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  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Leaving in about an hour for the MRI.  Almost party time!!!!

    I would love a vacation but our finances are bleak.  I can't even afford gas to Boise...25 miles!  LOL.  I'll dream of all the places I want to go.  I really want to go to my son and DIL's house in the mountains of Colorado.  Talk about peaceful!  I'll keep dreaming, someday it will happen.  The bad part is DH cannot go with me.   Their house is at 9,400' elevation and with his COPD he can't breathe up there.  :(

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    Move over ladies and make room for me in Janis' pocket.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Ceeztheday...I am leaving in five minutes.  I knew you would be there.  Thanks hon!!!  You guys have fun, and remember next Tuesday I get he results.  Party hearty okay?  Love my sistas and I thank you all for being here for me!  Laughing

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Janis I jumping in

  • walley
    walley Member Posts: 195

    jumping in,don't leave without me:)

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I was in on time but couldn`t let you know because Sherry was sitting on my head!!!

    As for vacations....lately been staycations. I just don`t have the wherewithawl to spend good money on a temporary product!! We travelled SO much years ago (thank God!!!) that I just know I can`t handle the line ups. We tend to get things for the the wood floors and new carpet last year. This year...????

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    yaya  ,get a passport! the only time you have to worry about traveling is when you look like your passport picture, then its time to go home!   

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    im bummed, can't vacation, can't move from the hypothyroid.. i know!!!i'll save $$$now, for when i do get better, plze plze plze.... good to see you all here for Janis' pocket party!i caught you, Maya!!!.3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    found more 3 jays.. didn't steal from Elimar, and Maya didn't have to do it!!! im getting grown  up here, thanks to you ladies..

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    sorry, but i thought this was more like them... see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.. evil being bc, of course... whaddya think??? 3jays  hahahaha

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Oh my aching feet!  Retail Xmas is alot of work with walking all over the store, helping the lost find the perfect gift, soothing the angry shopper, returns, returns, gift cards, returns, and now to top off all the fun it's inventory time!  Getting ready has been the hardest part.  I was on my hands and knees today getting stuff from under a display and a customer asked me for help.  Getting up I was so stiff I think the customer thought I was going to break!  Anyway I made it through so far and am looking forward to the spring stuff coming in after next week.  Good thing that my other job is easy now with the students being out on winter break.  So to answer your question Eli, yes I survived but just barely!  I've been so far behind that I'll never catch up so I just want to welcome the newbies to this awesome thread and my best wishes for everyone with treatments and healing.  Back to my counting.  Kitty


  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244
    3jays! I'm laughing at your new avatar. I think you're on to something. Wink And you did it yourself! You techo-wizard. 
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    Barb sorry for sitting on your head.  Surprised
  • KatMac626
    KatMac626 Member Posts: 4

    It's comforting to hear that so many of you have the same feelings I do. many are taking Tamoxifen and does anyone have trouble drinking alcohol with this stuff??  It seems the longer I'm on it, the more side effects I have.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    One time coming back from Europe and in line for customs back into Canada, I was pulled out of line by an employee and taken over to a special line. Apparently my cane and the look on my face was enough to let them know I had to be expedited before I collapsed!!! I never even knew there was a special line!! The agent looked at my passport and then me, then back and forth. I said, yep that WAS me....sigh. Have only flown a couple more times after that. I just cannot tolerate the line-ups as that demands standing. For my daughters destination wedding I desparately wanted a wheelchair but didn`t want to draw attention to myself. Pride is a scary animal!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Thanks all for coming to my pocket party.  It was kind of boring I know.  The MRI....not the party!  They did not have to use thje contrast dye so I took that as a good sign.  Any thoughts?  I know the tech said they might or might not need it.  Since they didn't I take that to mean they saw nothing they needed a closer look at?  Of course I know nothing about the procedure.  Anyway, will all meet up again Tuesday for the results.

    Kitty glad you survived all the crazies out there.  I did not shop so got to miss it all.  Laughing

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    KatMac - I have been on Tamoxifen for about 4 mos and am also finding that the joint pain has increased since starting. Hot flashes are still quite regular - no increase or decrease. I am not a big drinker but do indulge occasionally - have not had any adverse SEs. No other SEs as yet - thank goodness.

    How long have you been taking Tamo?

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Janis, glad the MRI is done, will be in your pocket Tuesday for results. I would think not needing the dye was a good sign.

    KatMac, I've been on tamoxifen for almost two months. I'm not having much in the way of hot flashes, but am getting joint pain. I don't indulge much, but over the holidays I had a glass of wine or a beer on several occasions and didn't notice anything from it.

    Thanks for the encouragement Eli. Are you a psychologist? LOL. Any way you gave me some peace with it, you too Barb.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Janis--glad the MRI is over.  No dye should be a good sign!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    KatMac,  Me?  Tamox for over two years.  I had joint pain before Tamox., so hard to separate it out.  The rare times when I have a drink, I had more hot flashes than usual.  I have flashes year round, but they are less in the colder, less humid Winter.  I have been known to take less than the 20mg. a day (during the summer mos., when the flashes interfere with my sleep.)   I can't responsibly recommend this to anyone else.  I'm on my own stubborn protocol.


