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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Mary, I hope the LE exercises are helping.  I do belly breathing whenever I think of it to help move things -- I don't have LE but it's a good way to breath anyway and I figure if it keeps fluids moving, maybe it'll help. 

    Ronna, hope the shot helps, I had one of those once for elbow tendonitis and it worked miracles.  Wishing the same for you.

    Badger, very cool about the kids participating, I've seen the protests on the news... it does remind me a bit of protests in the '60's.

    Ruth, glad your kitty treatment was so easy :) and continued healing thoughts for Ryan and his family.

    OK, does this count:  last night I actually dreamed every step of about a 2-mile run!  Wouldn't it be nice if we could get our exercise that way? Undecided  When I woke up it made me want to put on my running shoes... for about 15 seconds!

    Gotta run (not literally) :)   Hugs to all!!!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited February 2011

    Hi Girls-

    OK, got through a bunch of stuff in the past two-three weeks-my son from my first marriage-drug, alcohol, gambling and lying issues.  His father (my ex) died from these same things.  It's tough and a long story, but suffice it to say that I had to handle an inheritence he got for ten years and now he gets what remains on 4/3/2011.  I've fought to give him some money, but he has blown through so much-8-count em 8-rehabs in 11 years.  It's been very tough and on some level I know it wore me down.  Now he gets the balance and I'm afraid of what is going to happen but been in touch with my buddy God and Jesus and "have the peace that transcends understanding."  Turning it over figuratively and literally.

    I was basically in my house for two weeks going through all the accounting and reliving all the bad stuff over the past 11 years.  I pushed through it and got it all organized and turned over to the accountants and attorneys so they can transfer it out of trust and directly to him.  I haven't spoken to him in months.  I thought he might turn his life around last year as he reacted to my cancer, but instead he just got worse.  It's sad, but ladies, I'm doing pretty darn well.

    My exercise suffered but I'm getting on track again.  Should be back in full force by Monday.

    I skimmed through and saw our prayers were needed for Ruth's student and Retrievers friends.  I'm on board!

    Let's not forget our June Tahoe getaway!  It's creeping up on us.

    Sorry this was so much about me, but I didn't want you to think I was just being lazy in not getting in here and WORKING IT!

    Love to all


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2011

    Kim so sorry you've had to deal with such stress no matter what has gone before he is still your baby and you only want the best for him it's a horrible disease but you have done everything humanly possible to help him.  Mary woohoo on the therapist comment, me I just have a plain old rotund belly but I know there is a 6 pack under there cause I feel it when I do ab work.  Carol too funny about your "sleep exercise" - this is what I did last night, I hope it inspires you!!!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Kim sorry about your problems with your son.  Kid problems are always so heart wrenching.  But you are right to be close to God and he will hold you up and get you through this.  And remember if your son blows through his money it is not your fault.

    Have not been doing as much exercise as my poor tummy can't seem to feel better. Will not miss yoga tonight.  Sleep is better though.  Anyway just got off the phone with the nurse and the MO says to stop my tamox for 3 days and he is calling something in for me to take for my tummy.  Then go back on tamox and prilosec 2 X a day until I see him next month.  I sure hope this works.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2011

    Just checking in, was able to actually turn my wrist today and even blow dry my own hair.

    Ruh continued prayers for Ryan, I too have a cat, she always gets a shot from the vet if there is a problem.

    Kim, do the best you can, take care of yourself.

    It is lovely here in NJ, now if I can only get myself out of the house and take a walk.

    Sherry, hope you are feeling better.

    Loe to all,


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011

    Cheryl - Welcome Home!!  That 11 pm walk would not be good for me as it would probably wake me up and I would never get to sleep!

    Julie - believe it or not, I lost 3 pounds this past week!!  I can only imagine what I could have done if I had been good this past week end!!  Unfortunately, I have another birthday party this week end and the Daytona 500!  May be excercising like crazy again so I don't gain! has been working wonders for me!

    ((Kim)) - Sorry to hear about your troubles, but you have been able to fall back on you faith which was what I had to do when my daughter was suffering with Major Depression Disorder.  She was a "cutter" and we were always on the look out for signs of suicide.  This lasted for 5 years, but things have improved over the last 2 years.  Unfortunately,  I was then diagnosed with BC.  I feel for you, but know in your heart that you have done everything possible and take care of yourself!

