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  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Hi. My name's Lori. And I'm an addict. It's been about 2 min. since my last drink. I know that the Diet Coke is not good for me, but it's the only vice I have left, and I think the rebel in me just can't let it go. I'm just gonna have to take it one day at a time.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Hi Lori!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I see some have gotten into the confesional spirit...Aha-ha-ha!   Innocent 

    All you Diet Coke addicts, you won't be able to kick it with any 12-step program either (if it's only 11 steps to the fridge to get a nice cold one.)

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Hi!  My name is Jo and I am a sweet tea addict - the sweetner is Equal.  I am not going to give it up - the Equal goes in my coffee (and I did not say decaf for anything)  I have given up enough already.  So no 12 step program for me.  LOL

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532

    i'm connie and i'm a caffeine-free diet coke addict.  during chemo i can't stand the taste of water unless it's in a plastic bottle and i know that's not good for me.  i figure that as long as i'm on chemo i just need to drink SOMETHING.  now i'm feeling really guilty that i'm not doing enough for myself.  i've been drink diet coke forEVER.  during chemo they offer plain diet coke, not decaf.  ugh.  i'm so confused.

    p.s.  i really am a recovering alcoholic.  12-step program and 19 years sober!  also quit smoking four months ago (almost), so i'm with jo on giving up the things i enjoyed. 

  • janinnj
    janinnj Member Posts: 63

    Hi, My name is Janice and Coffee is my vice.  I used to have the diet Pepsi habit but thanks to chemo I couldn't stand the taste of anything sweet and broke that habit and hopefully I can keep it that way.

    YaYa Congrats on the 19 years.  I know that addition is a disease that really doesn't have a cure and is very hard to fight.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Ok all I have to come clean also!  I am a tatoo junkie! im getting ready for my 6th one.  It wont be my final one but I still have lots of room, lol. 

    YaYa way to go!  I celebrated my 8th year while I was doing chemo too

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    LOL on the confessions.  I gave up Diet Coke some time back, rarely I will have one but not too often.  i did buy a 12 pack about 3 months ago.  I think I have had two.  Oreo' we are talking!  I definitely need a 12 step program to get off of those.  Or coffee creamer.  That bad kind, you know, the flavored but I buy the sugar free.  I just need to get off that stuff altogether.  I only drink coffee in the mornings, 2-3 cups.  MY husband drinks it black, and all day long till bedtime.  Regular here only, no decaf.  I really need to try to ditch the flavored creamers all together.  I love iced tea but rarely drink it.  Unsweetened with anything.  No hot tea for me. 

    YaYa congrats on the 19 years sober!  That is something to be so proud of.  Good job!

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    I'm with you Jo, not giving up the caffeine. I also LUV my coffee. Good for you YaYa on being sober for 19 yrs. And I also have given up the smoking. Wish I loved diet and exercise as much as I do the things that are bad for me!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Paula just saw your post, congrats on your sobriety as well!   That takes a lot of courage.

    I quit smoking a couple years ago.  My addiction would have to be food.  I do walk every day but not as much as I should.  I have never been an exercise guru and I am so not disclplined with that.  I am working on the healthier eating.  A work in progress! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Yaya-19 years wow that is great, I know it was not easy.  I have a brother who can't get 1 week sober.

    Paula congrats on your 8 years!!!!!!!!!!!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    YaYa - Congrats on 19 years of sobriety - that is pretty amazing.

     Paula - Way to go girl - 8 years. 

     Like some of you other ladies - I too, gave up smoking 2 months ago.  I struggle a bit with that since my DH is still smoking.  We went out and bought those electronic cigarettes and he was going to make a go of that - mine is primarily for the hand to mouth habit which I still have at times.  My e-cig has no nicotine - purely water vapor.  It was supposed to be a show of support for hubby - I find out today he has lost his fake cig - I almost think he did it on purpose - ya think???  I carry a lot of Crystal Light hard candies which satisfies my cravings.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Reesie - if I could handle another 300+ mile drive to NJ, I'd be right there with you. Have fun. You deserve it.

    My addiction this summer had been Crystal Light decaf iced tea, also peach. I've pretty much broken the diet coke habit except when I'm at a restaurant or party.

    Ya ya & Paula - congrats on your many years of sobriety. 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    YaYa and Paula, both of you--congratulations!! And may there be many,many more!!!

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Okay, I'll come clean.  My addiction is to Diet Pepsi.  Cut back to a 12 pack every 2 weeks since BC but don't know if I can give it up.  It's the only thing I haven't given up since.  Splenda is my sweetner for tea or coffee (decaf) in the morning. 

    Congrats YaYs and Paula!   Put in a 10 hour day today so I'm ready to drop.  Kitty

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    YAYA and Paula... congrats to you both!!!

