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Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.




  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Paula--I agree with NM, hopefully its just a nerve regeneration thing and some exercizes will help. I get all kinds of odd pains and stabbing shooting things since my rads. but still, I hope that she gets it checked out soon and its turns out to be non BC related!!!

    I am back from my Diep stage 2, not at all like the first surgery. Almost like a cakewalk. Ha, well not really. The bruising from the fat grafting is the worst! Can't imagine someone would do this for an nonmedical reason. Thanks for  the pocket party, I'm still dusting cheeto dust off the pads over my incisions! I go tomorrow to get them changed, and hopefully be allowed to shower then. This sponge bathing is for the birds. Wish I had a hunky nurse to do my back. . . and at least this time, I can bend over and wash my hair in the sink, so its not a total loss!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Paula66, There are a number of things that could be causeing that sensation in your sis, not just B/C; but we can't ignore stuff like that anymore and she does need to check with a doc, to rule out anything truly bad.  I was thinking it could be something else, like infection, whcih might cause node pain and/or swelling.  I didn't think of the muscle tightening, as NM said, but muscle trouble can give that wraparound feeling.   

    cmb, My friend said the same thing about the grafting.  I wish you the normal healing from all this.  Sounds like you are doing o.k. so far.  Now be careful with those Cheetos crumbs.  I hope you asked for the microfiltration bandages, which are really the only ones that can block those orange particles fully.  Your pocket pals were crunching up a storm during your surgery, but the surgical drape caught it all, and some of us (I won't say who) wiped out hands on the anesthesiologist's back.  Hehehe.

  • butterfly14
    butterfly14 Member Posts: 84

    Hi Paula,

    I hope everything is okay with your sister.Wish I had advice, but way to new to all of this. Good thoughts and prayers for your sister. 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Thanks girls!!  I called my sissy and let her know what everyone thought it could be and I'm passing along a big "thank you" from her to all of you.  She's got an appointment with the doctor this afternoon, so I hope that all goes well for her.

    I know I'm probably being way over the top with worry about her, but I can't help it. She's the mac to my cheese, the other pea in my pod, plus she knows all my dirty little secerts, hee hee!  Thanks again!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,536

    Sorry for interrupting, but The Philadelephia Inquirer is eager for stories, so in case you are interested......

    What was the most difficult moment for you in your battle with breast cancer? Or the most triumphant? Or the moment that changed you the most or that you will longest remember? The Philadelphia Inquirer and its web site are very interested in publishing a series of short narratives to enhance their coverage of Breast Cancer Awareness month. The Inquirer and its web site want to tell your story, to share your most illuminating or powerful or transforming moments, to give their readers a window into your world. The newspaper is planning a special section on breast cancer on Oct. 18. In the 14 days leading up to that, they will run one personal story per day about a breast cancer survivor. This is an opportunity to inform the greater world of your experiences. If interested, briefly describe your moment, your feelings, your story, and include contact information, all in one email to If you are chosen, an Inquirer reporter will be in touch with you.  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Excuse me Mods, but I have noticed that you have posted that announcement in seven different forums, but this is the only thread you have posted it on.   Why not just post it as a topic in the Middle-Aged Forum?   Unless you are planning to bust in to every thread on here, I don't know why this thread has been singled out for that pointed solicitation.

    Don't get me wrong.  I think there are many on BCO that have a good story to tell, if they choose to.  I hope a few do get selected.  Oh, wait, it's for the Philadelphia Inquirer!  Sorry, I thought you meant National Enquirer.  We all know which readership has the truly inquiring minds, and I don't mean Philly, although I was quite sympathetic to read about the city being overrun by feral cats.  (One of their top stories today.)

  • Kd6blk
    Kd6blk Member Posts: 33

    I would suggest your sister see her doctor to rule out a heart problem as well. It can also present as a shoulder pain.


  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Eli -- you make me laugh! Feral

    Cats! Makes me wonder what is on the front of my paper today. . . Oh ok, a story about wearing med devices and getting thru airport security. Not so bad.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    cmb,  I don't even have to make that stuff up!  Innocent
  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    ITS NATIONAL CUPCAKE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (eli, I just had to) 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    claire....I love it when you are feeling naughty!  :)  Who doesn't enjoy a big cupcake?  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Aha-ha-ha, Janis-of-the-new-neck!  I don't even want to think if those cupcakes have a cream filling.  cmb, you are scarring me for life!


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    claire, claire, claire, claire, claire!

    Thank you.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    The 2nd guy in has bigger boobs than me and mine have cost about a half of million so far. He just won't work. The one on the end will though.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eli, Eph....LOLOL!  We shall be scarred perhaps, but seems somewhat willingly.

    Eli, Still wearing my neck brace full time.  Had an appointment last week with the surgeon.  Had new x-rays taken, nuts and bolts remain in place.  Bored being on this silly 'light duty' but I have discovered when I break the rules I pay.  Rut Roh.  I never thought I would look forward to cleaning!  Laughing

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674
    I"M SORRRRY . . . .NOT!!!! Should I mention that today is National Cheeseburger day? I won't even GO there. . . Wink
  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498

    I'm just stunned. My boss, (well my boss' boss' boss) died last night or early this morning.  He was a "young" man.  In his 50's.  He was dx with cancer about a year before I was so early 2011.  He did chemo and rads and last spring told everyone that he was cured.  At this time they have'nt said what he died from, just that it was sudden. Anyway it's a shocker. 

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Cindy, it seems like once we have our encounter with Mr. C ... we hear more and more about those around us. Sorry for your loss hon.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    So...yesterday was national talk like a pirate day...

