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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    kathec, You have not been here long enough to remember my woeful statements a couple years ago, all about Middle Aged Belly Fat.  It is said to be made from an excess of calories, mainly sugar and simple carbs.  I won't argue, but I also think it is our bodies just crying out for estrogen and trying to replace some of it in a sneaky way.  We hit menopause taking our ovaries out of the game, so our clever bodies whip up the middle aged estrogen producing belly fat to make up for the hormone loss.  Add the anti-hormonals to that and no doubt our bodies ply on the fat even more trying to get that estrogen from somewhere.  Aaarrrrgh! 

    Welcome, Dogsneverlie!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Effin a$$ middle age sneaky butted bodies...

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    oh I think that makes sense! 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    If I could get rid of my flabby, flappy upper arms and my Monster Truck spare tire, I'd be happy.  What Elimar said about fat=estrogen procurement is total truth!  My last Femara pill is Nov 16; I'm hoping that weight loss will be a bit easier. 

    Kathec, totally understood that!

  • ndgrrl
    ndgrrl Member Posts: 645


    I have not been through Menopause yet well Tamoxifen may be putting me there.  I saw my surgeon last month and asked about having my overies removed. He told me that excess weight causes more production of estrogen then my overies were.  I should have asked ok then if I lose weight and have my ovaries removed I should be good?  Now I am on a strict weight loss plan.. its difficult but I have a goal in mind and that is to not get this back.. Kind of odd that my sister who is  teeny also got breast cancer 2 months after me- same grade- same stage same size and located in the same exact place in the right breast. She is 16 yrs older than me- so really can they blame it all on excess weight?

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    elimar! love it! love how the social skills is the smallest! thats me!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Eli - I must compliment you on the new topper. I think I've said b4 that the way I sign on takes me straight to this page. Not sure why I developed this way but it works for me and no thinking to it. So I laughed so hard when it signed on this morning.

    Joni - I agree. I could probably live with flabby butt and humongous legs but belly and arms are just too much. Oh and can I have a smaller shoe size back. That is getting harder to fit me than clothes.

    I'm planning on "back to school shopping" Friday. Not so much for tax but maybe some good sales. Our Sunday paper sales ads were huge, more than 1/2 of the paper.

    So Eli your theory is that our bodies are making belly fat in an attempt to make more estrogen. I'll buy that. Along with a chocolate sundae.Winking

    I don't think I ever had a thigh gap. And bikini - not happenin'. I can feel the hip bones, that's a miracle.

    After this discussion I think I'll go make a salad.

    Welcome Dogsneverlie.

    FBN - hope your treatment was easy on you today.

    HomeMom - hope the same for you in 2 days.

  • footballnut
    footballnut Member Posts: 449

    sitting in the chair for the first time all by myself. First the steroid, then Zantac, then Benadryl then taxol. Woo hoo!!!!


  • Brwneyedgirl
    Brwneyedgirl Member Posts: 70


    My family and I at the Relay for Life last weekend. 

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    I used to have a thigh gap - for most of my life actually. It's just been the last 2-3 years with this job that I sit for stretches and I haven't bee exercising like I used to. 

    Thank luvmygoats - sigh, I guess it's just getting so damn old. Sept 5th is the last one and it's only a month away, yet it seems like 6 months. Macatacmv - thanks, my mental state is always better after reading and "talking" to you guys here!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    ndgrrl, I don't mean that extra weight is at the root of all BC, otherwise skinny minnies would not be getting it.(*)  Is it one of the many factors?  Most likely...and probably for the estrogen production reason.   You know how the saying goes that the biggest risk of getting BC is being female?   Sooo, which gender is known for their estrogen production?   Us gals, of course, and the estrogen driven cancers are the most prevalent type out there.

    What I was asserting was that loss of estrogen is a BIG culprit in the formation of Middle Age Belly Fat.  MABF!  (Another acronym for the BCO coffers.)  Also, with loss of estrogen, we lose some muscle mass.  Since muscle mass burns more calories than most other body tissue, we become less efficient, overall, at doing that.  Double whammy!  Two good reasons why it is so difficult to prevail over the muffin top.

    (*)  Also, the flip side is that a heavy woman can get ER- BC, so we can't pin it on any one thing.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    homemom - I'm starting at the Y on Tuesday for their Live Strong program.  You should check it out! By then I will be at 24/33 rads.  

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    jbokland - I'm jealous! Sept 5 is my last Taxol. Cannot wait to get back to the exercise routine and check out the Y program. ThumbsUp

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    Ladies, thigh gap may be the rage among the young and near-anorexic, but speaking from personal experience, it's not all it's cracked up to be.  My legs, while long, have always been on the skinny side, and now that I'm (ahem) getting older, I really notice just how disproportional they are to the top half of my body.  Especially in short shorts, which I now only wear in my home.  I'm in the Bermuda years!  My eldest daughter has my husband's beefy thighs (but very muscular) and envies my "gap."  I'd prefer it if my legs were not so "toothpickish."  Can't wait to see what happens when menopause fully hits... Thank goodness that getting BC has made me accept myself as I now am, with increasing flaws.

    On another note, I went for a mammogram yesterday, AND AFTER TWO X-RAYS SHE LET ME GET DRESSED TO LEAVE!  Righty always was my favorite.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Let me join you with another well-behaved Righty, SnS.  Although I have some sore nodes in there, pain twinges in my scar area and itching in the SNB area once in a while on Righty, I just got the MRI results this morning and all is B9!!!  I did not think any BC would be in there, but I was afraid that a false positive would put me thru' the mill again.  This really feels good to have been all clear upon the close inspection of MRI.  Happy dance time!