    My name is Maria and i am addicted to anything chocolate. I have been known to hide the chocloate from the kids and not share. I tried once to give it up for Lent but apparently some said my head spun and green pea soup came out of my mouth, I do not remember this !.. Never tried giving it up again!

    whew feel better now tha thats out!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Maria --I feel your pain!! I just had a to steal from secret stash of chocolate chips cause I was so desperate for chocolate. Of course I waited till after my boys were asleep so they wouldn't know where my stash is hidden. . . 

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Tinkertude- I get your chocolate addiction. My husband would take it out of our kids hands if he could. I have also been known to have a secret stash.

    Yay for you too Paula

    Jo- hang in there. I too am about the hand to mouth thing (probably why I'm fat) but I also struggle with the mind f&%* that comes with quitting. I wish you the best, and I understand. I probably enjoyed smoking more than anybody I knew. If you need an ear, I'm here.

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    yes, thanks for the tips on tattoos. Smile
  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Coffee Coffee Coffee - whole bean, freshly ground, from World Market,strong, black with a touch of **Splenda**. For most of the day. Occasionally I would steal a piece of chocolate from a small child - not often but when it strikes, watch out!

    Here is the Really bad thing- on the weekends if I have a goes.... I enjoy a cigar



  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Congratulations YaYa and Paula!!  A great accomplishment, and I wish you many, many more years!  I have a lot of alcoholism in my family, and I know how hard it is to stay sober, you are both very strong and deserve to be proud of yourselves.

    Some of these addictions are too funny.  I think I am addicted to so many things, I'm surprised with my family genes that alcohol wasn't one of them.  Diet Coke was definitely, I have quit that since BC though.  Not so much chocolate, but sugar in general.  My kids have been knows to hide their Halloween candy from me.  I've even told them to do it, my DD is always telling me I have no will power.  I can also be addicted to things on the computer, some games on facebook and things like that.  That doesn't cause BC, does it?  Yikes.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Lori - You hit the nail right on the head about the quit smoking crap.  I loved smoking and I was able to keep my weight down.  Now I am struggling with 10 extra pounds.  That may not sounds like a lot but it means the difference between being able to wear some almost new jeans or not.  I would rather wear the jeans.  Can't afford to buy new ones.  Thanks for the support and know I am also here for you - send me a PM anytime you like.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    As long as we are airing our laundry, I am addicted to Chester's Puffcorn (Falming hot).  My fingers are stained with their lovely red coating.  Anything salty is on my short list, but Chester knows how to make addicting snacks.

    Foxy, I told Patch (Patrick) about the horses and foxhunting and his eyes lit up.  His horses are trail riders, and as far as hunting goes, he can't wait until his daddy takes him hunting.  Daddy is pretty careful with his guns, so it is a future goal for him to share that hobby with daddy, and the future Mrs. Patch.  Daddy already bought him ear protectors for when they/we go target shooting.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Seems we all have our weaknesses...

    Yaya & Paula,  You have overcome some truly destructive addictions.  Proud o' you!   Kay1963 is right, it takes tremendous will power.

    Hiding the treats.  Yes, of course I do.  I think anyone with teens has to.  If I bought something special that I liked, I'd get one or two pieces on the day I bought it then the rest disappeared overnight.  For a while I tried to claim the treat my writing "MOM" on it with a Sharpie, as in "hands off -- do not devour."  However, my kids' selective dyslexia saw this as "WOW," and immediately went for the snack with a superior rating.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I saw no need to mention the Cheetos.  I'm not an ADDICT...I can quit anytime I want.

          Day 812

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362

    I quit smoking when I became pregnant with my 3rd child.  That was 15 years ago!  The only time that I truly NEEDED a cigeratte was when I was told that my cancer was invasive. 

    Good luck to all those who have risen above their addictions.

    My current addiction - potato chips (sorry, they're not cheetos)


  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    The most addicting thing is the Foxhunting. We don't carry guns as we don't want to kill them, the chase is the thrill. Here is a link if you are interested that has a clip from England. More intense there and a bit more reckless.

    Little Ragan will spend her early years learning how to ride so I can pass on the addiction!


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Perhaps we need to find a Cheetos Anmonous group for you??

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Congrats Jo on your non smoking.  That is a huge deal that takes alot of will power.  And to do it while you have someone still smoking around you shows how strong you are!  You go girl!!!

  • Denise2730
    Denise2730 Member Posts: 320

    My DH and I had quit smoking in Jan of 2000. Seven years later he is diagnosed with lung cancer and died 3 1/2 years later. Shortly after I started smoking again. Had to stop 2 weeks b4 my DMX but now 5 weeks later I want a cigarette badly. Instead of smoking I'm snacking. I was not a heavy smoker, maybe 6 a day and I am wondering if smoking a few cigarettes a day is less harmful than putting on weight!

    My strange addiction lately has been for ruby red grapefruit juice. I add some Truvia and it satisfies me almost as much as a coke used to.