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  • patriciahurtado
    patriciahurtado Member Posts: 85

    Hey my ladies....i hope you guys enjoy your holiday....relax rest cry do it we start a strong week......what is the pocket party and where !!! i wanna go....i havent started any of my treatmenst but i will get my port on 10 and i guess chemo after that...but for now...lets enjoy this weekend!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    So, as most of you know, I lost my mom recently (June).  It was a short intense 90 days from diagnosis to death & I've been reeling.  Well, I had vacation time that I needed to use up so Mon-Tues-Wed I went to Reno, by myself! After 48 hours of intense eating, gambling, drinking, going to a show, & naps I came home with the same amount of money that I left with!!!  It was awesome & I had a blast. 

    Tomorrow, DD & I drive 2.5 hours north to one of my best buddies, daughter's weddings!  I am also driving my friend's 88 yr old early Alzheimer's mom with us.  Argh!  Love her to pieces, but she can be a handful & her repetoire on any given day is 4-5 stories that a repeated incessentantly!

    But it's all good.

    Paula, I was born in Il.  Always wanted to visit; let me know when you are ready to burn one & eat cake!!!!  

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    NativeMaine, I so frequently "side" with your posts, and the one above about "what did I do to get bc" so hit home. I hate that crap - I want to smack people who wonder about it - I have little emphathy even for posters who say they should have eaten better, or done something else better. I'm so behind the idea that hey - tell me it's cause of this, and prove it, and then I'll take the blame. But till then, screw you pal! No one asks a man "why" he got prostate cancer. No one asks why for lots of diseases, because we know there's no answer. So stop already ... I know a healthy lifestyle is optimum for me, and everyone else. But until you can tell me that something in my past led to my diagnosis, don't ask "Why do you think you got it?" you moron!

    Okay, apparently I needed a vent for some reason :)

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Patricia, welcome!!! Pocket Party - whenever any of us is going for a test or scan or other procedure where we'd like to have a little support, we call it a pocket party. It's amazing how many women can fit into pockets when we really, really try. We put on our spanx and damn, we all fit with lots of room to spare! We bring food, and games, and treats of all kinds. Below are a few of the things from recent pocket parties ... please feel free to join any time you hear mention of someone needing a pocket party (usualy just said as PP) and bring anything that means something to you :) Hope you bookmark us and join the thread often.

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517

    WHERE IS THAT DAMN "LIKE"!?! Button.... and it's counterpart:


    2tx in BGC yesterdary. Feel like mister Magoo! Eyes jjust keep getting blurrier. Taken plenty of waster and she gave me additional fluids to try to help the headaches.

    It's four and my alarm wakes me for peanut butter coasted saltines and a quart of H20 washed down with with decadron and zoloftt. Ugh!

    Anyway, two down.... Two to go. I'm in the last lap. (((hugs))) sleep well.

  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375

    Juneaubugg, yay, 1/2 way done! I love your attitude, and have been following your story.

  • Dakota212
    Dakota212 Member Posts: 104

    Hi girls-

    Quick question if anyone can weigh in. I am do to have bmx at the end of the month. I don't really sweat that much and I am not really smelly under my arms, but the last week or so I notIce my body odor way more. Am I just brewing paranoid or has anybody else had this experience.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Dakota, your body is probably in "fight mode" with adrenaline coursing through rather rapidly. It's like when they say animals can "smell your fear"; right now animals would smell a fighter!!! It will settle down as your time nears and you go into survival mode. I had a BMX and was astonished at how little pain there was!! My hysterectomy brought me to my knees, literally. But my BMX left me without even using Tylenol 3's!! I didn't do recon, are you? If so, that brings it's own discomfort... For just the masts, there are no muscles, bones or organs moved around, so very little pain. Good luck!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Joni wow Reno by yourself!  Sounds like you had a blast!  Just pm me when your coming and I'll have it all ready.  Heck if we decide to skip the cake I'll have plenty of cans of frosting to eat, lol!

    Juneaubugg, 2 down yahoo!

    Eli I like the new book!  At least it would be a lot more fun then the don't do this or don't do that book!

    I really just wish they would get the facts down on what really does cause breast cancer.  I mean really after all of these years this is what they have come up with.  Let alone all the billions spent to tell me that its because of my lifestyle choices.  Seriously then how come my granny, auntie, and my cousin, (who by the way) all lived clean lives, had it. Heck even my onc who is a healthy living gal had BC the same time I did.  What is really frosting my cookies is how the last few years all the medical talk shows are spouting all the natural things that you should do and that will guarantee that you won't get BC.  They need to be held accountable for those statements because they are sending a message that can potently cause more harm then good.  Do they not get the fact that there are women out there who get sucked into this kind of message then some of them get BC.  I'm sure that's when the mental part comes into play.  They are like huh?  Did I not take enough of this or exercise enough, oh and my personal favorite lets blame your past lifestyle choices that you made in your youth for it.  OK I'm of my rant now. 

