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  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Diana bummer you had a bad night I did too.  I tried to sleep in my bed and I was not ready to sleep flat on my back.  Did not sleep well and was in pain today.  So back to the recliner tonight.  Friends brought my supper woohoo, I have not had to cook in three weeks.

    I am up for pocket parties this week.  Wish I was up for a real party but maybe soon.  But I do love the vitural ones that we have on here.  Jo is going to look amazing.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    I forgot to say Elimar , I love the tree ... that is just breathtaking to me :) 

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    Sissy...I don't know how they treat those lesions but I hope and pray it goes well for you! Do you know when your biopsy will be?

    I don't know if any of you remember but I wrote around ten days ago about the daughter of one of my friends who is 15 years old and was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It turns out that it's even's primary peritoneal cancer which is a rare cancer of the lining of the abdomen. Our Children's hospital here has never seen a case; it usually happens in older women. It has spread to her ovary and her liver so she is stage 4. Her prognosis is poor; only 27% of patients make it to 5 years. Median time of survival is 12 to 18 months. We are all just sick about it and my friend and her husband are devastated. We all keep praying for a miracle....

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    Oh my Loveschristmas , that is a sad story . my brother just informed me that my cousin has cancer , and he kept saying itst a female cancer as she just lost a baby .. but he says it starts with a P .. and I said we dont have any girl parts that starts with P .. all I could think of was pancreas .. he kept saying placenta , I kept telling h
    m that placenta is only there when we are pregnant .. I dont know but will get details . I will pray for your friend and her family :( Hugs 
  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Loveschristmas - How awful! I will be praying for a miracle for your friends daughter. 15 is way too young to have to go thru that crap.

    Lisamarie - I will be there for you on the 24th. I remember the anxiety prior to surgery but honestly it was not nearly as big a deal as I had made it out to be ....

    That said, my PS insisted that my drains be less than 20 ccs for at least 3 days before pulling them. I had one of those stupid drains for 4 weeks.... 

  • nfranklin
    nfranklin Member Posts: 51

    Home from second Taxol treatment, feeling good but tired. Was really warm when I first got home but that is gone now. HUGS to all of you who still have your drainage bags, to those that are suffering with SE's,and those who are a bit apprehensive about upcoming surgeries and diagnosis. I am in your pocket and praying for all of you. Have a blessed and peaceful night.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Sherry I lived in my recliner for months.  It has my cheeks implanted in them, lol.  I know that after the TE came out and the foobies healed up I was able to go back to regular sleeping. 

    Rest up nfranklin.  

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Sherry- sorry you had a bad night and are back in the recliner. I am waiting for 8 am to measure the fluid and do the math for the 24 hour period. If no higher than 34-35 doc said the tubes can come out today. The tissue expanders are a lot harder than I thought they would be. They feel like rocks. It will be nice when we get our real girls. I am looking forward to going back to the LE therapist for the stretches she does with me. I had just gotten full range of my arm after the lx and now I have to start over. I can't imagine doing the mapping for radiation until my arms don't hurt. I hope you are feeling better.

    This is a great read on Metformin.

  • nfranklin
    nfranklin Member Posts: 51

    Thanks Paula66, got good sleep, for about 5 hours. Been up for a while, feeling fine.

    Dianarose: Here is hoping that your fluid measurements are under 35 so you can get the drainage tubes out, you will so much better. Have a good day,and you feel better.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    You girls certainly keep busy here......

    Jo - will be in your pocket on Wed. I will have some rockin tunes on the i-pod as well as some easy listening songs so we don't disturb you too much.

    Dianarose - what a great relief that your insurance is to cover you 100%!! And that you will be getting your drains out - glad that everything is going well for you.

    nfranklin - I hope all continues to go well for you.

    sissyvon - sorry to hear about the lesions on the liver. My lesions were not removed due to extent of involvement, but they are definitely getting the s#at kicked out of them with tamox. I know that some lesions can be removed though. Here's hoping that yours can be blasted out either way.

    Loveschristmas - I am so sorry to hear about your friend. It is so sad and so unfair for someone so young to have to endure such a terrible dx. She has been in my prayers and will continue to be in my thoughts also.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    nfranklin- I did the math and I am at 34.5, 35, and 32.5. I can't wait to call once their office is opened. Five hours seems to be the magic number for a lot of us with sleep.

    Sherry- how long did it take to get the path report back. I am assuming it will take longer than the lx one.

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    Sherry - hope you're feeling better today. 

    Dianarose - GREAT news on the Oncotype! When I had mine, the Oncotype office called me to tell me my ins would cover it 100%. They were very nice. Wonder if your path will take a little longer since it is a complicated diagnosis...

