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  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    good news swinn, 

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Wow, am I behind here!  Missed 4 pages so I just want to say welcome to the newbies and I'm thinking positive thoughts for everyone with treatments and appointments this week.  Sorry I have been absent from the board.  I've been working all three jobs last week and am now done with the one job I quit.  Now only the two part-time jobs so I should have more time to keep up with everyone.  Claire I'm so happy for you that you ditched-the-bitch from your job!  It takes lots of courage and as my DH says "balls"!  You have talent and your courage and I think that it scared that woman and that's why she treated you so poorly.  Your skills won't go to waste, I'm sure you will find something better. Janis I've been so anxious for you dear!  PM me if you have any results.  Kay congrats on end of rads and ringing the bell.  I didn't have a bell, just a wilted looking carnation and sent out the back door.  Saw my MO last week and he listened to me about my SE's from the AI but seemed a bit dissmissive about them.  Almost like I wasn't really "sick" enough for him to bother with.  Told me to take fish oil for the joint pain.  Not much other info.  Well I don't have to see him again for 6 months and will see my PCP before then.  He's ALOT more in tune with my needs so I'll trust him more with my questions and care.  Got to go to work now so I'll try to catch up tonight.  Kitty

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Swinn - Such good news for a Monday - go out and celebrate

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Barbe {{{hugs}}}.  Such a relief for you Swinn.

  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    I'm with you, too, Barbe!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885


    swinn,  Two weeks of suspense but, as Shakespeare said, "all's well that ends well."

    madpeacock,  Funny you should mention it.  Heard my first Christmas store music today.  Also, saw my first Christmas tree in a store today too.  What happened to decorating a bit for Thanksgiving?  Jive turkeys!

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    "Jive turkeys!"


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I also have good news to report on this day.  Found out my breast center is going to be doing MRIs now.  (High risk women & women who have had B/C)  Sounded like they have a "breasts only" dedicated MRI right there in their clinic.  Won't that ber handy!  This is good news to me (who's lump failed to be detected by digital mammo) and good news for other dense breasted women.  No doubt this will be something of a trend, so maybe some more of you will have an MRI coming to a breast center near you.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Hope things are going well Barbe. Good news Swinn, congrats! Did I miss something Claire? I don't remember anything about quitting a job.

    Just got back from my every 3 month echo for herceptin and got a call from doctor that mt heart isn't as strong as it was and I have to see a cardiologist. I guess if it were really bad they wouldn't have let me leave the hospital. That means I've had pneumonitis which damaged my lungs from taxol, lymphadema which swelled my arm up like the elephant man from the surgery and now my heart got damaged from herceptin. It's a good thing I was healthy before this f$&@ing cancer. I'm starting to think I'm much more likely to die from the treatments than the cancer. Every time I let my guard down, something else happens. I was so happy about being done rads. I'm glad I got the celebration in before finding this out. She did say I've been through worse and not to worry so I guess it's not that bad.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    kay1963,  Will you let me know exactly what happens with the cardiologist and how your heart has changed?  Most importantly, I want to know if this is permanent damage?  The heart has some ability to repair/recondition itself, so maybe it is something that will improve with time.  Let me know.

    You are so right!  The healthier you are going in to B/C, the better.  Look at the assault our bodies have to withstand.  

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195
    :::hugs::: Kay. Yell
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    Eli - I had to see a lung specialist and was told I had radiation pneumonitis and that the damage is permanent.  Of course, my RO denied that could happen but I saw the films.  I had lung and heart damage.  It will be interesting to hear what Kay's cardiologist has to say.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I have been on this discussion board now for over two years.  That's not extremely long, but it is long enough to see some common topics come up over and over again.  Well, just when I thought I knew most of the things that were happening to B/C women out there in the world, I happened to see a thread someone posted last month called, "Dog clawed the skin off my radiated chest." 

    1.  Ouch!

    2.  It was a German Shepherd.

    3.  She's o.k.  (The woman, I mean.)

    I bet everyone here who has had rads just cringed involuntarily. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Eli - I know I did - Ouch! indeed.  Glad the lady is okay.

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195


    I've 6 treatments left, eli...

    :::double shudder:::

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Just throwing this out there...

