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  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Diana Rose I have heard it is not a good thing to have them placed before rads.  Not sure though.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Had trouble posting (?) so missed going along to Dr. Hottie today!  Bummer!  cmb, Good Luck on the DIEP tomorrow, tho' I have to tell you that the last time I just "moved a little fat around," I gave birth to my second child.

    barsco,  Good Luck to you for that CT scan coming up tomorrow too.   Will cause ruckus in the pocket unless the tech gives you a nice, clean scan.

    Eph,  the brows look very natural.  Cool solution for those who don't "love to draw" (with the brow pencil, that is.)

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Eph- I love the eye brows. I am going to get mine done in the spring. I am tired of drawing them on. Yours look very real.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Dianarose when I first met with the PS we talked about how long of a transition between the final fill and the implants could happen.  He said that if I needed rads that he wouldn't do the exchange until after rads and I was healed up.  I ended up not needing rads.  He reason behind it was because of the changes to your skin and that its harder to work with the skin thats been affected by rads.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Speaking of rads...some of you remember me writing (read: complaining) that my rads side was damaged to the point that now, in the last two years, everytime I would get another mammo check, I would have new broken capillaries due to the mammo squishing of the treatment side.  Well, I got sick of looking at the ever more blotchy area and earlier this week I went to have a laser procedure (IPL) to erase them.  The tech never did this on anyone to erase petechiae, so that makes me a guinea pig.  She was pleased at how my skin reacted to the laser (from the looks of things right after.)  Of course, now I have little purple bruise-y spots, that look three times worse than the petechiae.  Stay tuned, my friends, to find out:

    1) Can my weakened rads side heal normaly from this, or will I be stuck with worse bruising than when I started out? 

    2) Will I have a new giant purple bruise on my rear end from kicking myself for doing this?

    3) Or will I have rid myself of the unsightly red dots that multiplied with each mammo, for a mere $50?  (That's only slightly more than the cost of two Rosati's Pizzas, which are tasty but overpriced.)

    I know that no one else on this thread had the petechiae from rads happen to them, but who knows what will happen to those of you still getting the 6-mo. squishings or if you will come across someone asking about this in the future.  I'm not a guinea pig for nuthin'.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Joni, glad for the all clear hon. 

    Eli - very interesting info, thanks for sharing. I hope it works well for you ... I'd hate to see you have to bruise your butt like that :)

    Pocket parties...I'm in, bringing a little of this...little of that. Again, hope to hear good results from all.

  • chrisct
    chrisct Member Posts: 310

    Eli - I think I have petechiae and I'm assuming it's from rads.  Hadn't thought of it as being from the mammos - didn't notice.  Just noticed one day that it was there and figured it was from rads. 

    I hope the bruisy spots go away and they take the petechiae with them.

    Hope your procedure goes perfectly, cmbear and you get good results from your CT, Barsco.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    chrisct,  Check yourself before next mammo, then look again closely some days to a week after the mammo and see if you have more "dots."  I had had a couple mammos at the start of the five-year follow-up years and noticed nothing, then at about the 1 and 1/2 year point I saw the little red spots a few weeks after mammo, but did not tie it in.  Figured it was something from radiation...the gift that keeps on giving.  But then after next mammo, definitely more, so figured it out.  This last mammo, at my three year point, produced a few more (and this was with me telling them to not squish me too hard and no extra views!)   You can, at least, ask them not to be too brutal on you with your next squishing.  Even if it is some months down the road, I would be interested to know if you DO have this same little problem.  I'm going to post (in a few weeks) how the IPL procedure turns out.  Do you have just a few spots or is it clustery?  I was starting to get clustery.  

    Jumping into a couple pockets now.  I'll share some of my poppy seed loaf.  I am not a fan of the poppy bread with the seeds all mixed into the batter.  I like mine the old school European way, rolled up.  Enjoy!


  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Thank you, Marlegal for posting it. I was reading it and crying. Lord, rest her soul in Peace, in place, where no sorrows or pain, but life everlasting ( i am Greek Orthodox and it is how we pray...) I did not meet her unfortunately...

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I LOVE the way you pray Olga, so well said! I second that....

    Why don't get get high when we eat poppy seeds? They WERE heated when they cooked, so shouldn't the opium be in the rolls? Is that why people like them so much??? 

