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  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Shelly getting back with you on turning purple, I did not know our skin could do that.  It was freaky.

    Big day tomorrow again with the band.  At Birdville ISD Marching Festival, found out Coleen will be there too chaperoning here group.  Coleen best wishes to your band.

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362

    I may not be going to the marching band festival, but I'll hear it!!  I live only 2 miles from the stadium.  Have fun!


  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Just catching up on things, looks like a lot of newbies, welcome, if you have questions, fire away, I am sure someone can chime in.

    Those finished with treatments or have good results, congrats.

    Sherry I understand where you are at, it is so hard to have the talk, keep you in my prayers my friend and cuz.

    I am not sure about the DES exposure, my mother had six kids me being the youngest, 9 years between my oldest sister and me.  Don't think there was any blips in between each of us.  Both parents are gone now and no one else to ask.  Will share with my friends, thanks

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    prayrv, I will shout extra loud so you can hear me.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    it is a clear plastic cable of some sort.

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Oh boy you all have been busy.  Hard to keep up.  Welcome Barnyardkitty!  Nice to see another kitty around to pal with.  Welcome Madpeacock too!  Sorry you have to be here because of BC, but this IS the place to be for great support.  Claire, you always bring the best cakes and treats. 

    The pic looks like nylon line from a clothes line.  Have a great weekend everyone.  Kitty

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    I think the mystery pic is water, too.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eli...I love the new picture.  Tea party!!  Good one.

    Claire...your cake choices are awesome.  I love both cakes.  I have a very wonderful but brat cat named Pistol.  He is solid that cake is definitely my favorite. 

    Welcome to all the newbies.  Sorry you have to be here but you will love it here.

    I am three days post rads.  The burn is no better but I know it takes time.  I have three separate areas that are the worst.  They ooze and weep.  Sleeping is the worst as I always wake up and my t-shirt is glued to the burn.  I feel good, just in pain and waiting for this to finally heal.  I am still peeling a lot, then the skin beneath is raw.  Can't wait for this phase to be over!

    Kay, I was looking for your post to hear about your second treatment.  Sounds like it went much better.  Sorry about the other problems you are having though.  It will get better for you soon.  Hang on!

    Happy Saturday to all.  Hugs all around........

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Mystery pic--good one! First I thought a nylon rope, the water guess is really good too. Hmm,  to go out on a limb--could it be a close up of  someone's gray hair? Can't be mine, I just readjusted my color 2 days ago to my original 1980's color!

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Thank you for the wishes on rads!  I am done 4 now.   Last night's went smoothly, but I had to take off my wrap.  The techs told me I could get the nurses to help me get it back on, but DH was there and he came to learn how to do it, so everything went smoothly again.  When I saw the physical therapist for the wrap (he and the ro are the only males on my team), he asked me who was on my team.  I guess he will e-mail them all what his plan is.  My MO is pregnant, due 12/3.  He asked me when my next appointment with her was, he didn't think I'd be able to see her again because she looked like she was going to have the baby any moment.  When I told him she wasn't due until 12/3, he made me promise not to tell her he said that.  LOL

    He told me to put Eucerin on my arm.  So I will ask RO on Monday if that would be good for breast too or should I stick with Keri on breast.  I have a small sample bottle of that which won't last much longer. 

    Going to be a beautiful day here.  Going over to my MIL's for break the fast for Yom Kippur tonight.  (DH is Jewish; I'm not; but I don't object to celebrating!  I found it interesting when I first learned about it.  Jews fast from sundown on Yom Kippur to sun down the next day.  Then they eat breakfast foods at dinner time.  Bagels, eggs, lox, and some other stuff.  My theory is you just wouldn't be able to cook while your stomach is rumbling from not eating.)

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I immediately thought clothes line but then someone else said it so I didn't bother posting. It looks like wire covered with a clear plastic.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Joining the tea party. I prefer scones with my tea please!

    Pass the jam! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I LOVE clotted cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds sick, but OH SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    i cant keep up with ya all! But put me down for some clotted cream:)))))

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    WTH is clotted cream?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    OMG it is an English treat for high tea. Heavy cream is another word. It is thick and spreadable like butter, but more like a yoghurt texture. Like eating solid whipped cream!!!!! 