    Speaking of walking down the stubborn path (or, in this case, the common sense path)...  Yesterday I had to break the news to my Breast Center that I would NOT be coming in for my 6 mo. check on the treatment breast.  Went like this:

    Me:  Not coming, blah, blah, last two times the mammo squisher damaged the blood vessels in my breast.  Can you send reminder at the one year time?

    TBC: They have to flatten the tissue out for the best image, some bruising is normal and will go away.

    Me:  I said damaged, not just bruised.  It gave me broken capillaries on my treatment side, like spider veins, that will never go away.  Those cells got damaged further by the squishing, on top of what rads did.  That can't be good.

    TBC:  You really should stay on your scheduled follow ups, yak, yak.

    Me:  I know you have to say that, but you don't know my histology as an individual.  I have IDC, Grade 2, but with the lowest mitotic (growth) rate.  I fully expect to reach five years, all clear. Now, after that time, when I come off the Tamox. and something would have years to grow, that's when I'm going to want to be well monitored.  Furthermore, mammo did not detect my B/C in the first place; was not able to image a palpable lump that my dense breasts were hiding so, of course, I'm not going to be all gung-ho on the mammo now, but I will come yearly.

    TBC:  I will have to note that you refused this interval check-up.

    Me:  Yes, I want it mentioned in my chart, including the part about the injury to my breast from the pressure.  I don't have any particular worries or symptoms at this time.  Put that in too.  I'm doing SBE regularly. 

    TBC:  SBE can miss something.

    Me:  Apparently so can mammo.  Hey, I heard you have a new MRI right in the clinic.  Can I get that?  

    TBC:  Your BS has to write an order?

    Me:  Seriously?  Dr. [Head Radiologist] had mentioned that she might want to get an MRI on me at some point.  Can't she o.k. it? 

    TBC:  No.  Has to be your BS.  

    Me:  I no longer see him regularly, but I'll get the order.  Maybe closer to the five years point.

    TBC: We can't force you to have procedures or follow-ups, and if you choose not to come...

    Me:  The last time I was in, I asked when I would go back to yearly visits.  The nurse said, "After two years," and I was at the 2-year point then.  Only she said, we will see you one more time at six mos., then you regular 2-side yearly in another 6 mos., then yearly after that.  Really, I am only skipping ONE visit by going to the yearly exam now.  I've given you reasons so this is not just some hair-brained idea.  It is my informed choice.

    TBC:  I'll see if they can put it in the computer so you will get the reminder letter in 6 mos.

    Me:  Thanks, bye.


    Yes, I was chattty, I know.  Short version:  Not coming, see ya' next summer.  WTH?  Bye.  There just comes a time for every one of us to assert ourselves on something.  It may not be mammo follow-ups for you, but it will be something, sometime.   I have always felt like I was a part of my B/C team, yesterday I was the QB.


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Eli - Good for you sister.  Evidently the person you talked to does not speak the same language as you do. We do have to be assertive at some point don't we?

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Good for you Eli

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    eli, you go, girl!
  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Awesome job Eli!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Well, stay tuned for my check in the summer and we'll see if I end up being a cancer-ridden moron, or if I get the old "extra views" bonus handed to me for being such a stellar patient.  (Last time, it was a wrinkly armpit that caused me to undergo one extra squishing.  Maybe they can improve upon their technique, or I could ask for the "flabby armpit specialist" next time.)

    noodle6,  Are mules really stubborn? They look agreeable in the face, but their shoulders do seem set in a certain way to withstand any unwanted budging.

    ALSO writing to remind you to find a nice new Mystery Pic to post for our befuddlement on Saturday.  We are all feeling a lot more sleuthy and aware for 2012, so make it good.

  • KatMac626
    KatMac626 Member Posts: 4

    Thanks for sharing.  I suspect what I'm having are hot flashes, but I don't feel hot...just a pressure in my head.  I do feel flushed and break out in a nice rash, but I've always done that.  I'm not a big drinker so it's really not a issue, especially one that would keep me from taking the tamox...I just miss that occasional glass of wine. :(  I had no idea this stuff caused joint pain.  I went to my GP complaining about my hips and she had me get an x-ray.  It showed early signs of arthritis, but no one mentioned the drug.  

    barsco - I've been taking it for 2 1/2 years now.  I really can't say I've noticed to many SE, other than my hips and my inability to indulge on occasion. I'm happy to hear it's not giving you too much trouble. 

    Eli - I'm getting the same kind of run around with the mammograms.  I don't know what kind of calendar their using, but mine tells me I'm at almost 3 years...I can go a year between them!  I had a mammo in July 08 that didn't show a thing, then had my GP feel the lump in Feb 09.  I know it's a tool...but we need something better. 


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eli, good girl!  The "professionals" really need to work on their listening skills! 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    I got my MRI results already.  NO cancer, huge happy dance here!  All you being in my pocket did it I just know it.

    I do however have a big disc hernaition between L-2 and L-3.  My doctor said it is large enough an orthopedic surgeon would operate on it now.  We decided however to try PT for 6 weeks.  If there is no improvement in the pain, then off to the surgeon.

    No pocket party next Tuesday.  Since the results came in so quickly my own doctor called so I don't need to see the other guy Tuesday.  Yippee!!!!

    Thanks everyone!!!!!!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903


  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Glad to hear there'sno cancer and the waiting is over! Sorry about the disc problems though. Hope the PT helps.

    Eli, you go! Way to stick up for yourself.