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  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Oh that stable boy is HOT  - I will be glad to keep him around for a while. thanks hns!

    And Eli - love the panda-monium that all the good news is causing!

    mac - I hope that you are well on the way to healthy once more. That's quite a ride you are on.        ~~~healing vibes~~~~ coming your way.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    HNS - Big hand for clear PET scan.  Big round of applause and (((HUGS))).

    Barsco - Yeah for the Tammy.  Stable boys are great!  WOOHOO

    Mame - Maybe your delay happened for a reason.  At least at the end of tx you will be knowing what to expect (even though I know you've had rads b4.)  Maybe those 3 days have a purpose.  I'm trying when things happen like this to see what God is trying to tell me and leave my voice out of it.

    Dianarose - How's about a pie update?  And you did that on top of regular bakery job?  I think you'll get the rep. of the "pie lady".  Not a bad way to start out your own bakery I think.

    Macatacmv is on the mend. Panda dance/flute playing and that luscious stable boy whoever he is.  It is a good Thursday.

    I have gotten the whalloping cold though now on the coming out end.  I managed ALL last year not have even a cold and BLAMO it started Sunday.  To make matters worse, the 2 (yes both and the only 2) goats I had due kidded both yesterday.  The first one (a 1st freshener) had a pretty OK buck, he is out with mama; a tiny doe that is inside being bottle fed and will have to be hand raised and a buck born dead.  Was worried I would have to take her to vet as she is just finishing passing all afterbirth (like 36 hours later).  Second one to kid (2nd freshener) delivered with this midwife assist 2 BIG kids, healthy, vigorous, one doe, one buck.  Doing fantastic.

    Now these are just hobby goats, no profit (heck no I spend tons on them - no grandkids to spoil), no milk though I did toy with the idea of milking that 2nd one.  SOOO - I have vowed this is my last kidding.  DH WAS not thrilled to be awakened at 1230 yesterday am and got little sleep.  He took personal day at work.  2nd doe had the good smarts to do hers early yesterday evening and it was all done in about 1.5 hours.

    SO - so much for my rambling.  It's about time to bottle the baby again.  She's asleep beside me in the styrofoam crate we got a ham in for Christmas.  Keeps her nice and warm.  But found her trying to jump out of it which is good sign.  Have lots of dog crates for her to go in.

    Oh and not that anything was planned but yesterday was our 37th anniversary. What a way to spend it.  Dinner for me was graham crackers and peanut butter.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Diana is not posting, she is currently like this poor doggie:


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I don't remember if I posted here back in January when my dog was having troubles (this is the dog that some of you may remember pulled me down the embankment back in 10-2012 & I broke my shoulder on my lumpectomy side (oh joy, oh joy).  Anyway, I'm going to copy & paste my e-mail to my siblings re: the latest.  This is all so unrelated to BC & it's sad, so those who want to skip it - feel free, won't hurt my feelings.

    "So, I took Ruby back into the vet yesterday for several things.

    #1 - the cyst between her toes has come back (it was removed last summer for those who didn't know or don't remember) and there is a secondary cyst forming on the toe itself

    #2- the lump that the doctor determined to be an abcess is still fairly large (probably about the size of a tennis ball or a bit larger) and very firm

    #3-she has growths on her butt

    So the vet said that the cyst between the toes is probably just a repeat, not malignant, but extremely hard to get gone completely. The growth on the toe itself though is worrisome.

    The external polyps on the rear are not in & of themselves worrisome other than it's a horrific surgery & in the location that they are there is extreme chance of contamination, etc. Plus she is such a licker! Those cone things are worthless on her; our neighbors say they heard her howling ALL day when she had that on before.

    On top of it he noted that she has something wrong on the cornea of one of her eyes, but that seems to be healing (it's like one of the cats caught her with a claw).

    But, the bad news is the lump. Apparently at the end of January when it was determined to be an abcess, what it was was a tumor that had busted out from where it had been "in situ". The tissue around the tumor necrosified (don't know if that's a real word, or used correctly) & that was the pus & drainage & infection. Now that that is all healed, but the lump is still there, he aspirated it yesterday-no fluid, just cells, malignant under the scope. Which then changes the complextion of the other things-they too could be or could not be malignant.

    He went on to tell me that there was a new chemo drug that is doing good things on cancer in animals, but very expensive. I told him as a chemo survivor I would NEVER subject an animal who couldn't understand what was happening to them, to chemo. And the cost was a deterrent also. And she is almost 13.