    Why I don't feel sorry for myself -- watching the special on ABC about Gabby Giffords

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    marthah,  How nice for you to be done by Thanksgiving!  I finished my rads in the month of Oct., and I can tell you that the first Thanksgiving, I was feeling the turkey's pain on all the roasted breast meat.  That and the "carving" we get from the BS had me in a very empathetic mood.

    Anyone who has Thanksgiving fall in the middle of rads treatment...not to worry about taking a break for an extra couple days.  In fact, if you have already started to feel the burn, you will be surprised at how a couple extra days off can be so soothing.

    p.s.  jo,  Are you still tobacco-free?  How long has it been now?

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Well way too many pages to catch on except I think we are having a PPP party every day this week. Sounds like a busy day.  I am also going to a Dr appt with another BS and also PS who practice in the same group.  Gina from one of the other threads gave me the information.  so this will give me a second opinion on my BMX and also will set me up with another surgeon in case I need it.  I have not been real happy with my current one.  Her skills are excellent but  bed side manor not so good at times.  So will get a second opinion and if I like I will switch both surgeon and PS.  I had planned on a new  BS but this last lump took me by surprised and I was not ready yet.  I will be ready next time.

    Welcome all the newbies, too many pages to read and I can't remember you by name, but know this is the best thread to hang out in and ask questions.  Glad to have ya'll here.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Eph I need to officially thank you for posting the Casting for Recovery information months ago.  I applied and was chosen as one of 14 when 126 people applied.  They randomly pick, there was a lady there that this was her fourth time to apply and was picked. I have made 14 new BC sister through this journey this weekend and learned to flyfish.  The medical talks were awsome.  We had two MO's on our team and only know them by first name don't even know what their last name was will have to look at my paperwork. We also had a pshycologist on our team and the rest who had a passion for fly fishing and a love of wanting to do something positive for BC patients and survivors.  WE learned to tie flys and we each were given an incrediable box of flys that people had tied for us and lots that were made into pins for us to wear.  Because we all had to have our fly fishing bling on.  Love our group of women.  We were the 10th group in Texas to go so our name is the TENatious fish'in chicks.  It is completley free if you get picked and you are pampered.  Great food and lots of fun.  I encourage any of you that if you like the outdoors at all to look into applying for it.  It is a wonderful gift if you are picked.  The website is

    I'll try to post some of my pictures tomorrow.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Ok today is a big day! Juliet, thinking nothing but a clear sail thru your mammo. Deep breath, you will do GREAT!!!!

    Noodle- sending you peace and good thoughts for your scans today.Hopefully, your scans will be clear of any of those nasty traveling cancer cells.

    Now, I'm starting off with some croissants and lattes.


    Any body joining in?

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    I'm coming with some NY style bagels and cream cheese, yum! Good luck Juliet!

  • walley
    walley Member Posts: 195
    I'll bring chocolate.Smile
  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    I'm in - with some homemade banana/chocolate chip muffins.

    Good luck to Juliet and Noodle!

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Good Morning Ladies!!  Today is my first chemo day..T-minus 45 minutes till we head for the hr drive..

    Let's do this!!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Kay- what's the saying "what does not destroy me, makes me stronger". Except when it relates to BC and its TX. You are done with the worst part, now its just healing time, body and soul.

    Sherry--I hope this new doc is a better fit for you, good luck today!

    BTW, I gave my notice on Friday--so no more bullying from the boss from hell. Will be unemplyed starting Nov 24. Still waiting for the weight to fall off my shoulders.  But a holiday season not dealing with customers who are mad at me for not having what they waited too long to get. Or a boss who totally lacks compassion and best of all I don't have to work Black Friday, Christmas Eve or NYE. Woo-hoo.  

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    good luck lory , will be with you with some poppy seed muffins as claire as the lattes

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Good luck lory - we're with you all the way.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    ((Lory)) I remember the first day is scarey. But it you can do it.In my case the chemo really worked well on my tumors.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Lory--Good luck on your first day of chemo. What kind are you doing? They do give you good drugs the first time and give it real slow to make sure you don't have reactions. I slept thru most of my first one. Gotta love Benadryl. Took all kinds of things to keep me busy and then lights out. Putting you on the pocket party list today.How bout some ice cream sandwiches to start the day?


    Never too early for chocolate. And eat all you want Lory during chemo, you won't always feel like it and you need to keep up your strength.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Does anyone need a shot to get thru the day? The old bartender in me is taking requests.