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  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Thanks Loral for the wed. wish. What a colorful poster!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885


    Who you callin' Hammy? Devil

    Hmmmm? Wonder if it will change "Mmmmm" to Mammy?


    That would make an interesting study. My MO never asked me a question about neuropathy once chemo was finished. I have to lead that discussion. There seems to be a distinct lack of interest in many of the long lasting effects.

  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58

    Okay middies, here's to the page total. My life is like one big hilarious Seinfeld episode.

    A few years ago, I'm in Berkeley visiting DD & DS -both were UCB students at same time. I'm to sleep overnight at DD's apt. She'll be sleeping in the City at her boyfriend's place that night. I'll have the place to myself. On short notice, her dad decides that he and DD's step-mom want to meet DD's boyfriend. The night they are available is the night I'm to stay at DD's place. Dad wants to take them to dinner. Naturally, Dad and his wife want to see DD's new apt.for the first time.

    DD and I decide that it would be a great idea if I made sure I went to her apt. AFTER they leave for the restaurant when picking her up at her new place. We decide that 7 p.m. is the earliest time I'd arrive so we can all avoid each other. Dad doesn't even know that I was in Berkeley visiting the kids. DS can't attend dinner due to a previous commitment. DD is to text me when they've left. Any potential unpleasantries when meeting BF for first time can be avoided- a simple and practical plan.

    DD fails to text me. I arrive at her apt. after 9 p.m. I smell gas in the apt. complex hallway outside of her door. I recall that weeks earlier PG & E had to go to her apt. because her gas stove had a leak. The smell is strong. I open her door and I see that she has failed to disable the alarm as she had promised she would do! I don't know her combination. The gas leak is coming form her stove! I realize that in 20 seconds her alarm is going to go into a deafening siren scream mode. I can't open the windows to let the gas out because that is going to trigger that alarm too! I'm literally standing there thinking not only am I going to be gassed, but I have to decide what I should do first. Somehow disable the alarm? Light the stove? (and blow the place up without the windows open)? The siren goes off. Go!

    I detach the alarm from the mounting and set about trying to disarm it. I am trying to suffocate it under the bed pillows because the noise is paralyzing. It hardly muffles it. I try to rip out the batteries. There are the teeny tiniest little screws to unscrew to remove the batteries. At this point, I open the windows 'cuz the gas is super strong. The alarm goes into a cycle function. Silent for 15 seconds, then resumes ear piercing noise. Frantically, I am looking for her tool box. DS calls me in the middle of this to inform me that he is violently ill and I might need to pick him up at his apt. take him to an urgent care! I say I can't talk right now I'll call him when I can kill the blasted alarm.

    I call DD. No response. I find her tool box. During multiple 15 second interludes of quiet and suffocating under pillow, I disable the device and re-light the pilot lights on her stove. I call DS. I bring him drug store remedies. He waits until next day for doc visit. This happened because of my nice gesture of buying the alarm system, DD's boyfriend installing it and just trying to avoid having all of us wind up in DD's apt. at the same moment when meeting her boyfriend for the first time!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Deborah, Bwwaaaaahaaaaa! I think it is a cross between Seinfeld and I Love Lucy!

    Regarding lymphedema/neuropathy: I've been very fortunate. My MO was concerned with all of my SE, even the ones I told her were no big deal to me, or minor. She documented every one of them. When I brought up concerns about lymphedema and limited range of motion, she referred me to the medical center's lymphedema specialist/therapist, who I saw yesterday. It's disappointing that there is such a difference in the care we receive.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    Deborah--holy moly what an alarming experience!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Deb2012, So glad there was no ka-boom at the end of your story, making it possible to look back an laugh now. I had I Love Lucy in my mind too when I thought of you smothering the siren blasts with a pillow.

    Speaking of ka-boom, hope you all have a great July 4th weekend planned.

    But before we get to the 4th...well, Eph may have quit the wildfire job but I know for a fact that she'll still spot one blaze real soon--on top of a cake. Have a good one, Eph!


