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  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674


    Of course you don't have to ring the bell. But it WILL make you feel better to celebrate the end of another phase of your tx. I remember every time I heard the bell when I was at the hospital it would bring a tear to my eye knowing one MORE person was on the road to healing. Congrats on finishing, you can always ring the bell here!!


  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Janis--thinking hard that your path is B9!!! Hope you are resting and taking it easy.

    Juliet-any special requests for Tuesday? I will be taking the honorary title of PPP very seriously now that I soon will be unemployed, giving my notice today. PHEWWW. Now if I can just thing of a way to make money out of this voluntary position. . . Wink

    Samsue-better keep the dark chocolate away from me until Tuesday. Unless we just want to have a TGIF party today. Why not? I think I need a reason (besides leaving a miserable job) to celebrate!
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    If we're making reservations for the PPP, I'd like to reserve for Monday morning at 8 am. I'm getting my follow-up US appointment for the nodes in my neck. The last biopsy came back as a suboptimal sample and it was recommended I return in 2 months. It's been 2 months already!! I guess we'll see if the tumours are larger to sample or what. I can easily feel them when I look down (or when I press into my neck). They were 'scattered' the last time, as per the radiologist. I wonder if they've all joined up by now..?

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Monday, Barbe, Tuesday-juliet, check!! Anyone else this coming week?

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Wow - you girls sure know how to keep a thread going! Love it! Thank goodness I have some extra time right now to try to keep up on everything.

    Lory48 - I do hope that you feel better soon.

    Sneh - Although no one is crazy about having to be here, I am definately looking forward to a lenghty stay. I already feel very welcomed - this is officially my favourite thread!

    Kay - Congrats on your last tx - let us know if you rang the bell and how it felt if you did.

    Barbe - good luck with your follow up on Monday. Remember we will all be there with you.

    Juliet - Best wishes to you for your mammo - the anxiety must be a bit high for you. Two pocket parties in a row! I will be getting the hang of these quickly.

    Elimar - I did not have chemo or rads to this point. Tx is Tamoxifen & Zoladex injection, which is working very well - all lesions have decreased in size. (woohoo)

    Claire - keep the beefcake coming - can never get too full of that!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Good morning everyone!

    Jo, thanks so much for posting the update for me.  I really appreciate it.  I had a really rough night, had to sleep on the recliner to reduce swelling.  I could not sleep at all.  Watched TV till 3:00, turned it off and dozed finally only to be wide awake at 5:15.  I am sore but not in terrible pain at all.  Just some discomfort.  I get to remove the bandage today.

    barbe58...count me in for your pocket party!  I'll be the first one to jump in.  I have some experience with those pesky nodes.  Fingers and paws crossed here....and we have lots of paws!

    Juliet, you can count me in on Tuesday as well.  Wouldn't miss it sweet lady, and I just know you will have a great outcome.  It is a bit unsettling, this milestone.  I know it will be clear! 

    Hugs and more hugs to all you great sistas for holding my hand again.  You mean more to me than you can know!  XOXOXOXOXOXOX

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Hmmmm.... Should I add 1963 to my name too? I hope you guys are older than me though lol. I have a friend whose birthday is 3 days before mine so I say happy birthday each year and make sure to remind he she is older than me each day all 3 days.

    Welcome newbies. This is a great place to get knowledgeable answers, just vent, or just have a guilt free/calorie free party.

    Thanks for the update on Janis, Jo. Praying for B9 for you Janis.

    Will be with everyone in your pockets next week. Wish I could get out of work for it :)

    Kay, I'm doing great. Once I finish rads (have to start first). We all have to get together again.

    Claire, how can you leave all those books lol. My son would kill for your job.

    I'm sure I'm missing something but have to get back to work, ugh.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    JANIS-((((((((((((gentle hugs))))))))))))))))).   will be there monday barbe, does our offical ppp want to assign snacks we need to bring,ps claire your too talented to be unemployed long but i'm glad your stress leval will be down!  lory whats your sons name  so can add him to my prayer list

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    1963 - a good year! Reesie - I am an October baby. I also have a friend who is 2 days older than me - sure is fun to rub it in!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Janis Im so happy to see you are doing better.  Take care and I hope you recover with speed and little pain.  Plus for B9 results.  Hang tight I know the wait is the hardest part.

    Barb count me in the pockets!!!  Juliet I will be in yours as well!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I saw a cute sign that said, "Feel FREE to hug a Veteran today."                 


