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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Okay all.  Just a quick drop-in and need to get up and move either LS, treadmill or fast marching (most likely) because my eating the last 3 days was over the top. 


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Hey Ronna, take it easy.  Takes time to get back into the swing.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Bobcat- Reiki is great and should bring you some real relief....

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Happy Valentines Day to my Lovely, Tartly Friends! I just got done doing an hour on the treadmill & 45 minutes of toning with Denise because:

    1. very busy week ahead & I know there will be nights when I won't have time to exercise and

    2. I ate so much candy today that I am scared to even go on loseit and record what I consumed for fear of overloading the site!!!!! If the expressions had a choice of one with devil ears, that is the one I would add right now Cry!

    Bobbi, ouch!!! Give yourself some healing time. Mary, fun bat girl experience. We go to Minneapolis in June for my nephew's graduation. Happily the Twins play in town that weekend. We are waiting anxiously for the tickets to go on sale, they tend to get snapped right up!!

    'Night All! Ruth

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited February 2011

    Hello Ladies and Happy Valentine's Day.  This is kind of wierd for me this year because I used to go for a mammogram every year for my Valentine's gift to my family.  That's how they found it last year.  So I am coming up on my Dx anniversary. 

    Anyway, we leave for Florida on Saturday.  Neither my girls nor I have been to Disney World before, but DH has.  One week of fun and adventure and tons of walking.  Hope the weather is nice.  I am still trying to figure out how to tell the girls about this trip.  Not telling until the morning we leave!   I went to Michaels Craft store today hoping to find some blank jigsaw puzzles so I could write out the message and make them put the puzzles together to figure it out -- but Michaels didn't have any.  So now I have to come up with some other cool way to surprise them.  Maybe a scavenger hunt or something.  I am open to ideas ladies.

    30 minutes of weights, 150 stomach crunches, 520 leg lifts with resistance bands and 40 minutes on the treadmill.  I've only been working out less than a month and have lost 7 1/2 pounds.  Only 43 more pounds to go!

    Cheers and sweet thoughts.


  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011

    Hello, Everyone!

    I've taken to writing my posts on Notepad, since this thead is so active!  At  least that way, I can read through everyone's posts and see what's going on.

    Ruth, Sandee, thanks for the advice on resistance training. I figured it would take about two weeks or so to see results. Therefore, today I power-walked and ran 5 miles, then came home and strapped 7.5 pounds of weights on each leg and resistance trained for about 45 minutes. 15 minutes of that was on the treadmill, which I put on an incline, to work my calf muscles.

    Jen: Have fun in Florida. A scavenger hunt sounds like fun for the girls.

    Ruth: We all overindulge at times; don't be too hard on yourself. Speaking for myself, I'll be on a diet the rest of my life, due to occasional "pig-outs". Hope we hear some good news about Ryan.

    Ronna: Yes, do take it easy. Hope you have more energy as the week goes on.

    Mary: Bat Girl sounds cool! Congratulations (a bit belated) on being the 2009 bat girl. I like the media coverage they gave you, and I'm glad to see each ballpark honors their bat girls as well.

    Ethiopian food sounds great; I'll have to try that. I'm getting hungry sitting here thinking about it!

    Bobcat: Hope your aches subside quickly, and that the Reiki helps.

    We're supposed to get rain for the next several days in So. Cal, but I think I'll walk outside, anyway, and be careful of slippery sidewalks; no running.

    Happy Valentines Day to Everyone!


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    Good morning all, walked 2 miles (outside - yay!) on Sunday and 4.5 yesterday per pedometer.  There was an unplanned march on the capitol yesterday - UW students and faculty - protesting our governor's introduction Friday of a budget 'repair' bill that included provisions to strip collective bargaining rights from all public sector workers except for police officers and fire fighters.  I knew there would be rallies Tues and Weds but it was a surprise yesterday.  IDK how you guys feel about unions but it was something to see and hear, echoing off the marble under the capitol rotunda dome.  The news said there were a couple hundred people there yesterday, there s/b thousands today as the Finance Committee meets for a public hearing on the bill.  {{hugs}}

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011

    Wow Jen, keep up the great work (outs)!!  You will have a great time at Disney World!

    Julie - Sounds like you have a plan in place - take care you don't injure yourself!

