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  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    I read, surrogate mother gave birth....

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    olgah, think you are right.

    But no Eli, I never had breast issues, no infection, not-a-ting, nada. Breastfed both my DS till they were one. My Bc came out of the blue, except for the dense breasts. . . and the microcalcifications. . . other than that, it was all a surprise! 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Oh, she had a surrogate?  I only read the headline, so what do I know.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    obviously, you don't stay caught up with Entertainment Tonight, Inside Edition, tMZ and Access Hollywood!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    cmb, I did have a phase of buying those supermarket tabloids years ago (when kids were small and I could only read a paragraph at a time before having to jump up) but back then they were only a buck or two.  The skyrocketing price of print gossip made me kick the habit.  I rarely watch the entertainment news shows, but I do have E-Online on my homepage just in case Brad & Angelina tie the knot.  Wouldn't want to miss out sending them that crock pot..
  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    Smile was on Yahoo, I read it even with my severe chemo brain....I think they named him Edward Duke...
  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    cannot paste it here...

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Am glad to see a story with a happy ending (Guilana & Bill) .... 

    No prior infection or issues for me. Had a fibrous cyst right next to the tumor but it had been there 20 years... Was still there unchanged up to bmx....

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Mine started out as ADH never had any type of infection.

    Since I am off I wanted to be productive of something and I finally cleaned my home office today.  It was truly a mess with a pile of papers.  Got my filing all caught up.  Now if i can just keep it this way.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    The mastitis theory could still count for something, because there is usually not just one thing only that triggers our innocent little breast cells to mutate over to the dark side.  In fact, they undergo several levels of mutation to turn into the truly evil B/C cells.  If infection/inflamation (or injury/trauma) occur, it may not mean automatic B/C, but it may put you one step (damage level) closer to getting that fateful B/C diagnosis.  I'm sure our wayward cells have found many ways to mutate, tricky ways that even the research brainiacs are not onto yet. 

    Finding out exactly why we get B/C is one thing.  Finding out how to stop getting it is another.   We're at that place where we know a bit about the first and almost nothing about the second.   IF (but I really should say WHEN) the breakthrough finally comes, will any of us still be around to rejoice?


  • Kd6blk
    Kd6blk Member Posts: 33

    I nursed three babies for at least one year...I was a small B cup before and DD while nursing...and I did have Mastitis..a few times. I had wondered about it. I had also been whacked hard in that breast as a teen...who knows..I think it is a combo of things and I am betting on diet...processed foods and hormone tainted meats...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Kd6blk--there are lots of things that are associated with the risk of bc, but the reality is that medical science doesn't really know all that has to happen for a cancer to start.  I get really irritated with the whole "blaming the patient" thing--if I ate correctly, if I wasn't overweight, if I didn't enjoy a drink now and again, if I exercised more than I did I wouldn't have gotten the rat ba$tard. Yeah, right.  You can't promise me a cure, so it must be my fault in the first place.  I'm not buying that!  When medicine can tell me exactly how I got it, THEN I'll accept it was my own fault.  YEESH!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Native Mainer I so agree. There are so many different women here who all got it. 

    I am fresh out of the hospital from my neck surgery.  I am feeling really good.  I have to wear a collar but it is not uncomfortable at all.  My son informed me I had the exact same surgery as Peyton Manning did.  Being in the Denver area he is a lifelong Bronco fan so of course thrilled that Peyton is our new QB.  I don't think I am ready for tryouts just yet.  Peyton took a year off.  The graft does take time to 'take'.  I have titanium plates and screws.  The good news is titanium doesn't set off metal detectors! 

    I am so far behind reading.  I hope that everyone is doing great.  If I missed any pocket parties I apologize!  You are always in my thoughts.....the hospital Chaplain came to visit me yesterday and pray for me.  I asked him instead to please pray for all of my BC sistas who struggle with this illness.  So there are now a lot of prayers coming from Idaho for you great ladies! 

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Sherryc - glad that your exchange went well. You must be thrilled that everything looks so great! Have fun shopping for those bras!

    Janis - good to hear that your surgery went well also and that you are not having a lot of discomfort. Hope the healing goes well and quickly. Prayers all around!

    Well, the final weekend of summer is here - the kids will all be going back to school on Tuesday. Will be the first yr my DS will not be going back to school. Guess I'm getting old - lol

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I nursed three babies and had mastitis with the first two.  I also went from a B cup to over a DDD (I didn't have a bra that would cover me up and stay around my ribcage).  I also have had Fibrocystic breasts since I first developed breasts.  My breast tissue is dense, but I was really surprised when my NP at my last MO visit was reviewing the results of my MRI with me and she said "and you still have dense breast tissue." Does dense breast tissue go away with time or age?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    janis,  So that is where you have been!  So, you're saying neck surgery was easier than breast surgery, then?  Money mouth  Glad you are feeling no pain.

    Meece,  Supposedly, women our age are get less dense in the breast.  The lack of estrogen after menopause is supposed to shrivel our milk lobes/ducts down some, leaving the less dense fat tissue.  Guess yours did not get that memo.  Mine neither, so far.  Unfortunately dense doesn't mean firm.  Ironic that one can be both saggy and dense. Oh yay.

