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  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sorry I didn't post. I went back to bed at 10:30 am on Monday and slept most of yesterday too! It's an avoidance technique I use. Anyway, the ultrasound was very early on Monday, at 8 am. I don't think the radiologist was even in! The tech took a lot of pictures, but didn't say to hang on, she wanted the radiologist to check them before she let me go. So no biopsy, either! What a waste of time!!! I could tell you they've grown! I can feel them and at times they're even visible depending on how I turn my neck.

    So, pooh! Nothing moved forward at all. Now I wait for my doc to get the report and send me to an ENT....sigh.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    OOhh, meant to say thanks Elimar, that quilt is a modern Baltimore album. I could do that with my eyes closed....just sayin'...!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    barbe hope you get an appt soon

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Hey Claire, how about marky-mark???

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Barbe, I could sleep under that quilt with my eyes closed, that's about it.  Wink

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Annoyance of the day.  When I first got my Dx, I went crazy reading every article or study I could find on the internet, all 9 billion of them.  I bookmarked the most relevant ones for myself.  Well, about a year ago, I fried my hard drive and lost them.

    So, now, if I post information straight from my chock-full brain, you just know someone will want me to site the source.  Unless I want to look like a crackpot, I have to spend more time Googling for back-up.  Woe is me.  Such is my plight helping Newbies.

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Hi to All,

    I've been so out of the loop lately that I'm finding it hard to keep up.  Barbe hope you can get things cleared up soon.  Lory glad you made it through, keep up the fluids for sure!  Noodle you are really in a good mind about this.  Wish I could get there.

    I've been very depressed and fatigued lately.  Don't feel like doing anything but sleeping and mooping around.  The new job is going well and I like it, just so darn tired all the time and I think that's what's got me so down.  I'm not good with all the holiday hoopla either and just want to crawl under a rock some days.  I've also got a bad cold now and that has not helped.  Sorry to be so down in the dumps, but I guess it comes with the territory.  Kitty

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    "Mooping" sounds more fun than moping, at least!  You'd probably prefer a kitty, but...

                                                                          CHEER UP!


    Just when you thought you'd seen all of my "dyed-poodle pic collection" last month, I surprise you with yet another.  Where do they all come from??????????

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545


  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Kitty - hope you feel better soon - ((hugs))

  • Saying a prayer that you feel better soon Kitty...
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572


  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    thinking of you, kitty.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I went to an MO appt. this morning, just the check up.  I felt cocky and confident and wore some tight leggings without any pockets at all!  (Oh, my coat had a few pockets, but there were gloves jammed into one of them and the other had wrappers from starlight mints and gas receipts.)  Anyway, once again, I come away healthy on paper, according to the basic blood tests they give me.

    This was only like a 20 min. appt., bloodwork and a quick groping.  Don't worry, you all can come long to my next mammo, which is a long, boring (yet suspenseful,) three hours.  Don't have one of those for quite a while tho'.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I think those of us who are a little ways out from original Dx are all having appts. this month to avoid having them in December.  Something to look forward to Newbies...tweaking your own schedules to your own liking.

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195


    Just be kind to yourself. I get that way when I get too tired too. Do what you can to get plenty of rest, and remember that it does get better. :::gentle hugs:::

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    eli - My next MO appt is on Dec 19th - Christmas week.  Merry Christmas to me early - LOL!  It is the same as yours, routine blood tests and the quick groping.  

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    eli , why does your s take 3 hours?   had mine yesterday now have to schedule a breast mri ,and see the mo on fri. busy week. kitty feel better

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Sorry you're so down in the dumps Kitty. Hope you feel better soon. The winter weather and stress of getting ready for the holidays gets me tired and out of sorts. Sending you hugs.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    juliet,  The mammo has been taking three hours because...

    Check-in...wait...go get the gown on...wait...called for mammo...go back and wait..I get ultrasound next...go back and wait...get consultation with radiologist to find out how all the images looked.  But then I am done, no going home to wait for results, I've already gotten them. I don't have to go until next summer.