    So we were sent home with the good old standby Prednisone-twice a day for 3 days, once a day for 3 days & then every other day until gone. As long as she continues to look forward to our walks (which have been cut back in length & we now seek out pavement & grass only because the gravel pathways seem to bother her foot more) & is not advertising pain or potty problems, we will soldier on.

    I'm better than I thought I would be (so far)."

  • iatigger
    iatigger Member Posts: 269

    Well you miss a lot when you are out of town for work 12hr days suck but glad to be home after my 5 hr drive this morning. Actually I didn't even make it home yet, came straight to get my oil changed since the light went on when I first got to my out of town destination. Then later appt with the plastic surgeon regarding my swap out, then haircut and finally my daughters band/vocal concert tonight. So much for relaxation today.

    Congrats to all who received good test results.

    Jlynn hope you are coming out of your funk.

    Dianarose, all this pie talk is making me hungry.

    Welcome Mameme!

    Eph, sorry to hear about your dog, hopefully he will continue to tolerate the tumor.

    Off to continue my busy busy day, everyone have a great one!!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Oh, Eph! I'm so sorry to hear about Ruby! I had a dog named Ruby - she was my baby. She got hit by a car when she was 13, so I didn't have to see her suffer but it was sudden and unexpected.

    This is the hardest part about having and loving our pets. You have a good plan, though. As long as she's happy, she's good.  Dogs will definitely let you know when they don't feel good.

    I hope she surprises everyone and you and she have much more time together. Dogs are good about that, too. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Eph, Those elder pet situations are difficult.  I agree 100% with you about doggie chemo.  I have often wondered if a dog knows instinctually if it is coming to the end of its life.  I wonder if my dog was accepting that, because sometimes I got the feeling she loooked to me to help her and I couldn't.  It made me so sad.

    luvmygoats,  That is definitely the first goat births reported on in this thread.  We truly have it all here!!!  Good job with your animal husbandry, or is it actually wifery in this case?   Also, Happy, Happy Aniversary...WOW!

    Have to go to my pre-admission appt. tomorrow morning.  That is a boring couple of hours, as I remember from my B/C surgery.  Bloodwork and talk to anesthesiologist (note to self: remind him/her no Michael Jackson drugs and make sure to wake me back up...that's a priority!)  The big plus is this time is they won't force a pregnancy test on me like last time.  Ha!  They are so out of it since I will be there to give birth to my alien baby!!!  Oh yes, didn't I tell you I am a surrogate for an alien celeb/star who wants to keep her figure.  Just like here.


    Even tho' I don't have to keep it, yes I do expect that someone here is planning to throw me an alien baby shower over the weekend.  So you all better start virtual shopping right now.  It's not like you can just hit Babys-R-Us (online) you know.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I am so glad it was a good scan day !!!!!!!

    Momine- I love the dog picuture. I used to have 2 great danes. They were awesome dogs.

    All 91 pies are done. My brother is on his way to pick them up. I am so tired now. I have had to work this week and come home and bake some more. I must be crazy. I love how pretty the Key Lime look when they are done. I did make one extra banana cream for myself.

    Eph- sorry to hear about your dog. Pets are so much a part of our lives.

    Heartnsoul- love the eye candy.

    It can stop snowing here anytime now. I want spring.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    WHERE do you find these things E?

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Eli - here's a hat for alien baby. Don't want him/her to catch a chill.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Dianarose - you must be so glad to get all of those pies done. You certainly deserve that banana cream pie for yourself!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    barsco, is that an early gift?  It's perfect!  I thought my shower wasn't until this weekend, so people had some time to "shop."

    Eph, I just have the time to look.  It's not like I am busy raising goats or anything.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Wow am I behind. I'll see if I can remember everything.

    Diana the pies wow.  I cannot even imagine baking that many pies.  What a great cause.

    HNS and Barsco so glad for your good scans.

    Eph so sorry to hear about your dog.  They do become part of our family that is for sure.