    NMainer,  How you doin?   I agree about the complexity of B/C.  Women who do everything "right" get it too.  'Course we can't forget that a lot of stuff that is "right" is only a new study away from being "wrong."  With so much contradiction out there, who knows what to do anymore?  

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Janis so glad everything has gone so well, Sure hope this gives you the relief you deserve! Hope you are back to dancing form soon

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Rocky Horror Picture Show??

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Young Frankenstein?

  • comingtoterms
    comingtoterms Member Posts: 52

    I don't fit in here all the way - I have grown kids plus an almost twelve-year old at home! I am still menstruating! But I am 52, so I fall in the age-part! I am intested to know if anyone here is still menstruating and if so, if you have been told you are at an increased risk of recurrence because of it?  Tammy

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Yes Eli, the late great Madeline Kahn. I've seen that movie 100 times. At least. Never understood why my favorite line was "why what big knockers!!"

    Welcome Tammy! Of course, you fit in!! Our membership requirements aren't that strict, we cyber hug, support, and throw some killer pocket parties! I'm sure someone will answer your question, not me, tho, its been two years this month since I last saw Aunt Betty or Aunt Flo or what ever the heck her name is! Is that a reason to celebrate? Can we have a party?  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, Kd6blk

    Welcome, comingtoterms!   Many in this age group still have their periods, but chemo and/or Tamoxifen can change all that.  I was perimenopausal when I started my Tamox., and may have entered into menopause a little earliy.  Hard to tell.  Did you have to do chemo?  Many get "chemopause."  At this age, if you get chemopause, it may or may not reverse itself when chemo is done.  To answer your question, I believe it is said that women who continue to menstruate during chemo DO have an increased risk for recurrence.  I have not heard this about continuing to menstruate while on Tamox.  I am sorry that I don't have this info. bookmarked, and it is just something from memory...SO I MAY BE WRONG ABOUT THIS.  My middle-aged brain is not as reliable as it once was.

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    I've missed you all!!! Somehow this thread disappeared from my favorites and I just found it!

    Katharine2411: Thanks for the Huffington post article. What insight!

    Welcome to all the newbies....this is the thread to laugh, cry and get educated ..l.all with some pretty awesome pocket parties!

    Speaking of crying....I do most of mine in private. Everyone around me, my DH, DM, friends, we're crying and I couldn't......felt like I was "strong"......then late one night I left bed, went into the living room and just started bawling uncontrollably. .....loud and messy boo hoos. My DH came out later and held me.....and said he was starting to worry about my lack of crying.

    I cry at the weddings, funerals, movies, and all those acceptable social events...but crying for myself has always seemed too selfish to indulge in.

    I have a CT scan scheduled for Sept 11th. I know it's just part of the monitoring protocol with my MO appt on the 27th, so I'm not real worried, yet, but would appreciate positive thoughts from my peeps.

    Hope you are enjoy the holiday weekend. Blessings!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Comingtoterms, I was 47 at DX and still menstruating. After chemo, I had an ooph and started femara. Has your onc not wanted to put you on meds against the estrogen?

  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498

    Continuing to menstruate while on tamoxifen is actually a good thing per my MO. You shed the uterus lining that can cause problems by thickening, so having your period means you have fewer worries about uterine cancer (which is rare anyway)

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    I was menstruating last year, and I was 53...My oncologist said, my body thought I was 40 and it is why I got so aggressive cancer...HER2, GRADE3...But after DMX and chemo I stopped my periods.I am on Tamoxifen now.

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517

    I'm 44, and had my second round today. My period came last night...right on schedule. Shit. Perfect timing aye?

    As for The mastisis thing.... I never had children never had do much as a family history. I don't drink anymore; ever, I don't smoke anymore. Not sure it means anything, but I'm going to leave it to the universities with grants to hopefully help our loved ones in our lifetime.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Even after all these years they still can't come up with anything better the some of the stuff thats been around the www on what they think causes it.  Well let me tell you this much I'm so frickn tired of it.  I've gotten to the point where I'm about ready to roll one, smoke it, get the freakn munchies and enjoy a whole freakn cake, then they can say that because I'm over weight and because I burned one, that will cause it.  Guess what I wasn't over weight ever until after I went thru chemo and Tammo.  I had stopped smoking ciggs 2 yrs before BC came along and had quit drinking 7.5 years before that!!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Clearly, it was just too much clean living on your part, Paula66!

    That gives me an idea for a new bestseller:  Party Your Way to A New Healthier You!   Even if it turned out to be the same size crock as most of those crock-y self-help books out there, it would be a heck of a lot more fun than all of the ones based on "don't do this" and "don't do that."


                                                                                            Happy Labor Day Weekend to All!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Welcome to the newbies! 

    Comingtoterms- I was 40 at diagnosis and continue to have my monthly curse every month. Not quite as regularly as before Tamoxifen but thus every 18 or 30 days depending .....  I also have grown children....

    Janis - Glad to see you are doing so well post surgery. My husband had that surgery two years ago and is pretty much back to normal. Hope you do just as well.

    Chachamom - Welcome back! I too have a hard time crying for myself. Thus most of my "moments" were brief and usually during a bubble bath! Sending positive thoughts for the CT scan and will be happy to hang out with the lint in the pocket if you want a pocket party...

    Hope each of you ladies has something fun this weekend or plenty of rest planned. I have work, fun & laziness all planned into my weekend...