  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Glad to hear you're doing well Reesie!  I would love to have another get together.

    I am pretty sure I'm the oldest of the 1963 babies here.  I share my b-day with Elvis, Jan. 8.  And my twin sister, who I always remind is 20 minutes older than me.

    Will be in your pocket on Monday Barbe and Tuesday Juliet.  I really feel the good news is going to continue for all of us, starting with you, Janis and then extending to Barbe and Juliet.

    Hope you're feeling better and get a better night's sleep tonight Janis.  At least, the worst is behind you.

    I DID ring the bell at rads today.  My DH came up with the idea of a pretzel tray to bring.  It was very nice, had 192 soft pretzel nuggets, a couple kinds of mustard and some nacho cheese to dip them in.  (I'm in Philly and fortunately or unfortunately what it is known for here are cheese steaks and soft pretzels.)  The techs were very appreciative of it.  2 of the techs who have been there for almost all my treatments weren't there today.  A little disappointing, but they took me almost 45 minutes before my 11:15 appointment, and I think they were coming in at 11, so will get to partake.  It's been such a crazy day (in a good way).  I was brushing my teeth this morning and the radio was on.  I wasn't paying any attention at all.  But I hear them announce my DH's full name on the radio and some how that got my attention.  He was down stairs, but I called him up.  He had e-mailed the station and asked them to play a set for me for the last day of radiation.  What a shock it was to me.  They played Sheryl Crow Make it Go Away (a song about radiation), Adele Someone Like You (my current favorite song) and KT Tunstall Black Horse on a Cherry Tree (because DH calls me Katie and I loved when Kat McPhee sang that song on American Idol).  I was talking a mile a minute at radiation and am usually a very quiet person.  I was not expecting today to really hit me like it did.  After I was still kind of giddy and high, but when I was in the changing room, tears just started streaming down my face.  And it totally hit me as I was leaving and a blind gentleman was entering with someone helping him for his first tx.  I showed them how the gowns were all set up in the changing rooms and wished him luck and told him I just finished txs.  Went out, met DH and rang the bell as I was leaving.  Got a round of applause from the people there.  I hope it helped someone.  Then went out to lunch with my sister and DH, and the partying is continuing tonight as we're going to a Black Thorn concert and going out to dinner on Sunday with DH, DS and DD.  DS has to work tonight and tomorrow night.  This almost rival's my DD's week long b-day celebrations.

    This was so long winded, thanks for letting me get it all out.  I think because I still have to go back to cancer center through May every three weeks for Herceptin, it wasn't going to feel like a very big deal to me, but I was surprised by all the emotion that came out.  And I choose to believe I was leaving just at 11:11 on 11/11/11.  That has to be a good omen.  I'll share the good luck with all of you. 

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474 bells from me on your special day.  How about this instead?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    kay , glad your finished rads, let the healing begin,and i'm withyou on 11.11 11/11/11 being a very good omen for you

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Congrats, kay!  I'm glad you found a way to celebrate the end of rads.  Happy dance time!


    p.s.  Corrected it.  Duh, janis, I did know that.  Thought kay, typed janis...faulty brain connection.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eli....thanks but I finished rads a month ago.  The balloons are for Kay who finished today!  :)

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Congrats Kay! Glad that rads are done for you. Sounds like you are in for a weekend of well deserved celebrations! Enjoy.

  • darlam
    darlam Member Posts: 24

    Add me to the pocket party list for this week. Having my port put in on Wednesday.

  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    Hi, ladies. Thank you for the warm welcome. I can tell that this will be my favorite topic. It's so refreshing to find all of you, facing this long, hard journey, and finding so much stuff to smile and laugh about!

     Barsco, like you, I have no idea what "PPP" is, but it sounds good, at least!

     I'm a chocoholic, so any talk of chocolate has my vote. I live in South Carolina, am married, retired a few years ago, have two little grandsons, love to read and am eager to start treatment, so I can end treatment!

    My MO and surgeon both said these few weeks would be a good time to get away, to reward ourselves for what we've been through and to rest up for what lies ahead, starting next month. So hubby and I are heading to the Caribbean for 2 weeks.

     As soon as I know what my treatments will be, I'm sure I'll have lots of questions. So good to have this support group to turn to.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    can i come to the caribbean with you?

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Evening ladies.. I am soo tired today. Took a ride to the mountains with DH and MIL had lunch and drove back.. I guess I over did. Ice and meds are in order. Just did not think SNB and port placement were such a big deal.. but wow! Anyone else felt like this after??

