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  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Foxy - what a beauty.

    I had the fluid aspirated from my seroma today. I lost count of the number of syringes. I have no idea how much fluid she removed. Her instructions - "wear the binder" and "keep that left arm still". I went back to work part-time today. After 2 1/2 hours I was asking if it was time to go home yet and all I was doing was updating my caseload on the computer. I came home after 4 hours and took a nap. I'm doing 4 hours a day this week and will go back to full time next week.

    I wore a bra and foobs today for the first time. It was the first time I had breasts in 3 1/2 weeks. I felt like I was playing dress up. I think I much prefer the flat look. I'm wearing more upper body garments then I've ever worn in my life. A soft undershirt, the binder, the bra and foobs. I asked my friends at work to give me a sign if the foobs were heading towards my chin. No need to worry. They stayed put.

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Awesome tat Janis.  She must really love you!  Kitty

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Kitty I know!  She is a great kid...just turned 18 and a freshman in college.  She adores me!  LOL.  That tattoo is on the top of her foot, she sent me another picture.  That had to hurt!

    Hauntie....oh you poor thing!  I am happy that you got the seroma drained finally, that had to be really miserable after so long.  LOL on the foobs!  I think all those top layers would get to me too.  I hope you feel stronger every day.  Glad you are working half days this week,  Sounds like you need some rest.  Take care, please!

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250


    I am going to get a tattoo next summer when I get my port out. It will be a breast cancer ribbon, with a rhino coming through it. Just his head and one leg. I can't wait. I have always been scared of tattoos and have never had one, but after this long cancer journey, I really want one, for it means like a rhino , I plowed through it victoriously :O)

  • Scuba_duchess
    Scuba_duchess Member Posts: 435

    They really don't hurt. I have a number of them on my back, all scuba diving related. Best advice is to get good referrals and find someone who will work to give you exactly what you want in every sense.

    I just posted a question on another topic that I am considering doing something different relative to the nipple tattooing, at least on one side. When went for the BMx with LAT, my first question to PS was if he had to mess up what I already had tattoo wise on my back, he didn't ( had a tshirt made for my buddy the tattoo artist and fellow diver "If you can't save the tatas, at least save the tattoos!"). If you are covering up any scars from BC stuff, you will need to wait a while til it is healed, that's my plan. Am going to have a shark that covers the back LAT scar, SNL scar and is biting the new nipple, still to be designed, but we have time. Not sure about nipple 2 yet...

    If you can get through the rigors of BC, tattoos are a breeze. Oh, and don't go in hung over or drink, you bleed more!

    Sorry for the ramble, am having a bad night with my final drain, after more tha 5 weeks, you would think the stupid thing would behave. Cheers to whatever you decide on. Just noted you are waiting for the port out next summer, we can compare notes may e!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    zumbagirl...I love the concept for your tattoo!  I think that is awesome.  Good for you!  I don't have one but thinking about it now for the first time in my 57 years!  LOL.

    Scuba-duche thanks for the tips.  Love the shirt! 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Janis I love the ink!  My daughter got one thats got the ribbon and boxing gloves on it. It has the initals of the gals in our family that have had BC.  My son got one to with my name and my sissys name also.  I have several and the foot did smart more than the others.  I want to get my scars done but the artist suggested I wait at least a year before I do it.  This way the scarring will have calmed down.  I cant wait.  I would rather see a pretty picture on my chest then the scars I see now!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Foxy-what and adorable little lady! I see the good looks are inherited. have you already started spoiling her????

    Janis and Paula-- to have a family member tribute you permanently in ink is awesome! Such sign of love. Scuba would love to see your tats--you are much braver than me. Although nip tats are probably something I may endure. But that is a long time from now. My MO won't talk to me about recon until a year after my rads ended--that's next April. By then, I probably will most likely change my mind about recon. Hauntie, take it easy at work. You are still healing. I couldn't wear my foobs for a couple of months after my rads--too sore--and then I stopped wearing them altogether this summer cuz they are tooooo da*n HOT. Can't wait for cooler weather. 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618


    Foxy, welcome to "new grandmahood".  Have you thought about her future yet?  May I introduce her to Patrick?  He will be 3 months old tomorrow.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    MEECE!!!! He's ADORABLE!!!!!! Wowza! LOVE the grin!