  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85

    Hi Ladies,

    I just finished making a batch of chocolate orange spice muffins! I'd like to join the party! Boy do I need a party! I am 44, was diagnosed in July, had a lumpectomy with close margin in Aug, re-excision in Sep. Still close margin. Now I find out I have IDC/DCIS/LCIS and I am thinking about BMX. I am so confused. The docs say it is up to me. I just feel like another re-excision and rads are not going to be enough to prevent a bc recurrence. I do have kids and I want to be around for their kids. How did you all make your  decisions about surgery and treatment?

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    I've been lurking for the last few days - no time or energy to post. Early Tuesday a.m. - like 1:00 a.m - my soon to be 93 yo Dad decided to go for a walk, in the pouring rain. He managed to get about a mile from home before the police picked him up. He had fallen and had some abrasons on his face, but was otherwise fine. He spent the night in the hospital. He definitely has some form of dementia - no short term memory at all, not oriented to current date, asking for people long dead. But he still knows all his children, knows what to do with household objects, usually exhibits common sense and still has some problem solving capabilities -  a very different profine from my mother's Alzheimers. He's never wandered before.

    He lives with my DB #2, who is currently on vacation in South Africa. DB #1 is staying with him and slept through Dad leaving the house, the police ringing the door bell and numerrous phone calls from DB#4 before finally waking up from his ambien induced slumber. Up until now, we've felt ok about leaving Dad alone for short periods of time and overnight on Saturday. That obviously will have to change. He hasn't been left alone since his midnight adventure.There's no apparent change in his day to day mental function. DB#1 installed an alarm on the front door and put a note on the door telling Dad not to go outside by himself. He's always been able to respond appropriately to notes left around the house - I don't know about this one. Once DB#2 gets back from his vacation, we have some decisions to make - not looking forward to that at all. 

    Janis - sorry you're still so weepy and sore. Your skin has got to start healing soon. I can't imagine the amount of pain and discomfort you're in. 

    Kay - Glad your rads are going more smoothly. 4 down ??? more to go? Sorry about the LE. I have very slight swelling in my arm. It's been stable since my original MX. The only time I notice it is when buying new tops and the L sleeve fits, while the R is slightly tight. I don't know if you know the answer to this, but why do they recommend wrapping and not a compression sleeve? Wouldn't a sleeve be easier to put on and take off?

    Welcome to all the newbies. Sorry you had to join our club. We hate getting new members, but we always welcome them with open arms.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Welcome Victoria.  Sorry you have to be here and all I can say is follow your heart as to what you need to do.  Listen to your Dr's recommendations but listen to your heart and you will do what is right for you.  It is all a very personal choice and what is right for you is not neccessarily right for the next person.  Good luck with the decsion and come here and ask question or vent any time you want.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    I had the talk with Dad and he has decided to continue to do chemo and give it a fight even though he is aware of all the continuing SE's and possible being in and out of the hospital. 

    Went to see MO yeserday and blook work is good but I still have to wait for my tumor markers and Vit D.  will get that next week.  Will go for 6 month mammo and US.  Don't have a day yet for that. Had a long talk with MO about my MX decision and everytime I talk about it I just get frustrated.  First my BS never gave me an option of MX and no radiaiton or lump and rads.  She just told me what to do I was in shock and did it.  Found out too late into rads that there other options.  So my MO hates to see me go through sucha major surger of MX and diep recon after I have had treatments.  He thinks getting screened every 6 months for life and try dealing with my pain best I can is better than major surgery.  Told him thanks but no thanks I want my life back.  I feel like a live on a roller coaster that I can't get off of.  He said I would have to be screened every 6 months because my tumor was not palpable or did it show on mammo.  Was found accidently when looking at something else.  REally wants a  yearly MRI but I told him I can't afford that every year because of deductible and out of pocket.  So I told him with everything put together I want to go through with it.  Oh and add all the breast pain that i have from rads nerve damage even though I am aware there is no guarantee that will go away from the MX but BS and PS seem to think I have a good chance of it helping.  So I'll take my chances.  Now if I can just get the weight gained that I need.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Victoria, Welcome!! Did you mention chocolate??

