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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Comment from the woman Behind the Pink Curtain:

    1)  I DO like my Cheetos

    2)  I don't eat them as often as I say I do.  Let's say I tend to embellish the truth.

    3)  I actaully like veggies quite a bit.  Despite not being able to grow certain kinds in my yard due to Black Walnut interference (*), I have a bumper crop of arugula right now and am serving that daily. 

    I think I am just the average person, neither saint nor sinner, when it comes to my diet.  I eat the "good" but the "bad" is in there too.  So, IF my diet were any part of my getting B/C, I don't think it would be for LACK of eating something.  It's America.  We have a lot of food here.  It's not all cheeseburgers.  If cancer came from not getting certain things in the diet, wouldn't you see an upward trend in countries where food is in limited supply?  How do those countries get their DIM and I3C?  See what I mean?

    I think that I am average in the fact that I don't eat "all organic," and I am guilty of eating processed packaged foods.  More likely there is some nasty ubiquitous additive in those things that told my cells to grow in their crazy B/C way, but I don't even feel positive about that.  I know some of the additives/substances, FDA approved or not, had some carcinogenic properties in that holy ground of "The Lab" when consumed in high enough quantites.  For that reason, I do try not to eat 500 times my body weight of Cheetos. 

    (Hahaha.  I cracked myself up on that last statement.  Money Mouth)

    I know just enough about my B/C, to know that there is a lot that I don't know.  Just like Socrates (if he had been a B/C sister.)

    (*)  I've used the "footnote" device several times now.  It's habit forming.  Anyway, those stinking Black Walnuts secrete a chemical from their roots, and it also falls from the leafy canopy of the tree, that will wither other plants and stifle the competition for that growing space.  Forget growing tomatoes under the dripline of a Black Walnut tree.  For years, I thought I was just the crappiest tomato grower on the planet, but it was the walnuts!   Way to start the day with some agricultural trivia, eh?

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Just yesterday my Mom was telling me about how awful Cheetos are for you and how some places are pulling them. (I think it's the fiery hot ones probably). She and my brother watch a lot of Dr. Oz.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    pulling cheetos????????????????????? say it isn't so

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I read about that:

    Cheetos Banned

    It's the "dust."  Trust me on that.  Over 50% of all school lunch items are of questionable nutrition, (90% in the schools I went to back in the Mesozoic,) and the doughnuts in the teacher's lounge top the list of all-time worst junk foods ever, but by all means, lets get after the Cheetos.  Sheesh!  I'd say "more for me" but I don't like the Flaming Hot ones.

  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498

    Oh but it's not just the dust. This article  talks about the fact that the red dye makes people think their is blood in their stool and kids are ending up in the ER because of it.  Odd stuff.  I don't like the hot ones either.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    It's not the only red-dye food out there, and did you read that you have to eat A LOT for that to even be a consideration?   Something's shady here.  It's like a Cheetos witch hunt. no?  I think after an article or two came out, a parent could easily ask whether the kid had been scarfing the Cheetos or not.  Case closed.  I'm just going to wager that the group of kids who panicked when they saw a red-tinged stool is far smaller than the group that thought it was cool to have fake Cheetos "blood" in their dookie.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    (Lol Eli! Cheeto dookie blood.) They are Cheeto haters. Little kids may make a mess possibly. My dtr in law even tried to switch Annie to the white cheddar ones. Those were not good!

    Ooooo just heard on news it's stomach flu season. Nolo (?sp) virus. Wash those hands frequently!!!! Cuts risk in 1/2.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    You guys are awful! ;) Surely nobody would seriously argue that kids should be able to buy cheetos in school?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    My highschool lunch for 4 years was fries with gravy and a cream-filled donut and a small glass of cola. Hmmm....breast cancer formula?????

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I am in the local paper. I noticed how bloated my face looks from the dam steroids. Dam BC has really aged me. Hopefully we will get more donations now.

  • jomama2
    jomama2 Member Posts: 12

    Nice article!!  I think you look fab.  Wish I could be there to sample some of your bakery items.  I like the fact that the money actually helps those in treatment!  Thanks!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Momine,  Cheetos IS a junk food, but I am coming from the same place oas Barbe, (who honestly depicts what so many teens do consume at school, out of the watchfuul eye of mom and dad.)  Also, school lunches have a lot of questionable stuff right on the menu, so it is a little hypocritical to "single out" the Cheetos.  I always felt that it was my job to offset just about everything n the school menu.

    Dianarose,  Love, love, love the article on you.  You look good.  As a sister who has never seen you before, I can say your face does not look horribly misshapen or anything, but sorry that the steroids is doing that so you can notice.  While it may not be at the top of the nutrition pyramid, your "cream puff pie" sounds sinfully good!  You must get a kick out of all the "virtual baking" we do on this thread, when we show up with our treats.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, Jomama2!