    If I ask about using their new MRI machine on my next visit, who knows where that will fit in or how much time it will add.  I'm pretty sure I will want to reach down into a pocket and get a snack.  Watch out, big grabby hand coming in!   (Oh look, her mood ring is black.)

    jo, That's not so bad, just seeing the MO in Dec.  Those appts. go quick.  I was in and out so fast today, there wasn't even time for anyone to cough on me.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    kitty,  I get down in the dumps too.  Wait, I mean down in the dumpster.  So, it's not exactly the same.  You would not believe the one-of-a-kind stuff I find in there.  Like couture, but stinkier.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    elimar, that looks like a Canadian dumpster until I say the yard notation. have Waste Management on your planet?

  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123

    Lory: My NP told me it was the combination of 1 claritin with 1 aleve daily. It worked well for me last time, but not so much this past time. The first time that was enough, this time I had to keep taking the Aleve.

    CHEMOPAUSE HELP! OK ladies...tonight I feel like I am dying. Stomach cramping, can't sleep longer than an hour at a time because I wake up sweating and am sitting with a cold rag on my bald head to try to cool off! Seriously??!! Any one have suggestions for what helped them through menopause they could share? 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    lwarstler,  Maybe you would like the "chillow."  It's a chilled pillow, get it?  I saw it or something like it at Walgreens.  You are on the right track to keep your head cool.  I have to keep my neck and wrists cool also, but I have some chemical help (Effexor, taken for something else) that backs the flashes off a notch.

    barbe,  you sure know your dumpsters!  Not quite as familiar with the planets tho', are you?  All I'll say about mine is, "you can't get there from here."

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Lee Ann, I sleep on a towel when I get too hot. A towel is supposed to wick away moisture and it does! I put it right over my pillow and down the mattress where my body lies. Most pillows and mattresses have at least a foam cover if not all polyester. Polyester makes you SWEAT! I've rotted pillows in my journey!!!! I also have a floor fan beside my bed and I'm not afraid to use it! My poor DH is bundled up but I don't even use the covers he uses. I use a cotton throw, or if I actually get too cool, one of those really, really soft throws that traps heat against your body. Then I switch out to the cotton in the middle of the night and turn the fan on (remote!!). Sleep naked or in cotton. I find cotton too hot too and this is the first time (even when I lived alone) that I have ever slept nude!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Kay--I only wish my hospital was someplace other than in my mind!! But go ahead and take Dr. BonJovie with your tomorrow.--I hope he doesn't make your heart pitter patter too much in front of the cardiologist.

    Janis--I would offer you some a nice glass of pinot with a hunk of dark chocolate--but I don't want to taunt you tonight. I'll save it for you tomorrow night!! 

    Kitty, hope you feel better. Curl up on the couch with a good book, a blanket and a hot toddy. Take it easy, you deserve it. (((((hugs)))))))


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Kitty, I am so sorry you are feeling so gloomy.  Being exhausted sure doesn't help.  I hope this passes, sooner than later.  Big, big hugs to you!

    Eli, I had a routine appointment with my MO today.  Also blood work.  We agreed to try the generic Arimidex again (the name escapes me now)........but to start Monday and take it every other day for two weeks.  Hoping I can tolerate it.

    I am sorry I have not been able to keep up, especially with all the newbies.  I wish everyone the very best...plenty of good thoughts and healing hugs to all.

    I am currently drinking the Gatorade "cocktail" in prep for my colonoscopy tomorrow.  I had to fast all day.  Can't wait for tomorrow to be over.  Tonight too...ugh.  Pocket party...again!!!

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Lee Ann,

    I'm sorry to hear that your chemopause is getting the better of you. My MO gave me an Rx for Neurontin when it was really bothering me (for the hot flashes), but I never started it...decided the SE's weren't worth it (yet). And it takes a few weeks to build up in your system too, from what I understand. 

    I would reiterate what other's said about the towel...when I had little hair, I slept on a hand towel...make it a soft one, too. 

    I have a quiet little desk fan that I keep on my night stand. It keeps air moving on me without chilling out DH too much. 

    You might want to talk to your MO about an Rx for a sleep aid. Mine wasn't wild about it, so told me to take Benedryl. works sometimes. Sometimes I use OTC sleep aids. While I was chemo, I had a low dose Vicodin for my neuropathy that helped too. 

    You'll get through it, and it should ease back a bit after you are done with the infusions. (Not sure how old you are...)

    Hang in there!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    But NO BENEDRYL for Tamox. users.  It will reduce effectiveness of the Tamox.