    Had to take my FIL to the ostomy nurse this week.  MIL is having a really difficult time taking care of him but refuses to let anyone help.  He is having 20 year delayed rads effect and care is getting quiet difficult. Then had to help MIL order supplies and now I understand why she is always off on the ostomy supplies.  Came home last night and DH and I drank a bottle of wine and watched Duck Dynasty.  I was over stressed.  Today is much better.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Sherryc,  Is that "delayed rads effect" something I can look forward to getting in 20 years?  Please say no.  I'll be too busy having my rads generated new cancers by then, so I won't have too much spare time for something else.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    oh eph, I feel for you with the old dog. It really does break our hearts to see them suffer. But I agree that the tx is sometimes too much for them. Enjoy the time you guys have left. What kind of dog is she? We will be right here with you. 

    hns, great pic. 

    luv, wow, hand raising baby goats! I have a friend that has a small farm with sheep and goats. Her sheep are lambing all ready. So I hear all about the little ones not making it. I know it is nature and all, but I am just  soft hearted. I feel for the ewes, too without their babies.

    eli, alien baby shower? Thanks for giving us time to "shop". When is your surgery? I like the Michael Jackson drug. It did wonders for me for my surgery. I understand why he would want it around. I had to cancel my pre op with Dr Pil (real name) today, but I rescheduled it for 2 weeks from now. They did not want a "sick" patient in the office. LOL He is my colonoscopy dr. I am just thrilled to be seeing him again.(not)

    diana, you deserve a snooze. Enjoy your own pie and take time to breathe.

    ok, I admit I am way behind on things, but what is Duck Dynasty? It is the second time I have heard the name in the last two days. A movie. or tv show? 

    I hope I don't have nightmares, dreaming of alien babies and delayed rads effect. 

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Diana, of course Danes are awesome ;)

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Eli - I just get so excited when it comes to babies and buying for them. Couldn't wait till the shower to show you what I got. Don't worry though, I'm sure I will find more while out shopping today.

    Sherry - Duck Dynasty has become one of my DH and DS favourite shows. Your are a gem to help MIL out. You definitely deserve that bottle of wine and relaxing evening.

    Mac - too funny that your Dr doesn't want "sick" patients in the office. My dad calls his Dr "Dr Pill" because whenever he goes he usually prescribes a pill for whatever Dad is there for. (and the dr name does rhyme with pill)

    Spring must be on the way for sure with baby goats and my sisters tales of robins singing in the trees. She is a bit south of me so the robins will be a couple of weeks before they arrive here. Can't wait!

    Not having gone through chemo I am wondering if it possible to have "sympathy chemo brain?" I was getting dressed for work yesterday and grabbed a pair of socks to put on. Wandered out to the kitchen and did a couple of more things before putting them on (which is a normal course of action for me). When I was ready to put the socks on, I couldn't find them anywhere. Looked in the kitchen, bathroom, computer room, even my purse. So I just grabbed another pair, put them on and away I went. When I got to work, took off my coat (thank goodness in the change room provided) and looked in the mirror, lo and behold, there was my socks neatly draped over my shoulder!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Awsome job Meece!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Thanks for sending out the invites, Meece!  I'll be looking forward to it and some appropriate refreshments as well.  Smile

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Elimar, you might want to post that pic on the header so everyone can know what's going on.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I have the napkins and plates (plenty of them for a big party).

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Glad to be done with making 91 pies for a benefit. I am tired.

    This is about 2/3's of the pies. I had to use a table on the porch as a fridge. My brother picked them all up last night. I am still tired. My 13 yr old made up most of the boxes.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    OH OH - Alien baby.  We need some theme music but all I could find on YouTube was highly unsuitable for Eli's delivery.  Loved Barsco's cap with 3 eyes.

    Macatacmv - Sounds like MA is having a whalloping this am.  Good day to stay in.  How are the eyes doing?

    Joni - I know how attached we become to our pets.  Hard to believe my little rat terrier is already 6.

    Sherry - Yes, ostomies can be hard to fit but I did not know about post rads changes 20 years later.  Hope you found a good ostomy nurse.

    Goaties are all doing better.  House baby taking bottle well and may try to let her nurse mom some later but mom is a major SNOT and very uncooperative.  Babies and moms outside (well, actually in pens in barn) doing well.  I do not trust the wildlife here.  The tiny boy is probably good meal for red tailed hawk.  The other 2 I think are too big for a hawk.  But ALWAYS barn them at night because too many great horned owls around.  Pair of hawks must be nesting behind me on the creek.  They have spent the last 3 days foraging thru my yard.

    Wow, Dianarose, good thing nothing wanted to eat off your porch.  Yum.  Hope you are resting up.