    LovesChristmas - that is so sad...

    nfranklin & sissyvon - Thinking of you...healing vibes coming your way!

    Hope everyone has a great day! Off to the Onc for me this morning. I'm always the youngest person in the room and the pts look at me like I'm out of place. Yeah, I feel that way too. 

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Madpeacock- how long did it take to get your oncotype results? I had IDC and ILC, I am wondering if they do the test on both or how they will do it. How are you doing on the Tamoxifen?

    What is a low score and what is considered a high score?

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    Dianarose - Mine was back when I went for my postsurgery follow up a week later. 

    Tamoxifen - heh. I fired it about six weeks ago.

    You can go to the Oncotype website and read about the scoring. Mine was 8, which is considered very low. I'm not sure of the exact ranges, but below 17 (ish) is considered low to borderline, from there to low 20s is borderline to high, and anything above there is considered high risk.  Score goes up to 100. Highest score I've ever seen on BCO was in the upper 40s, but I'm sure there are others. 

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Have you thought about taking metformin? You can check out the link above. My MO suggested it. He doesn't like to prescribe Tamoxifen. He also thinks my score will be in the middle. We will see if he's right.

    Doc just called and the DAM TUBES ARE COMING OUT AT 3:30!!!!!!! I can't wait.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    dianarose...congrats on getting the tubes removed!  That is wonderful.  I know what a relief that must be.

    Loves Christmas.....I am so so sorry about your friend.  Cancer at any age is bad, but so unfair to somethat that young.  My heart goes out to her and her family. 

    Sherry I sure hope you get to feeling perkier soon.  For now just take it a day at a time and attend all the pocket parties going on.

    Jo...I am getting a great seat in your pocket tomorrow.  You will do great and probably be mopping the floors of your hospital room tomorrow night! 

    I hope everyone else is doing well!

  • nfranklin
    nfranklin Member Posts: 51

    Dianarose:  So glad those tubes are coming out.  You seem to be just a little bit happySmile.

    Jo...In your pocket, girl there are a lot of people here, we are here for you.

    My path reports were back one in 7 days and one in 9 days, my doctor had told me it would be 10 days.  These were the path reports after each surgery.

    I guess I will take a shower and get ready for hospital appointments today.  My DH works nights so I am trying to be quiet around the house until he wakes up, he got in around 5 so he will probably be getting up around 10 or 11, he usually doesn't sleep pass 5 hours.  Then he lays down an hour or so before getting up and getting ready for work, has to be there at 7:30 PM and usually some overtime everynight.  He will be taking me to the hospital today, got to be there for 12:45 fasting blood specimen appt., then bone density at 1:30 PM appt, and see my MO at 4 PM.  It will be a long afternoon for me, because I am very tired this morning. 

    Thanks everyone for your support.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Morning, all!  Was thinking about a few we have not heard from in a while...cmblastic, OG56, suzwes, the lurking fmakj, leisaparis, 3jays, and where's Barbe?  Hope all are well and being newly normal.

    Dianarose,  Yahoo!  And so long, drains!  I know you will be working with a PT, and I think you can do that during radiation, but there may come a point where it won't feel good to have someone massaging that area.  I don't know, I had some PT after rads were finished.  I will tell you this:  No matter how stretched out your arm and chest feel going into rads, they will come out tight all over again.  I call it "microscarring" but I made that word up. The rads seem to do damage that makes the tissues less elastic, like scar tissue is.  A PT definitely helps, as does stretching on your own.  I still stretch every day, but if I don't than that side wants to be a little tighter than the other, even now.

    nfranklin, That is a long day!  Good Luck and I hope you can squeeze in a nice lunch with your husband.  (Otherwise you will be driven crazy by all the munching of your pocket people.)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Dianarose woohoo on getting your drains out today.  My Dr got my path report back at about a week but read it at the hospital.  I go next week for my first fills and I will get my copy then as I have not see it yet.

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    Yay for getting the drains out Dianarose!

    I hope your day goes well nfranklin....that is a long day!

    Thank you everyone who commented on my friend's daughter. Right now they're waiting for surgery. The doctors here recommended a doctor who has done this type of surgery before but he is in Israel right now and won't be back until next week. It's such a rare cancer that not many doctors have experience in doing it and everything we read recommends that you find someone who has. Thank you again for your prayers for Julia...

    I'll be in your pocket tomorrow Jo!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    How can you edit your diagnosis , in your own words without picking from the questions and answers ?

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Lisa maria if you want to add more than the checked boxes ad it to your signature line.

