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  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Mom, Eli is much better qualified to answer this, but is there such a great rush that you need surgery before you really seem to understand all the ins and outs? I'd much rather you do your reseach and be comfortable with your decision, whatever that may be, without all the pressure. If time is important though, then I guess you need to follow's doc's recommendation. With that staging though, if your tag is accurate, seems to me you have time to make sure you know what you want. IT IS YOUR CHOICE/DECISION at the end of the day, don't forget that.

  • JRyan
    JRyan Member Posts: 102


    Sorry to hear. We are all here for you and will help you through.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Beckers, No, Tamox. does not make me tired.  Depending on how vigorous you were before the start of all your "good times with B/C," it can take surprisingly long to come back from the effects of surgery and treatment(s.)  It took me over a year to feel like myself again.  I had to find a way to get good sleep at night (and Vit. D seems to help me with this) and now I also take Vit. B-12, which helps with energy conversion in the body.  One cherry-flavored, sublingual tab of B-12, and I no longer get the urge to "siesta" in the afternoons; and it tastes 1,000 times better than a Red Bull. 

    mar & Barbe, I'll let you two arm wrestle over which wine pairs best with Cheetos.  The historical factoid is that Cheetos made their first appearance on this thread with red wine when it was thought that one 3-4 oz. glass of red would prevent the skin breakdown from rads.  I haven't heard much about that lately, so maybe it was all urban legend.  The thoughts on alcohol & B/C have changed since I came to BCO, I know that much.

    momof7,  It is up to you to get those questions answered, so that you can feel good (well, not really good, but more like o.k.) going into that mastectomy.  Ask away here on this thread, on other BCO threads (and there are some good ones for reconstruction,) check the regular BCO website for info., Google, and most of all get answers from your doc ('cause you are certainly paying for it!)

    Have a good weekend, ladies!  I'll be digging the old witch costume out of the closet myself, maybe even putting it on!  I'm tired of that witch outfit, but my efforts to come up with a new costume via Craig's List this year was an unqualified fiasco.  It could happen to anyone really.  You know how when you buy a bunch of costumes in a bag from someone on CL, and then you meet in a parking lot to get them and you don't really feel like taking out all the costumes in the aforementioned parking lot so you trust that everything is there, but then you get home and some are not there and the ones that are there are not the sizes they were claimed to be, and WTH do you do with a size 10 girls hippie costume?   Then, you find out online (too late) that the woman, with meth-addict teeth, who sold them to you is a card-carrying scammer who actually has a warrant out on her for credit card fraud.  That's when you say to yourself, "How could I be such an idiot?"  But you pick yourself back up and sell three of the costumes on Ebay, netting a small profit, and you give your son the caveman costume that was in the bunch, which works out great for him, but you still have to be the same boring witch again yourself.  You all know that feeling, right?  I just knew it could happen to anyone.  Happy Hauntings!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    momto7--I want to second what has already been said.  You do NOT have to rush into surgery, you can take time to research your options (for surgery and for reconstruction) and then move ahead.  For myself, I didn't wait to do this becuase I had waited so long to get to see the surgeon in the first place and was scared to wait longer, so I know how that feels.  I then took a year off and researched recon.  I found the best choice for me was a procedure that had to be done out of state as no PS in Maine did the procedure.  It was worth living without a breast for a year to know for sure I was making the right move for me. 

    Please take time researching reconstruction options.  Please see at least 2 plastic surgeons for consults.  Make sure at least one of them does the DIEP recon procedure.  The PS's who did not do the DIEP gave me the wrong info about it.  The PS who did the DIEP gave me wrong info about the other types of recon.  Know what the PS specializes in.  Find a PS you can talk to and feel comfortable with.  That is more important than anything else. 

    Ask your questions.  There will be someone here who can answer, who has been through it. 

