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  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    we'll be with you joanna - all the way !!

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Happy B-day madpeacock! 

    Well, I had a bad day today, first one since after rads were done.  Lots of zingers from the inscision site to the armpit and down my arm.  I'm sure it was nerves healing, but sure was a bother today at work.  Ended up taking a vicodin and leaving early.  Was weird that it came after so long with no problems.  I had been lifting more at work now so maybe it was my body telling me to lay off the lifting yet.  Oh well, tomorrow is my day off.  YEAH!!!   Kitty

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368

    I had to go back three pages to figure out what this mystery picture was that all of you were guessing about. I never saw it when it was posted! Guess I missed a bit with the holiday over the weekend. Nothing like a good 25-hour fast to mess with your internet habits! ;)

    madpeacock, hope you had a great birthday yesterday. Regarding running, I was back to running barely a week after my UMX. It was a slow and easy jog, and the TE really didn't mind it, surprisingly. By the end of the seven weeks before I had the exchange procedure to put in the implant, I was back to running 40 mpw. Then the second surgery took me down and I had to recover all over again. On September 4, seven and a half weeks post-op, I ran my first race: a half marathon, and believe it or not, I PR'd! Now I'm not fast, but I was thrilled with my time of 2:03:09. I've run a 10k, another HM and a 4-mile race since, and I feel good to go. I'm even back to doing the speed workouts at the track with my running club. Yeah, it really does make me feel like I'm in control of my body. It's who I am.

    Sorry about the running soapbox there, I should save that for the running thread here (which I was so happy to find the other day!). Running is a way to stay positive amidst the crap that life throws at you. Oh, did I also mention I'm trained as a yoga teacher? ;)

    Have a wonderful day, ladies!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Albeit belated...

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I WISH I could run!!! I tried so many times. I would love to feel the burn in a good way and not after a block! I never met the "wall" and broke through...sigh. It was so unusual that I even got tested in the hospital 30 odd years ago. I was on bikes and compression chambers with tubes taped to my mouth and all the docs did were knock on the machines saying, "It's impossible to be showing this!" I never did find out whether it was cardiac or pulmonary....sigh.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Good job, on the pic, madpeacock!  That was probably the icing on the proverbial cake for birthday weekend.  (Even tho' we will keep forgetting about your diet and keep posting cakes, you will see tequila shots lined up in the thread from time to time.)

    orangemet,  Your running is great, as is the return to all things in "old normal," but I do have to ask what PR'd means?  Feel free to post your running exploits here, as we in our armchairs can vicariously enjoy the thrill of victory without the agony of "da feet."  (Amazingly, I was back to my pre-surgery level of lame humor within just days!)

    [My keyboard is now dropping letters, so my posts will need more editing than the usual 50% of them.]

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    The stretches that got posted earlier also help keep the pectoralis muscle that gets damaged by radiation from tightening up and limiting shoulder movement.  I"m almost 5 years past rads and still have to do them almost every day to keep the motion in my shoulder and to keep it from shriveling up so much it hurts all the time. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I do my best on this thread, really I do, but I'm not too good about observing every holiday with a mention or nice graphic.  So, apologies to all Jewish sister on this thread that I was so remiss on your recent holidays.  It's kind of a "toot your own horn" around here.  If you have something you are celebrating, let us know.  Get right in our faces.  You can never be too obvious around here.

    Missing both Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, made me consult a calendar for the first time this month.  I see it's Canadian how's it goin', Barbe, and other sister of the big red maple leaf?  It's also Columbus Day.  Remember when that was a much bigger thing, like back in grade school?  Now the kids all know he wasn't really the first to the New World, but they haven't yet taken away his day.  If there are any Viking-descended sisters who have some attitude to vent today, it's understandable.

    Well, I just found out that Oct. 9th is Leif Ericson day (missed that too,) which, on a calendar, means that Columbus Day might fall on the same day, but never occur earlier than Leif's day.  Well played, my Nordic sisters!

