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  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Dealing with a diabetic diagnosis now.  I'm doing OK but if it's not one thing it's another!  Yes, cancerversary rapidly approaching "****DANGER*****DANGER****Will Robinson" I think I might take the day off & sleep! 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    What level of control will you need for the diabetes?  Insulin, pills, or just diet changes?  I will have to do healthier virtual baking for you now.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    pills & diet for now.  Pills have helped considerably in just 1 month, but I've been really working on my diet too-I was bummed on Tues because even tho I've been watching intake & walking even more, I gained a pound.  The doc wasn't concerned; he was really pleased with the blood sugar #s & he said that was the better indicator right now especially with Femara in the mix (my body is probably really going nuts trying to save fat now for it's estrogen supply!)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    One pound?  Maybe calf muscles from the extra walking.  Laughing
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    That's almost word for word what DD said! yes, 1 pound--bummed me out & pissed me off!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951
    Eph3- when I first started going to curves I gained about 4 pounds. I said WTH to the woman who ran the place and she told me it was because I was turning fat into muscle and muscle weighs more. You will start to lose soon. You are just getting stronger first. Just wait until you get that Barbie body. That will piss him off and I hCoolope you flaunt it.
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Dianarose-thanks for the encouragement but ain't no way this chickie will ever have a Barbie body!  I've NEVER had a Barbie body!  I do believe that it must be muscle poundage though!!!

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Loving the banter!!! I knew my ears were burning while I was gone & it wasn't just from the loud yelling from the Grandchildren close to me!!

    Got up to the north country the first of the month. (Marquette, MI in the upper peninsula) Very strange... hardly any ice on the Great Lakes & that does not bode well for water evaperation. We got around 2 + feet of snow Fri-Sat - felt snowed in. Had plans to go shopping one day but stayed in & watched the sky open up & dump that beautiful white stuff. Got halfway home & there was/is nothing on the ground.

    Oops! Just realized I was talking "weather".  Embarassed

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Hello ladies ... Luv Central Park :) .. well now I am just sitting here waiting for the call on my surgery day and I am feeling Crazy like waiting for test reults ... Jeeze .. plus the fact that the PS office does not accept the insurance I have and just feeling defeated .. Still not smoking 14 days today I do believe .. I tried the other day without a patch but by 1:30 am I was going crazy had to apply a patch... as u know I was told I will get TE's ... so I dont know how I am feeling as my summer will be blah ... just looked at an apartment that has a private beach .. praying I can get it as that is where I find  serenity ... wishing you all well thoughts today ..and thanks for being with me for my appts ... Love your pocket parties :)

    Hugs and Love  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Oooh, good luck on your beach apartment!!!! Let us know! When do you find out?

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474 is great to see see you here again!  Sounds like you had a wonderful time with the grandkids.  How I envy you!  Glad you were able to get away.

    Eph...I was diagnosed with Diabetes last April.  I was good for awhile, but I go back and forth.  It is really difficult.  I did lose about 20 pounds in three months and have not gained it back.  It is a daily struggle though.  I have not really lost any weight in months, but have not gained so that is good.  I have never liked Barbie (the DOLL).  Not my role model that is for sure.

    Barbe1958....hey, I read your post a few pages back.  Not trying to harm myself, just have to get used to how this whole LE thing works.  This week my husband painted our bathroom and I was not allowed to paint.  I was bummed, but I did clean brushes and buckets and rollers.  Plus kept his coffee cup filled throughtout the day!  So I did my part just not as active.  I am getting more comfortable with the exercises now.  They really do help.  I will find out next week if I need to get fitted for a sleeve.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Friday.  Cheers to all!

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Good Morning Ladies, I have yet another question.. I am flying to visit my sister next week. My Rad onco wants me fitted for a sleeve for when I start rads, I was wondering if anyone has flown without? I do not have any issues with LE so far, but the my onco stated she wants to be sure I do not have any issues.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Lory, I would see if you can get referred to a LE therapist now. My LE therapist said wear the seeve when participating in triggering actions I.e. Exercise, flying, etc as a precaution (I don't have LE but my RO referred me to get a sleeve for during rads too especially since she zapped the axillary and supraclavicular nodes).

