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  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    kd6, why is it bad to have bug's carcasses in our food? We eat dead cows and pigs, what's the difference with a dead bug?

    We had a two hour power outage last night starting at 8 so we just went to bed. I read by flashlight as my DH snored away....

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    We might not hear from our B/C sisters in the path of Hurricane Sandy for a while, with so many losing power on the East Coast.  I do hope they have been kept safe from the high winds and all that water.  I cannot imagine having to go through treatment this week in NYC.

  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114

    I love the house picture  showed it to my daughter we just carved pumpkins last night 4 of them  it has been cold here  hope halloween night will be nice for the kids  i have been watching the weather  I hope people on the east coast are safe . I  have not herd from my cousin  they might be with out power

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    LOVE all the pumpkins!  Wish I had the time & inclination to do something like that!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Love the punkin house!!!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Lost power yesterday, but got it back. There are still thousands here without power. You don't realize how much we depend on it until we don't have it.

    Last chemo infusion tomorrow Cool. Doing the happy dance. It was supposed to be today, but York Maine got hit pretty hard so they had to cancel it.

    I love the pumpkin house. Will be doing some carving with my 13 yr old tomorrow. We love that sort of thing.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Hey guys been a busy week, trying to get ready to leave for TN on Thursday.  A much needed get away with DH.  Have noticed that I had developed a divot in the upper pole of my right breast.  Called the PS yesterday and he saw me today.  Not good news I am going to have to have surgery again.  It has only been 2 months since my exchange and in the last month my implants have decided to migrate south. I actually did not even realize that's what is going on.  I just thought he made them age appropriate and they still look really good. They have moved 1 cm but he feels they will continue to move south on me and feels we need to go in redo it and he is going to do lots of stitching and maybe more alloderm.  Said I would be very sore this time around.  He is going to place them high. I asked if I would look like a 20 year old this time and he grinned and said pretty much so. Was a bit disappointed but I do want them fixed for the long haul.  He did tell me this was a possibility and something he was concerned with because I have very thin skin.  I would have done DIEP but I am not a candidate for it unless I could gain about 40 pounds and then I probably still would not have the stomach fat.  oh well.  The implants look great and I do have faith in my PS he was the 3rd consult I got and DH and I knew immediately he was the guy for the job. Not even going to think about the surgery for now, just going to enjoy TN with DH.  It can wait.

    Diana hope you get to keep your last chemo tomorrow and be done with it.

    Reality love your name girlfriend.

    Eli that is a cool picture.  Where do you find all these?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Sherryc,  Sorry you have to get a re-do, but I'm sure you want to look how you are supposed to.  We may not be able to look as good as new exactly, but no one should stop us from getting as close as we feel we should be.  Also, have a great trip to TN, you deserve a get-away.

    Here's a question:  Does anyone here (this would be the recon. people, I guess) feel they came out looking BETTER than before?

    The last pumpkin I carved (a couple years ago) had this on the back:

      I'm using the front as my avatar today.  Happy Halloween!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Eli actually I do look better now than before.  DH thinks so too.  I had very small breast and after three lumpectomies were not very pretty.  Even though I have to have a re-do I have not regretted it all.  First I don't worry like I did before and 2nd I look better and my clothes fit better. I guess it was a good thing I went in yesterday because it never occurred to me that my breast were dropping.  They still look great I just noticed that divot that did not look right to me.  I'm glad my PS did not blow it off and realized right away what was going on.  Like he said no emergency but it is not going to get better until we fix it.

  • Kd6blk
    Kd6blk Member Posts: 33

    Wow, that is a very cool picture of the pumpkin house.

  • JRyan
    JRyan Member Posts: 102


    As I had pretty small breasts before, the new girls are pretty nice. They fill out clothes better and make me look a little better proportioned.  I still miss the feelings in the old girls though :(

    Happy Halloween everyone!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Elimar, I have not had recon, but I still consider the new me an improvement. I now have short hair for the first time in my life and I like it. The guy who did my hyster ever so gently and patiently got rid of all the scar tissue in my abdomen, so now my belly is flat again. it had bothered me for 20 years and also hurt and no doctor ever took me seriously. I also lost 25 lbs and got back in the gym. 