    Patoo & Ruth - I too have not done very well in the last couple of days Cry  There simply can not be an opened bag of chips (ANY flavor!) left in the house, or I must make sure that it is gone!  Today will be a heavy water day!!

    I can't wait to be able to walk outside Badger!!  I am hoping that I will be able to get out tomorrow morning as I think we should get up above freezing again tomorrow and that the sidewalks will not be icy!! I hope!!

    I couldn't get the "bat girl" link to work.... maybe I will go back and try it again!

    Have a wonderful day everyone!! 

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011

    Oh Jen - I forgot.  Do you have any Disney Puzzles already??  You can always have it on a board or cutting board and flip it over (with another board) to write something on the back and then the kids can put it together without knowing the "secret" until you can reveal the message!  just a thought!  It rained a few days while we were there and we still had a GREAT time!! 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2011

    Mary Louise - you're right about the Bat Girl link - it worked yesterday but not today.  Try this one instead:

    This morning's workout - fifteen minutes doing LE Lebed exercises (sort of gentle tai chi-esque stretches that help move lymphatic fluid) then 20 minutes on the ellliptical, then 30 minutes with the personal trainer - we did lower body this morning.  I'm glad to get to work to rest up! Tongue out Fortunately it's yoga night tonight - I think I'm going to need it to stretch out all that lower body stuff the trainer had me doing.  

    Ronna - sounds like Femara is doing a number on you right now. Hopefully with the start of spring some of the aches will ease - it's always worse for me in winter.  Jen - your Disney trip sounds wonderful.  And you've really been keeping up with the workouts - you go girl! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    No real news on Ryan. Still being sedated but not as deeply, still on the vent, more tests today.

    The  Disney tips I remember from when we went are; when you go into the park, go left....most people naturally start with activities to their right, so you will be fighting less crowds if you go the opposite way. Are you staying at a Disney Hotel? If so, take advantage of the early openings for park guests. Get the passes so you can go to the head of the lines, do a DIsney theme breakfast, lots of food and really fun. Gee, this makes me wan to go back myself!!!!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Did Yoga last night.  Started my tamoxifen a week a go Monday and having side effects one of which my muscles are stiff and my hip joints are stiff.  My yoga instructor came up to me after class and wanted to know if I was OK because she noticed I was having problems with some of my poses.  Exercising is actually making the stiffness worse.  After I got home and had supper I ended up having to take a soak in a hot bath.  I sure hope this gets better I can't imagine living like this for 5 years. Have a Dr's appt today so will be discussing these SE

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2011

    Good Morning Tarts.  Last night did Body Combat, one of those fabulous classes but there is something wrong with the bottom of my left foot, feels like I've got a permanent cramp ughhhhh so instead of scissors I marched but I got into the class and was soon jumping around like the old fool I am and my right hand is giving me some bother - once again I say thank you Femara.

    Jen do you have a separate dining room where you could spell out in Trix/Cheerios "Go get dressed - We're going to Disneyworld" on the table and have them go in there to set up breakfast, or do a string scavenger hunt where they follow the string from room to room picking  up clues and Ruth is right turn left and take advantage of the offers cause waiting in lines is the pits and if it rains - stay, just buy a poncho, everyone leaves and the best time I ever had a DL was pouring rain Christmas Eve (another secret time to go as everyone is busy).  Bobbi I'm not surprised you're a bit sore cause it sounded like one heck of a fall and hope the healing helped, my BFF in Australia does Reiki  and she's also an intuitive and sometimes I won't be feeling great and she'll call - it's eerie.  Nats wow you've become a twice a day exerciser, good for you are you into BL this season, have to say I love the new trainers I'd love to train with him, can you tell I hate the treadmill!!!!  Carol glad you are able to get out and about to walk.  Sherry I'm sorry you're having trouble there is an adjustment period and for me symptoms come and go.  I noticed last night that it was still light at 5.30pm so spring is on the way, have a great day everyone.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011
    Popping in real quick... 30 minutes on Wii Fit and 30 minutes treadmill.  I usually don`t worry too much about excercising on Tuesdays as this is the night for my ``Vocal Toning``!  However, tomorrow is weigh in day and well, you know..... Embarassed
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Sherryc- epson salts will help! I am headed there in  a second. Went to the massage therapist today..told her (new gal I hav enever met) that I didn't want whale music on or extra chatter...just ge in there and git her done as I am in agony.....well, we did it all...a bit of wave music ( that was fine), a bit of chat (nothing too personal which is why I switched massage therapists) and she got in there. Going to the chiropractor at her facility to morrow as I feel totally fused..also got a physio referral from my doctor this afternoon so...going to ge tthis ankle looked after pronto!! My physical exercize was going back and forth in the hall at school while trying not to eithe rscream or cry...figure that counts! Going to meet my trainer tomorrow anyhow.