  • butterfly14
    butterfly14 Member Posts: 84

    Hi all, recovering from the surgery and starting chemo on 9/25, anyone know anything about AC and Taxol? 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    I need a pocket party tomorrow and Monday.  Tomorrow I go for the first of three visits to get my hemorrhoids fixed.  thank goodness they no longer to surgery for this or I would not do it.  Monday I go to the endodontist and possible root canal.  Guess I am covering one end to the other, haha. Oh and someone bring cheetos cause I have not had them in awhile.  And butt Dr is a young cuttie.  Should not be allowed to be that kind of doctor and be young and cute.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Butterfly, I did both AC and Taxol 7 yrs ago. Both have their varied side effects. I never like saying this one does that or the other does this because we're all so different in our experiences. I believe you will definitely lose your hair though, so that's something you need to prepare for. Personally, I preferred to be proactive and had my hair buzzed by my long-time hairdresser before my first chemo. Then I bought two very different wigs and switched my persona according to my mood! After my 2nd AC treatment, the remaining hair started to come out, so I had my husband shave what was left. Lots of people have shaving parties with close friends or their kids joining in so there's bound to be laughter involved. It's unavoidable, so facing it head on (no pun intended!!) seems to work best from an emotional standpoint. Talk to your doctor about possible side effects and what you can do about them ahead of time. There are what they call pre-meds that you can get from the drugstore to take in advance of chemo day to ward off most of the nausea symptoms. Feel free to PM me for more info on this or anything else if you don't want to ask too many questions in the main thread.Best of luck to you hon :)

    Sherry, you better have your big pocketed-pants on 'cause I know we're all gonna jump right in :) Prayers and hugs.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Sherry, isn't better that he is a young cutie than to have an ugle old coot?  My BS was a young cutie.  It feels strange when you hit the age that all of your doctors ar younger than you are.

    Butterfly, I had AC & Taxol 8 1/2 years ago and I also lost all of my hair.  I cut my hair short, then buzzed it as it started falling out.  I used Emend (a rx pre-med) for nausea and it really helped.  I only missed one day of work due to nausea. I offer to chat by PM also if you'd like.

    edited to correct spelling errors!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    sherry - will be there both days with cheetos, cheetos and more cheetos!

    Meece - not sure if your offer to "shat" is a spelling error or a pun regarding the hemorrhoids - lol. Sorry but my sense of humour might be a little off this morning.

    Had my scans yesterday and stable boy is still hanging around!

    cmbear - hope you are feeling ok and getting lots of rest today!

  • Dakota212
    Dakota212 Member Posts: 104

    Meece and barco-

    Tho probably a typo. I was cracking up reading the comments about "shat" and then the added hemmroids u gals made my day unintentional or not !!😃😃😃

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    I too had the AC/Taxol treatments as well.  The emend was a good thing.  I lost my hair as well.  I wear it short anyways, so I waited until it started to really come out to shave it.  By the time I had my 2nd treatment that afternoon is was coming out like crazy and I wanted it gone, so I took a trip to the salon.  I fyou need anything feel free to pm me as well.  Good Luck with the treatments. 

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Chemo is really starting to kick my butt. I sleep for 10 hours and could sleep more. 53 dam days to go. I am getting better at putting the eyelashes on though. Count me in for all the pocket parties. I might take a nap though unless you girls make a lot of noise.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    HOT FLASH HELL- is there anyone who knows of something us ER Positive woman can take for hot flashes? I think they are starting to make me insane. Some days I get 5-6 in an hour. I can't sleep at night as they wake me up even with the window open and the fan on. Please help!!!!

  • Catnz
    Catnz Member Posts: 20

    Hi Dianarose, I have started taking evening primrose oil capsules three times a day and they have reduced my hot flushes dramatically. I got my pharmacists okay before taking them as I am on Tamoxifen and she checked and said they were fine to take. A lot of the meds out there for hot flushes contain estrogen so I can't take them with Tamoxifen. Check with your pharmacist and give them a try. A friend going through menopause is taking them too, non-cancer person, and they have helped her too. As a bonus her skin has cleared up too. Cath

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Cath- I will have to ask my MO if I can try it while still doing chemo. I can't deal with them much longer. I have always been cold with a sweater when everyone else is in t-shirts. Now I am on fire all the time. I hate snow, but can't wait for it this yr. I am going to make snow angels naked if needed. Thanks for the info. Diana

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Dinarose I finally had to cave and take effexor for my hot flashes.  It really does work, has wiped them out.  I was having one right after the other 24 hours a day could not sleep and was misserable. 

    Meece that is funny I have felt the same way when I feel my Dr's are now my age or younger.

    OK hemoriod thingy is over and it really was not all that bad.  From the time the nurse called me to the back I was on the phone with DH.  I called him 25 minutes later and I was in the parking lot heading to my car.  No kidding.  That was signing papers, going over my history talking to the dr and having the procedure. Felt a little pressure.  Dr did his thing ask me if I felt presure or pain I said presure and he said good I'm done. They gave me Tylenol on my way out and then I went shopping.  Told my Dr so glad they don't do surgery anylonger or he would never talk me into having them fixed.  He said don't feel bad I would live with them before I had surgery too.  He said the surgery is horrible but this new banding procedure is so much easier. I have two more to do and then I will be done.  They will do them about 2-3 weeks apart.  so if anyone needs to have them fixed and you have been afraid check into the banding procedure.