  • JRyan
    JRyan Member Posts: 102

    I need some assistance...

    My 14 year old daughter, who is now a freshman in high school, thinks it is still ok for her to go trick-or-treating. I think once you hit high school, you've outgrown the treat-or-treating stage.

    What do you guys think?

  • iatigger
    iatigger Member Posts: 269

    Hi JRyan, I agree with you. My daughter is 12 and I think she is on the edge of the trick or treat realm. She is only going this year because her old sitters kids wanted her to go. That being said, we always have a handful of older kids stop by and as long as they are dressed up I don't have a problem. It is the ones that have no real costume that annoy me. But I still give them the treat just so they don't show up later to do some tricking. :)

  • dechi
    dechi Member Posts: 110

    My 14-year-old daughter is not trick-or-treating this year.  There does come a point (although I have to admit I'll miss snitching some of her candy!Tongue Out)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    My older boy's last year to trick or treat was 8th grade and he went in a costume. 

    My younger boy did go as a 14-yr-old freshman in high school.  In 7th Grade, he had an early evening soccer game and had only gone in the neighborhood for 20 min. before the game.  In 8th Grade, it was a miserable night of cold rain so, feeling ripped off, he wanted to go the next year.  Well, I made him hand out my candy til after 8:00 p.m., when our neighborhood slows down.  Most young kids are finished by then too.  He went out for about an hour with one friend his age.  They wore masks and got a pretty big haul from people who were about to close.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    A 14 year old may just want to go out and hang out with a bunch of kids in the dark. Great excuse!! Or, she may want to put on excess make-up..another great excuse!! I figure as long as they're safe and in public and not shacked up in someone's basement, they are safe.

  • JRyan
    JRyan Member Posts: 102

    Very true barbe1958!

  • Bobbisil
    Bobbisil Member Posts: 6

    Hi, I'm 46 and relatively new here. I've been reading this morning and my eyes have been opening more and more. Boy, was I delusional! I thought, "I'm going to take this on, do what I have to do and move on with my life in about a year or so." Yeah. God's been laughing his a$$ off at me, I'm sure! I thought, "I'm going to have a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction early to mid-November, get my permanent implants in near mhy birthday (mid-May) and then a year or so later, when the scars have healed, I'm going to get sweet tattoos to camoflouge the scars." I'd heard/read that the breasts have reduced feeling and that tatts don't really hurt that much.

    Today I read here that many people are having issues with skin sensitivity. Just having the wind blow causes great discomfort. I found out that my lymph nodes are involved on Monday and my plan to just go for it and have a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction has been delayed. Now I"ll more than likely be having a lumpectomy and axillary node dissection, probably chemo, possibly radiation and not having the mastectomy/recon until 6 months after. I am pi$$ed. I have two "boys" (25 and nearly 23 who are out on their own - for now) and a 9 1/2 year old daughter. I keep telling her that we're going to keep her life as normal as possible while I deal with this. How the heck do I do that when this is going to be taking up so much more than my life?

    I can't even tell what I'm feeling right now. THis is the second time since I was diagnosed about a month-and-a-half ago that I just feeling like I"m going to lose it...and part of me feels guilty because my 53 yr old sister is fighting stage 4 liposarcoma and has been for 2 1/2 years with a great attitude. I realize that I'm entitled to feel this way but it still doesn't feel right. I just needed to vent  to people who would "get it". Thanks for listening.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome Bobbisil, and I have to say right off that there is no right or wrong reaction to this ordeal.  I totally understand your feelings because I felt very similar ones.  I did not even want cancer dictating where I had to go and what I had to do for the first month, let alone the first year.  I resented the B/C demands on my time (and even tho' I have lots of time at my disposal, I can think of 800 better ways to spend it!)   One comment, if you do go for lumpectomy, it almost always is paired with radiation.  You can refuse it, but that would be like saying you are positive that your surgeon got every last cell of B/C out of there or that if not that any cells left behind will just behave themselves and die off quietly.  You can't know that for sure, and when the "clean up" treatment of rads is offered, so many of us do agree to it.  

