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  • seasiren
    seasiren Member Posts: 5

    Hi everyone!  I'm new to this forum group and look forward to participating.  Best wishes and lots of love! :)

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Welcome Seasiren, the ladies here are all wonderful, I think you will really enjoy the group and they have a bunch of knowledge and Love ..


  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Siren, welcome! Good to have you on board.

  • seasiren
    seasiren Member Posts: 5

    Thanks, everybody!  I just realized that your profile has a biography section on it...I put my story together, and I look forward to reading some of yours!  Best wishes :)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    welcome seasiren this is a great group of ladies here

  •   Hi you young middies you,  Now that I am "in" my 60's I truly feel that way.   Anyway, I am just stopping by to tell you that your fearless leader, Elimar, is fine and well, but having computer problems.   The problem is the router and a new one is supposed to arrive this week.  She also put me in charge of the mystery pic!!!   No, I am just kidding about that one, but it's always been my dream to win it sometime.

    I read the posts on this page and will comment on a few.:

      I also think the scariest part of surgery is being put to sleep.....not so much that I am afraid on not waking up because I always have, but I don't know knowing I am there, but totally gone and have no control over what is being done to me.  It is really difficult to stop smoking LisaMarie and you are doing a great job of it.....I smoked for years, look back now and wonder why, but I did and I quit many times.....then one day I just decided OK this is it, and it was.  I had to stop coffee for awhile, going to the bars and having a drink, anything I associated my habit with and then one day I realized the craving was gone and TaDah, I was no longer a smoker.   I am thankful I am not one of those people who lecture everyone else when I quit and I still have a  few friends who smoke, but I am very glad I quit.   Not only is is asking for another problem (that's what my onco told me I was doing), it is very expensive. 

    When I took lasix, I took potattium with it.   Once mine was too high and an onco nurse yelled at me when I told her I was taking it and I told her it was a RX I got from my GP and only took it when I was doing lasix. 

    I wear a lymphedema sleeve that I was fitted for whenever I fly,.... wear it when I am doing yard work or other physical activity that exercises my arm and I have never had any problems with it.  I have the hand gauntlet, but normally do not wear that.  Once in a pinch when I could not find my sleeve, I wore a rubber stocking on my arm with the foot cut out.  I think any sort of compression works.   All, I know is that I don't want to get it because I know it can be painful.

    Like  your name there a story behind that?  You will like this thread....many of my favorite people are on here. 

    Well, I am going to move on now, just did not want you to wonder where Elimar is.  My neighborhood is so quiet this morning, that I am wondering if everyone forgot to move their clocks forward.    Have a good one.    Marybe 

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Welcome Siren, all these ladies are so helpful.

    Marybe- I keep lookin at how many nodes that docs have taken from everyone and it scares me. Why did you bs take so many if the first few were clean?

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Marybe thanks for letting us know about Elimar.  I was beginning to wonder about her and thought gee whe must have a really good book she is reading.

  • Diana, Who knows why they did what they did on me, but remember it was back in 1990 that I had my mastectomy.   They took out 19 and all were clear and thanks to that even though I do not have lymphedema (maybe I do, but it's not in my arm, but under it), I have a pouch under my armpit that is almost like a breast itself.   The PS was going to fix it when I had the exchange to a implant from TE, but he did not and I never raised a squawk about it so that is how it still is today.  I had never even heard about that sentinal node biopsy until women on here talked about it, so I don't even know if they checked that on me.   I think the root of my whole problem and the fact I had recurrent mets many years later, was that I had NO tamoxifen, no chemo, no anything and again this was because it was 1990 and they have learned a heck of a lot since then.  I don't know if this answers your concerns, but try not to worry....chances are if you did a round of chemo after or did tamox or something as a preventative, you will be just fine.   I was young and stupid and just figured I was over and done with it and was happy when they said no I would look at it differently and would have gone for another opinion.   I have local friends with BC and they only had a few nodes removed and they are doing just fine.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Marybe- I have a friend who had her sugery 8 yrs ago and they were still taking all of the nodes then, well at least here in Maine. My lumpectomy is scheduled for Thursday. I really wanted to go to NY and have my surgery by a doc who uses laser, but just found out he doesn't take my insurance and it could be 2-8k for the surgery and I don't have the money to pay up front. I am so bummed out.

