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  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    When I married DH he had a limited taste for vegies.  I fixed dinners like I normally would and now DH loves about any vegies I fix.  WHn I'd ask him if he liked...asparagus..he'd say "no" then he'd say "Well, I've never had them".  I think his mom only fixed canned corn and green beans.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Eli, I have never tried to make cappucino art, but I draw reasonably well.

    I agree about the eating habits. It may not seem like it is working while they are still young. Lord knows my kid bitched and moaned about all kinds of foods and had long periods of being picky and impossible, but I persevered as best I could. Now that she is in college, she cooks for all her friends, started a supper club the first year she was there and has become pretty adept at cooking cheap, healthy meals.

    I don't think I got hives during the FEC. That one was the "easy" chemo for me. No real SEs other than being tired and inflamed veins (and that was from the red devil, not the fluorowatchamacallit). Taxotere was a different story. Not fun.

  • jocanuck1951
    jocanuck1951 Member Posts: 214

    Barsco its been like 5 hours now.....are you glowing lol?

    Eli I love coffee with pictures...what time you want me over? Lol

    My nails....I have those funny looking chemo lines in them now..and they are splitting and hurt, just like my scalp..I can hear the brave new little hairs screaming help me help me...! Time for another buzz I guess!

    I'm starting to dread Mondays...bloodwork, Tuesday chemo..Wednesday...well we won't go there....not liking this routine at all

    So onco said start exercising a bit...ok...before cancer I would put my ipad on my walking machine and read at slight incline at 1.5mph slow but no stress on my sciatica so thought I'd try it again as I've gained 6lbs since chemo (even with dragon's breath!)

    Now I feel yucky when I don't eat, yucky when I do eat and I'm slightly diabetic :). So any suggestions? The big D with chemo and C on the other days....having so much fun here.....

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    JoC, My Cancer Center had a dietician and they also loaned out cookbooks.  My mom's center gave her the book Eating Well Through Cancer.  I tried a few recipes from there involving sweet potatoes.  The Banana, Rice, Applesauce, Toast diet is always mentioned and those bland foods suddenly can become your friends.  Eggs are easy to eat.  Yogurt is good for you.  Drink the Ensure if you like it.  I really tried to drink that (and my mom loved it) but it did not go down that well.  I think the vitamins in that formula irritated me.  Now I am going to add something "controversial" and add a few raw fruits.  I had to have some Clementines and I had some watermelon too.  It tasted very good.  These you are not supposed to have if your WBC is low.  Mine was never that low and I took the precaution of washing/scrubbing the outside of the fruit with soap (and rinsing, of course) before peeling or cutting into it.  (Melons have to be whole.)  Please don't take a chance if you get WBC neutropenia, but I think if you clean the outside of the fruits very well, the insides are o.k.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I was going through chemo in the summer.  I never treated my fruits any different than normal-what I didn't know I guess didn't hurt me.

    I wish there was an arty way to present Diet Coke!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Well ladies - I am back. Usually make a day of it by going out for lunch afterward. Thank goodness the PP snacks/drinks don't fill me up too much. Thanks for the company during scan time! Now we wait for results - should only be a couple of days. Cross those fingers, toes, eyes or what ever it takes!

    Eli - love the coffee with the picture. Very cool! Jo - maybe we can deliver some to you tomorrow for chemo day.

    Eph - maybe can't do pictures in coke but how about this elegant dispenser?

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Is that in the Smithsonian?

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Jo, treat food like medicine and make a schedule of reasonable foods at set times. As for the intestinal issues, probiotics, probiotics, probiotics. They will not completely eliminate issues, but they can really help. I normally take one acidophilus pill in the AM. During chemo I took one with every meal.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hey everyone, well I was not through having fun, got pink eye in the good eye. LOL could only stare at the ceiling for a couple of days.

    Lynn, I had to really watch who I talked to at first. I have an answering machine, plus caller id. I found I do not need to answer every call. At times when I had no energy I had a friend come over and listen to the messages for me, then return the important calls. I found that many friends really did want to help, just needed something to do. So I set them up to protect me.