  • nfranklin
    nfranklin Member Posts: 51

    This morning was good full of energy no other apparent SE's. Could not eat or drink anything before fasting blood specimen at 12:45 today at the hospital. Took fruit, nuts, and oat bar and juice to eat after blood is taken. Had bone density test no pain at all 1:30 pm, one of the easiest test. Visited with my MO at 4pm, discussed the port. I really have only one good vein and they have had to stick me twice each time to put the IV in, he said that was not good so we are talking about the port sooner than later. Came home sneezing and with a runny nose, around 4:30 pm after sitting in a cold waiting room, and oh so tired again, all my energy is GONE, used up in the waiting room of the hospital. I am hoping for energy in the morning, I want to go grocery shopping, so my DH will not have to, even though he doesn't mind at all, but I like to grocery shop sometimes, it's been almost 2 months since I got to grocery shop all on my own.

    I am ready for bed can hardly keep my eyes open, don't want to go to bed too early, because I will probably wake up in the wee wee hours of the morning and can't go back to sleep.

    Have a good night every one.

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216
    Hang in there nfranklin! Here's hoping for a good night's rest and you'll be ready to do things tomorrow. I know I like to do the shopping, as I come up with meals while I'm looking over stuff. I can't really say to DH, "Get the stuff that I MIGHT want to use..." I can see the look now.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    LC-Barb,  It makes me so sad to hear and see young cancer victims.  I can hardly sit thru' the St. Jude commercials on t.v.  They are not giving Julia very good odds, so I hope she does well with her surgery and treatments and surprises them all.

    madpeacock,  I don't think we've ever established whether the peacock is angry or crazy????

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    I was having difficulties in walking due severe pain in my feet. Having doubt of  high uric acid , I got tested, done X-ray but  .. report says  normal uric acid, joints are in intact but  there  is a calaneal posterior spur in my feet which needs to be  remove through operation.  After that I have not gone to the doctor .. as I am scared of another  operation. The anasthesia injection  in the hip bone was very painful  as I experienced during my BC operation. If any one knows about possible  alternative treatment for reducing    the deposition  of calcium in my feet, please  tell me  and  post here.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Getting my tubes out yesterday was very exciting. My BF came with me and I asked him to stand by me so I could squeeze his hand which he did. The first tube was totally wrapped down and around my boob and out close to the arm pit, about 14 inches of tube under the skin. It hurt as the doc really had to pull hard for the first 4 inches to come out. After that I asked him to move to the other side, but he never made it. He passed out. A big thud and there was my 6'4" BF on the floor. I had to give up the examine table for him and the nurse took care of him while the doc took the other two tubes out from the chair. Needless to say, I had to drive most of the way home ready or not. I didn't sleep much better without the tubes because the expanders are like rocks and still hurt.

    My path results sucked. From what I read she took a total of 12 nodes and all positive with dam lobular. It also invaded the barrier between the breast tissue and the muscle. Now the odds of it being somewhere else, but just undetectable at this time is much higer. I accepted loosing my breast, radiation, removal of the ovaries, hormone drugs, but I am not dealing well with the thought of chemo and possible dying from this.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Diana, congrats on getting those blasted drains out. How I hated those and I only had them for 5 days, so I really shouldn't whine. Your big man couldn't take it though, huh? Laughing My uncle wrote me that I was taking it all like a man, but then he added that this was probably a dumb thing to say since men tended to be way more wussy than women when it came down to the wire.

    I am so sorry about the path results, that sucks. I have quit smoking, but I bought a pack the day I got mine. All the docs had been convinced that I would not have lymph involvement and then it turned out that I did after all. it threw me for a loop, but then a few weeks pass and you realize you ain't dead yet and it gets better.

    Chemo sucks big-time, but it still did not suck anywhere near as much as I had imagined in my fevered imagination. Focus on feeling well. I am not a shopper, but during chemo I would buy myself treats and generally do whatever I decided made me feel better. It worked well, and I had a surprisingly good time during chemo. Towards the very end (I had 8 treatments all in all, so quite a lot), it did get kinda old, but I recovered fairly quickly. 

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    momine- thanks for the encouragement. I am not there mentally yet, but I hope I can do this. I meet with the MO next week. One good thing I read is that lobular is the slower one to spread to other parts of the body. Ovarian Cysts showed up on my pet scan. Now I am a little nervouse about that because with lobular that is one place it likes to go. I guess it likes to go right to it's dam food source.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Diana, for sure you can do this, but I know it isn't exactly a good time right now. I had my ovaries and uterus taken out once I finished chemo. I had some uterine fibroids and although they were benign, I was leary of anything growing more than it is supposed to and the ovaries were taken to cut off estrogen to the ILC and prevent future cancer. it turned out that there were some funky, pre-cancerous cells down there, so I am glad to have it gone. They let me keep my cervix and did the surgery with a few tiny incisions, pretty much a piece of cake.