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  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    madpeacock, sorry to hear about your first good news then not so good news.  Bummer!  Makes me wonder about mine coming up on Feb 15 too.  I feel like I'm back to my "normal" and didn't really feel concerned but now you got me wondering if its just bravado.  Undecided  I really don't want to feel depressed or anxious but it seems to be creeping in on me.  I guess I'll just have to wait till then.  I REALLY hate the waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Elimar, I really know what you mean.  So many things I love to do and the body just won't cooperate anymore like it used too.  Frustrating to the max!!!  Kitty

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    Okay, I sulked for a while, but then some neighbors I had not seen for a while invited us over for soup and drinks. That was fun. I made a chicken/chorizo chowder and cornbread and they made minestrone. Lots of chatting - they both lost parents within DAYS of each other recently, so a rough patch for them, but they were ready to just relax and have some fun for a change. Just what I needed. Suppposed to watch "The Help" but we talked too long and never got to it. 

    Bikini wax?

    I may not be 25 any more, but on the other hand, I am only 49 and look and feel younger! 

    Time for bed - it's cold and time to go burrow! Laughing 

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216
    Kitty - think we posted at the same time! Yeah, I was fine until a day or two before and then I was grumpy.  THen I was fine since they told me all was well. Almost didn't open the letter Friday because I thought it was a standard "thanks for coming" letter. Oh well. Will call Monday and get it scheduled and go from there. 
  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Sorry about that mad peacock. I agree with marlegal, not fair at all! I'm sure you'll get benign results soon. Janice, I am going for mammogram on the 15th as well. So far not nervous, I am much more nervous about that transvaginal US a couple of weeks later. It's always something I guess.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Mad peacock - Hoping your next good news is all GOOD!

    For those of you facing mammograms, I have one word - XANAX. It was years, before I would go for mine without taking one first. The anxiety just before and the waiting for the results was just too much to deal with. I used to always have my mammos on the same day as an MD apt, so I could get the results right away and have some place to be talked off the ledge if the news was bad.

    One of the best things about the PMX this summer - no more mammograms for me!!!

    Kay - Re the TV ultrasound? If you've never had one before, it's pretty quick and painless. Hoping for all good news for you, too.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Elimar, same here. The worst is when I find myselfnflirting lightly with some nice guy, only to realize that I could be his mom.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Kay - I insisted on a transvaginal US last year when I went for my PAP.  It is really quick and painless.  The good thing about this one is no waiting for results.  MY GYN had me look at the screen and told me what it was showing.  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    My transvaginal US brought me to my knees!!! "We" were trying to find my only ovary and she dug around so hard I almost passed out!!! There hadn't been much action there for a while but still....!!!!!!

    Kitty, that looks like a pirate kitty....ARRRRRRRRR!!!!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    I hate those US as well but my Gyno likes to order them.Yell
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548


    Eli, I just turned 60 but my brain thinks I am 40. Go figure. Brain, please tell my body it is 40, OK?

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    I hate doctors who like to order tests. I guess that's all doctors lol. I especially hate doctors who tell you tests are nothing without ever having experienced it. How on earth do they know if it's nothing or not.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I hate those US, too. 

    Eph, I think I rememebr your avatar when it was just the back of your smooth head, don't i?  We need to see those eyebrows!  My eyebrows were also heavy before chemo but didn't come back in as even or thick.  I have thought of tatooing the basic shape.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Eli~ I agree, all the aches and pains that come along with aging stink!  I have never been hard on my body, but the bursitis makes me feel like I had been a football player.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I knew I could count on all of you to relate to the moody feelings I have, and the so-called "aging gracefully" baloney.   It's tough, ain't it?

    Momine,  OH, I KNOW!  (Laughing ruefully.)  Embarassed

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    There is an expression in Italian that my father says all the time. I can't write in italian but it translates to "Old age is pitiful." DB#2 said it once,  at his barber's, who's from Italy. The barber said something back in italian. It was the other part of the saying, which my father never let us know existed. "But it's better than the alternative." 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Yes, I was inspired by Paulding's smooth head with marker drawings by her day care kids.  My avatar was my smooth head with no drawings for the longest time.  The picture now was summer '10 when I met Gilly who went thru chemo the same time as Lisa & I.  There are no eyebrows in the current avatar. I will attempt to remedy that!  