  • vjcrocker
    vjcrocker Member Posts: 1

    You are so right about Humor,  thats one of the things that got me through the first round in 2009 and Im hoping it will get me through this round.  The Cancer is now in my left hip.  So I say I have Booby Cancer in my hip bone, think about it, it does sound funny.  I am thankful it is in just one spot but it is still scary.  I'm 46 and my youngest is 13, Im not ready to go and Im going to keeping fighting all the way.  God Bless

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Yahoo Kay!!! Doing the happy dance for ya!!!! 

    Lory rest up and dont over do it.  I know easier said then done when you have so much you wanna do.  I went straight from BMX to port to chemo I never really got a chance to get wiped out.  I was wiped out for awhile.  Im just glad Im finally gettn my groove going again.  Take care!

    vj your so right about the humor. 

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Wow, I missed 7 pages! Had an awesome time in Florida last week with women from the chat room. Sorry more couldn't make it, but we got lots of one on one time with each other (if we wanted it!!) so that was good. I posted some pics on the BCO Chatters Message Board forum on the boards - check 'em out.

    Welcome newbies. Glad you found this thread, it's awesome.

    Kay, congrats on finishing rads. I got flowers from the techs, I gave them candy ... it's another milestone and it seems all milestones hit us from the side when we're not looking and make us blithering fools! Happy tears though - the best kind.

    Lory, as someone told me one time after a "minor" surgical procedure ... there is no such thing as a totally minor surgical procedure! Our body knows it's being invaded and we go into a bit of shock each time. Whether we feel it in recovery, or on the ride home, or the next day ... we'll feel it and that's both physically and emotionally.

    Wave, enjoy your time away, we'll all be in your pockets too!!!  Once you know your questions, we'll be happy to try and give answers, or at least point you in the right direction.

    Have a great weekend buds.

    Eli - great pic at top of page.

  • samsue
    samsue Member Posts: 599

    PPP - private party planner (for when we don't want the Dr's to know we brought backup)

    PPP - please pass (the) pie

    PPP  - pictures pasted ..........

    anyone else .... want to chime in?

  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123

    Janis: Glad you are doing ok and the procedure went well.

    KAY: Wow! awesome day to finish with rads..I feel encouraged. I still have to finish chemo first and then rads but it is always a huge boost to hear someone is done.   

    Wave: Have a wonderful trip!

    Lory: I had to post after my port placement to ask if the amount of pain I had was normal because doctors made it sound so simple.  It definitely hurt more than I expected but got way better after about 3 days or so, and I am very grateful to have it now.

    If I can get off the couch... count me in the pocket parties next week. Had my 3rd TAC this week and decided that med induced sleep is the way to go. Hoping to be up for the parties next week.

    ((HUGS)) to everyone and especially those just joining the party! 

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    LeeAnn, I look forward to celebrating the end of your treatment too. I can't believe how the last 6 yrs - yes, 6yrs!!!! - have gone by for me. Seriously, every fall it brings me right back to chemo, 'cause I started on Oct 13 and went through January, then rads for Feb and March. We never stop thinking back to those days, but think wayyyyyy back is better, for sure. Know that we're all with you each step of the way, in your pockets tickling you when necessary :)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, vjcrocker!  Can I ask what your original diagnosis was and the treatment you underwent for that?  Sorry that it has reared it's ugly head again.  If it is just the one spot, I wonder if that is something they can try to zap with rads and make it disappear?  There are many women on that had/have bone mets and have been more or less stable for years, and I mean 10 years and more.  We will give you any info. we can, all the support we can muster, and hopefully make you smile now and then.

    WaveWisperer,  A cruise sounds like a fabulous way to wait until next month.  Since you have now found some buddies to go through it with (yes, I mean us,) don't worry about it on the cruise and just have fun.  Report back for those of us who can't get away.

    Lory48, I didn't have a port and my SNB was one with my lumpectomy, but I agree with marlegal...that our body get tired going thru' trauma, plus it's working hard to do the needed repair on those tissues.  Make sure to get a good amt. of protien for that repair.

    marlegal,  Current picture is near Sedona, AZ, where a big 11-11-11 gathering is taking place this weekend for those who prefer their spirituality and healing to emanate from an "energy vortex."  Why not?  Good times.

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Well thank you all for the input on pain levels.. glad to know this is normal. I will take it easy the rest of the weekend. Going shopping Monday for the chemo necessities.