    Foxy, why does the baby have an IV in her left arm? Is she okay? Am I seeing things????

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    i see a match made in heaven!! Meece what a liitle stinker--you must be so proud!!

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Loving the baby pics, they are sooo cute! And yes, they'd make an adorable couple!!!

    Regarding tats, I went out soon after dx and got one. I figured I'd do it before being told not to! I have to ribbons that intertwine, 1 breast cancer, 1 leukemia (for my daughter). Each ribbon has our dx date, and room for our cure dates when we get them. Now, trying to figure out what to do next, seeing as my boys feel left out since they aren't sick. One of them actually told me to put a ribbon on w/his name and "healthy" on it. What a dork! I told him I'd think of something.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    stjude--I think the ribbon with "healthy" is a great idea! 

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    NativeMainer- you think so? I wonder if there's a color for that. I have these ribbons on the inside of my left wrist, I guess I could put 2 "healthy" ribbons on the inside of the other wrist. He's such a smartass, I just never actually considered it!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Zumba and Scuba what great ideas for your tatts. 

    Paula your kids are so sweet to have tatts for dear Mom

    Meece and Foxy watch those two kiddos you just never know. Meece I love the grin on Patricks face.

    cmblastic have you seen a PS for a consult.  My PS will do reconstruction 6 months after rads if he thinks you are healed well enough.  I had rads and ended up with permanant nerve damage so I will be having a BMX with immediate DIEP reconstruction.  However last visit I still was not ready will go tomorrow for another followup and see what he thinks.  But realistically I am probably going to wait until March and he did  say the longer I way the better the outcome. By then I will have been a little over a year out of rads.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Meece, I am so glad you are looking out for your Grandson's future.  I would do the same.  It never hurts to get him into a pre-school placement (where he can be tri-lingual by age 5) and find him an internet contract bride (and don't be shy to ask Foxy whether they have started the dowry yet.) 

    Of course, little Ragan may prefer someone a bit older, in which case Barbe's GS might still be available, but he is a year old now, so no guarantees.

    This thread has given me so many good ideas.  While I am still working on my baby toupe business, I don't want to let anyone else get the jump on the internet arranged betrothal service (" and now I also think baby tattoos could take off also.  The tatt gets done in miniature (less ink & time used, bigger profit margin) and the baby grows into it.  Like age eight mos. = cute little birdie on shoulder; age eighteen = cool swooping eagle.

    I trust none of you will steal my ideas and infringe on my intellectual property.  I sure hope not!  I need all the property my mind can get, as there is so much vacant land available in there.

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    elimar- cracking me up right now. love your great ideas!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    stjude10, I'll keep you in mind for the tattoo franchise and your son can be an artistic consultant.
  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Meece, he is precious! Yes, I think they would make an adorable couple! The dowry- well you know she will be a high maintenance girl with her horses and Foxhunting! That requires everything from boots to ball gowns! Lol

    Yes, she did have an lV. Mom spiked a temp after delivery, probably a slight infection from being examined minutes before her water broke. As a precaution they gave little Ragan antibiotics for a couple of days. She is fine and that thing is finally gone!! Worried me to death. They say it happens often.

    Thankfully my zometa treatment is being kind to me so far today!


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    stjude....I love the idea of the tattos you have already done.  What about the pink ribbon with each of your sons' names on one side of each ribbon and saying something like "living for you" of "I won for you" or something to that affect? 

    Meece your grandson is gorgeous!  What a beautiful little boy.  You must be so proud.  I have one grandson.  Wesley turned 10 the day that little Ragan was born.  It may take awhile for their paths to cross, but I kind of see a little karma going on.  LOL!

    Eli.....LOL on the baby tats!  You just might be onto something! :)

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Hauntie - thank goodness you finally got relef.  Know what you mean on the number of needles (I got a blood blister) and the under garments.  At the time I was draining, I wore a sports bra then binder then my camie with the foobs (which I think is more comfortable than a bra).  Now I just wear the camie with foobs and boy when I get home they all come off and I put a t shirt on.  Still too hot.

    Zumba - great idea.