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Besides the often heard reference to BC, the reason I have the Cyclone up at the top is because I always find the time on July 4th to catch the Nathan's hot dog eating competition at Coney Island. In the men's competition, they usually eat 60+ hot dogs in ten minutes. It's disgusting and fascinating at the same time. Personally, I think the winner should have to ride the Cyclone afterward.

    Ooops! My sadistic streak is showing.


    Joey Chestnut, the defending 8-time champ ate 69 record-setting dogs in 2013 (but only 61 last year.) That's all you need to know.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Love the cyclone, and PopK, I want YOUR doctors!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313

    So so we have until August 22 to get the extra pages? Or did I misunderstand?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Aug 22 is the anniversary of this thread.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313

    Right - and wasn't the goal 1000 pages by the anniversary?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    1000 pages or 30,000 posts,,,, I think

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Or both!!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Well, ladies had my hysterscopy yesterday. Now I'm trying to be a "good" girl and be real quiet and rest. But you guys have me rolling on the floor with laughter.

    My DS is here trying to "take care" of me. More like being a pain in the arse. He needs to be told what to do in such excruciating detail. Then last night after I got home My DS and DD had a fight over who was going to the grocery store. Sheesh Good thing I got the good pain killers.

    I get to wait two weeks for the pathology. Thanks tamoxifien.

    On the subject of studies. I have been part of a Sister Study for over 10 years. It was at first for me a study of the differences between one sister that had BC and one that didn't. Then I went and joined the club, so it involved a bunch more activity and testing. But the woman who is suppose to do the house visit has not shown up the last 3 times. I have to fast and do a urine capture and then wait. We've set up the appointment 3 times down to the time of day and not even a phone call to say she isn't coming. I am giving up on it. Too bad it seemed like a well run study. Maybe it's because I live on an island, but it didn't make a difference before. Oh well.

    The discounting the symptoms seems to spread across the doctor spectrum. Now I am dealing with a GYN, when I ask why I am in so much pain (before the procedure) she is like well maybe your uterus is trying to push something out. But it shouldn't hurt that much. Thanks that helped a lot.

    I can't think of any quotes or jokes. Ha ha.  

  • movingsoccermom
    movingsoccermom Member Posts: 164

    Thought I would say hello, and add one more to the post total. Really appreciate the camaraderie here. Happy 4th to everyone!

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818


  • BookLady1
    BookLady1 Member Posts: 196

    Happy 4th of July! Thanks for Cyclone pic - important news. Joey Chestnut defeated in Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest! So disgusting, yet fun, to watch. So American.

    Elimar - re your comment on 6/22 about how angry you were to have to deal with insurance crap - I agree. I feel I have to do it on principle; maybe it will eventually help someone else. You reminded me of favorite line in a not so good movie: Pacino as Michael Corrleone in Godfather III: "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in." Damn BC, keeps messing with our lives. Thanks for all you do. Lind

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Alas, who would think a 23-year old, looks like a 105 lb. frat boy and must have a tapeworm (Matt Stonie) could best Joey C. at devouring the dogs? He ate 62 hot dogs. Joey was gracious in his defeat. It's really ON for 2016 now!

    Hope some of you all (y'all) will be rooting for U.S. women in World Cup as they face Japan in the final today. I barely have time to sit and watch because I need to clean house for company today. My BFF is stopping in on her way to the Grand Canyon. Hope to hear some good news from her about the Xeloda drug, although I'm sure it is too soon yet for her to have had her TMs done. If she tells me my cooking has no taste and looks disgusting, that would be great because my Hubster could get his "shoe's on the other foot now" smirk on. Ahahaha!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Elimar, LOL!

    Spent the last few days, including all day yesterday, getting my DH and two of my boys ready for boy scout camp. Sent them on their way bright and early this morning. I am looking forward to not cooking, doing laundry or tripping over shoes! After mopping the kitchen floor, I won't be doing any housework, either. It's a mini-vacation for me!