    Meece, would your plates look something like this?  Hope this comes out sized right.  First time trying to paste something.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Dianarose - I forgot to say thank you on behalf of the gentleman you made the pies for.  You rock!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Barsco that is funny about the socks. 

    macatacmv-Duck Dynasty is a reality TV show on A&E.  These people are from Lousiana and have become millionares making duck calls.  Very wholesome show.

    luvmygoats yes we found an awesome ostomy nurse.  She was training in houston at MDA.  All the Dr's talk very highly of her.  It is a little further to drive but I do think she is worth it.

    Eli I sure hope you don't have this to look forward too.  I don't know if my FIL problem is more related to the fact that his was rectal but if you want more info PM me.  I might gross some people out here and I don't want to scare you.  Because as you know everyone's cancer is a little bit different.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Sherryc, Mine is rectal cancer, but it is way up where it joins the colon, so I am losing some colon too along with upper rectum.  People with lower rectal cancer have to wear the bag for life, but not me, no ma'am.  I will have a temporary bag to wear/clean/be revolted by so that my surgery site can stay inactive and heal.  I will have unradiated colon joined to a radiated portion of my rectum and that radiated part needs extra time to heal hence the whole bag deal.

    Went to my pre-admission appt today.  I have now seen the bag and I swear it attaches the same way any common vacuum cleaner bag attaches (good thing I haven't embraced the bagless vacuum technology so I have recent experience with this) and I have seen how the intestines will protrude out of the abdomen.  The bag attaches to the stump of the intestines that are sticking out.  (Sorry for the mental image, but I have refrained from finiding an actual image to're welcome...and yes, it looks nasty.)  I already told the nurse that the first time I have to see this in person, I WILL go tunnel-vision-hit-the-ground, so make sure a hot male nurse is standing by.

    Raise your hand if this was TMI for a lifetime.  It was for me.  Why am I doing this again?

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Eli since I have seen all this not too much info for me.  The other girls may disagree.  My FIL was also where the rectum and colon attach.  He had the illiostomy after surgery for healing time and then they reattached the colon later.  He tried that for about a year and things did not work out so well for him so they put in a permanant colostomy.  But for some reason the doctors at MDA did not close off the rectum and that is the problem he is having now.  Lot's of drainage from the rectum that is very accidic and burns his skin.  Of course he is 90 now and not active at all mostly in a wheelchair so it has gotten much worse because he is not capapble of keeping himself clean and my MIL has to do it.  Tried to get them help but she will not have any part of that.  Thinks it is her duty to do it all.  She is 85.  The ostomy nurse said she sees this all the time and it is pretty common exspecially for those that are like my FIL and 20 years later still living.  Of course FIL was still using the same kind of bag he started with 20 years ago and boy have they improved.  I am getting them switched over to all the new disposable stuff which will make their life easier but my MIL hates change and can ge pretty stubborn.  I just took over the order so I know she will complain when all the new stuff comes in.  Good luck with your surgery I hope this new robot thingy works wonders.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Sherryc, O.K., then, I will not worry about all that for another NINETEEN and A HALF years then.  I'm sure I have enough to keep me occupied with keeping an eye out for rads-caused cancers in the pelvic region.


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Eli - Course I come at it from a different perspective being a nurse.  Sounds like SOP to me.  Part is the flange which I think is the vacuum bag attachment.  The wafer is the part on the skin.  Many different companies make ostomy supplies.  Hollister is probably the most prominent (or does the most marketing).

    I think in general the more info we have on any subject (short of icky things we probably wouldn't even think of discussing here you know grossly illegal, immoral, crimes against kids) the better we are prepared for life.  I think in today's society one can't be too much of an ostrich.  Might not be dinner discussion but we've all had body parts dissected and some not too prettily.

    When is your surgery date, I forgot.  One or more hot male nurses coming up.  Actually knew a few that met that description.

    Sherry and Eli - FIL's rads were 20 years ago.  Imagine the targeting precision they do now to not damage healthy tissue.  And Sherry, don't know why they didn't go ahead and take rectum unless when he could not have it reversed he refused more surgery or could not tolerate it.  Just don't know but then I'm not much of a surgical nurse.  But I am a darned good goatherder.  LOL.  No more goat birthing stories.

    Sherry - I have never watched Duck Dynasty.  But will admit I have watched Swamp People (but only cause DH had it on LOL that's my story and I sticking to it).  I have also watched many Hoarders and even Doomsday Preppers, the last making me think some people are seriously nutty.  I mean, come on, if you are the only ones to survive the "shifting of the poles" do you even want to be alive???  Count me out on that one.