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  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Party on ladies!  I'm wearing my fur jammies so I keep warm so anyone that needs to snuggle squeeze in!  I'll bring the milk.


  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783
    Hi ! wavewhisper!  this is for you.
  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Saw my MO on Tuesday to talk over my 3 months on Anastrozole and the SE's so far.  Most trouble has been the joint pain in my hip.  He suggested taking fish oil and seeing my chiro again.  So today I went into the chiro and also had acupuncture. Now I'm not one for needles, Lord knows I had enough of them, but he talked me into it and boy was I surprised (in a good way)!  Didn't hurt at all and the relief I have now is amazing.  I don't know how long it will last today, but I'm already going back tomorrow for another treatment.  Even if it's just half the day, to be without any pain even for a short while is so wonderful!  And no drugs is the best part. Guess I'm sold on it.  Any thoughts on the fish oil?  Kitty

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Hi everyone - I am 48 yrs old and was diagnosed in earlier this yr with stage IV metastatic bc . The first blow was that the 2 lumps and 1 node discovered where in fact cancerous. I was still ok at that point, believe it or not. Then I had a CT scan following my surgery in June which detected liver mets. That wasn't supposed to happen! Of course I jumped on google to find out more about everything and was sure that I was facing "the end"

    Thank goodness with the support of my family, friends, my medical team and support groups such as this (and an encouraging scan recently) - I have a much better outlook and know that I may have many years left which I can enjoy life.

    Thinking of all of you who are awaiting test results - ugh - waiting sucks. I pray that you all get encouraging news.

    ((Hugs)) to all - P.S. I really like Cheetos! and Chocolate! and Beefcake!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    barb , you will fit in well here then and now claire's the offcial ppp, lots of parties and beefcake!Tongue out hello wave whisperer, sorry you both had to join this club
  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Can someone pls clarify for me what "PPP" is? - thanks.

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783
    Hi!barsco63!  to the board.
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Barb welcome glad you found us.  Sounds like things are positive in your direction.

  • Welcome barsco! Though I'm sorry you have to join us.

    PPP is Pocket Party Planner! Whenever someone is having a procedure done or going to a doctor appointment that we're dreading, everyone jumps in our pockets and "goes with us". It's our way of showing support. Claire always comes up with great ideas for our pocket parties so she was just named our official Pocket Party Planner! 

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Thanks Christmas-Barb. I thought is was something to do with parties but just couldn't come up with the third "p". I love the idea! Count me in.

    Thanks to all for the welcome. I am looking forward to lots of laughs, love, sharing and caring!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    can i book a ppp for tuesday, 1st mammogram since diagnosis! not looking forward to it

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    Yeah! barsco1963. you will have a nice time . and you never know how your mind keeps  away BC by spending some time  in the board. You know before I joined the board, I was very lonely and unable to carry a life with BC... I often  feel devastated  and helpless.. and was confused to accept the advises of my own doctor... feeling of hopeless to regain to normal life always tortured me.  But now I am happy to be here and also confirm that , if breast cancer takes away my body but  my  soul will ever remain with the board. One way I feel bad as you have to join us,  but other way you are also one of the lucky person like me  to be in such a big organisation where you can get all the answers , lot of fun many many mind blowing , new things will come out from supportive people  which will definitely enlighten your life. Just have an axperience.


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    barsco - PPP is pocket party planner

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Tomorrow is my last day of rads!!!  Yahoo!!!  But they have this silly big silver bell that peeople ring when they've finished txs.  Frankly, I think it's silly and don't want to ring it.  Has anyone rang or refused to ring the bell?

    Janis, hope everything went smoothly for you today.  Keeping everything (finger, toes and more) crossed for b9 results!

    Welcome Barsco, I'm a 1963 baby too.  Looking forward to "talking" with you.

  • BarbaraJo50
    BarbaraJo50 Member Posts: 44


    Congratulations! Ring that bell girl! You should be proud...and ringing that bell might just make some one else's day. Hearing it could give them the bit of strength they need to remember it will be over soon.

    I remember ringing the bell. My DH was there for the last treatment. I received a big hug from him and many of the therapists came and congratulated me. A few of them had tears in their eyes along with me. We laughed too; I told them I was going to come back and show them my new boobs! (which I haven't gotten yet!)

    It is a release. Ring that bell and leave that noisy machine behind!

    My best to you.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Kay my place did not have a bell but when they came to get you from the waiting room they threw confeitie all over you and made lots of noice.  Afterwards gave me a graduation certificate and took pictures.  Later they mailed it to me laminated and they had put a graduation cap on me and everyone had signed it.

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Day 2 after SNB and port placement.. oh my I am soo sore.. ice, drugs, and rest. DH is really stepping up and totally babying me.. Love it!! My oldest boy is deploying on the day I start chemo..he said he will call me every couple days..Love him so much..