    I will be watching the US women in World Cup Soccer!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    HHHMMMM, you do realize that if we are going to reach 30,000 posts by August 22, that's like 300 posts! But if we are trying to reach 1000 posts by that date, it's STILL ten pages! Where is everyone??

    Nice you had a mini vacation from the menboys Pop!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    I'm on vacation this week, and I'm really enjoying being off. Getting a lot of little things done around the house, trying my hand at painting lamps and furniture!!  However, right now,,, I feel a nap calling me.

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Hey Tomboy! It's very quiet here, but not as relaxing as I had hoped. The air conditioner isn't working. My washing machine stopped agitating on Friday and my dishwasher isn't heating during the wash cycle. I'm spending my time waiting for repairmen and running out of clean clothes! I still have my difficult boy in the house. He spends most of the time in his room, unless I'm dragging him to an appointment. He house is staying remarkably clean.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Oh Poppy, that is no way to enjoy your free time!  SUCKS!!! But at least the house is clean,,,,

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Ouch, no air conditioning! We don't have it in our house, but I love it in my car. But, I am supposed to be dealing with my car this week, cause the air conditioner is NOT working in it, and you know if you are stuck in traffic here, you NEED it. Plus, I had gotten my door fixed, where a girl had backed into it, and ever since they put it back together, the door handle is falling apart! That place said theres NOTHING they can do about it! And all of a sudden, my turn signals aren't working! And, worst of all, it has not been wanting to start lately, don't know if its the battery or the alternator! So it looks like i am going to have to spend some money on something besides clothes or candy or toys and books. And food. sighhh. oh yeah, and the oil change.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    OK, I got the job I wanted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Start the 13th. Audiologist told me I could attend many more rock concerts; my ears are fine! Hear that DD of mine who accuses me of diminishing hearing! The job is police dispatching-what I did in my 20 & 30s. Never thought I'd do it again, but it's also been the job I've always really loved! Best part is....because I bring "so much to the table" (their words) I am being started out at a higher salary than Step 1. Full benefits-health, vision, dental, life, etc..... I AM SO HAPPY!

    DD is still off on her world travelling adventure. She's currently in Madagascar and will head to India in a couple weeks. Then Perth, Australia. I am so jealous.

    My little house is lovely. But it's not air conditioned and we are on like day 10 of over 100 degrees, but I bought a room air conditioner, have a bajillion fans running and will just have to suck up the electric bill with all my new $$.

    Birthday was fine and dandy. I think that at some point it's silly to highlite them, but I got treated to "Magic Mike XXL". Now that starts a FIRE!!!!!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Congrats on the job, Eph!!  That is wonderful!!!  And Belated Happy Birthday!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Tomboy, Hope you get your car problems worked out quickly. It makes no sense that they can't fix the door handle. I hate it when everything goes wrong with the car.... we rely on them!

    Eph, LOL! Magic Mike XXL! Now there's a nice birthday treat! When the first Magic Mike came out, my DH (who loves magic) asked me what it was about. I told him it' about a magician named Mike and his show!

    So glad you got the dream job with a bump in pay! They got an experienced, reliable employee, too. Fantastic news! Jealous of your DD!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    Tomboy--Car maintenance, house maintenance, all are a pain and big time suck!But got to be done, right?

    Eph--CONGRATULATIONS!And the department is lucky to get you!I have a room AC in the bedroom, run it at night occasionally when I need to be able to sleep, it doesn't push the electric bill up all that much.BUT,I only run it at night.Some people need to run it all day and that is probably a lot more expensive.But sleeping well is priceless!

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    yay, eph, for a job that you love. .

    Poppy, think how much more laundry would be building up if everyone w. as home. My DD and her BF came over for dinner last night and brought all their laundry. Lol He's a landscaper. Talk about dirt! But I love the company.

    I love reading about us dealing with mundane everyday life problems.

    My GYN called last night. Results B9! Yahoo!! She cleared me to go back on tamoxifen (I for the life of me can't remember how to spell it) I'm gonna need to think about starting that med back up.