    BTW, I have a new pet, a black Russian dwarf hamster.  Super evil.  He bites til you bleed.  His name is Dexter. 

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Dexter!!! I love it elimar! but please be careful, and never let him escape to breed with other rodents he might find in the wild!! i can tell you love him already!

    Snsane, you described my body exactly. like near rotund with stick legs n arms, sorta like a childs drawing!

    why am i using so many of !!!!!

    YaY!!! for good test results! elimar, some of my nodes are all swollen and hard, i cant even believe i have any left on that side, i thought they dragged em all out!!!

    HomeMom, sept 5 is my belly button birthday, and i can't think of a better present you could give me than it being the last day of that life saving poison for you!!!

    women on bco saved my sanity yesterday. thank you.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Let him lose to breed?  Never.  I did already contemplate putting him in the yard when the eagles are circling, if he doesn't shape up fast.

    On the other (bitten) hand, maybe I should keep him around to see if HE gets cancer now.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    joining you, both in the happy dance!!!!!!

    it always takes so long to get pets trained to where ya like em, that they croak soon after.

  • 3rdtimenow
    3rdtimenow Member Posts: 126

    Great news, Elimar.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Dexter!!!!  Needs a sister, name her Deb!

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    Who knew there was such an animal as a black Russian dwarf hamster!  I only go for pets who love me back these days.  But I'm really over trying to keep dog hair minimized (with a Foxhound/Walker hound mix and a yellow lab).  They are both 12 or 13 (have to check their file) and when they "move on" I'm ready for a break.  I'm sure I will always have a dog or two, but smaller, much smaller. I think one of the homeliest breeds on the planet is the Mexican hairless, but that is what I keep threatening my husband with.

    Yay to all with clear scans, rays and probes!  But Eli, I must mention that I had an MRI on my shoulder about five years ago that clearly showed I had a torn rotator cuff (back in my volleyball days).  Surgery followed, and I was told my rotator cuff was in great shape, so the doc just removed scar tissue, and as I like to say, the *ucker left me with a pucker.  One of the three small scars in my shoulder was stitched so that the skin does a weird pucker thing when I lift my arm.  As it turned out, I had frozen shoulder, and that just took a year and a half to resolve on its own (two months of PT did nothing, so I stopped going).  My point is that none of these tests is 100% accurate.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Welcome dogsneverlie - you have found a place akin to the company water cooler. lol Lots of great conversation, information, support and encouragement from some pretty terrific middies.

    sns - crazy that you had to go through surgery to find that your rotator was just fine. There is no guarantees is there?

    I had the wonderful opportunity to meet a bco sister in person yesterday. We have communicated here and over the phone, but was so great to finally meet outside of the virtual world. She is only a couple of hours away so I am sure we will see each other again.

    Happy to hear that all seem to be doing well and test results are encouraging.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Barsco!! Who did you meet? Why didn`t you call me?? hehehehhehe

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Hey Barbe - was just checking out where Alliston is - My sister with whom I was staying is in Stayner and the bco sister I met is in Angus. I didn't realize you were so close! Will definitely touch base with you next time I am in the area - sorry I didn't get to checking prior to this visit.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    SnS, Did I sound too happy about my MRI?  Don't worry, I am going to have a realistic perspective on imaging for life.  If you have forgotten that my CRC surgery was a short 18 mos. after a "clear" colonoscopy, then you might have just had a Mid-Age Moment there.  Please try to remember all my scans and surgeries from now on.  (Wink!  Kidding you in a prissy way.)  Yes, all the scans have their miss rates.  But, I do feel a little "safer" for the moment, now having had that MRI on top of the mammo.  I have to have something extra, be it US or MRI, because my BC got missed my the mammo also. 

    Your "pucker" comment is hilarious, but I understand that feeling.  Stuff like that upsets me.  My two bigger abdominal scars?  One definitely looks like it came from a knife fight, the other more like a mellon baller mishap.  The day might come when I get some filler injected in there to raise the indents.  Can't slam the surgeon who scarred me tho', because he saved my life.  Or was it the robot?

    Barsco,  I have not met too many from the boards IRL.  Unless I have seen their photo in an avatar, they never look like how I picture them; but their personalities are exactly what I expect from having read their posts.  Glad you had a chance to meet.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    I met one too, a couple of days ago. I am so socially awkward still, i think i scared the crap  out of her at first. but she seemed pretty sturdy, and after a few minutes, it wasn't so weird at all! she'll probably never call me again, though... It was nice though, for a little while there we were both just talking like crazy! it's nice to talk about other things once in a while, but i don't think i can ever be done talking about bc, though. How about the rest of you? Did it feel strange at first to meet a sister from here? could be i am just a nut job.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    I met a bco sister from a different thread last February. It was like we were long lost friends. But we felt that way right from the moment we met online. Or at least I did. I talk about ya'll like you live down the street. My DD is always who???? 

    kathec, note how small our social skillset is up in the header! 

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    macatac, i did notice that one! cracked me up!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    First time a bco sister and I met we didn`t shut up for a 3 hour drive to a get-together!!! Same on the way home! It`s just such a pleasure to talk to someone who get`s it.

  • jbokland
    jbokland Member Posts: 275

    lol.  Im imagining on BCO friendship board. 


    45 yo married lady seeks friend to help me escape from DH for occasional cocktails. Just so we have lots to chat about: Must be stage I or higher.  Prefer  left  breast idc.   ER/PR negative a plus.