    Sherry - sorry to hear you are having tummy issues - hope you can start feeling better soon!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011
    No excercise yet today and none yesterday, but am hoping to give a report later on tonight about my fitness endeavours!! Innocent
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Dear all,

    Just want to say "You ladies are incredibly courageous" ...walking through your lives with heads held up and hearts ever open...takes a brave woman to do that with consistency. Bravo to you all...

    Ronna- great news regarding your wrist. Must feel good!

    I am off to the gym for 1/2 hour on the bike and then 1 hr with the trainer....not allowed to do squats or lunges (read...AW....) but can do lots of other things. Iced my back as th echir said and today have a Lot more movement and a lot less pain....another appointment tomorrow.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    3.5 miles on the pedometer, and another day of protests.  I think the 'big boys' like CNN are here now.  Walked over to a meeting this morning, foggy but 50-some degrees.  The huge piles of snow are melting and the grass appears to be greening up!  One more month until the equinox (Mar 20).  I think we could all use a little Spring!  {{hugs}}

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011
    30 minutes on treadmill off to the bath tub!!  Calgon, take me away!  Kiss
  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    Kim:  I'm sorry.  We deal with present junk and re-live past junk.  I'm sure you've done everything possible all along.  I'm thinking of you.

    We had a weird storm thru here last night--lots of wind, but only a bit of snow.  Hope spring comes early this year.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Stopping by very quickly and late. Did 30 minutes of pilates to unwind after I got home from conferences (at 8:30pm.....but had 100% attendance so am happy about that!).

    Kim, sending you a big hug. My mom always used to say, "Let go and let God." Which is great advice, and easier said than done.

    Cheryl, I looked at some of your youtube clips. Looks so fun! I will watch more this weekend when I have time.

    Ryan is not at Mayo, but a big children's hospital which deals solely in pediatric medicine. I don't at all doubt the quality of the care he is getting.

    And on a final note; I LOVE Bridge Mix!!! Once or twice a year, I buy a bag and have a Bridge Mix eating frenzy all by myself. Gobble, gooble!

    I agree with Sandee; we are very, very awesome....but not very modest Wink!!! Keep tarting it up! Ruth

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited February 2011

    Did a nice little slip and fall today on some wet steps.  Came home and took some pain meds and decided not to work out today.  Washed the dog, did the laundry and took a nap.

    Then I went to pick up one of my girls and took her to her mixed martial arts class.  She has a sore arm from the other day when one of the kids got a little overzealous in his moves.  Well she sucked it up and did 2 martial arts classes so I decided I could suck it up and work out (don't want to get shown up by an 8 year old).

    Did 30 min of weights, 150 stomach crunches, 600 leg lifts with resistance band and 30 minutes on the bike.

    One more day until we tell the girls about Disney.  Still haven't decided how to do it, but the video camera is charged and ready.

    Take care of yourselves ladies,


  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011
    Hello, Everyone:

    Kim: Ugh, what a lot to deal with! Compared to you, I feel like I've had a cakewalk with this whole cancer thing and everything else in my life. As you said, God and Jesus will work this out. I'm sure you'll be exercising very soon. {{{HUGS}}}

    Sherryc: Sending healing thoughts to you; I hope the Prilosec helps out.

    Ronna: I'm glad you are able to do some wrist-related movements. I think we're trading weather; Southern Cal. is going to continue to get some rain (which, for us, is considered "winter"). So, enjoy the nice weather.

    Mary Louise: congratulations on your 3-lb. weight loss!!!!!  Keep up the good work; I'm sure you'll continue to lose in spite of the occasional social get-togethers (which always cause me to go off my diet!) And, I hope your daughter is okay.

    Sandee: You're working out despite your health issues - hang in there.

    Ruth: I'm glad you're happy with the quality of care of the hospital that Ryan is at. Sure hope they find out soon what's going on there. We've tried different brands of Bridge Mix, but good old Brach's seems to sell the best for the price. Which reminds me, I need to get some more!   We order Brach's Bridge Mix in bulk (about 12 bags or so) from We keep some of it; Hubby takes the rest in to work, where they sell it and keep the money they make for the department picnic.

    Badger:  Saw the news today - apparently, there were about 14 lawmakers absent from the WI State Senate today blocking the vote to reduce public workers' bargaining rights and benefits?  Wow!  I will continue to follow this with interest!