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Welcome, Barb! Sounds like you got hit with both barrels in your initial dx.

    PPP is "pocket party planner"...we have pocket parties around here! (Still trying to figure out what that looks like, but picture all of us crammed into someone's pocket when they have to go for a scan or something...and we're drinking...and eating cheetos...)

    Eli, if I can see it without my glasses, it's gotta be bad. It reminds me of my early puberty days, but again, it's only the top half of my armpit. Yell

    I have a formal event on Saturday night, and realized all of my evening wear was sleeveless! Had to go by a dress last weekend. Any excuse to buy a new dress, eh?

    Oh yeah, and I'll be "topless". Wish me luck!  Kiss

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    barsco1963, hello!  Sounds like you will fit right in here.  I know you will be facing more than your share of "maintenance visits" and scans.  Like they told you, you will now have company on those visits if you like.  Just let us know when, then remind us a few times; then provide a big pocket to jump in to.  It's as simple as that.

    Are you currently on a course of chemo?  If so, what combo are you doing?

    BarbaraJo50,  welcome to this thread.

    Here, it's a wide variety of treatment backgrounds, which I like 'cause we can usually cover most of the questions that come up.  The knowledge base is getting bigger and bigger.  Tons of support, too.  These ladies are all over the U.S., and a few other countries, like Texas, (and it's good to see you again too raj!)   Wink

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885


    Somewhere in the first 30 pages of this thread is the actual post of my last day of rads.  I definitely remember ringing the bell, but it also involved a gymnastic dismount off the rads table (scoring unanimous "10"s from the techs/judges,) lots of skipping, the Looney Tunes theme being played on a piano in the lobby, and giving my scan-in card a good riddance toss.  Guess you could say I don't believe in anything being too over the top when celebrating the end to rads.


    kay1963:  "If you're happy and you know it," ring the bell.  Laughing
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    barsco1963 welcome.  The gals around here are great.  So sorry you have to join us this way but this is a great thread to be at!


  • samsue
    samsue Member Posts: 599

    I like the idea of having a graduation from rads... and the bell is great.

    My rad's location didn't have either. And, the tech was a co-worker of my DSIL at one point. I WAS a bid embarrassed at first but realized he was taking very good care of my "session".

    I just bought a large bar of Ghirardelli dark chocolate and some Harry & David raspberry truffles for the PParty.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Kay - Go ahead and ring that bell.  It is a great feeling to be done.  There was not a bell at my rads center.  No fanfare - nada!  I was given a piece of paper and shoved out the door.  

    BarbaraJo 50 - Welcome to the thread.  These ladies can get wild and crazy at times.  But can also be serious when they have to.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Janis just called me and asked me to post here for her.  She had a long day but is doing fine.  The surgeon said it did not look like cancer but won't know for sure until the path report comes back in about a week.  She is home and resting.  Her wonderful DH is helping out and let her make a 5 minute call to me.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    I "rang my own bell" by bringing in 2 dozen donuts for the clinic crew with a "Thank you for burning the cancer out of me" card....  You do what you feel like doing!

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Jo, thanks for the update on Janis.  That sounds good.  Will keep thinking b9 thoughts!  

    I was thinking about bringing in donuts or bagels. but my appointment isn't until 11:15.  I wonder if bagels would still be okay for that time?  DH will be there and wants me to ring the bell.  I'm warming up to the idea.  It's a large cancer center and there are a lot of people in the reception area where the bell is, maybe it  would encourage someone.  I will definitely be very happy, just a little self conscious to ring that bell and draw all those people's attention to me. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Jo thanks for letting us know about janis.

    Kay I took an apple pie and ice cream to my clinic.  The girls there were super nice.  In fact my Dad did three weeks of rads and somehow they found out he had passed and sent my mother a sympathy card.  Though that was aweful nice of them.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    raj ~ It is so great to see you!!! I will keep good thoughts for you for your 1-yr Mamm.

    There was no bell to ring at my Rads office. You could either choose a coffee mug or travel mug with the name of the clinic on it as your parting gift. I took the mug & promptly put it in my Good Will bag at home to pass on to someone else. I did not want to drink cocoa from a mug that would remind me of that time, even though the thought is never far from my mind anyway.... All the gals gave me hugs with tears in their eyes & that was the nicest part.

    Thank you, Jo, for the update on Janis. Please give her my best. Keeping good thoughts for her while waiting for path report.  

    Nice to meet you barsco1963 and BarbaraJo50.

  • walley
    walley Member Posts: 195


    Thanks for the update on Janis .I didn't get a bell,nothing a my rad location.Same as any other day,except one girl smiled and said this is your last one.That's it.......I didn't care I was so glad to get out of there:)

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Welcome Barb(s)--I brought a friend to make you feel at home- and well, just to make us all feel a little perkier this morning. I feel the sand in my toes. . . .