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    shiver me timbers!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    shiver me timbers!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674
    ok that red design on his backside is doing a number on my eyes. . .at least I think its the design. . . Wink
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Hey all you middie sistas. I bought a groupon for blockbuster express and then they took the kiosk by me out. So I have 5 codes to redeem if anyone wants thems. You go online to blockbuster express you can if there is a kiosk close to you. If so PM me and I will send you a code to use. I hate for it to go to waste.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Sherry, we put away our dvd and vcr players when having downstairs redone. Haven't gotten new furniture yet, so God knows when we'll be renting anything in the near future! Nice of you to offer though - hope someone takes you up on it. How are you feeling hon? Hugs.

    Did you guys all see the thread where it showed how much money was donated on Marybe's behalf? The Mods are trying to come up with something specific to use the money for, and are going to contact Tim for suggestions too. What a tribute ... made me feel good on all of our behalfs :)

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Sherry, we put away our dvd and vcr players when having downstairs redone. Haven't gotten new furniture yet, so God knows when we'll be renting anything in the near future! Nice of you to offer though - hope someone takes you up on it. How are you feeling hon? Hugs.

    Did you guys all see the thread where it showed how much money was donated on Marybe's behalf? The Mods are trying to come up with something specific to use the money for, and are going to contact Tim for suggestions too. What a tribute ... made me feel good on all of our behalfs :)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I did read that the donations as of last Saturday were around $1800.  I felt good to see that also.  I hope, now, that they have topped $2K at least.  Everyone was putting in their two cents about "what to do with that money?"  It's become "a thing" now.  People are over-thinking it.  I feel lukewarm about all that.

    Here's what Marybe's friend, Leez, wrote about her memorial par-tay:

    Hello there. I wanted to let all of you know that Marybe's Celebration Party that took place this past Sunday, was  a HUGE success. I told mutual friends as we were cleaning up that she had taught us well!! Marbe was always having some "theme party " and we were of course, willing participants!! Anyway, the day was absolutely GORGEOUS- the skies were perfect; couldn't have asked for a more perfect day :) We had a slide show that captured the very heart of her life that played the whole time on one of the walls where everyone could see. There was a DJ that played her favorite 60's music, and we had a bartender that helped serve among other things, her recipe of Bourbon Slushes. There was a dessert table with petit fores and decorated heart cookies that were heavily decorated as MB would have done. They came from Servati's bakery and I must say, MB's cookies were better :) There was tons of food- you name it, it was there. There were approximately 150 people and it was truely awesome to see how much love for her there was. Tim had a great idea that each of us take a purple balloon ( purple being her favorite color ) and release it all at once to the skies. Wow. How powerful. Those balloons floated like none other I have ever seen. It was then I felt a sadness for me- knowing I'd never see my friend again on Earth. Somehow it made this whole nightmare to me real but it also reminded me how powerful she was as I looked at all those floating masses in the sky. I have to remember that she was lucky to have passed quickly. She so loved her homeplace in Portsmouth and was laid to rest the same day. I have never seen someone so closely connected to their birthplace as MB. Prior to the Celebration Party, her dad, aka " Daddy" (that is what MB called him and I call him that, too )had a memorial for her in church with the burial directly thereafter. I got some earth from her burial site and plan to spread that earth somewhere in Switzerland- maybe even Germany; the places in Europe she adored. I cannot wait to do this honor for her. In closing, her party was exactly as she would have liked it and it was over the top!!! Tons of pictures of her were placed through out the party room and it was decorated as she would have liked it. All of her closest friends gave her the send off of a lifetime. As for my friend, all I can say is, for those who bring happiness to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. Love you, Marybe XXXXXXOOOOOOO

    I'm sure her friend won't mind me copying onto this thread, and those that are seeing it a second time will forgive me.  Did you notice that they served some heart cookies there?  I did. 


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    how beautiful.  crying.

    Today my DD turned 18.  And she's not here.  She's chosen (was gifted by boyfriend) to skydive at a venue about 4 hours away.  Her 1st event of signing her own "waiver" (she was real excited by that).  She has with her a picture of my mom in a small plane, a small amount of Mom's ash in a "Celestial Seasonings" tin with hinged lid, with an angel on the top.  Rather than "sprinkle" the ash, she's just going to carry her gently back to earth with her.  I've passed the info on to the rest of the family & we've decided that whenever any of us go some where new or unusual, we will take Mom with us.  I have a small notebook, so we'll keep track of where she goes.

    For Rachel's birthday, I have a plaster of paris sculpture of her & my Mom's hands intertwined that my Mom had made about 8 years ago for me for Christmas.  I pulled that out tonight & am going to give it to DD tomorrow when she gets home.  It was hard to look at it & I ended up gripping it for dear life as I cried my eyes out.  This losing people is a really really tough road to take.  I hate it.  I miss Mom so much!      


  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Eph, I'm not sure which brought more tears...reading Eli's copied post or yours...both very very moving. I feel your pain gf ... my mom and I lived together after all other sibs moved out. Just her and me for about 9 yrs ... I can see you holding that sculpture, really I can.

    F ... yup, this losing people thing sucks

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    {{{{{{{{{ tears.....sigh }}}}}}}}}}}

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I'm a little better today.  I meant to say in my post last night that DD & my mom were going to skydive together 2 years ago, but Oregon changed the law that allowed minors to jump with parental permission to they must be 18 just after they made their plans.  So Mom didn't go; she wanted to wait till Rachel turned 18.  So they did go together just not quite the way we envisioned it.

    They ended up not being able to jump yesterday due to weather.  The original plan called for them to jump then drive a couple hours south, spend the night with friends at the University in gender appropriate dorms then come home today.  They ended up doing that but then went back to the skydiving place today & waited on a stand-by list to go---the weather was beautiful - so lots of folks came out apparently.  Anyway, they DID get to jump today.  She said it was the greatest thing ever.  I will give her her presents tomorrow.