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  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eph I am in July as well.  When is yours?

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Again I'm way too many pages behind, so sorry for what I missed.

    July bday  here too ... 31st, just made it! And I'm a Leo through and through. I don't go for all that stuff as a rule, but most things I read about Leos are sooo me!

    Mystery pic - I never guessed correctly, but I enjoyed the challenge, so glad it's coming back!!!

    Eli - topper (girl with cheetos and wine) is adorable!!!

    As always, know that you're all in my daily prayers and thoughts even when I'm not actively posting.

    Hugs :)

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Jo, I am so glad you are home! Yay!

    Happy Birthday!!

  • rewayland
    rewayland Member Posts: 9

    i had heard about the need for rest, for me it was like a wave of powernap time in the afternoon. I scheduled my therapy in the morning, came home and took a nap. I made no apologies for it, and the sleep feels great! enjoy!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Janis, I'm a firecracker kid!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Been up since the wee hours. I've been having what I think are mucsle spasms in my chest in the night. Very painful. It stops once I am up for a few minutes.

    I wanted to do something normal last night so we went fishing. A huge black and red water snake came right up to the shore where we were fishing and bit onto the fish my BF was trying to reel in. That did it for me. I was all done. When we got home I had to duck from a bat that was flying around on my porch. I had enough of nature for one day.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Jo - glad you made it home! Get lots of rest sending healing vibes your way.

    Hi rewayland - Haven't seen you here before so ... Welcome! Sucks that we all are here, but you will find great support and encouragement from everyone.

    Dianarose - my DH is a big fisherman and is always asking me to go with him. It is very relaxing....of course until the snakes and other creepy crawlies come along. I really don't fish, just hold the pole while he baits it and takes off any fish that come along. And bats???? They really creep me out.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Greetings, rewayland!   I'm thinking you opened this thread on the first page where I was asking about rads and fatigue.  That has been a while ago for me.  Over 2 years and 600+ pages ago, but with new ladies coming all the time, we have it all going on here.  I can bring you up to date.  So far we covered how much B/C sucks; chocolate, Cheetos, hot flashes, scanxiety, man-candy, how much B/C treatments suck, hot flashes again, cruises--both real and imaginary, lymphedema vigilance, the ultimate suckiness of B/C recurrence, how much we miss PauldingMom, my alleged "creepy" pics I post at the top, our daily lives, and a LOT more.  I'm sure we'll mention all that again, so just jump right in.

    Oh, did I mention labyrinths?

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eli the proof is in the popularity!  This is such an awesome thread.  We can hang out, bitch when we need to, cry, hold one another up.  What would we do without this beloved group of brave, smart, and very supportive women?  You are all troopers and friends as well.  I love you ladies.

    I am getting nervous about tomorrow.  I have had the overnight bag sitting in my room all morning.  I haven't put one thing in it!  I have to check in at the hospital at 8:30.  Hoping I will get some motivation before then!

    Someone from my rads thread is bringing sourdough bread from California.  I am originally from SF so that is one thing I really miss.  Anything that would go good with sourdough, bring along.  Do not forget Cheetos (Eli) and chocolate always!!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Once, Meece brought us some chocolate Cheetos from Japan...let's just say that was an acquired taste.

    I got a new washing machine today.  (It wasn't even my birthday.)  I'm doing the innaugural load right now.  It is so hard to contain my excitement. 

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    LOL Eli, I swear I could hear your voice as you typed that. I know laundry has a very special place in my heart too!!

    Janis, I hope you're planning to wear the super-large-pocketed-pants tomorrow, you'll need them to hold us all :)  I'm bringing some apple butter to spread on the sourdough. Yummmm

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Elimar, what kind did you get and how did the maiden voyage go?

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Janis - will be thinking about you tomorrow. Will pop in to the PP for a while, then I am off to accompany a friend for her knee surgery. Sending happy thoughts and best wishes for you.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Wow it has been a busy weekend in my house, whew!!!!  I'm one tuckered out chic today.  I was nonstop from the time I got up yesterday until 2:00am.  Thank goodness my daughter helped with the party cleanup!  Atleast a good time was had by all!  The older party goers are moving abit slow this am an family breakfast was more a brunch.  Since my bro came up for our party we always do a family breakfast the next A.M.  Lets just say the liqour really flowed last night.

    Yahoo the MP is coming back!!  Thanks Eli!  And I am honored to be able to do it!

    Welcome home and HAPPY BIRTHDAY JO!!!!  Love that cake Eli got for you!!  I hope you will share some, lol!

    Laundry has always been my favorite choir of them all, hee hee!  Enjoy your new machine!!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eli, am I allowed to congratulate you for your new aquisition?  Hey I love laundry.  I have a load drying outside right now.  Love that smell.

    Paula it sounds like a great time was had by all.  I bet you are tired, but so happy to hear everyone had such a great celebration! 

    Barsco, thanks so much.  it sounds like you have a busy day tomorrow.  Your friend is lucky to have you there in real life.  I hope she does well.  Happy thoughts all around!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Janis, I'll be there right after my visit to the oral surgeon. Hopefully he can give me a steroid shot to calm my nerves down and get rid of my jaw pain once and for all. Then I can join in on all the good eats at the PP.

    E - the one good thing about this crappy dx is I don't have to do laundry anymore. The washer and dryer are in the basement. I can do stairs now but not while holding things (like a basket lol).