    Five miles of walking today, then an hour of resistance training combined with treadmill.

    Everyone have a good evening; will catch you tomorrow.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    I sure hope that dreams don't 'count', because I dreamed I was eating bridge mix all night long!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    LOL, Ruth!  I guess it's good they don't count -- I didn't think about it working both ways!!

    PS funny, though, because last night I dreamed I ran and biked!

    edited one more time to add, what a dreamer I am! Smile

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Jen, ouch!  What's with us tarts and all our falls the past month or so?  Keep bein' careful, everyone, take gentle care, and heal well!

    Kim, I don't have children so I can't begin to relate, but it must be heartbreaking to watch someone you love go through such difficult times.  Warm hug.  You have amazing strength.

    Cheryl, LOVED the body combat video, and it did inspire me.  Billy, I'm comin' back today!

    We're in the warm streak everyone seems to be getting, with some sprinkles.  Truthfully I don't like these out-of-season warm ups all that much because sometimes they force things to bud early and then when the cold returns the flower buds are damaged, but can't do anything about it so might as well enjoy!  It is lovely that it's so warm (54 today, 64 yesterday). I'm taking a long walk with my "rocker" walkers, on a paved path, and then home to kick with Billy.  I might even do a 6-minute youtube body combat video just to see if I can keep up.  (ha!).

    Everyone, excellent work, you're all doing so well!

    Hugs and Happy Friday!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2011

    A quick fly by...biked yesterday and going out shortly in 60 degree weather!!  Feels completely different not being all bundled up.

    Welcome home Cheryl! - RealRyders started in CA.  You should track down a gym that has those amazing bikes - what a workout.

    Badger - heard all about WI on NPR yesterday and then all over the national news last night. Do you work in the capital?  or just nearby?

    Kim - prayers to you and your son.  I like Ruth's "let go and let God".  I always give things up to God when I know it's out of my control.

    Jen - one more day!!

    My concussion has healed to where I don't have that heaviness in my head any longer and the neck is feeling much better.  There have been quite a few tumbles on the is board this month.  Take care everyone.  Will check in later for all the news - which I LOVE.  Have a great day allKiss

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    Good morning all, I've got today off work, so in a little while will drop off my car to get the oil changed then walk home to jump-start my daily exercise.  I wish my memory was better so I could respond individually but with lingering chemo brain I'm afraid I'd forget someone.  Sending best wishes and prayers to all.  {{hugs}} too

    The politics is fascinating to me too!  Our state Senate has 33 members (19 R and 14 D) so need 20 for a quorum.  The 14 D's have left the state to remove themselves from the jurisdiction of the State Patrol, and the 19 R's by themselves cannot muster a quorum, so no vote.  

    There were 40,000 people at the Capitol yesterday, maybe 50,000 today, and there will be a HUGE crowd on Saturday.  All right across the street from where I work - very exciting! 

    (edited out some of comments that may have been political, I will try to stay neutral here.)

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Didn't exercize today but went to the chiropractor for my second visit and she said my body is 2 or 3 sessions ahead of what she had expected. It was soooooo good to be painfree yesterday. Makde me appreciate standing up straight!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011

    Just got back from a walk OUTSIDE!!!  Loved it!!  Just had to be careful of the potholes and some slippery sections - but Oh how I have missed my walks outside!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Hi all.  Quickly stopping but my eyes are already trying to close - 9pm on a Friday night.  Anyone remember the days when you could go out and party until 3-4am and then get up and go to work at 8am?  In NY we didn't even think of going out for the evening until 10pm and now I struggle to stay up until 10pm < sigh >.

    Anyway, the good news is that I continue to march at least 30 mins before bed every night but the bad news is that I know I'm going to do that and so I seem to slack off doing anything else, at least weekdays. 

    Kim, praying for your son.  I used to work in the addiction recovery unit of a psych hospital and it's so hard on the family of an addict.  It may help to attend one or two meetings of either Al-Anon or Nar-Anon which are support groups for family.  It will help to know that others go through the same things and may give some other tips to try.  Just a thought if you haven't done so already, though as I type this I remember you said 11 years so you have definitely heard it before.  I leave you with this that I love so much:

    "The road I'm on is twisted Lord, its ends defy my view.  Teach me to take each step in faith, and leave the rest to you.' 