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Victoria - As sherry said follow your heart and listen to your BS.  The factors that helped me choose to do a BMX was the expected size of the tumor, (measured over 3cm on scan, over 5cm on path), the location of the tumor, (mine was on top at the 11:00 position) and if you show signs of possible cancer in the non tumor side.  I am glad I choose BMX because the tumor ended up extending from the 11:00 position to the 1:00 position.  So Lumpectomy was not an option.

    Concerning lymphadema, my Drs said absolute no blood pressue, blood work on that side and use caution when saving your under arm.  I have gone to a PT specialized in lymphadema due to some issues that started right after Rads.  It helped so much, I am a high risk for lymphadem so I take extra messures not mess with my right arm.  A trick one of the techs told me is of course drink lots of water to keep hydrated and at least two days before your blood is drawn, use a stress ball and exersise your arm at least two days prior to your test.

    Sherry - keep praying for you and your dad, hope to see you soon cuz.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Okay, the stuffed cats in the pic are still creeping me out....change??? Change is good!!!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368

    Oh sorry... PR stands for "personal record", as in doing the best you've ever done in s race at a particular distance. So the first time you do a 5k (3.11 miles) for example, that would be a PR by default. And so yes, you can use the term as a verb, as in "I PR'd at my first time back at racing post-surgery", which I did!

    There are a whole slew of running abbreviations, much nicer than all these BC ones... :(

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504
    Saying a prayer for your appointments today Joanna (madpeacock)!!
  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368

    Elimar, there's actually a learn-to-run program called the "Couch to 5k", and seriously it takes you from sitting on the couch to running 30 minutes nonstop in only 9 weeks, 3x/week. I know so many people who have done it, were completely sedentary and wanted to get some movement into their lives, and were thoroughly successful with it. And it's a forgiving program too; if you need to repeat a week because it got too hard or whatever, that's fine, 'cause no one keeps score. For example, the first day starts with 90 second walking, then 60 seconds running (doesn't matter the speed), then back to walking again, and the pattern repeats. As the weeks go by, the walking is reduced and the running is increase, but it's so gradual that your body can naturally adapt. Personally, I think the hardest part is letting yourself run slowly enough that it's comfortable; most people automatically think they have to go FAST. Oh, and sticking to the program, I guess that's challenging as well... so that's where I come in, the cheerleader!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Esther, that intrigues me. I didn't push running before as I have very BIG breasts and hated the gravity issues. Now I'm sleek with better aerodynamics. Maybe I could do this? Is it online?

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368

    I'm posting from my phone right now, so once I get back to my computer I'll put the link up. YAY! Another one hooked! :)

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Joanna, good luck with your appointments today. I thought this might help you get ready

    I appreciate the food intolerance--I am that way with dairy(also Hashimotos) but this is the only place we can enjoy sinful treats that would otherwise cause us all kinds of issues. No disrespect intended. It just be terribly boring if we cyber celebrated with just veggies!!! Lets just pretend these cupcakes are gluten/dairy/sugar free!!! (Besides I think they are just cute holders to keep the shots from falling over in the sand!!!)

    I am jealous of you runners--not something I have ever been able to do--no matter how hard i tried. Maybe its something I might attempt again. Need to get back on the exercise program -- just need to kick start myself. Anyway--- Congrats Esther on your PR!!

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    lI am also one who was never able to run.  I have been doing it on the  Wii fit though.  Running in place.  It tells me I've gone a mile in about 6 minutes.  Right!  That is so off, it's not even in the same galaxy.  But the weird thing is I can do it for a pretty good amount of time.  I can go for 30  minutes.  (before surgery, I have to get back to it now)  But try on a track or out on the street and I can't get down the block without stopping.  WTH?  It must be psychological?  I am interested in the link too.  Will give it a try.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Oreangemat--does the couch to 5k program take into account arthritic knees?  I enjoy walking, but running has always scared me since just going down a flight of stair or walking down a steep hill can be very painful.  And now that I don't have big bouncy floppy breasts running may be a good way for me to add exercise. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Native, I couldn't walk far enough down the street to lose sight of my house at the beginning of this summer. Then I picked up some CROCS on sale and I couldn't believe the difference!!! I can walk for about 15 minutes before I begin to "drop and drag" my leg!!! We can almost set a timer by it and know that's when we have to turn back. By the time I get home I'm pretty bad, but at least I made it that far!! What a difference the sole of that shoe made for my pain level!