    Will go check on my tooth on Monday and then yesterday found out DH has another hernia he needs to get repaired.  Between the two of us it seems to never stop.  My girlfriend said she was staying away was afraid it might rub off.

     Oh and the cheetos were great I can eat those without hurting my tooth.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Sherryc- My MO emailed me back and offered to write a script for Effexor, how funny. I don't know what it is though?

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Dianarose it is an antidepressant that given in low dosages works for hot flashes.  Once you start taking it though you cannot just quit taking it you have to graduate off of it.  I am very sensitive to meds and it made me really nauseated at first.  I should have thought and started prilosec along with it.  Once I started that I was fine and the nausea went away.  not everyone has that happen.  But nausea always effects me.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I was on Effexor this past year.  It's an anti-depressant, but I took it "off-label" for Fibromyalgia.  It worked pretty good for that and it took my hot flashes down about 70%.  But after a year, I decided to come off of it.  It had a few side effects that I did not like (and it had some that I did like) and it took me a MONTH to wean off of it, during which I had "brain shocks" every day.

    1)  Effexor is another nasty drug that changes your brain chemistry, interacts with LOTS of other drugs, had bad side effects, and is hard to go off of.

    2)  Works pretty good.

    I'd say give the evening primrose oil a try (or try a few of the "natural" remedies first.)

    Then, if those fail, and you need pharmaceutical help, I know that some are helped with gabapentin, amitriptyline, or venlafaxine.  Those are the generic names.  Read about them on, and talk to your doc as they are all a little different.  They all can have nasty side-effects, and by that I mean effect B/P, heart, blood sugar, liver, etc.  Gabapentin seems to have fewer interactions with other drugs. 

    Since quitting my Effexor, I can only tolerate 10 mg. of Tamoxifen a day and I split the pill to 5mg. morning and 5 mg. evening.  With 10 mg. daily, I still get a handful of flashes, especially about 15 min. after taking the pill and/or drinking a hot liquid.  Now that Fall is coming, I may be able to take more without having the hot flashes from hell.  I have adjusted my dosage seasonally for the past year.  My doctor knows this.  He doesn't really like me doing that, but he likes it a lot better than if I just quit taking it.  I'm not suggesting this to others, but honestly I can't handle the 20 mg., which was, for me, 5-6 flashes an hour, where my head felt like it was trapped in a sauna.

    Good Luck, Dianarose.  Hope you can figure out what works best for you.


    Now where is cmbear, with her tales from the DIEP-side?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Today, they are having a memorial party for Marybe, in Cincinatti.  Here at BCO, some are having a memorial party on this thread:

    In memory of Marybe

    So, if you have a memory to share, or a feeling to write about her, or you just want to party in her honor, post something TODAY.  Supposedly, her family will read all the posts.  I know one of her best friends (without B/C) joined BCO just to thank and "talk" with her friends here.  Her husband emails with BarbA, so they know we are having the online memorial party for her.   Stop by there if you had a connection with her.

    (She went back almost to the start of this thread.  I considered her one of the "charter members."  Smile)

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Posted on Marybe's memory thread.  Thanks E.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Hey all.  My sissy is a bc survivor for a little over 10 years.  She asked me to post her for her because she's having some issue's and she's not sure if it's bc related or not.  I told her that you gals are my go to so I'm go to for her.  Anyways, she's been having pain in her shoulder off and on for about 6 months.  She says it's on the front side of her armpit and it goes behind it.  She says this is the best way to describe it.  I hope someone can help because this really scares me because she's my sissy and I want it to be nothing!  She can't remember the exacte amount of nodes she had taken out.  She also had a redical on that side.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Paula66--I have a similar pain on my rads side.  It's the pectoral muscle tightening up, in my case from rad damage, but surgery(mastectomy)  will irritate that muscle, too. I do special stretches to help keep that under control.  A PT can show her how to do the doorway stretch.  The pain could also be an early sign of lymphedema.  It's far more likely to be something like this than a recurrance, although a recurrence is possible.  She should see her PCP or Onc, and have it checked out, primarily for her peace of mind, not becuase I think there's a serious problem. 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Thanks Native I'll pass the info along to her.  I'm just a little freaked out because she's my sissy and I don't like to see anything to be wrong with her.  She's very important to me and I'm very worried for her.  That is her rad side as well.  I didn't have rads, so I'm not sure what to expect with certain things.