    Baked it just for you, no carbs, no sugar, no dairy no refined sugar and best of all no CALORIES!!!! I wish I had an answer for you TX options. Did you think of a second opinion? You will make the right decision for you, just ask as many questions of your doc as you can, right them down in advance and have a friend of family member go with you and ask the questions so you can listen. Make them take notes, so you can go back and reread the options. You do have time to make a decision, don't think everything has to be done NOW. I agree with Sherry, follow your heart.

    Hauntie, I am so sorry to hear of your your father. Sounds like you have a good support system with your DB's. I'll be thinking of you. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Welcome to the club Victoria - sorry you have to be here but this is a great place to be for support and information.  The decision you are facing is a tough one and also a very personal one.  Like Sherry and the others have said, collect all the information you can and then follow your heart.  You will do what is best for you.

    Did I see chocolate cake?  Yummy!  I just finished lunch so will wait awhile before I dig in to that - LOL 

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Sherry, have some of that clotted cream.  I think it would be like putting fat right on your abdomenn.  For me it would, any way.

    Hi Victoria, welcome to the club no one really wants to join.  I may be wrong, but it sounds like you want to get the mastectomy from your post.  There is no right or wrong answer.  You have to take in all the info and do what feels right to you.  I just had a MX with DIEP Aug. 17.  I didn't have a choice of lumpectomy, but on the good side, there should be practically no chance of reoccurence in that breast any more and I am pleased with the aethetics.  On the down side, there isn't feeling there like you would have with a lumpectomy.  It was major surgery to recover from, but after about 2 weeks, I felt pretty good.  I am sure there are lots of other things to consider too.

    Hauntie, sorry about your dad.  My mother was in that position, but now is in a wheel chair and can't walk from a fall she took.  I think the fall took other things out of her too.  Mentally, she seemed to have a big drop after the fall.  It is hard to watch someone you love experience dementia, that is for sure.  (((((hugs)))))

    The current plan is for rads to go through Nov. 11.  The lady in charge of scheduling told me my RO sometimes adds more in though.  We'll see.  So far it seems doable and reachable.  I hope by the time it doesn't, I'll be just about at the end.  I am doing the wrapping to get the swelling down.  They measured before surgery and right arm was 4% larger than left which is normal for your dominant side.  When they just measured it this week, it was 20% larger.  So the plan is to get the swelling down and then move to a sleeve to keep it stable there.  I think sleeves help you maintain where you are, but don't help to get it reduced.  At least that is my understanding.  The therapist thought I was going to do well since the swelling is really soft.  If LE progresses the swelling can become hard like fat and then it isn't reversible.  The therapist also said he isn't sure I have lymphedema.  He thinks it might just be swelling from the rads and when I'm done I may not have to keep up with treatment.  He says if it is true lymphedema, the regimen should be a sleeve and glove always during the day and wrapping or special compression night garments every night.  I am just happy we're treating it now and not waiting until after rads as the first therapist said since it might not still be as treatable then.  Will deal with the rest as needed.

    That is my educational post for the day.  If I got something wrong, hopefully Binney will see it and correct me.

    Have a great weekend everyone.  Weather is beautiful here.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Victoria welcome to the family.  These decisions are not easy and you need to know all of your options.  You have to figure out which course is best for you, for long term outcome, etc.  Get a second opinion if you are not sure.  I always ask my doctors "If this was YOUR wife, what would you want for her"?  In the end it will come to you.  I wish you the best.  Please keep us posted.

    Sherry....I am really sorry for all the confusion and frustration you are going through.  You have had so much on your plate lately.  I am glad your dad came to terms with his cancer and is going to continue treatment.  That was a huge decision and a brave one., you have also been dealing with a lot.  So glad your dad was not seriously injured when he fell.  Dementa is so cruel.  I know you have some tough times ahead when you can all get together and talk and make some decisions.  These things are never easy and I am sorry you are facing it now along with the good old breast cancer.  Rest and take good care!  Big hugs to you!

    Claire....I think I have gained five pounds already from all of your goodies.  I am going to have to stop coming here.  Self control was never my strong suit when it comes to desserts.  Clotted cream....I have never had it, but from the description I know I would love it.  Scones, and all those cakes.  So tempting and I am trying to lose weight.  Not good!  :)  You have exquisite taste though.