    All the women reading here can offer you real understanding.  It's difficult, but you are not alone.

  • Bobbisil
    Bobbisil Member Posts: 6

    Thank you. I didn't mean to make it sound as though I'll reject rads if recommended. I'll still be having the bilateral mastectomy once whatever treatments they recommend and hopefully I'll be able to have immediate reconstruction. I'll do whatever they suggest, that doesn't mean I'm going to like it, that's for darn sure!

  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114

    Welcome Bobbisill Smile  I know how you are feeling  I am haveing a lot of up and down  feelings too I wish I had answers for you but I am still looking for them lol hang in there you will be alright I keep telling myself what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Cool

  • Bobbisil
    Bobbisil Member Posts: 6

    Thank you momto7! Funny, I hear Kelly Clarkston's song and I think, "Yup!"

    I think I was just having a "moment". I know they're going to come. A close friend of mine pointed out that I haven't really had any down time since before the beginning of the year. It started off with my daughter's teacher causing her to have an anaphylactic reaction to a peanut butter cookie that she gave her (she has a known peanut allergy), my sister's abdomen was 75% tumor last spring, my dad was diagnosed with a rare stomach cancer in May and passed away from it in August and we were in the process of cleaning out my childhood home when my diagnosis came in.

    Since I first posted in this thread, I've gone through my list of gratitudes and it has me feeling much, much better! That combined with the support I've gotten here and from a couple of friends who happened to have called and the sun came out. It's still chilly! But it's shining and pretty outside! That helps immensly!

  • 3-16-2011
    3-16-2011 Member Posts: 279

    hi bobbisill

      I certinly hear you. I was dx in 2011 with a 15 year old daughter and 10 year old son. The biggest lesson I had to learn was to accept the help from friends, neighbors and family and co workers. This helped my children's life have some normalcy. I am just learning about what ups and downs they had when I was sick. One resource I am forever greatful for is finding a part time nanny to do things with my son, I did not have the energy for. 

     My thoughts are with you. 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    bobbisill, right place, right time, vent away!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Bobbi, You are definitely not alone! I was told I probably had malignancy by radiologist the day before I came to assist my dying father. My plan was also very quick: boobs off, slap new ones on, 6 weeks off work, and done deal. Oh....without breathing a word of it to my family mind you, because how in the world could I do that to them with all that's going on???!!! Even when the radiologist took me in dark room and blew tumor up to the size of salad plate on the screen, I was like, " Yeah, I see what you're saying and appreciate the offer but I'm going to California in the morning because my father is dying." I was not getting it. Vent, rant, and don't feel guilty! Allow yourself to hit the ignore button on cell phone, to cry, to punch the bed pillows, to come on here and be pissed. We understand. <3
    <br />

    My heart goes out to you and your family!!! Truly, Kelly Clarkson says it all....((hugs))


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Bobbisil, GREAT first rant on this thread!!! Way to go girlfriend!!!! You have your shit together, that's for sure! My only beef is, why not the mast now with TE's???? Why do you have to wait for that? I don't get it.....

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532

    Hello to all - Long day at the hospital, but all went well for port installation. In pain, so I will make this a short on and check-in with you tomorrow - I had the port put in at my local hospital - the surgeon and nurses were wonderful! Post-surgery x ray indicated leak in lung, again, so I had to stay a couple of extra hours. Home now! Yea. 


  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Welcome Bobbisil. Barbe always steals my posts before I get a chance to get them from my head to my fingers to this thread, so anything she says, consider that I said it too, okay?  LOL 

    Had a few messages from board members either here, or on the BCO Chatters FB page asking if we were okay, especially my NJ shore place. We were super lucky - our campground was barely touched while homes on the bay on either side of us were demolished at worst and damaged at least. Our campground has a lot of wetlands between our back entrance and the bay and apparently that saved us. That and the fact that our condo assoc tries to make sure people storm proof the trees on their property so that they actually protect us instead of damaging us. We're immensely grateful this week, that's for sure.

    Hope you all have a good weekend. Hugs.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605 do you storm-proof a tree? A big strong one could blow down and do damage, a weak one could blow through your front window!!! And how did the bay save you? Questioning minds want to know....