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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,877
    edited March 2020

    Besides treadmill walking, I also did 30 minutes of Pilates with Denise Austin, walked dogs, and just finished up the Dance2Fit link I shared (if you try it out, the people you sometimes hear in the background are my friends & I who were doing it with the teacher via video chat. Tomorrow I suppose I should cleans closets or something else that is actually productive!


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,651
    edited March 2020

    The Colorado governor has just extended school closures through at least April 17th. We will be doing some sort of distance learning. Not really sure how this impacts special education and mental health (School Psychologists, Social Workers etc), but I'm sure the school superintendent will send out another email tomorrow. SP/SW are already available for crisis support via phone through Spring break. I signed up as I can still take care of DH and do a phone call or two if necessary.

    DH is pushing himself hard, then gets upset when he fatigues. I keep reminding him that this is normal. He is only 1 week out from surgery. We scheduled all his follow up appointments - first is surgeon next week, then a couple weeks later cardiologist, urologist and so on!!! DH was is such great shape prior to surgery that it is really helping with his recovery. We sent pictures to our niece who is a nurse at the VA hospital in Portland. She couldn't believe how well his incisions are healing. We owe credit to PCP and cardiologist for saving his life as PCP is the one who demanded that the ER doctor schedule the Stress test and appointment for cardiologist on Monday (when we were in the ER on Friday). ER doctor was arguing with PCP and PCP told ER doctor that it was his patient, he knew the patient and the patient's history. PCP has been seeing my DH for probably 30 years and is an excellent doctor (though old fashioned).

    Snow is in the forecast 5 - 9 inches for tomorrow. Did I already write this? DD#2 is already 22 based on her time zone. She sent us a picture of herself with a tiara and a birthday cookie and two #2 candles for 22 :) I feel bad that I didn't order her a birthday treat - cookies or chocolate covered pretzels but with all that is going on, it probably wouldn't have worked out. In her birthday card, I told her to treat herself to mani/pedi, dinner or whatever she wanted but that will have to wait. Israel is pretty much on the same restrictions as us, but started sooner.

    Going to tell DD#1 and SIL to cancel coming to Denver for Passover. DD#1 wants to wait, but I told her I wouldn't get on a plane till Dh was all the way healed so she commented maybe she shouldn't either. I love my kids and will really miss them not being here, but we all need to do whatever we can to stay healthy. Planes are such petrie dishes! Canada/US has closed borders but DD said Canadians could travel back home!! But that may change soon. Passover starts at night on April 8th - only 3 weeks away. It will be strange to not have any of the kids here (there has always been at least one of the kids) but its the reality for now (I was going to say the "new normal" but I never really like that term relating to post cancer Tx).

    I hope everyone stays safe and healthy.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited March 2020

    Ruth, Tiffany is excellent and thumbs up her on the link! Karen, hope dh continues on forward momentum with having to push. Go Wonderland, our mowing maven!

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited March 2020

    Did a 90 minute yoga session today. Tomorrow is a rest day.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,866
    edited March 2020

    To stave off the boredom and my climbing the walls due to this crap, I took a walk around my neighborhood.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited March 2020

    Yeah, this social isolation and COVID 19 aren't scary to me. They are BORING.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,866
    edited March 2020

    Same feeling here edj! My parents and several friends that I keep in touch are saying the same thing! Not even a walk in the neighborhood is enough!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,877
    edited March 2020

    30 minutes on the treadmill. A 20 something exercise class friend married a farmer and moved way out in the country. She started an online fitness group and is doing a March Madness Challenge. I joined up and did a hard step class today and caught up with yesterday's kickboxing one. Luckily I have kept all my old exercise equipment. Fun, and it will challenge me.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,651
    edited March 2020

    Shoveling snow was my exercise for me today - wet heavy cement snow - not sure of the total, but it took me 3 sessions of shoveling as the snow is so wet and heavy - I had to shovel by 3". The last shovel was around 5 or so, and not that much more snow just a layer. Sure hope the snow is done. By Monday it is supposed to be in the 50s or 60s