    The past few days I have been having shooting pain in my breast.  Feels like it comes from deep inside the breast, not from the burns.  This is new and different.  Does anyone else experience this?

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    I had shooting pains too. My MO said that all of the tissue inside is damaged. Fortunately, mine weren't too bad and never lasted for more than a few seconds at a time.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, VictoriaB!  You were also planning to do a hormonal drug like Tamoxifen, weren't you?  That will lower risk for recurrence too if you decide on another re-excision.  Mx does take the risk down about as low as it can get, and not as many follow-up appointments.  There is no wrong choice; just gather all the info. and go with what is best for you.  Here we mave many that have gone either way.  It really is a personal choice.

    janis,  Shooting pains are very normal.  You have some inflamed nerves in there right now, so expect a few zingers.  They should be fleeting and not last long when you get one.  These can occur even some months later, as the nerves heal in the surgical area.  I also mentioned that your ribs could hurt, but what I meant was your ribs could be slightly sore when you press on them, but they should not really hurt in an aching, lingering way.  Keep your RO posted if something worries you, but you know they often say "not a S/E of rads" when you read about 10 other women having it on the rads thread.  Don't forget, the rads effect can actually build up a bit more the first 1-2 weeks you are finished with them.

    You all could do worse than stare at the luscious treats featured so often on this thread.  You could go to family day at your son's college and actually shove a couple of those calorie-laden badboys into your mouth.  I know I did.  Yum-yum-yum, but now the wave of guilt.  Desserts have been my downfall lately, as I wrote about my sampling lots of them just two weeks ago at the brunch with Chrissyb. Yes, I have a sweet tooth, and Halloween time is always a challenge, and it's rightaround the corner.  Uh-oh!

  • treeskier
    treeskier Member Posts: 21

    Hi all,

    It's good to catch up on the last few pages. I have been working too hard (but never catching up!).

    Went back to see my BS as some here recommended and found out that yes, that red peeling patch around my incision is rad burns even though I had brachytherapy. Incision is finally all healed after 7 weeks! That has to be radiation too, right?

    Anyone here know a lot about lymphedema? I'm terrified of it but BS says no reason, 6 nodes removed not enough to put me at real risk ... maybe the lack of external rads contributes. Anyway she thinks I can let them draw blood from my "affected arm" once a year with no real danger. I want that because I have no veins worth a damn on the other side (had to use my hand). Opinions on this are welcome.

    7 days on Femara generic, no SE, fingers crossed!

    Best wishes to you all. Love how welcoming and supportive this group is.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Victoria, welcome and good luck hon. I made appts with two breast surgeons who came highly recommended, and I researched them online as much as I could. When I met with the first one, we instantly connected and I cancelled my appt with the other. I decided to trust my doctor and follow her recommendations. It gave me a freedom that felt really good. I felt I did my homework ahead of time, and her decisions for me weren't against any normal protocols. Notice I didn't say what surgery I had, because like everyone has said, you have to make the choice that's right for you.

    Kay, I developed lymphedema 2 1/2 yrs after my surgery. Everything you wrote is correct. Luckily mine was caught early while my skin was still soft also, and I was at least 20% larger too. Weeks of "mummy wrapping" as I called it got me to under 10% and I've been wearing a sleeve/glove combo for the last 3 1/2 yrs, every day. In my case, doing manual massage after I take off my garments after work has kept me from having to wear anything overnight. Each case is different and I hope you have a good therapist - one trained specially in lymphedema treatment. There are such therapists so if yours is a general PT or OT, try to find one who is specially trained. And good luck!

    Eli, don't make me come there and smack you - guilt over enjoying food? Not allowed!!!!  Of course we should all try to do things in moderation and eat healthy foods and make good choices. But we also need to enjoy ourselves too, so if you enjoyed those treats, just think of that part, not the guilt part hon :)

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Quick in & out. Mystery picture: waxed string, magnified like dental floss maybe.

    Zumbagirl came to my town today & we met & I whisked her off to DQ for an afternoon, dessert before dinner gabfest.  Had a blast.  She had a young 20 something take a picture of us on her phone.  When she gets home tomorrow she will post here!

    This is my 2nd meeting of a BCO friend--it's incredible how much besides the disease there is in common!  

    Hope everyone has a fun Columbus Day/Canadian T-Giving weekend!