    Even today at the drug store as I am picking up my script for a stronger antib and pink eye cream the pharmacist (who is a friend) asked how I was doing. I just threw back my head and laughed (a very hoarse laugh) He laughed too.

    barsco, glad you made it thro the scan, waiting with you for results.

    good nite ladies. 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Quiet with the middies.  Hope that means everyone is doing OK today & disregarding the beast.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I am up to my eyeballs in pies. I have done 60 out of the 91. I will finish tomorrow. I am tired. I am using my enclosed porch as a big fridge right now. My brother is going to be picking them all up, but I am not sure if he will be able to do it in one trip.

    Looking forward to Friday. I am getting this post chemo hair colored.

    Hope everyone is doing ok. Have a great night.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    I have a question...who put about five more hours in my workdays yesterday and today? I swear, it feels like it should be Thursday for me. Hope others, especially those having tests or treatments, are having a quick week to get it over with :)

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    marlegal - it really sucks when your mind is a day or so ahead of reality. Does make for a long work week.

    I was having trouble all day trying to remember that it wasn't Monday today. (had yesterday off) And then, due to no water in our building, we all got the afternoon off - with pay to boot.

    Just think - tomorrow is half way there day. Also known as hump day.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Wow, Barsco what a treat!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    D-rose,  You pie-making energy is awesome.  Good luck finishing them up today.

    macactacmv,  How'd you get the pink eye?  Doctor's office?

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Marlegal - yep, when I woke up this morning I thought, "It's only Wednesday?".  This week has been too long.

    Yesterday was such a long day at my onc's office.  I had to wait 2 1/2 hours just to see her but when I finally did, it was good news.  My PET scan was all good!  There was some activity around my jaw and she said she wasn't concerned about that because I'm not a drinker or a smoker and that it shows up on 20% of her PET scans.  Still, I'm going to Google that. Undecided

    She also said that they are seeing the number of recurrences declining.  I asked why and she said "Lots of different things - closer monitoring, new drugs" and then some statistical terms I don't remember.  This May will be 3 years from diagnosis for me and I was hoping to get off the 3-month schedule and onto the 6-month schedule. But now I realize she might be a fan of the close monitoring. 

    Jo - I hope your food is going down better now.  Your routine sounds terrible.  I had my chemo over the summer and I refer to it as the Lost Summer.  I was so hot and miserable, too.  But I think if it was in the winter I would have been cold and miserable. I've got a comfort range of about 2 degrees - haha.

    I'm seriously missing my hot flashes right now.  They were just storming along until 2 months ago.  I asked my onc about that and she said that they can run in cycles, so we'll see.  They'll probably come back when it gets hot again here.

    Diana - I love Once Upon A Time!  It makes me feel like a kid again, getting all caught up in fairy tales.  The dresses from the fairy tale part are beautiful and the special effects are movie-quality.  And the story is so fun.  One of the few shows I never miss.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    A clear PET scan?  That is good news!  That is worthyof a happy dance...


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Haha! They are so cute! I am actually LOL'ing. Thanks Elimar!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Speaking of fairy tales-go see "Jack the Giant Slayer"-good story, acting & special effects- I didnt do 3D & was just fine without it.  Traveling south of the border to Sacramento area this weekend to go see "Oz" on IMAX with my DB & SIL.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Yayyyyfor good PET scan 💓 And I'm right there with you in the temp comfort range! Spring and Fall year long :)

    Eph, Jack didn't do well at box office...I wonder why? I want to see Oz, I read the book many times when I was young, the movie was an annual event in my home with all 8 of us watching together, and I'm going to see Wicked for the third time in July! No real idea why - wonder if there's a support group :)

  • MameMe
    MameMe Member Posts: 215

    Hi Ladies, I am reading along here almost daily, its a great topic, and I love the tone of comradeship between people. The latest event in my otherwise tedious treatment process happened today. I spent the week securing my reduced schedule at work, rearranging clients, keeping my boss, HR and insurance co. up to speed, so I could start rads today. I get a phone message at work that the cancer center can't start me today because they don't yet have the rads records from my treatment ten years ago. OK, so, I am thrilled they are being so careful, but, am totally anxious and discombobulated because I have begun a half day schedule, for which, without treatment, I can't claim short term dis. payment or FMLA time. It will be at least three wasted days of short hours with nothing happening, and then I will need to extend my partial leave on the other end to get the series finished. Wahhhhh!!!! This treatment while working is for the birds!! I guess it will sort out eventually, but jeepers. The best laid plans....

