays the oboe -- getting her doctorate @ UMD. Anyhow, she came in THIRD!! and it looks like she will get to perform her half an hour piece with the university symphony orchestra. (And she got a cash prize of $1000..... unheard of in the classical world of music for students.)

    I am home in my home, safe and sound...... preparing for a week of grateful reflection.

    Elimar, your prompt for us to reach out in the 'newbie' thread is the ultimate of gratitude. You make a great den-mother. Thanks for the rationale to reach out.


    We played a group building, ice breaker of knots in our workshop. I love the pictures I got of many, many, many groups of women interconnected. That's how I think of us -- supporting each other.

    Here's to a great week for everyone!!!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Elimar,  I love your suggestion.

    When I was first diagnosed I was going through a divorce and had two teenagers still at home with me.  My parents had left the state to be by my brother's side as his wife was dying. (I didn't tell them because of all of that stress they were handling) I was truly alone.  I had my internet, but no idea where to go. How I would have loved to have someone to talk to, and ask questions especially during the Holdiays. 

    I will have to pop over to newly diagnosed and see how I can offer support.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Oh yeah, and not only the "Just Diagnosed" thread.  You all know the ones that the "Newbies" usually go on, so look around for some.  Remember, they sometimes put crazy, ill-fitting titles on their threads---cause who can even think straight in the beginning!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I can still put ill-fitting things in my posts.  Sometimes I cringe at myself.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Good Morning everyone, I'm writing with my coffee in hand.

    Elimar...I see you have been a a busy lady this morning, The idea of helping Just Diagnosed and scared women is a wonderful idea. Count me in. Every women will be welcome, no age thing Right? Let us know what we can do to help you with your new thread.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Seyla888, no, not making a new thread.  Just urging other, like myself, who have gotten past the Dx and main treatment phase to remember how frightening that time was and to think of our sisters just getting their Dx right at this time of year.   Yes, we should do it all year long, but getting a Dx in the holiday season seems even more devastating, so maybe we can show some holiday spirit by giving special attention to some newly diagnosed women.
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    I'm awake now and understand it better. Thanks

  • AmyIsStrong
    AmyIsStrong Member Posts: 426

    Elimar - I remember when I was first diagnosed, I couldn't even read those threads. The pain was just too raw. But now, it is so gratifying to be able to 'drop in' and help and encourage others. We have come so far! I feel so thankful this year for so much. I will take some time and visit those threads and pay it forward. Thank you for the nudge to do so.


  • mytwogirls
    mytwogirls Member Posts: 3

    Hi Helena,

    I am in YOUR GROUP!  I'm 40 with 4 and 7 year old girls.  I waited for prince charming until I was 26.  We married when I was 28 and had our first when I was 32!  The average age in MA, where I live,  to have your first baby is 28.  We weren't that far off!! : )

    I had a cluster of calcifications on my first mammo which I had over the summer at 39 YO.  I got my diagnosis in September exactly 1 month before my 40th.  Yay for digital mammos for dense breasts. 

    Because of a digital mammo under 40, I will be a mommy and wife much longer than if I waited untl 50.

    I am happy to meet you.  I read The Middle Place....it's very uplifting...  She has a strong extended family network that I don't have.  But she loves her nuclear family just like I do and she expresses the fears and love she has for them so beautifully.  She expresses how disappointed she is that after taking tamoxifen for 5 years, she will be too old to have anymore children.  I am certainly in that boat.  

    I am living what I consider to be the American Dream!! I don't have everything, but I have enough and I feel like I have everything with my family.  That gives me everything to live for... just like you.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Welcome Jennifer and happy birthday, a month late.  I remember the birthday after I stated treatment.  You appreciate it more, no matter what you are going through.  You have a lot to live for and blessed to have that opportunity.


  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    Welcome new Middies -- we are glad to have you.  This is a fun thread, we can whine, but we are building our virtual man.  He should  be a hottie.

    elimar, I am like you I do go out to Just Diagnosed and try to help the newbies.  Especially if I notice  their new thread has been out there for several hours and no one has made a comment to them.  I at least try to encourage them, even if I can't help them.  I also float around to other threads where there might be newbies that need help  or encouragement.  I know who I felt when I was first diagnosed, I just wanted contact with someone.

    I got another Neupogen shot today, I should be supercharged when I go get my blood test tomorrow.  I had something wrong with one of my teeth today, so I went to dentist, because I just don't want to take the chance of getting an infection.  He told me, normally my body would fight it off, but  not now, so he gave me a prescription to fight it for me.  I am glad I went ahead and went to see him.

    Wishing everyone a great Thanksgiving week.


  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137


    You are a great Den Mother Smile ! That is a great idea !! Thanks for reminding us there is support that we can give on other threads.


    congrats to your daughter ! how exciting for her. Money mouth The pictures are so touching, thanks for sharing.

    Welcome Jennifer,

    Hi Helena ?? Do you have the inside scoop on someone here ?? Surprised

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my Middle Friends, We are leaving tomorrow for NC to see my son, his wife and 6 of my Grandkids !

    Now don't get that perfect guy done before I get back Wink


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Elimar, I knew you were my kind of gal when I 1st saw your posts on the rads threads-great idea about paying it forward! 

    NBgrandma: our perfect guy won't be done, cause there is no such thing-HaTongue out