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Wow, go away for a week or so and I'm behind almost ten pages. i have no idea where to begin so I will just have to wish Jo a happy belated birthday and I'm sending over one of my nurse friends 

    and for all of your gals having a pp tomorrow, I'm sure Jo will let us borrow her nurse for a little pocket fun. I swear we will bring him right back!! 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Claire...Love the nurse, can I have him?  Maybe he can cheer me today! 

    I am such a nervous wreck over this surgery.  I am up bright and is now 3:45 my time.  Surgery is not until 10:00 and I don't even have to be at the hospital until 8:30!  It is only about a 20 minute drive.  Think I got up early enough? 

    Reesie....I feel for you having to go to the oral surgeon.  I hope you can get some much needed relief!  You need to come and party with us!  I'll be thinking of you sweet lady and hoping the injection helps.  It would not be fair if you couldn't enjoy all the goodies!   I'll tell everyone to make sure not to start partying too hard until you get back from the surgeon.  Then everyone can dig in.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    See now, if my hospital had nurses like that, I wouldn't make such a fuss when they had to take my blood pressure!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Janis , im right here with you . am in ur  pocket until 2 pm then I do mhave to run for my nuclear medicine . :) xoxoxo

    I would just love that nurse to come with me after my surgery tomroow ..

    Hugs luv u all xoxoxoxoxox 

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    Wow - I missed a couple of days. Janis - will be pocket diving this morning! 

    Well, congratulations Eli. When we moved to this house we got a front loader washer and dryer. With windows. So you watch the clothes tumble.  Pass the popcorn. Watching the water come in is especially cool. 

    By the way, Cheetos are buy one/get one free at Publix this week! Tongue out 

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    In your pockets this morning, Janis and reesie! Praying for you both!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Momine, your BP would be thru' the roof if you had that nurse!

    Marlegal, I'm glad you could "hear" my voice as you read.  I save my stuffier writing for the one topic threads, but here usually write just like I would talk to my girlfriends.  Yes, I can usually get them laughing too.

    Laundry Afficionados, My new washer is nothing fancy, nothing to pop any corn over.  Just a G.E. top loader, 3.6 capacity Energy-Star model.  Big sale, tax holiday and free-delivery were the incentives.  The thing about Energy-Star appliances, they seem to clean in a less vigorous way, but then take longer to compensate for it.  I had a great old Whirlpool washer (for over 20 years) that did a load in 1/2 an hour.  Probably sucked up the energy too.  We didn't need new hoses, so the delivery guys would not hook it up with the old hoses and my husband had to do that.  That was fine, but as he did so, his sweatpants sagged a little and I still had to glimpse some butt-crack.  I guess working with appliances just bring that out in every man.  (Sorry to start your week with that visual, my friends.)

    Barbe1958,  I heard you were having problems getting reinstated to BCO due to some weird glitch.  Good to know you are not avoiding us.  Hope to see you soon.


    Anyway, it's going to be a busy day, getting around to all the pocket parties.  I think I'll just give all those pockets a fly-by.


    Be watching for me, I'll be dropping your snacks down as I fly over.  You won't even feel the "guilt" of consuming snacks this time.  We are eating CARROTS, after all, right?


  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Sure, but at least it would be a health problem that would be worth it. ;)

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Hi..I'm new to this thread. I'm wondering if any of you had a idc < 5 mm. (mine was multi foci with the largest being 3mm) AND HER2+?

    I had a mastectomy on April 3rd and my oncologist is recommending NO chemo or Herceptin due to the small size....only Arimadex for five years. I've seen other women on BC.ORG with small rumors and HER2 + status that go the chemo/Herceptin I'm wondering if it's because I'm post- meapausal? I'm 57 years old. I should be glad that I may not need chemo....but I don't want to miss something that could be the game changer! Btw I asked my oncologist if my age was a factor and he said was the size

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Hello, Chachamom!  Good question.  We need a HER2+ to come along and answer that one.  If they are giving Arimidex "just in case" due to the positive hormone status, it does make you wonder what is the "just in case" for the HER2+?  
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Hey Middies - Janis just called me and asked me to post an update.  She is doing well.  Doctor had her cough and she said is was worse than having a baby.  She is in good spirits and is hoping to be home tomorrow.  Here is a phone number if anyone would like to call her - 208-463-5404.

    As for me,  I finally made it home on Saturday. What was supposed to be go in on Wed and home on Thurs turned out to be a 2nd surgery and home on Saturday.  I was not happy that I have to spend part of my birthday in the hospital but what is a girl supposed to do??  I am a bit sore but recovery is coming along.  I go back to the PS on Friday and am hoping to get the drains out - I have 2 on my left side and they are close together.  The new boob looks amazing and will be worth all the crap I went through to get it. 

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Hi Jo- glad you are back and doing ok. I am so happy that your new boob looks amazing, sorry it was a 2 surgeries though.

    Glad Janis is doing ok too.

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Elimar: that's what I don't understand....kind of like " there's a 10% chance your going to run into a serial killer with a we'll give you a sling shot"

    My Onc responded to my ? Saying that the Arimadex has a much lower chance of negative side effects, so the potential benefit is worth the risk....not for the HER2+ targeted therapy. I'm getting a second opinion next week.

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Elimar: that's what I don't understand....kind of like " there's a 10% chance your going to run into a serial killer with a we'll give you a sling shot"

    My Onc responded to my ? Saying that the Arimadex has a much lower chance of negative side effects, so the potential benefit is worth the risk....not for the HER2+ targeted therapy. I'm getting a second opinion next week.