    I have a "do-nothing" day!  Those don't come along often.  I'm going to go scrapbook-later ladies.  

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    madpeacock so sorry you got the letter hoping everything turns out OK with the ultrasound.

    Eli I know what you mean about getting older and the aches and pains we have to deal with. 

    I went to the MO on Friday had my Zometa treatment and all went well and have had no SE's.  Talked about my neck issue continuing to hurt and now having to take pain meds at night.  He read my MRI results an said  I have sever arthritis in my neck along with a pinched nerve.  He said with my old neck injury (break) it is not going to get any better.  I asked him why I have gone all these years and never had any problems with it and he looked at me and said AGE! Not what I wanted to hear at 49.  He also said that with all my issues it would be best not to do anything to my neck unless I get to a point of not being able to stand the pain even with meds.  Suggested I commit to stretching 5 minutes every morning and evening and thinks it will help if I will do it.  Otherwise, tynenol and pain meds. He did not even want me to consider cortisone shots unless the pain gets unbearable.  So I'm kinda stuck.  I asked him about my nausea I have had for three weeks and he said it is because of the meds I am taking for my neck.  Can't do without them at this point so he gave me something I can take PRN for the nausea.  Think i'll consider the stretches to see if I can get some relief and off these meds.

    On another note I told him I at decided on the BMX and that insurance approved me for March 26th.  he said that I made a very wise decision.  He said he was glad that I had decided to move forward with it.  Up to this point he has been pretty neutral in giving me all the information but he really wanted me to make the decision.  But I'm glad to know that it was the decision he was hoping I would make.

    Having a blast with my new grandbabies and my other granddaughter.  She decorated DH Bday cake.  She is 5 and it was hoot watching her having fun.  She said it is the prettiest Bday cake every and is better than anything she has ever had for her BDAY!! haha

  • cajmi
    cajmi Member Posts: 8

    Oh EPH and Marlegal,

    I have been even more sadistic in the quest for hair removal!!!  I have an epilady, I like to refer to as the torchure machine.  I have to say I have gotten more accutomed to it with time and it really is only uncomfy on the bikini area now...  If you're not familiar with it, it looks like an electric razor, but pulls out the hairs as you run it along the surfaceYell 

    I actually bought the TRIA home lazar system last June, which although costly and time consuming was working well until BC and anxiety reared it's ugly head:>  Will have to get back to it soon!!!

    It is an age old battle of woman vs. hair:>


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I have worn out two epiladies and am on a different brand now.  I have considered tria.  Although I was virtually bald during chemo, the three weeks in between tx was enough to get stubble again.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Hello Ladies!! Pardon me for being derelict in my PP responsibilities. I had to take a vacation from BC for awhile. December was a year since I finished chemo, and Jan was my one year anniversary of my DBMX.  Being unemployed, I had nothing but time to dwell on all my "issues" and I just got overwhelmed thinking about BC. I had to take a break. Pheww--I feel better now.

    So I know I have missed so much. And I feel horrible, but there is no way I am going to read back to Dec. Bad me. but I did miss everyone. And realized that this is still the  only place I can go that "understands" me. So what did I miss? 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sherry, shame on your doc for dis-allowing cortisone shots!!! Why the hell not!! At LEAST have him refer you to a pain clinic!! Chronic pain can make you not heal as well.... shame, shame on him!!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    cmb,  A couple surgeries, some B9's, a few Newbies, and Eph's holiday tryst with Antonio B.   There, all up to speed.
  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Elimar! LOL Here I thought Banderas was loyal to the wifey.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    That's right, and don't worry.  Antonio and Eph only played strip-Scrabble.  She's no hussy!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Thanks for the help on "that" thread e, the mods have stepped in now.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Barbe, No prob.  I guess whether or not you broke it down perfectly was in the eye of the beholder, but I understood your concept and meaning from the get-go. 
  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Oh, damn! Here I thought trysting and thrusting went together ;)

  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97

    Kiss Happy Valentines to My Special Pink Sisters  Love you all ! Thanks for being there for me!

    Thinking of all of you wishing you a Blessed Day & week! Prayers & {{{hugs}}}

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Not a big fan of this day, but I do love all you gals just the same!