  • Dakota212
    Dakota212 Member Posts: 104


    Thanks for sharing. I am have recon immediately with the hopes like everyone of lymphnodes! Just getting nervous and feeling everything to see if things are swollen!!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Dakota, for heavens sake!! Quit feeling things or you will MAKE them swell!! hehehehehehehe

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Hey, Eleimar, I'm doing great, just started a new job  and having a blast!

    Welcome to the newbies, and remember that the description of the thread is just a guideline, we don't check IDs or anything else.  

    If the bc is estrogen positive, still having periods means the ovaries are still making lots of estrogen which can feed any stray bc cells. This translates to an increased risk of recurrence, but if I remember correctly the actual percentage of risk is very small.  It's scary to hear that something "doubles your risk" but if the risk is at 1%, doubling the risk only puts a person at 2%.  It's the difference between absolute risk (a number) and relative risk (how many times more or less likely something is). For instance, for me chemo would have cut my risk of recurrence in half.  Sounds like a no brainer, right?  My absoloute risk of recurrence is around 3%.  Chemo would drop that to 1.5%.  To me, not worth the risks the side effects of chemo would cause.  (Note I said that "to me" the benefit is not worth the risk.  For someone else, it may well be worth it.  I'm not judging.)

  • Dakota212
    Dakota212 Member Posts: 104

    Barbe -

    I know right!!! Haha

  • Dakota212
    Dakota212 Member Posts: 104

    Thank you nativemainer!!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I have been known to make things sore by over-checking them.

    I went through chemopause and when chec=mo was over, my cycle returned with a vengence.  I had a procedure done to eliminate the frequent and heavy periods but my ovaries still send monthly signals to my body.  Each visit at my MO they test my estradial levels. to check whether menopause has occured.  My mother and sister both had hystorectomies in their 30s, so I have no idea what my genetic prediposition would be.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Joni sounds like you had a great time and a much needed break.

    Dakota I just had my exchange surgery.  BMX with TE placement was painful but very doable with the meds they give you.  Just rest and take the meds.  Exchange was a piece of cake.  Two days on pain meds was all. 

    I went and got fitted at Victoria Secret yesterday and have some beautiful bras now for my new foobs.  Then on the way home the gastro Dr called with the path report on my polyps.  The two stomach ones were fine, but one of the colon ones were pre cancerous, urgh.  Now i am on the three year plan.  Boy did I have all that wrong.  I just thought I should be good because I just turned 50 and am always after DH to take care of himself since he has family history of colon cancer.  I thought I should really practice what I preach and go get it done and over with and do it again in ten years.  So I have no history of BC or colon cancer in my family for that matter no cancer in my family.  How did I get so lucky to win the lottery??? At least I was still in a good mood from my bra shopping and did not let it get me down.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Sherry, I'm so glad you DID have the c'scopy so they could get those nasty buggers out, and know to monitor. I'm a very bad girl...I'm way overdue for my first one. It's not that I'm against doing it, it's just that I have to go to a new doc and all that, and I never seem to just DO IT. Maybe this note of yours will be what I need to push me :)

    I was over on the Red Devil thread and both 3jays and Barbara had good updates on Marybe - they both spoke with her. Very weak still, but important vital signs improving and docs taking a slightly different approach to care which seems to be working. I'll go back to that thread and copy the address link, then come back here and post it in case others want to stay up on that. It took me a while to find it the first time I tried!!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    here you go ... paste that in your browser, then you can just add the topic as a fav if you like

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Things are not good in Ohio ladies.  Marybe is slipping.  Major prayers & healing thoughts needed asap!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Thanks for sending me over to that thread marlegal.  I would not have thought to look there today.  I read and post on there occasionally and the last I had heard was that she was on a leave from work and there were some cardiac concerns and she had edema.  OMG, now she is doing poorly, on and out of ICU, and all morphed up.  She is going to a hospice and I am in tears. 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    I'm baking a peach cobbler--seems I bake when I'm sad. Marybe always gave me hope. Cancer sucks.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    My heart breaks for Marybe & her family. She is in inspiration and always such a genuinely sweet lady. Sending heartfelt prayers her way...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Hi, Lord, its me again.  I'm praying today about Marybe.  I know that You know everthing that is going on, and I'm asking You to be with her and her family.  If it's her time to go home to You, ok, but please make it painfree and peaceful, and easy for her family.  Please give her and her family Your strength and grace.  And please help me not feel so terribly sad to hear that another one of us from the boards is leaving this earth. 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    AMEN Native!!!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Couldn't have said it better Nativemainer!!

  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685

    Marybe.. praying for you

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Beautiful prayer for a beautiful friend Native. We love you Marybe and pray for comfort and peace for you and your loved ones. Hoping for a miracle that will bring you back to us.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I truly hope Marybe will get to read all the writings here and on her Red Devil thread.  All things possible.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    BarbaraA is on her way to Ohio as we speak.  My hope is that she is able to read Marybe some of the messages on the threads!   

  • Kd6blk
    Kd6blk Member Posts: 33

    I think it is normal for folks to examine the whys of any disease or cancer...but agree I don't think anyone knows. I wish they would start some big database and ask each of us to sort through a pile of questions so they could get some bett