    After surgery I am going to have my dam ovaries surpressed. At 51 I still get my period every 23 days and it's time to shut them down. My MO wants me to take tamoxifen, but I am still reserved about it.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Marybe-I think you are just covering for E & she really off having a wild & crazy cruise with Antonio Banderas, Sean Connery, Brad Pitt, and George Clooney!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Hi ladies , the Breast surgeon called me today .. guess Plastic surgeon called and cant do my Surgery on April 10th so now I have been set back until April  24th... I guess it's not so bad but my mom purchased her ticket to fly here from Vegas for April 9th . she will call and try to change it ...I sure hope so :( Glad to see everyone is doing good hugs and love 

  • Eph...Shhhhh, that is supposed to be a secret.   Lisa, Maybe your mom can just extend her stay until you do have the surgery and go ahead and come as planned.....or can you handle that long of a visit.   I love my Dad dearly, but can't be with him for long periods of time.....did much better with my mother as we used to always find something to get into together.   Tamoxifen stopped my was like instant menopause.   I did not take it as preventative, but they used it on me as treatment after my cancer recurred....I was 48 then, but still having regular periods.   That is one thing I do not miss at all. 

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    Thanks Marybe , My mom changed her flight .. oh id love her to be here longer she just cant she has a sig other in Vegas and he is not well .. so she will need to get back to him , I feel bad enough she has to leave him , but I am single and am alone and I need her . also this is just putting more stress and anxiety on me .. longer wait now to get it all over with .. :( jeeze ...but at least i have all of u .. i am safe here , loved here , and most of all understood here 
  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Lisamarie68  - I am so glad your mom was able to change her flight and will be there to take care of you at least for a while. Funny how no matter how old we get, whenever we are ill, we want our Mommies (myself included) . I know the waiting is hard but we will be right here waiting with you. Hang in there!!!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Hi Lisamarie- I know how stressful the waiting is. My suspicious mammogram started last Sept. and I am finally having surgery on Thursday. I have been a train wreck for 6 months. I have had multiple mammograms, MRI's, 2 biopsies, and 3 surgeons. I am so tired. I will be monitored every 6 months for the rest of my life alternating with MRI's and Mammograms. I asked the surgeon yesterday if I  took a different Aromatase inhibitor other than tamoxifen how would the pill know if I was pre-menoposal or not and her answer was exactly. It's just finding a doc who will write the script. She said it is because they haven't done any trials with the others on pre-menoposal women so all they prescibe is the tamoxifen.

    Marybe-my bs said the most nodes she will take is 2 no matter what. She said studies have found that it is not a benefit to take anymore, but more harm. She also doesn't use the blue dye but just uses the nuclear stuff, so only one needle instead of 4. Smile She also puts the guide wire in herself and not a radiologist. She goes straight down from the top instead of from the side. She said she has found it to be better this way. I am scheduled for the surgery to start at 9 and she said I should be ready to leave at noon. I just want to be past this.

    Just picked up the book The Hunger Games to try to keep my mind off stuff. So far it is really good. The movie comes out the 23rd and I like to read the books first. There are 3 books total, so hopefully there will be 3 movies.Lisa- I can mail it to you when I am done if you like to read.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Thanks again friends ,

    Dinarose , what surgery are you having today ? I am not a person to sit and wait the anxiety of it all kills me . they told me I could do that too , Tamox and close monitoring . I chose the best decision for me . I will be in a better state of mind after I know that I have done all I can do for myself at that point .. I am also haveing the nuclear medicine on the 23rd april and PBMX on 24 April . My BS says she will take the sentinal nodes/ I am also a book reader too , the books are so much better . then u see the movie and its not so good lol :) thanks 4 all the support :)

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Lisamarie- I am having a lumpectomy with mammosite radiation after. I am scheduled for Thursday morning at 9. I have to get there at 7:45 for all the pre-op crap though. Have you asked how many nodes she will take? You are so right that we have to do what we are comfortable with.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    lisamarie - sorry to hear that your surgery was pushed back. The waiting is hard. So glad that your mom was able to make arrangements to still be with you. Moms are awsome!