    I would be prepared to invest in some good walking shoes to be able to walk even further. I'd consider the rocker kind that seem to tip you forward for the next step. I have to be gentle with my knees too!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    barbe--I have walked with crocs and love it!  I also just bought a new pair of walking shoes, with the rocker bottom, for walking in cooler/wet weather and for work.  They do make a big difference!  I can walk about a mile now, took a few weeks to get there and I don't walk every day like I should.  Speaking of which, time to go take a walk right now!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368

    OK, here is the link: Couch to 5k

    There are podcasts you can get for this program from iTunes, some free and some not. Either way, they're totally worthwhile. The free podcast is by Robert Ullrey, where he tells you when to walk and when to run. Only hitch is, is that it's his music. I believe there's an app for the iphone that will overlay the voice instructions onto whatever music you have that you want to listen to. Regardless, it's much better than having to look at your watch all the time to know when it's time to switch from walking to running and vice versa.

    But yeah, having music to listen to is key. So is having company to do your walk/runs with. But best of all, being outside in nature is what I won't skimp on. Being out in the world is never boring (in my opinion).

    As for shoes, I know a lot of people swear by those Sketcher ShapeUps, but I'm not one of them. Get yourself fitted for a pair of good running shoes, preferably at a local running store where they know what they're talking about, and don't need any fancy dog-inspired gizmos to get you into the proper shoes for your feet. A basic pair will cost you $100, less if it's last year's model, but seriously, you get what you pay for (if that) if you try to save the $$ by getting a discount brand. Asics, Brooks, Nike, Saucony, New Balance, those are the brands that will save your feet, as well as your spine.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Thanks for the link!

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250

    didn't get the picture on here today, because dear daughter who could show me how to do it from my phone, hasn't come home, and is staying in town with friends, but she says she will come home tomorrow and show me how. Had a wonderful visit. I wish all of us on here could meet :O)

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704
    OK-they will all be wowed by big smiles Laughing 
  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    I'm back - I had a wonderful time!

    I missed everyone!

    I'm off to bed. Didn't sleep well - up at 6 am every morning ( little ones off to school/up early on weekend as well) - & missed my own bed.

    back tomorrow night,


    See I need to get from p. 520 to 527 to get caught up. You guys have been busy!!

  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85

    Hi Orangemat and Everyone,

    I was a big runner in my 20s and 30s. Now, two months after the two surgeries, I tried running around the track with my daughter. I did it VERY SLOWLY, almost like a walk. It was fine, and fun! But about an hour later I felt a searing pain right at the excision site, like a serrated knife was jabbing into me. Is this normal? I was told I could exercise but I have held off with the AxWeb. I wonder if it is muscles that have atrophied? Could that be, all the way into my breast area?

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    Doing the partial happy dance!!!

    My retest of the HER2 that my MO did not think was right came back NEGATIVE!! Oh yeah! Apparently I fell into that 3% false positive category. Thank you thank you thank you to my proactive MO who did not want to put me through a YEAR of chemo that I did not need! Now she is running Oncotype to see if I need any chemo at all. She wants me to go ahead with radiation while I can do internal before my "window" closes - surgery was 9/8. 

    However, BRCA results were not back yesterday as they were supposed to be, and genetics called the lab only to find out that apparently they celebrate Columbus Day in Utah as the lab was closed. Boo. Right now I am tentatively scheduled to have a catheter put in on Thursday to do the internal radiation (one week and DONE!) unless BRCA comes back before then with positive results.

    So, things are looking up around here!  

    joanna Cool 

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Valjean - Welcome back!  Glad you had a wonderful time.  Missed you.