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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Will look into Tamox. and grapefruit juice, prayrv.

    Sorry to have derailed the o.j. conversation, ladies.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    OMG mumayan this has to be a video you have to watch then.  Go to you tube and watch the one about the oregen couple I nearly wet myself laughing so hard!  Its called grandpa gets a webcam.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    OMG Paula just watched the video Hilarious!

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Hi All, Thanks Eli for the "intervention" on the OJ and soy products.  I agree it is VERY important to do the research along with the discussion.  I'm lucky that I don't like grapefruit or its juice and don't like soy milk and never have taken any supplements.  So I never did any of the research on it.  As for OJ, I do agree about the carbs and even a whole orange has carbs (11-16 depending on size).  Since I am type 2 diabetic and count my carbs you can get a good list of this on the website for the American Diabetes Assoc.  Diabetes and BC are too often bedfellows so knowing diet strategies before I got BC was very helpful.  High BP, High cholesterol are also factors it seems we all deal with on top of the BC.  I have talked with my GP about these things and their interactions and his sage advice was stick to a good common sense diet and regular exercise.  It seems simplistic but it has helped me to lower all those things.  I'm not an exercise guru or anything, but all I do is walk each day for 20 minutes.  Gradual changes have made for a better me. Okay...I'll get off the soap box now and go take my kitty nap.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    OK-I havent been on for a couple days & had several pages to catch up!

    I too dislike GFJ so I have not had to worry about whether drinking will be a problem with all my Rxs, but 1 of them (& I'm at work so I don't know which one it is for sure has a label on it that says "DO NOT DRINK GRAPEFRUIT JUICE WHILE TAKING THIS MEDICATION".

    Yaya & Paula-you girls rock!

    OK-(big sigh)-hear it is: My name is Joni & I'm addicted to sex........Oh wait a minute that's not true because I have been in complete & total abstinence since 2003 (I know.....painful)

    No, I was a Diet Pepsi fanatic.  I used to tease the phlebotomists that it wasn't actually blood that was coming out of my veins, but Diet Pepsi.  Flash back to 2nd chemo treatment, July 30, 2009-that afternoon I went to drink my congratulatory DP & it tasted like CRAP!!!! Tried again later that day, same this day, Diet Pepsi does not taste good.  However, about a year ago I was at a friend's house & she asked if I wanted something to drink-she had Diet Coke, so I took a glass.  I now drink Diet Coke---I am not nearly as addicted to it as I was DP, but I see where it could happen so I really ration my consumption.

    Cigarettes-I smoked a pack a day from the time I was 15 until Jan 2 2009, when I quit cold turkey-for those of you doing the math-that was approximately 40 years (and that entire time I smoked Marlboro Reds-no "light"s for me) 3 months to the day after quitting I got my BC diagnosis.  Man oh man, I remembering wanting a cigarette really bad that day, but I didn't.  At 1st, I always thought about smoking, but I have noticed that I can go quite a long time now without thinking about it.

    Chocolate: AINT GIVING IT UP- NO WAY -NO HOW UNH UNH!     

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    I have read that if you are taking Tamoxifen you should not drink OJ with the medication.  Allow at least an hour between taking meds and consumin OJ.  I have to agree with Elimar - what a can of worms that has been opened.  So much conflicting information out there on the web.  Who or what study do you believe?????

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Holy Cow, Eph!  Forty years!  It was something I did for about four my 20's...old enough to have known better.  Even with just that shorter length of smoking, I had several failed attempts before I went cold turkey.  Well, good for you!!!!!!!!

    Here we are talking about iffy things that might be bad for our B/C, when it is now conclusive that the cigs are carcinogenic, not to mention the whole parade of other freakshow chemicals added to them. (Are there "organic" tobaccoes or cigarettes out there?  I don't even know)  I applaud anyone who has kicked this highly addictive habit.  

    If any of my sistahs are dyed-in-the-wool, militant smokers, I do understand your individual right and personal freedoms are important but I am hoping you quit anyway.  

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Love the up-top picture E!

    40 yrs! yes, it's why my voice has a "husky" quality....

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Eph3_12: WOW, I tip my hat to you! I too sport "husky"

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    That picture is obviously time-lapse stars, but I wonder if that is keeping the shutter open the whole night, or how else could you get a complete circle?