  • martaj
    martaj Member Posts: 307
    edited March 2020

    2 walks for dog, 30 mins on bike, 30 mins on elliptical, then work out for upper body with weights. Trying to keep busy. Everything is closed down here, except grocery stores and pharmacies.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,866
    edited March 2020

    Rainy here so activity is going to be housework.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,877
    edited March 2020

    I cleaned out a long neglected storage closet, walked puppies, did a Barre DVD & a Dance2Fit video chat,

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,866
    edited March 2020

    Workout tomorrow and monthly fish tank cleaning

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,932
    edited March 2020

    Sending a BIG HUG to everyone! Heart

    Walked/ran yesterday and today.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited March 2020

    I got a major giggle out of the amazing discovery that it's possible to "exercise in place".....well DUH! Meanwhile, did a six mile walk today and a new route now that the mudholes are drying up. Just gorgeous and saw lots of elated doggies.

    One last day of skiing tomorrow, then the bicycle comes out. I may be able to try out my hybrid on the woodland trails once the mud dries up a bit more. So lots of fun items to test out this spring.

    Saw some skunk cabbage during my run a couple of days ago, so spring must indeed be here. - Claire

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited March 2020

    It's just a fitness class!

    4 walls, a floor and a roof.
    A stereo and a beat.
    Trainers and lycra.
    Movement to music.

    It's just a fitness class!

    Things get built here -
    Stronger bodies.
    Fitter bodies.
    Confident bodies.

    Things get broken here -

    .....but it's just a fitness class!

    Friendships are forged.
    Community is created.
    We rally together in the sad times.
    We celebrate the good times.

    .....but it's just a fitness class!

    We conquer our demons.
    We relieve our stress.
    We quiet the voices in our heads.
    We feel at home here.

    .....but it's just a fitness class!

    It's the date in our diary we never miss.
    It's the time for us to be carefree.
    It's the place where we can let go.
    It's part of our lives.

    It's not just a fitness class.

    We will be back. Stronger than ever. Together.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,877
    edited March 2020

    Love that, Lilac!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 881
    edited March 2020

    I love that LB...SO TRUE...just as we here are a community.

    May I share it with my yoga studio community?

    The past two days have hit 80 in SE Virginia, so I have gone on a nice walk each night after work.

    Yes, still working as we move to on-line instruction starting next week after an extended spring break...there is lots of work to get a class ready to be online, especially after starting it as an in-person class.

    My yoga studio is having one livestream class a day and then posting the
    video...plan to try a video or two this weekend to break up the boring
    routine of isolation.

    Take care everyone, TT

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited March 2020

    So true, LilacBlue. I know that exercise has played a huge role in emotional/mental healing for me.

    Ran my longest run ever in my life, I am so proud--14 miles today. I'm also really glad it's done!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,877
    edited March 2020

    Great job, edj!!!!

    It's cold here today. I did a 45 minute toning DVD with Denise Austin and a Walk to the Hits with Leslie Sansone. It was pretty fun and I didn't even remember I had it until I started a 'clean out the basement' project this mmorning. I think my many years of investing in exercise DVDs and equipment is finally going to pay off! 😜


  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited March 2020

    Oh my goodness, look at that stash!

    I'm in somewhat the same boat, I have a lot of workout DVDs :) Oh and it's freezing here today in Kansas as well. My run was definitely brisk, and I never overheated.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,877
    edited March 2020

    If I do one a day, I can still be 'socially isolated' for 36 more days, do a different DVD every day and stil not run out (to bad VHS players are no more or I'd have double the pile!).