    HUGS all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Beautiful, patoo. Thank you.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011

    Hi, Everyone:

    Ruth: Too funny! We have bridge mix on the brain!!! I'm definitely going to order some more; I finished off the last bag, along with part of a Cherry Mash (for those who don't know what that is, it's a cherry nougat surrounded by chocolate and peanuts). Don't think, though, that I blew my diet today, believe it or not.

    Carol and Bobcat: I'm glad you got out in the warmer weather. Bobcat, glad your concusion is subsiding and that you're feeling better.  I'm originally from Wisconsin; we would get warmer weather teasing us, then winter would have it's last blast, and we'd get on to spring. Hopefully, you'll see spring soon.

    badger: More interesting political stuff! Wish I was there with you!

    Sandee: I'm so glad you're pain free! Good for you!

    Mary Louise: Glad you enjoyed your walk outside, dodging potholes and other hazards.

    patoo: Love your words of wisdom. Keep marching.

    Southern Cal really has some wild weather today, with lots of rain, wind and power outages. I did my 5 miles, running on dry concrete, which is usually under large trees, and walked on the wet stuff. Then, came home and did some resistance training.

    Good night, everyone!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Just did 30 minutes on the treadmill before I'm off to dream about bridge mix. Yes, I do remember the long distant past when we wouldn't think of going out until at least 10pm, and also of coming home & changing and going to work without sleeping at all. Now if I'm up at 3am it's to go to the bathroom!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2011

    Well I guess I am really out of the loop - what in the heck is bridge mix, sounds like I've been missing out on something delicious. Carol hope you had fun with Billy, I truly love Combat, of all the classes I do it is my favourite. Bobbi so good to hear you're feeling more normal. Mary Louise glad you got some time outdoors, be careful of those potholes you don't want to join our slip and fall clubSurprised Patoo your words for Kim are truly beautiful and I too was a party girl who'd come in at 3am and have to be at work at 7am ahhh the good old days, now I go to bed at 11 and wake at 3...... times have certainly changed.  Julie I was supposed to go up to Hermosa to a rooftop dinner party tonight but it was cancelled because of this yukky weather so I went to the gym and did an hour of weightlifting in Body Pump class. Nite all.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Another former party girl here, how I loved going out -- and if you read Ruth's comment you know why I'm up at 3 AM now!  Funny! 

    Cheryl, bridge mix is just an assortment of chocolate-covered nuts and fruits and nougat and other candies, all in a bag, seems like it's been around at least since the 50's, I remember my mom buying it for... you guessed it, bridge parties :)  I haven't thought of it in years, now I'm thinking I may have to put it on my grocery list -- I have company next weekend and it would be good to have around for them, right?  Innocent

    Patoo, I'm kind of struggling to maintain what I'm doing, too; I really want to beef it up, and have a little bit,  but don't quite get there the way I want to.   Loved the quote -- letting go helped me a lot during treatment and caring for my mom, that's for sure!

    Mary Louise, I'm with you, it's so nice to be outside and not dealing with ice -- I think I'm out more than some people in winter (but not as much as others, like Bobbi!) and I like it as long as there's no wind, but there's something about milder weather that makes it so nice!

    Sandee & Bobbi, glad you're feeling better.  Badger, don't feel bad about missing someone, I think we all miss someone at times or don't have time to reply the way we want, it's just part of posting here and I know I'm not offended if people don't comment on my posts.  I babble so much anyway I figure not everyone reads through my long posts! Smile  Still following the political stuff with a lot of interest.   

    Jen, hope we get to hear about the Disneyworld announcement and trip, enjoy your trip!

    So many really dedicated exercisers here, you keep me motivated, thank you!  Time to try to sleep again, Party Girl  signing off!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    PS  Ronna, I thought I remembered seeing somewhere that you're another February birthday girl, just now thought to see if the date was on your profile..... a slightly belated

       I hope you had a really wonderful day!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited February 2011

    Click, click, click, click,

    repeat daily, 


    rrrr, rrrr, rrrr,

    five times a week during rads. 

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Dear all,

    A quick note before I shower and head off to pick up a van....went to bed by 10:30 and was out cold unil 7am. Stil waiting on the hypnosis cd..can't wait! meanwhile, going camping withthe students and some keen staffers will knock me out tonight! I have books but also god boots so may attempt a long walk is raining right now so it will depend on ice etc. Thanks  for the well and chiropractor is helping immensel1!!

    See you all Sunday!