    Dinarose - will be thinking of you on Thurs.  I have read the Hunger Games series along with my son who had to read it for school. I really enjoyed all three books. Can't wait for the movie!

    I hope everyone is enjoying sunshine and mild temps. Spring seems to have sprung!

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Any one of you ladies get a tattoo after you finished chemo?? I am 7 weeks out and really want to get a tat to signify completing the first phase.

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Hi Lory,

    Congratulations on being 7 weeks away from finishing!  I didn't get a tattoo after chemo but all four of my adult kids did - they all (boys and girls) got a pink ribbon in honor of my finishing treatment.  I was so touched!

    If you want a tat and the doctor thinks it's ok, then go for it.

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    I am actually 7 weeks done with chemo, 4 weeks done with surgery.. and will be starting rads in a few weeks.

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    sorry, I misunderstood. Congratulations then! 

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Lory , I am gonna say .. go for it but that ius because I am a tattoo kinda girl , I have 28 and Love each one and I look foward to my new ribbon tattoo as well ... Hugs and Congrats ...

    Dianarose , No the surgeon didnt say how many nodes she was taking . I guess that would be good ? for me to ask ,like I said im new to all of this and alone so it's hard to think of things to ask lol ... 

    Hugs to u all xoxoxo 

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Dianarose, I had only the sentinal node taken and the pathology was done on it right away while I was under.  They checked to see if it was clean and lucky for me it was so they did not take any more out.  If it had been cancer, the BS would have taken more until he got one with no cancer cells.  That is why they do the dye so they can follow the path of the lymph drainage.  I'll be with you holding your hand in your pocket so hang in there and you'll get through.  Just remember to "float and drift".  Kitty

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Thanks Lisamarie, If it all works out I am going to go ahead with it.. I drew up and beautiful butterfly with the pink ribbon as the body. I added the words Faith and Hope to the ribbons and Phillipians 4:13 entwined..

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Sounds so pretty , I also wanted to incorporate words into mine not sure what I am gonna do Lory .. anyway off  to work .. Hope u ladies have a great day :) 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Lory48 I have gotten a few tats since chemo.  I waited until my levels came up and my onc said it was ok.  I waited for about 3 months past it just to be safe.  I didnt have rads so I don't know if that will make a difference.  I have gotten 4 of them since then and haven't had a single issue.  Go for it!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Stopping in to say hi to all and feeling horribly guilty for lurking around. Still blissfully unemployed and enjoying almost every minute. Laundry today, ok not so fun!! Coming up on my one year post end of rads so my onc should clear me for reconstruction and now I have more questions than answers. Beginning to feel healthy finally--not sure I'm ready to jump on the surgery bandwagon again. But I'm pretty sure I want this--I have all the admiration in the world for those of you who choose not to recon, but I guess I'm just not that brave. 

    Hope everyone is enjoying Spring and the beautiful changes it brings--gotta love all the bright colors in the gardens(no weather talk, I swear!) Promised my DH an hour a day in the yard to help pay for me being unemployed. I am cheap labor!!

    Dianarose--I'll be in your pocket Thursday, party music and extra dark chocolate!! Make room ladies!! 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    I would be totally remiss if I didn't drop in some eye candy. Happy belated 50th Birthday Mr. Bon Jovi. Still rocking those leather pants.  I know he's not everyone's taste--but for those who do--- enjoy!!!