    Ruth...sending love your way and Ryan's. He is lucky you are out there for him

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2011

    Hi everyone. Got through today and on my own tomorrow. However, I was barely able to even hold pen to initial pages at the job and to hold book. The coordinator says I am ready to ber on my own.

    Came home, called Primary and Onc. Thank goodness for this computer. I cannot hold a pen and write legibly. I am now to see a rheumoid arthritis specialist and go off Femara for 10 days. I loved being on Femara instead of Arimidex. Nurse said due to my hand problems before bc could be a major part of my problem.

    This hand/arm thing is knocking the crap out of me but will go to work tomorrow pm 1-30 and Friday as well. Calling Rheumoid person in morning to get an appointment.

    Prayers for Ryan, and hello to all.

    Hugs and a peaceful night.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Gee, I hope everyone can get their health things worked out quickly!! My only health concern right now (other than for my student) is that I think one of my cats has a bladder infection.....I will spare you the details, but  I have been washing bedding and slip covers all night; he goes to the vet tomorrow if I don't kill him first!!

    Really nice today but pitch dark by the time I got home at 7pm (conferences); did 45 minutes on the treadmill & 15 toning with Richard. Have NOT touched any of the left-over Valentine candy; trying to make up for the sugar orgy of yesterday.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    ronqt1- good for you....getting out and being told you can and are ready to do something you thought you weren't must have felt good on some level, hmm? BRAVO!!! Sorry you are having trouble holding  a pen though....thank god there are computers. I had a trainee once who have dysgraphia and so he would speak into a microphone on his computer and it would write for him....inhis case, it was a spelling and conceptualization problem..might work for you to though...Microsoft has a program with it .....

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited February 2011

    Hi Ladies.  I am sorry so many of your are hurting.  I hope you all find what works for you -- and soon.

    I love the suggestions about Disney -- esp the "go left" one.  I wrote out a poem about going to Disney on a piece of cardboard and cut it into strips to have the girls reassemble.  But first I decided to try it out on DH.  He knew what it was supposed to say and he still couldn't get the puzzle put back together.   So I may be going with that Cheerios idea!

    I went to the gym twice today.  This morning I brought my mom who is 69 to see if I could get her interested.  Not sure how that is going to go.  Then I went back in the afternoon while one of my daughters was in her mixed martial arts class next door.  I did 30 minutes of weights, 150 stomach crunches, 600 leg lifts with resistance band, 20 minutes on rowing machine and 20 minutes on eliptical.

    In a few minutes I am going to get suited up for this blasting rain storm we are having and go pick up my girlfriend and take her out for a drink.  She just found out her sister is refusing chemo and rads for her brain tumor.  This is the dear friend of mine who made every one of my chemo treatments into a party (Chemo de Mayo; Finding Chemo; Chemo TheraTea; and Aloha Chemo) with decorations, refreshments, the works.  I hope I can cheer her up even just a bit.


  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Did my 5 miles of walking today - we're having a bit of rain in Southern California over the next few days, but this is nothing compared to what those of you in the Midwest and East have had. So, I walked and didn't run, due to wet sidewalks. Then put my ankle weights on and did 25 minutes on the treadmill with an incline and 20 minutes of lower body stuff.

    Mary Louise: Thanks, I am trying not to "overdo". I worry about my knees at this point.

    Badger: Sounds like a very cool experience! Glad you got some exercise in as well.

    Sherry, hbcheryl and Ronna: Hope you guys can get past the darn drug side effects, glad to hear you're pushing onwards. I keep hoping and praying for better ways to treat this blasted disease.