    What I really want to know, tho, is how those 90 pies are coming along, DR?! THAT sounds like stress to me!

    Warm regards to all, Mame

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Welcome aboard Mame! Sorry that you are having to deal with everything again. You have found a wonderful place to help you get through it all.

    Hns - so very happy that you have good results from your PET.

    Hope everyone is up for a dance-a-thon. I got my CT results today and the tamo is still holding everything at bay. Seems that stable boy is quite comfortable here !

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    I can't paste a pic from my iPad :(

    Barsco, I was going to give you a gorgeous stable hand!

    Hooray for good results. Last thing I'm seeing before bed and it's a great feeling.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Whew, a dance a thon it is. Such happy news!!! I am thrilled for both hns and barsco!!!!! I'm not great at the graphics so no pictures but I am jumping around my living room in my pjs. 

    I, too, am wondering about all those pies. DR you amaze me with your baking skills and energy to get it done. For a good cause, to boot!

    I am starting to feel better. I can see more clearly. Eli, I am not sure how I got the pink eye. Did I tell you about pulling my cornea out of my right eye when I was taking my contact out? That started this whole down hill slide of the last 3 weeks. I had to go to the eye dr every day and get that debreeded (sp) so that it could heal correctly. He had me using antib eyedrops on that eye. Then I got the crud cold and  felt like I was swallowing glass, my dr was on vaca so I saw the dr on call, he put me on a zpac. The next day I woke up with the left eye stuck shut. I was real cute looking by now, both eyes totally bloodshot and barely able to get a sound out. So when I saw my PCP on Monday, she said we had to pull out the big guns. Which really means pills that look like they could treat a horse. Then I saw the eye dr, who had a good laugh, but then said at least I stopped with one eye, he's had patients that have pulled both out. I told him I am never wearing contacts again, he said it wasn't the contact's fault. But I feel like I am on the mend now. What is it two steps forward, one step back? One step forward, two steps back? Two sideways steps? Hey I'm doing the happy dance again. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    macatacmv, No I don't remember anything about a cornea being pulled out because I would have remembered feeling queasy just hearing about it!  I do know the drill of having to go in every single day.  So easy to lose an eye due to infection.  Horrible.  Keep the forward motion going, no backsliding now.

    barsco, I am so happy to hear your news.  Can I find another cute happy dance?  How 'bout some panda-monium of happy?


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    panda monium!!! LOL

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    barsco - Hooray! That's great news! Sounds like the stable boy is stuck on you. Mar, I was thinking the same thing about a stable hand.  How's this one, barsco?

    mac - I can just picture you and the pharmacist laughing at the "how are you" question! That's so funny! What's that saying - better laughing than crying. Oh, well. It's how we get by...

    Elimar - those pandas crack me up - I love them! Where do you find this stuff?

    Eph - I can't wait to see Jack and Oz! Marlegal, you have a point... I don't know what it says about the state of our minds.  I think I'm slipping.

  • jocanuck1951
    jocanuck1951 Member Posts: 214

    Wow good news today Barsco and HNS.....dancing on the table...well not really but I want to :))

    Mac terrific news that you get to keep your eye! I agree with you, no contacts!

    Eli...that's what happens when you go away...all hell breaks loose lol!

    I love "once upon a time as well".... Going to see Jack and hopefully Oz...hard keeping up with you guys....

    D-rose your a wonderful person....if there's any extra shoot them my way :) I won't tell lol!

    Welcome mame! Xoxoxoxo

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Barsco, that is wonderful. Enjoy your boy!