  • JRyan
    JRyan Member Posts: 102

    Diana, The article on you was great! You look fantastic. Wish I was closer so I could buy some of those cookies :)

  • NYCchutzpah
    NYCchutzpah Member Posts: 148

    Dinarose you look good,  I was trying to find out more info about the Zumba instructor in your local paper


  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Elimar, yeah, I guess it may be silly to single out cheetos, but in that case, the situation muct be really abysmal. I don't think softdrinks, donuts etc should be available in schools either.

    Dianerose, nice article, good job! Like Elimar, I think you look fine, but I guess that when you are not on steroids, you look even finer ;)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, JRyan and NYCchutzpah, to this thread.

    Are the Newbies (to this thread) all friends of Dianarose, stopping by to say how good she looks?   D-rose, you have a good cheering section!

  • JRyan
    JRyan Member Posts: 102

    Hi elimar,

    Not one of Dianarose's "friends", just cheering her on! I have been on some of the other threads since my roller coaster ride began, but thought I would jump in here, since I fall in the parameters and am always on this site getting info and support, as well as offering what I can :)

    Thanks for the welcome!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Great article Dianarose.  I like how you got to put in the remarks about pinkwashing!!! And I agree-I think you look fine & dandy!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Diana,How incredibly awesome!! The article is wonderful and you look fantastic!! And very proud of all those ribbons and awards, as you should be!!! I got hungry just reading the article.

    Welcome to all the newbies! We are a fun group here and supportive whenever we have tests, appts or scans. Just let us know and we will hop in your pocket for a POCKET PARTY or PP for short. Eli always brings the Cheetos, it was hard to get her to share at first but now she brings enough  for a small third world nation. I on the otherhand tend to splurge on the chocolate treats--expecially since there are calories allowed in our PP's. Speaking of parties, isn't it FRIDAY NIGHT? Happy hour anyone?

    pass the Pinot Grigio!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Lydia Grace finally wide awake. She is so precious.My newest granddaughter, Lydia Grace. She is 11 weeks old. She is so good. Eats, smiles, and sleeps. I had her and my 2 yr old granddaughter this afternoon while my daughter did some things. I will admit I am tired now. I will be so sad when they go back to NC on Sunday.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Welcome to all the newbies- This is an awesome thread for info and support. Everyone is so great.

    cmbear- happy hour sounds wonderful. I am on an off chemo week so I let my son buy me a rum and coke the other night. It was delicious. I would have liked one more, but I behaved. I finish my last chemo on my brothers b-day, so we are going to celebrate together.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Dianarose, I think you look great. Wouldn't have known you were on steroids by looking at your picture. Pastry chef? That's awesome. And you are skinny to boot! I would be in trouble if I was a pastry chef.

    New people! Yay. Bumbs me up in seniority by two. Welcome! Eph made me a fabulous Cheetos cake when I came to hang out here.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Elimar, is that your dog up there decency the Cheetos? I didn't realize they make them baked. I just love mine puffy.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Decency? Oh I love autocorrect.....supposed to say "defending the Cheetos"

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Nope, Beckers, that is not my mutt, although mine has partaken of a few Cheetos over the years.  My houndog 16 1/2 yars old.  Just how ancient is she?  Well, she's unsteady on her hind legs and falls over a lot.  Last week, I saw a turkey vulture in the yard TWICE!  So, I guess you can say she is on vulture watch these days.  Poor old girl.  I told that story to a friend who just had a birthday.  He said he is "keeping the vultures off" too.  Yes, and aren't we all?

    Dianarose, that is a little sweetheart you have there.  Wonder if Marlegal's new grandson will go for an "older woman?"  Can't help it...I have a bit of the baby matchmaker in me.

  • JRyan
    JRyan Member Posts: 102

    Awww Dianarose, Lydia is so adorable!

    Beckers, i am a Cheeto fanatic! My daughter catches me with my orange fingers often :)

    Happy hour sounds good. Enjoying a nice iced sweet tea vodka with lemonade. Yum :) It's like summer in a glass.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979


    I am jealous! I don't think I can drink alcohol with ER+ BC....or do I even know what I'm talking about? I'm under the impression I can't. I need a do not eat, drink, put on my skin, wear, go, or eat off of list since I now have BC I think.

    What is a turkey vulture El? I am so Californian...ha!

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Dianarose, what a wonderful article about your baking & fundraising. You look fabulous, sista! All those ribbons, wow! Without asking you to divulge your recipe (only if you want to, that is!), what is in a cream puff pie? Anything like a cream puff? And your new little granddaughter is precious.  

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Beckers, apparently alcohol is bad news generally if you have BC. However, if you stay under 3 drinks a week, it ought to be OK. At least that is what I tell myself. Usually 2X a week I allow myself one glass of wine with dinner.

    As for the food list, you will find it here:

    I am trying not to go to nutso over it, although I haven't been doing a very good job. Add to the bitch of it that femara can raise cholesterol and sugars. So, I had basically cut all white carbs, cut red meat, cheese and eggs down to an absolute minimum (2 eggs a week, red meat once every month, maybe). The result being that  shrank completely. Now I have to try to gain a bit of weight, and am finding that it is really not easy if your diet excludes the above.