  • martaj
    martaj Member Posts: 307
    edited March 2020

    I walked 6 miles yesterday, raked lawn, placed first round of fertilzer on it. Beautiful day yesterday

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited March 2020

    That is the truth edj3, exercise had become the milestone of recovery for me. Took 9 months after surgery to do a up dog, in the dark corner in the back of the studio where I hid out. I had tears running down my checks the day I hoisted myself up, pressing into the mat using my arms. I was quietly, deeply chuffed and no one noticed, but I'll never forget it. Or when I went back to the gym after surgery and did a step class and the gel insert to even out my surgery side flew up and out of my bra and landed on the step - cracked us all up! Ruth, you have inspired me to do more - as all gyms and leisure centres, spas are closed by government mandate. I'm making no £ as are every other nationwide freelance instructors. All I want to do now is eat and shop online.Bawling

    Hey, it's Mother's Day here in the UK and all restaurants, coffee/tea shops are closed. They are allowing take-away. The COVID-19 parallel universe is something, isn't?

    Edited to at; Lovely TT, quote the poem all you wish. It's been all over fitness FB groups and can't find who wrote it, so unknown author.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,651
    edited March 2020

    Even before the lockdown/social distancing started, DD#2 wasn't sure when she would be in Denver for a visit. Depends if she needs to take classes over the summer. It could be August, it could be September/October. G-d willing we will be able to go see her this summer and DH and I take a mini vacation as well. He has his 2 week post op visit with surgeon on Thursday and then 2 weeks later with cardiologist. Hopefully we'll have more answers. I'm hoping and praying that by end June or July (3/12 - 4 months post surgery), he'll be able to fly overseas, pending the horrid, horrid Covid-19 is done. My other kids have cancelled their plans to come for Passover so the 2 Sedars and all Passover meals will just be DH and me. We are not inviting people for meals, and we are not accepting invitations out. This is the first time, none of the kids will be here. But first and foremost is staying healthy. Then we will have lots more holidays to celebrate together.

    DH doesn't even want me to go to the grocery store - I went a couple times last week and got in an out quickly. So either i'm going to order or take advantage of early shopping at 7-8am for senior or those at risk. DH is definitely high risk (and I'm guessing I'm also at risk) and we are both past 60. Funny with the Covid-19 they say over 60 is old, but the cardiologist and cardiothoracic surgeon said he was young at 64!! And yes, we are young!!

    So far hunkering down in the house/social distancing hasn't been too bad as we have lots of friends checking in on us - mostly by text and a few phone calls.

    My dental cleaning for this week was cancelled as ADA told dental offices to close for at least 2 weeks. Re-scheduled for latter part of May. I have 6 month check up with breast medical oncologist on Thursday. I'm waiting them to cancel it, but so far no call. I had labs 3 weeks ago and saw my other oncologist on the 13th so not too worried. All our Rx are mail ordered so that shouldn't be a problem. I've been ordering on Amazon - several orders over the past few week. So much easier than going out.

    Yesterday, the weather was nice enough for DH to get out and walk. We went for 3 walks around the block 3 different times - the second time we did 2 laps. He got 5K steps which is think is amazing for 10 days post surgery.

    Ruth - I have several DVD exercise tapes that my mother gave me, but I've never used them! Plus we longer have a DVD player. So I need to be sure to keep up walking. Last week I got to 12+K steps daily except Friday when I didn't even get to 10K

    Stay safe and stay healthy.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,877
    edited March 2020


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,877
    edited March 2020

    Here is a good PiYo class by the same gal who's Dance2Fit video I shared.

    I braved the grocery store early this morning (it's a sad state of affairs when you are scared to do that!), did the above PiYo and will do another Live Chat class at 5:30. Now I need to really, really, really clean the store room we emptied out yesterday before we start sorting/throwing/organizing all of the stuff that was in there.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,651
    edited March 2020

    Ruth - I'm going to the senior shopping hour tomorrow morning at 7:00 - 8:00 when King Soopers first opens. I'm going to limit my trips to once/week or I'm going to order online.

    Dh is more tired today than yesterday and tonight doesn't feel good. I think he over did it yesterday with walks - when he feels good, he wants to go for it!!! Today, I think his body is saying, slow down!! It's only day 11.

    Being able to go for walks and sit outside helps - it is great therapy to be outside. I went for a couple walks and then around the block with DH two different times. We also sat int he backyard together. I don't like the heat, but I do like the sun!

    Stay safe and stay healthy.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited March 2020

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,877
    edited March 2020