    At least this way you'll be sure to get good advice on it.

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500


    Hi there. I'm new to this group, but your posting jumped out at me. By the way - your fear is not childish at all. Before I had my lumpectomies I tried to see if there was some way I could avoid being put to sleep. (There wasn't). I can handle pain, I can live with being bald, but I absolutely couldn't handle the idea of being put under. It just doesn't make any sense to me, and no amount of Xanax or red wine could make me feel otherwise. But I read somewhere on these discussion boards about Guided Meditation CD's that could lead to a more successful surgery. I was skeptical, but desperate. In the operating room I was a blubbering mess, and I woke up in the recovery room still panicked and frightened. 

    I ordered 'Successful Surgery' by Belleruth Naparstek. For two weeks I listened to it in the morning, and before I went to sleep. I'm not a great candidate for meditation because I have a very short attention span, and even in yoga class, I'm always thinking about chicken, or cheese, or where I may go on vacation. But I made myself listen to these CDs and learned some good lessons. Ultimately I learned to stay calmer. And to trust. And to feel supported rather than lonely when entering the operating room. 

    On Wednesday I had a second (smaller) operation and there was a big difference. I still took an Atavin,( because who wouldn't?) And I was still nervous. But I wasn't panicked, and didn't resist being put under like the first time. I was more able to go with it, and I woke up feeling relatively calm.  For me, it was a gigantic step.

    If this interests you, you can google Belleruth and listen to samples of her meditation. There are also other CDs available by other Doctors and helath practitioners with the intention of a calm and relaxing surgery. Please feel free to contact me if you'd like suggestions.  


  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    I have my referral in, and an appt scheduled for when I get back from AZ. I figured I would be ok. 1 1/2 hr flight.. no carryon to deal with. I will also be doing my manual stuff during the flight to keep it moving.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome Janet_M!   My BS said he felt he could do a "better job" if I was under general anesthesia.  Isn't that a clever way to get me to go under?  Actually, I did have an excisional biopsy (which is a non-cancer-y lumpectomy, no different) about 15 years ago and I stayed totally awake.  Just had local anesthetic.  I think a lot of the procedures could be done with just a local, but then you would have to listen to the small talk your surgery team makes throughout the procedure.  Believe me, it is boring enough to MAKE you go to sleep.

    I can tell you right now that with those thoughts during yoga class, you will fit in just fine with this group.  I think about cheese a lot too.

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262

    Hi, Ladies, I want to jump in here as I saw the issues with the Potassium pills. DH had cardiac issues and was on a slew of meds.......his potassium was like a big alka seltzer that dissolved in water. He is some info. Best to check with the doc about chewing them or splitting them in half. Some have to be swallowed whole to act appropriately.  (see the last sentence in what I copied and pasted). Gag. I can barely swallow those big fish oil pills. My Best, Sue

    How should this medicine be used?

    Potassium comes in oral liquid, powder, granules, effervescent tablets, regular tablets, extended-release (long-acting) tablets, and extended-release capsules. It usually is taken two to four times a day, with or immediately after meals. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take potassium exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor.

    Take all forms of potassium with a full glass of water or fruit juice.

    Add the liquid to water. Dissolve the powder, granules, or effervescent tablets in cold water or fruit juice according to the manufacturer's directions or the directions on your prescription label; mix the drug well just before you take it. Cold liquids help mask the unpleasant taste.

    Swallow extended-release tablets and capsules whole. Do not chew them or dissolve them in your mouth.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Janet-thanks for the info. My doctor too gave me some Atavin to take prior too. I was thinking about it today and for me I think it's feeling a lack of control. I keep thinking about possibly going to visit my daughter and granddaughters in NC afterwards. She is pregant or she would come here. She just found out she is having another girl. That will make 5 granddaughters. No boys yet.

     Elimar- I was awake for my 1st lumpectomy and it didn't bother me at all. I had a male nurse who talked to me the whole time. The doc never said a word, just did his thing. I was only in recovery for about an hour and went home. I think the doctors are more comfortable if we aren't awake.

