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  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Haha! I recognize the name because he gave 25 million 3 years ago to build this beautiful cancer center named after him so I've been seeing his name frequently since march. He's not worried about leaving his money to his son because his son is even richer than he is. I think his son owns revlon corp and other businesses as well. That kind of money is hard for me to understand.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Always happy when the rich donate their money, but they always want something to show for it, don't they?  Where's the altruism, when the currency is traded for reputation enhancement?  David Geffen put his name on the Medical School at UCLA, so hurry up you other rich folks and get yourself a medical center before the limited quantities are all gone!   Can't hold your head up now days, if you don't have a med school with your name on it!

    I seriously feel that when you are that rich and already have your legacy established, anonymous gifts are the classier way to go.  

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    I agree 100 percent

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121

    Larry David who stars in Curb Your Enthusiasm did an hysterical episode on anonymous giving...

    In my religion there's a sort of hierarchy of good deeds put forth by the 12th century scholar RaMBam...anonymous giving is the highest form of charity (except for providing the education, knowledge or circumstances to help the person who is in need not need charity anymore.) 

    Personally I don't care if they put their name on it or not, as long as they are helping! 

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532

    just an FYI ... the revlon foundation gave enough money for dr. slamon to continue his work on developing herceptin.  i now try to buy only revlon products!

    and i agree with sab ... i don't care if a philanthropist's name is on a building.  anonymous or not, the money works the same way.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Kay, where do you treat?

  • beccad
    beccad Member Posts: 189

    I didn't have a bell at my rads site, but my technologists did give "diplomas" for finishing. The HR director and I from my workplace (she had rads at the same time) got them a funny thank you card and had another co-worker bake cake balls for them. We got lots of hugs and were remembered when we had 3 month check-ups with the RO.


  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Marlegal, I go to penn. I went to school there, graduated in 1984. Back then the civic center was where the Perelman center is now. I am so impressed, the building is absolutely beautiful. Also, back then, students stayed between 33 and 38th streets and between chestnut and spruce streets, but the hospital and the university have expanded a lot. I don't feel like you have to be careful where you go any more. I do think the reason they don't get more middle class patients is that people still think it's in a bad neighborhood. My DH, twin sister and father all worked at penn. My son graduated from penn a year and a half ago. I am a huge penn proponent, but I know we are lucky that we have so many great hospitals here in Philly.

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    I strongly agree with you elimar ! as  in this world the rich people does creative works with a purpose which may be  saving   from Tax  or to hide  black money...whatever ..we can not compare with them at all as there is far difference in earning level too.... While we earn  a meagre amount  in 8 hours they earn  millions in 1 minute.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    It is sad that throughout the world there is still those who cannot afford to get the care they neeed and that even talking about bc is taboo. I would love to find a mountain top high enough that we could shout out and educate everyone on the seriousness of bc and that a cure does need to be found. In order to do that we need to TALK with one another. 

    I am very thankful that the Canadian health care system is what it is. I have very little out of pocket expenses for my treatments.

    I wish that I had millions of dollars to share. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were all on a level playing field.

    Bless us all.

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    If it so happen in reality, it would be a great satisfaction to be the  one. Yeah!  one should require to be open minded on BC.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    It's been a week again since I have been on. Welcome to the newbies. I have to say when I have been having a bad day I can get on board and feel better.

    I give praise for those with good results and at the end of treatments.

    Finally done with marching season we ended up getting 7th in state (TX) for 4A bands very proud of them. I have decided that my body cannot handle all the volunteering I have given I am still having problems with my knee. PT is not working have to use my walking cane more. See ortho dr on the 30th again may need to move it up. Last PT is tomorrow.

    Hope everyone has a great week. I am just throwing out the idea the pic is an iris not tulip.

  • darlam
    darlam Member Posts: 24

    I thought the picture is a sunflower?

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362

    Well all the guesses were pretty much on the money - the mystery picture was a fake sunflower, so I guess should go to darlam.  Here is the big picture...

     Have a great Sunday!!!


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Ah, this week the last comes in first...good job darlam!  You can post a mystery pic next Saturday then.  I'll send you a PM that is a tutorial that someone else made for posting pics.
  • BarbaraJo50
    BarbaraJo50 Member Posts: 44


    I just read your post about your last radiation. I am wiping the tears. I am so glad that you rang the bell!

    On 11-11-11 at 11:11 I was so blessed to kiss my dear husband.

    Later that day I saw an elderly man at the grocery store wearing a WWII hat. I stopped him and shook his hand and thanked him for his service. It seamed to bring a tear to his eye, and mine. 

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    Oh yeah, I find myself running off at the mouth when someone asks, "how I am doing..." Do they understand? No. They say I look great. Well, I didn't have chemo or a mastectomy (lump & rads & now tamoxifen), and I was very fortunate in that respect, so yes, I pretty much look like I did. Do they sympathize? Well, I'm sure they do. I was at a tennis team party for my daughter last night (Under 14 Girls) and got into a discussion with other moms about autoimmunine disease - I have Hashimoto's, and one other lady had Rheumatoid arthritis - and how diet, artificial sweeteners, gluten, etc. all play a part. I brought two dishes to the party so I knew I would have something I could eat when I could have settled for a bag of chips. I know I was definitely on my soapbox, but truthfully it all comes together. Just finished the Anti-Cancer book and I was already on 99% of the guidelines as it fits completely with autoimmune problems, so anti-cancer is a bonus.  Do people glaze over when I start talking about alternative methods and lifestyle changes? Sure! Do I shut up? I try. I only carry on when I see someone who has been where I was in terms of poor health and how they could make changes. 

    So, anyway. We bought a new mattress today so I am eager to go to bed and try it out! Smile 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Time to start think about keeping Barbe company tomorrow. Jump on in tomorrow, bring your favorite snack or drink. 

    I was thinking of bringing a karaoke machine, but I didn't want to annoy Barbe's docs. . . . 

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195
    Claire, maybe we could just sing softly and sweetly...lullabye style. Innocent
  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    about singing the sound of silence and its 40 days to christmas so we could practise silent night, will bring the english toffee

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Endless toffee would be great...I'm a about to leave. Claire, we didn't hear your quitting story, though!

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216
    Did you say 40 days until Christmas? Surprised
  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Bringing some cappuccino and quiet conversation. Will use my indoor voice as my kindergarten teacher used to say. And sending positive thoughts.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Hope I'm not too late to jump in. Thoughts are with you today Barbe!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Good Luck to Barbe and the many others going to appointments this week. 


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Barbe - Will be with you today.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Holding your hand,Barbe.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    (((hugs Barbe)))

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    I am in your pocket Barbe.  Getting crowded, but all good people in here!  Much luck and big hugs to you!

  • swinn
    swinn Member Posts: 5

    Yippee! Had 2nd mammo today and they had me wait till a radiologist read it then came out and said all they saw was old scar tissue. So happy. Wishing everyone having tests today good results. I learned something from this. Always have a diagnostic mammo and not a screening mammo after 5 years clear of BC. My surgeon ordered a screening but my family doctor said he will order my mammo's from now on and it will be diagnostic. Had to wait 2 weeks for the 2nd mammo. So girls, always insist on a diagnostic mammo after BC for the rest of your life! Thanks to everyone that sent me good thoughts. This is a wonderful encouraging board. Smile