    Disclaimer--I am partial to the DIEP procedure.  But I know it's not best choice for everyone.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    momto7, they CANNOT take both your breasts at their whim!! You would have to know going in that that was what they are going to do, so you will NOT wake up with both breasts gone unless YOU agree to it. So take a deep breath and bring back that control YOU have. So, are you saying that they were going to take the RIGHT breast and you had the MRI pre-surgery and now another lump was found on the LEFT breast? If that's the case, slow everything down and get the answers YOU need. Even just getting TE (tissue expanders) in will give you many options down the road on HOW you fill those spaces that are created. The expanders stretch your remaining skin (and muslces) to create a breast shape that then has to be "filled" with something; a silicone form, saline form, DIEP, TUG, Tramflap, etc. See? One step at a time, sweetie, and YOU take the steps when you are ready! If the November date is too soon for you, tell them! You can stop the process until you are comfortable with what is going on. Your doctors need to explain their findings to you.

    Hugs, sweetie! We are here with you!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Barbe,  I don't know TUG.  What's that? 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    You're going to LOVE this one e....TUG is INNER THIGH!!!! That is the only spot I really have enough fat to make two breasts out of!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Thanks, I'll have to read up on how they do that one.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Eli, first of all, loooove the witches pic at top of screen! I claim far right...the twinkle in my eye, yet devious smile! As to your story about costumes, I was hysterical! I've never been all "that" about halloween - I like it, I give candy and like seeing the kiddies, but we don't do up the house too much or make that big a deal. I have a Halloween sweatshirt and pumpkin earrings and that's about it! I did make a wreath for the front door years ago and it still holds up so I'm kind of proud of that.

    Momto7, hope all these posts make you stop and ask docs about the rush, and make you stop and realize you have choices, and all of them are yours to make. Hugs to you for peace in your decision.

  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114

    Yes i am making phone calls Monday when I get up i have a list of questions to ask the doctors too  My oncologist appointment is Nov 4th  and i have questions for her too.  this is a big decision to make and I want to feel good about it not dreading it all

  • TAB55
    TAB55 Member Posts: 71

    Barbe: Great news about the inner thigh, and I'd be more than happy to donate some of my fat.  I have plenty!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    TAB, thanks for the offer, but that's the one place I DO have fat left!!! I know there are machines at a gym that would work it off, but I've NEVER had luck getting rid of it!! I used to ride my bike for miles when I was youger, why did I get stuck with fatty inner thighs?? I have VERY strong, muscular legs.....sigh.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    i have enough TUG for everyone to have a set of D's....  i can dream, can't i?

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Mostly, I wouldn't want a set of Ds for anything, but you are very sweet and generous to offer ;).

    I have looked into all the various methods and the only one I would even remotely consider is the one where they slice off the lower part of your buttock and turn it into a boob. Then again, I think of how horrible it would be if it failed and you ended up with a mangled ass on top of not having any tits. :(

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532

    momine - thanks for the visual - too funny - not really, but in our twisted worlds, it is...

    Sherry - (not Sherry from Tx - a Sherry who often posts on other threads, but decided to check this one out since I note that barbe is a frequent visitor - Hi barbe!)

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532

    Love the witch photo - I'm the one on the far left. I often use my index finger to get a point across to granddaughter - I try not to, but my mom did, so....Karma got me last week when my granddaughter used her index finger to get a point across to me! Little poo.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Good Morning, Reality, and welcome!   I always knew the day would come when reality would rear its ugly head on this thread.  Not that you have an ugly head, because I have not seen your head and it could be very attractive.  I hope you are flexible, because I tike to twist reality now and then.  Wink

    marlegal,  I have been going to an annual Halloween party for about 10 years now and so had to come up with a costume, but since my efforts failed this was the third time I went as a witch.  You would think my mind could come up with new and fabulous costumes each year, and maybe it can, cut procuring those costumes seems a little like a chore.  That is why when I bought "bag o' costumes" on CL, I thought I'd have the next few years covered in one fell swoop.  Anyway, at this party, I was the third witch there.  Big year for witches.  There were a lot of "doubles" this year too...two sets of "bacon and eggs" and even two cavemen.  You just never know how it is going to go.  Two years ago, it was all pirates and wenches.