    All I did was eat at work today. The chef made some wonderful things and I thought I should try a little of everything before we sold it to the public. Must be PMS on it's way. Yell

    PMS- Pretty Mean Shi*.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    Okay BS just called and my PBMX scheduled for April 10th Cry and she sayd I have to go April 9th to radiology for nuclear medicine . I dont understand what that is , Can anyone please tell me what that is .. I guess becuase Of my last time in surgery was Feb 7th she said my pre op will just be a telephone interview ... anyway I am feeling scared now .. Maybe becuause It is now a reality ... anyway feeling sick to my stomach now ..
  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    could they be doing a sentinel biopsy? before your pbmx

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Juliet , she said she will be doing that with the surgery ..

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    they inject a nuclear tracer prior to surgery so the node lights up, so that could be why you are going to nuc med the day before.  

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Thanks Juliet now it all makes perfect sence .. such a blessing to have you all here :)

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Lisamarie - I agree with Juliet - it sounds like you will have the tracer dye injected the day before.  I had that done the morning of surgery.  You are going to do great.  Better wear something with lots of pockets - I believe there will be one heck of a pocket party that day.

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216
    I agree with all of the above. I had mine the day of surgery, but I've heard of others who had it the day before. Different places, different protocols. We're all here for you! Smile
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Lisamarie, I had the nuclear dye injected the day before, just like you. Takes hardly any time at all and then you're on your way.

    Dianarose, I have 3 grandSONS and am waiting for a pink one!!! Funny, that we want to experience the other sex, but I had a boy then a girl and it was perfect!

    Sue, funny it mentions the bad taste of potassium. In my previous post, I mentioned how the nurses gathered around my bed in the ICU to watch me swallow the dose they gave me. Wasn't that bad, but I didn't get a chaser of orange juice!!

    Janet, I actually like going under. Every single person in that room is looking after me. I feel very, very safe. You did great with your CD!! I bet every time it will get easier as you build trust.

    Janis, and other ladies who get sleeves: I asked my LE PT if I got a sleeve, wouldn't I need the hand cover too (gauntlet?) as wouldn't the sleeve push fluid into my arm? She said yes, but hadn't offered it in the beginning....made me wary. I didn't get any wraps. And I did fly successfully. My LE is truncal and managed by massage techniques that I learned from my PT.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    I had the dye instead of nuclear and they did it after I was under so no help here but I am sure you will do fine.

    I have not flown in quiet awhile but I am hope that next year we can make a trip to Seattle to see my kids.  I guess I need to get a sleeve just to be on the safe side.  So far I have not had any LE but I guess you never know

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Flying with or without sleeve - my LE therapist explained to me (long after I was dx'd with LE) that if you are showing no symptoms or high risk, the sleeve alone should be fine for precautionary care when flying because your lymphatic system is working okay, and the sleeve just helps keep it that way. Once dx'd or showing symptoms or at high risk of LE, very very bad to wear only sleeve because yes, it will tend to "pocket" in the hand if no gauntlet is present.

    To anyone already wearing garments, I wear a great combo sleeve/gauntlet, one piece, that is so much more comfortable than separate sleeve and gauntlet. My LE is not lower arm/hand ... so I don't need major compression around the wrist area. If anyone interested, just PM me and I'll give more info.

    Again, I'm so many pages back that I just read the current page. If I missed any major news, please pardon me for not commenting. Know that I'm in every pocket when needed, even if I didn't know I was needed :)  I have a routine I say each morning when saying some prayers on the train which includes asking God to put me in the pockets of my BCO sisters who need it.

    Love and hugs

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532

    i'm supposed to fly up to DC to see my son and while i don't think i have LE, i wonder.  he only took 2 nodes and i haven't had any symptoms i don't think.  it's funny that i'm not sure.  i feel so pushed to be symptom-free that i ignore more pains and stuff.  at any rate, should i get a sleeve for flying just in case?  i'm confused.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    YaYa, that's how we all felt hon...confused on top of confused. Having even one node taken puts you at risk of LE. No symptoms are good, wonderful :) Talk to your ONC and ask for a recommendation to an LE therapist. Not any therapist, an LE therapist. Then ask her/him about their thoughts on flying without or without a sleeve. More than likely, you'll be measured for a sleeve to wear as a precautionary measure while flying. I'd be happy to give lots more info about LE and possible precautionary measures if you're intersted. Just PM me :)