    Foxy what a cutie, I am glad you got some good news.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Meece he is gonna be a heart breaker someday!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Hey ladies I think I'm out of hiding for now :). My surgery is healing well but I think I need to relearn how to walk now. Went back to work yesterday but only til tomorrow. Then I'm going on a much needed - albeit short- vacation. I'm looking forward to a little sun and a lot of drunk firefighters raising my mood.

    Anyone who's local and free is welcome to visit me in Wildwood which is where I'll be from Thurs thru Sunm. Just pm me if you want.

    I'm jeAlous of all the adorable grandbabies. Everytime my DD looks like she might be giving in, she gets a visit from unruly kids and gets firmer on "no kids from her"

    Oh well. I'm sure she'll give in when she finds the right guy.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Elimar-once again you had me snorting liquid drink from my nose!  I have to stop drinking while reading something with your avatar also.

    And Foxy------that last line was a doozy!!

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    reesie, you are the bravest person i know.  i'm serious.  you went to work???  i'm always surprised at the things you do and how well you do.  i'm very happy you're going on a vacation, no matter how short.  it should be wonderful for you and hopefully, lots of fun.  take care of yourself.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    True Confession Tuesday.

    There's a reason I don't post on the more "natural" threads very often--not that I think there is inherently anything wrong with that lifestyle--but I would shamed by my own consumption of artificial sweetners to do so. The newer ones here probably don't know of my tea-drinking habit, (warm in Winter, iced in Summer) and I never before mentioned that I use saccharine to sweeten all that tea.  I know, I know...if I had a rat bladder for every time someone gave me the eyeroll on that one, I'd be one sick rodent with lots of bladders.

    I do not like the sticky sweetness of sugar drinks.  I had to give up Equal a long time ago.

    I used to have a Diet Coke habit.  Had it for years.  In the late Nineties, I noticed my head felt funny when I drank it.  Through the miracle of Google, I found out the effect of Nutrasweet is much the same as the Chinese food/MSG headache some people get.  Interestingly, I also found out that aspartame was fast-tracked to market by Donald Rumsfeld--in between his more notable war-mongering pursuits--and that the effect on the brain was well known beforehand.  (No offense to my former Sec. of Defense supporting/Equal-swilling sistahs.)   I took the 30-day challenge to not drink anything with Equal in it...sure enough, I felt better. I gave up diet soda, but I had to find something for my tea.

    Now, Splenda is o.k., but has some kind of backlash flavor, and Stevia only tastes good in cold drinks to me.  I do use honey sometimes, but if I use too much it gets that gakky honey-water flavor.  So, I''ve been strung out on those pink packets of perilous pseudo-sugar for years and this is my confession.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Eli--I confess for I have sinned too!! i grew up on Tab, so Diet coke was a natural progression. I have NEVER ordered a regular coke in my life. Since this whole BC started, I have stayed away from sodas because my sis was told while she was in chemo to stay away from soda dispensers and ice machineds--very moldy and full of chemicals because they don't get cleaned often enough. I have been so proud of myself that I cut out soda until today when driving back from my parents I needed caffeine to drive home. Stopped at 7-11 and got a Diet coke(in a bottle tho). I feel so dirty. And guilty. But darn it tasted good.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Reesie--OMG!! you have been to work! You are my hero!!! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    You girls are funny with the diet coke.  I use to be a Diet coke addict myself.  Gave them up before cancer and went with diet sprite.  At that time change to decaf coffee and decaf tea.  Since cancer and all the reading I do read some stuff on the decaffing process that totally grossed me out so now I am only organic decaf products and gave up the soda's altogether.  Drink alot more water and feel alot better.

  • janinnj
    janinnj Member Posts: 63

    Foxy and Meece the babies are adorable. Enjoy every minute, before you know it they'll be teenagers.

    Reecie- Enjoy Fireman's weekend in Wildwood.  I dated a fireman years ago and went down with him one year.  Everyone was having a great time.

    Hauntie glad you've gotten relief.  Don't over do it at work.  Anyone else having a hard time keeping their mind on track at work?  It seems I used to be able to work on one project or report and keep all the fires put out at the same time but now the slightest distraction completely takes my mind off of what I was working on and it takes me longer to get going again.