    Now that the two witches on the end have identified themselves, we only have to wonder who the middle two are.  I was the one snapping the pic (but you can see my 5th teacup on the table.)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    On a heavier note, I have been wanting to mention (since only learning of it about a week ago) that two women who had been posting on here some time ago had both passed away this past August, right around the time we lost Reesie.  I am refering to jenn3 (who had been on hospice since about the beginning of the year,) and ma111.  Ma111 leaves behind a GREAT and IMPORTANT thread, A place to talk death and dying issues which, no matter what Stage you are, has some really good info. in it.

    It is sad news, indeed, and others may have missed it like I did. 

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532

    The parties sound great. In my little town, all traffic is detoured around main street for two hours after school is out, on Halloween,while younger children and parents go to all the little stores for candy. It is so much fun to see all the costumes. Sometimes the parents dress-up, too. We also have a Winter Carnival every February.(Saranac Lake Winter Carnival) The prisoners from a local facility build a huge ice castle by our central lake. The carnival runs for a week and there are opening and closing ceremonies with commercial fireworks! There are fun, winter events scheduled all week, and almost all is free or low cost. That's when everyone dresses up as there is a theme each year. Wow - just realized that I have no idea of what the them is yet. Have a great Halloween.


  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532

    ...Just checked the net for the Winter Carnival Theme - last year was Aliens - people dress up all week - at work, shopping, at school - It helps us get through Feb. in the mountains - brrrrrrr. This year's theme is "Under the Sea" - I bet there will be lots of "the Littlest Mermaids" around.  Hmmmm- wonder what kind of sea creature I will look like by Feb? lol

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I like the part about prisoners making an ice castle!

    Ooooooh!  And the aliens too!

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532

    I know what you mean - community members take them hot chocolate and treats. We are not allowed to visit with them, but at least can say thanks that way, as they work hard. Bricks of ice are hand cut out of the lake and placed by hand, brick by brick to build amazing ice castles. We even had an ice spaceship outside the castle last year. The year before was Medieval Times - lots of fun! There was a  big ice table inside the castle with an ice boar on the table that kids could sit on - there was even an ice apple in his mouth - It took awhile to get used to it, but then it just became a mascot for the week - (wow, we sound really bored or reallly wierd). There is an axe throwing competition, frying pan toss, snow shoe race, talent contest and a huge parade through the middle of town. There is a big coronation of the king and queen- they are selected by the community for being civic minded. During the day it is family oriented - unfortunately, the eves. bring out different partiers and there are usually many DWIs issued to out-of-towners who do not take our warnings seriously about DWI arrests in our little town. 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I'm sitting right next to Reality-don't my eyebrows look fabulous?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I was going to claim the witch second from the left!! That is my dumb "smile" grin I do when getting my picture taken..sigh. I tend to squint up my eyes to look "happy" for some dumb reason and am learning to keep them open. Wow 54 years old and I'm finally getting the "hang" of portraiture!!! My grandfather used to take off his glasses and we told him not to, time and again. He finally asked why and we said that he didn't look like our grandfather with his glasses off!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Barbe it's ok-we're witches.  That gal can be both of us!

  • Kd6blk
    Kd6blk Member Posts: 33

    I think that the standard red dye comes from nasty insects...if you saw what you were eating most of the time you would leave it alone...if a food is highly processed like Cheetos, leave it on the shelf...I know sacriledge...but that food is nasty healthwise. Read this:  ick...

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Kd6blk,  Thank you so much for pointing out that Cheetos does have at least one natural ingredient.  I feel healthier already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704


  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114

    What is or is not healthy?? Most of us ate junk food all our lives yumm cheetos  Wink I told my daughter i need to stock up on my salsa  and tortilla  chips  before my surgery have to have them and trying to not drink so much coke ugh withdrawls  big time !

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532

    Hello to all - missed you guys today - school let out early as storm precaution, so I was busy with grandchildren. We had a wonderful day painting, reading, watching movies and cuddling. An added plus was that so far, the storm has missed up. My best to those of you who were not so fortunate. 'Will join-in the thread again tomorrow eve. 