    I'm always wondering about something!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I don't know-I thought it was using a spirograph on a landscape picture!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    Thats how you stay so young Elimar

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    There's always that!

    p.s.  I wrote the above to Eph, but I'll apply it to mumayan's post too.  Tongue out

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Eph - I quit smoking after 40+ years as well.  I have been smoke free for 9 weeks now.  I too have a husky voice.  I do notice my teeth are so much whiter now and I am just using my regular toothpaste.  I do confess I have one of those electronic cigarettes with no nicotine.  It not only satisifes the hand to mouth habit but I am also doing in support of DH who is still smoking by the way.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Jo and Eph I think it is amazing to quit smoking after 40+ years.  My parents smoked and I know it was hard on both of them to quit, but they did it.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121

    YAY for all us "quitters!"  Smoked 21 years (from age 13,) smoke free for almost 20 now.  I used to work at an ad agency--would sometimes have one in my hand, and one in the ashtray! Usually my guest chair had a smoker in it too and my office was a cloud of smoke...hack hack. I used sugar free mints and a pregnancy to quit. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Changing the subject here, but wanted to tell you about my mixed results from my thyroid scan.  I saw the RO and he just took a peek at my breast, answered a few questions and was going to let me leave.  So I asked him about the ultrasound.  Oh, yeah!  Well, he looked in my file and I know it was not there just by the way he was flipping pages.  He said it was there and told me he was going to go make a copy.  He left for a bit and came back with it.  Did not show it to me but said the ultrasound basically just confirmed I had those two small nodules and he saw no point in any further action.  Okay.  Then I went to see my primary doc.  He had a copy of the report and made a copy for me.  It mentioned the right lobe having multipe tiny nodules, and one that measured 13x13x7mm.  It was described as "solid".  Another one like it was also in the lower pole.  The conclusion was a fine needle aspiration was suggested if clinically desired.

    My doctor wants this done, so he is going to arrange it.  My mother had her thyroid removed when I was young, but I have no idea why.  My doc felt with some family history of thyroid (unknown) and the fact it is solid and not producing hormones, that it needs to have the needle biopsy.  He said it presented him with just mild concern, but felt it was best to get it done.  So.....not sure when but they will call when it is scheduled.

    He also finally talked me into having a colonoscopy so they are going to get that scheduled too.  More fun than humans are allowed, huh?

    Sorry for the hijack, but thought you would want to know the latest. :)

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Janis - Don't apologize for changing the subject.  That happens here on a regular basis.  At least your primary doctor feels there is a need for something else to be done.  Your RO sounds like he has no idea what is going on.  I will keep my fingers crossed for B9 results.  And for the colonoscopy, been there done that.  It is not too bad but not something I want to repeat anytime soon.  Let us know when you get scheduled for the biopsy so we can all jump in your pocket and go with you.  I have first dibs on the pockets.  LOL!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Janis--my mom had her thyroid removed when I was a baby too--are we sisters???? Smile My thryroid went bonkers last summer after my BCDX. My sister has Hashimotos(auto immune thyroid) and my last blood test shows thats what I have too. In all this no one has scanned my thyroid, they just keep upping my synthroid. Good for you for having a PCP that is looking out for you. Hopefully it is just a b9 nodule. I'll be jumping in that pocket too, you won't be alone!! BTW my colonoscopy is scheduled for the 27th. Oh joy. When I set up the procedure the gastro doc said BC patients should have a colonoscopy at the onset of their DX and then every 5 yrs, 3 if polyps are found. Spoke of link between BC and colon cancer. Double joy. 

    And super congrats for all of you strong women who have quit smoking!!! Way to go!! 

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Hi all....sorry for opening this can of worms but I know a bunch of us take or have taken melatonin so I  thought it was important tomention. I listed the sites she described on the exercize thread so rather than repeat them all, take a look there. these sites talk about interactions, give information on supplements etc...many of you have likely been on them before already.

    Her message with regards to ER+ women and melatonin was take is hormone sensitive...same with flax and soya and grapefruit juice. She said that there are lots of clinical trials going on and that she , as an RN and as a PhD, is always looking for emperical proof and that these substances have a lot of studies for, against and in the middle...but that all are hormone sensitive so we should be cautious....she talked a bit about antioxidants and why you should not take them while you are undergoing chemo or rads (they can essentially neutralize the work chemo and rads are doing so you in effect, safe guard your cancer cells) and she said that if you have hormone sensitve cancer to avoid red clover, ginseng and milk thistle.