    Ruth: Dealing with a cat's bladder infection is a pain, good luck with that. More prayers for Ryan.

    Jen: I'm sorry about your friend's sister. How difficult for all of you, I hope you can cheer her up.

    I'm engaging in a bit of "M & M" therapy as I type this, a little bit of chocolate per day helps!

    Found out last night that a friend whom we met on a 1998 cruise has had a reoccurrence of cancer. She was treated for breast cancer 15 years ago and had supposedly been cancer-free all this time, then a lump showed up in her neck and turned out to be malignent. If you can spare some prayers and good thoughts, that would be appreciated.

    Good night, Everyone.


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2011

    Ronna - hope you get some relief with the hand/wrist.

    Sandee - love your massage story.  I too have switched therapists many times because they too chatty/personal and I just want quiet and relaxation.

    Jen - anxious to hear how you finally tell the girls about Disney trip!

    Ruth - poor kitty!  I hope you get it resolved.  I would do anything for my cats :)

    I am still trying to get my "head" around this fall I had.  I think I probably head a minor concussion as I'm still dealing with some neck pain and feeling of heaviness in my head.  From all my research, since I did not lose consciousness and have not been ill I just have to take it easy and let my body heal.  I am still riding but taking it very easy.  I will see my dr next week and let him know what happened. 

    Thinking of everyone dealing with pain out there. And those with friends dealing with cancer issues. 

    But....still exercising!!  Way to go ladies.  Have a good day allKiss

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    You are all putting me to shame.  I have continued to at least march in place in front of the TV every night but that's probably the most I've been motivated to do.  Can't wait for better weather to take nice long walks and get back to the pool.

    Great going - hats off to you all and hope those dealing with health issues get relief very soon.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Ronna, big warm hug and hope you get some relief with your wrists soon.  I can only imagine the pain and aggravation.

    Jen, enjoy DisneyWorld, I was there Christmas Day 1971 -- there were almost no other people there and we didn't have to wait in any lines.  I was a too-cool-for-my-own-good college girl, totally mortified to be dragged to DisneyWorld with my family -- and then I had a total blast!!  That was a long time ago... have a great time!  Your friend's sister... that's such a hard decision and hard for loved ones to hear, but after watching two people I was close to die from cancer I know for some people, they want to spend what time they have left enjoying life and not sick from treatments. It's very hard to watch someone "not-fight" but I learned first hand the importance of accepting that the person going through it has to chose for themselves.  I send healing thoughts for your friend and your sister.

    Julie, healing thoughts for your friend, as well.

    Bobbi, keep being easy with yourself. 

    I went home yesterday and slept, have an extra meeting today so I won't get home until dinner time and I'm already tired Tongue out What a lazy woman!  But hurrah for all of you getting out there and getting it done!

    Hugs, everyone!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2011

    Hi all,

    Jen, last time I went to Disneyland was also in 1971, many manys ago, Also went to Knotsberry Farm. Last time I went to DisneyWorld (Fl) was 20 years later. Jen, you also amaze me with your gym efforts. Incredible. Good for you.

    Julie prayers for your friend.

    Well this morning I went to rheumotolgist as sggested by my onc, (was luck to get a cancellation). Dr. diagnosed me as tendoniitis in my hand/wrist, I received a cortisone shot, have to wear patch and splint. No volunteering until next week. So already I am on vacation. Still staying off Femara for the 10 days. I can zumba  but I cannot pick up any weights for a few days. If the pain persists more tests will be done.

    Ruth, hope your cat is doing better and more prayers for Ryan.

    Taking my dog now to groomer. Ladies, have a great day.


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Bobcat, love the new massage therapist!! Went to the chiropracor oday and have two more visits with her set up too..might was well keep it all in the same business then they can share information instead of not knowing hmm? Had to cancel my gym appointment as I have to put ice on my back every hour....10 minutes of ice..not the thing I want to do in the middle of a cold stretch of weather..ah well....whatever helps, hmm? going to the gym regardless tomorrow evening though!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    It's very exciting in Madison lately!  13,000 protestors at the Capitol yesterday, 3,000 inside and 10,000 outside, and even more today.  It's the largest rally in decades.  I work right across the street.  I'd say it's like being back in the 1960's - but back then of course I was still a child.  :-)

    At issue is a bill that would overturn labor laws from 1959 that gave public workers in WI the right to collective bargaining.  IDK your politics so don't want to go there, but it's historic and a great lesson in civics.