    LOTS of conflicting info....but the woman who was speaking is an RN and PhD brought in by my radiologist who not only does radiation but holds workshops 3-4 weekends a year on cancer and alternative therapies...mindfulness meditation and yoga and nutrition counselling etc....(book is call The Healing Circle) it on my cancer journey. email to ask mor about this, if you want more information, is:

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    Just thought that I would pop in to let you know that I will be "lurking" on this thread again.  I have been off the boards since June and will try to catch up.  HOWEVER, in order to catch up I have to start reading from page 406!!!  May just have to scan the pages to catch up, but will be lurking from now on again!  Cool
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Mary Louise glad your back.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Mary Louise - Glad you are back.  Don't try to catch up, just jump right in.  The subject changes frequently here and we will all figure out where we are.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Jo....thanks for the offer of a pocket party when I go.  I need my ladies there with me!  I think I will get a nice apron.  They have good pockets, lots of room., how odd about the thyroid conicidence with our moms.  Maybe our moms were secret sisters?  LOL.  Oh wow someone else having a colonoscopy!  Mine is not yet scheduled but you have to promise me you will tell me all about it if you go first.  Especially the prep!  I have read many funny jokes about that part.  Oh we are in BIG trouble lady!  LOL.  Thanks for going to my needle biopsy with me.  Should have a time and date by tomorrow.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Thanks, Sandee.  The speaker you heard cautioned you on flax, but then there is the "Budwig Diet" that used flaxseed oil and cottage cheese as its main anti-cancer recipe.  It is mind boggling when we see a lot of conflicting info.  People are more than willing to make some changes to lower their risks of disease, but why is it so hard to get at the truth?

    janis, The fine needle aspiration plan sounds like a good idea that can possibly spare you surgery.  Years ago, I had a lump on my thyroid.  Went to an HMO surgeon, who wanted to do surgery to remove it.  In my mind, I saw "Frankenstein neck" and even back then had a natural inclination to try to avoid scenarios of scalpels and blood.  I went for a second opinion with the Chief of Surgery.  He ordered an aspiration, then said it would be fine to just keep an eye on it, that it did not enlarge.  It seems like I was on Synthroid for six mos. or so, I think that was more to see if that produced a change.  (It didn't.)  Over couple years, the nodule seemed to be getting smaller and I never did find out what it was but it was gone 3-4 years later.  I forgot about it on a daily basis and then it just was no longer there.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Janis, If I were you, I'd called my RO to the carpet!!! He didn't have your results in his hand - he just GUESSED!!! What an idiot! He couldn't admit he didn't have them???

    As for the hormone stuff everyone is discussing. If you were told you were allergic to peanuts, would you insist on eating them anyway? No? Well then, that's the way I feal about the hormone positive foodstuff. I am hormonal positive so I don't take any more on board. If you're not hormonal positive, knock yourself out. Whenever someone mentions a No-No, check their tag line to see their hormonal status (like I show mine, doi!). We are given info specific to OUR own cancer.

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    I think most of us on this board are intelligent enough to read with caution and at least research or better ask your doctor about what you have read if it interests you. Much of the information here is great! I'm interested in finding out more about the Flax. My onc told me to take flax seed oil supplements. It's good for my heart. Now reading here, I obviously need to do some research. I have boarder line high cholesterol and in the beginning of treatment I mentioned this to him. He said forget it for now, some cholesterol meds will interfere with your treatment. I haven't thought anymore about it, but now I need to ask. Last thing I need is a heart attack! This is great info ladies!

    Janis- Barb is right, call your RO out. You know I'll be in the pocket!


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    (((Janis))))  My sissy had to have some nodules tested ealier this year and thank goodness they where fine.  I pray they will be the same for you!  Its a good thing your PC doc is staying atop of things.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    I feel really certain my biopsy will be benign.  I am just not going to worry you know?  I know I will feel a lot better having a pocket full of friends to go with me!

    Barbe I am not sure he guessed...he did leave the room and return with some report in his hand.  I did not see it.  He jsut told me his interperation.  I saw my PCP later and he actually gave me a copy.  I trust him more.  I'll be done with the RO soon enough.  He won't be there next week he said.  I really don't get much from the RO at all.  He was an Army doc for 10 years.  His training is probably really different.

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Hi Janis,  I feel the same as you that I trust my PCP more than any of the others.  I'll be in that pocket too.  Just feel for that fuzzy paw and you know it will be me. 

    Foxy-I agree with you too that we are all intellegent women and do know how to do our research.  Sometimes I find that it's easy to just listen to someone's advice or experience but in the back of my mind it screams "do your homework!" before I even make a decision. When I was first diagnoised that same voice was screaming at me to do the reading before any treatments.  So I listened and put a halt to any thing until I was confident that I was on the right plan for me.  The MO, PCP, and the BS all supported it and that made me feel better and confident in my plan.  Kitty