    Ruth, I have to share this... hundreds of students from Madison East High School walked out of class Tuesday to join the rally.  They came marching up the sidewalk toward the capitol, one of the leaders had a bass drum, they had signs, it was GREAT!  It makes me feel good to know the next generation isn't totally clueless LOL!   {{hugs}} to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Nice again & supposed to get cold again tomorrow so zoomed home and walked for an hour. Also did 15 minutes of abs (so I can get compliments like Mary Wink).

    I love to see democracy in action! Good for those kids!

    Prayers for your friend, Julie. And add a lady from my work who has had a recurrence of colon cancer. Gee, we will have to call ourselves "Pound and Pray" pretty soon. sounds like they have done every test in the book, including DNA testing, and can not get to the reason why his lungs are not working (and why he is spiking a fever). I don't know what their next step will be, and it worries me because I don't know if the doctors know either.

    My cat, yes, it was a urinary tract infection (which he is prone to), and instead of pills the vet gave him a shot (Hooray......all you cat owners know how cooperative cats are when you are trying to get a pill down their throat!).

    We have conferences until 8pm tomorrow, so it will be an extra long day.

    'Night All! Take care of yourselves! Ruth

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011

    Hello, All:

    Many thanks for the prayers and well wishes for my friend. As Ruth says, we'll have to call ourselves the "pound and pray" group.

    Ruth: Prayers for your friend with colon cancer. I worry about Ryan, too, and am wondering what the next step will be. I know you're in North Dakota; are they treating him at the Mayo Clinic? Just curious . . .

    As to pilling cats, yes, that's always a challenge. We have 6 of them, and one gets Pepcid and Prednizone every day. I usually kneel, with the cat between my legs, facing outwards, then pull their head back, open their mouth and drop the pill down their throat. Seems to work fairly well. 

    Badger: The politics are very exciting! As you say, it's good to see the next generation getting involved.

    Bobcat: Good grief! A concussion! I'm not surprised, even though you did have a helmet on. Yes, do be careful riding.

    Ronna: Sorry about your tendonitis; I hope the cortisone and rest cures it.

    Sandee: Don't overdo at the gym. Good advice for all of us.

    Mary Louise:  How did weigh-in day go?  Hopefully, better than you thought it would!

    Southern Cal. is supposed to have rain on and off for the next few days.  I did my 5 miles and managed to avoid getting wet. Then, on went the 15 pounds of ankle weights; did 30 minutes of resistance training and 25 minutes on the treadmill at 2.5 mph on an incline.

    Engaged in more chocolate therapy - Brachs Bridge Mix last night. Oh, well. I don't think I negated my exercise too badly. As I said, I'll be on a diet for the rest of my life!

    Have a good evening, Everyone.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2011

    Body Combat class tonight and it was all about "the butt" we did a ton of squats, lunges and side kicks and then our cool down was killer, on hands and knees then very slow leg extensions oowwee.

    Bobbi you probably did have a mild concussion, be careful won't you. Badger there was a photograph of the beautiful rotunda in Madison on Yahoo today (I'm assuming it's where you walk). Ruth glad your kitty got a shot, yup you've not lived till you've tried to give a cat a pill Surprised  Ronna ouch on the cortisone shot - they hurt!!!! Keep marching Patoo. Jen I hope you were able to offer comfort to your friend, we all know actions speak louder than words. Prayers for your friend Julie and your co worker Ruth and I hope the doctors are able to figure out what is wrong with Ryan, I just can't imagine how his parents are coping. I'm going home tomorrow, yeah no more walking dogs 3 times a day, I am not going to miss the 11pm walk - I'm off to do that now and brrrr it's cold along with the rain.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Ruth - keeping my fingers crossed for sad but at least by keeping him in a coma they can monitor and hope that his body heals....

    As for cats...I get my cat's blood pressure into her via liquid....either squirt it down her throat (sometimes successful) or mix it with her flavoured.

    Julie - not to worry about overdoing it...can't right now...though might do weights and bike tomorrow instead of dance class...think that would be overdoing it!

    Be well all. off to work!