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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Had a weird physical thing the last couple of mornings, maybe trying to catch the flu that everyone at work has, left me totally exhausted, so I skipped exercise yesterday and just rested instead.  I feel back to normal today, hurrah!

    Ronna, glad you like the volunteering.  Yes, I think those of us who work have that extra energy drain.  I really have to push myself to exercise in the late afternoon -- evenings, forget it!  If I had the luxury of my own schedule, working out in the morning, and then working, I'd do better (at least with exercise, maybe not work). Undecided  But I still can't make myself get up early enough to do that.   I can't blame it on treatment, either -- I've always been like that.  I'm with Patoo in that if I don't sit down after work I have a better chance to keep going!

    Mary Louise, a PT taught me a bunch of stuff for my back when I put it out badly once.  One of the best things for a sore back and just good for your spine is to lay flat on a hard floor (ie not a bed), then bend your legs at the hips 90 degrees, and bend your knees 90 degrees, and rest your lower legs on a chair of appropriate height.  Hold for 20-30 minutes (I used to do it during a TV show).  I still use that a lot.  I'm not sure why it works so well but it really helps, kind of pulls your spine into alignment and allows the muscle to relax.

    Sandee, badger, Julie, great going!! Bobbi, your rides always amaze me, and now you're spinning as well... I'm worn out just reading about it!  Wink  Cheryl & Mary posted a couple-three days ago (Mary's thinking baseball already  Smile) but there are so many of us posting now that you have to scroll back quite a bit to see them.

    Someone, kick my butt to get me to a gym! 

    Subzero temps here this morning, not great for outdoor stuff.  Will march with Leslie after work. 

    Keep up the great work, everyone!  Ta ta, tarts!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    PS Continued prayers for Ryan, and your friends, too, retriever.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2011

    Pitchers and catchers start Monday!  We are all abuzz here about the Phillies pitching.  Had a great ride - ran into my running partner and geared down to ride next to her for about a mile.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    prayers for Ryan, Stever and Sonja

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2011

    I have been doing all my classes, Monday Body Combat, Tuesday Body Step and last night Body Combat but have decided that I'd better start posting from work as when I get in at night I am so tired I don't even turn on the computer.  My friend arrived from England last Friday so after the gym I'm having dinner and visiting before returning to my dog sit house and I'm so not thinking that for the last two nights I put on my pajamas and then remember I've got to go out to walk so I just pull sweats on over the top and off we go.

    Welcome Spartina.  Ronna sounds like you're enjoying the new "job", its funny now matter how old we get there is always that "first day" feeling, that's why I always talk to new people who come in to class, I remember how I feel on the "first" of anything.  Many years ago, I started a new job and the boss left me on my own with letters to type (way before computers) of course I botched a few but I folded up the paper and put in my handbag to take home rather than leave in the trash bin so they wouldn't see my errorsSurprised.  Badger with such a long commute do you listen to "Books on Tape" I hardly listen to the radio these days I always seem to have a book going.  Sandee love Body Flow especially the tai chi part unfortunately my gym offers it through the day when I'm at work so I can't do it.  Carol I am so not a morning exercise person but I am waking early as my bedroom faces east and the sun comes streaming in, I had a sunny bedroom when I was a child so I'm enjoying it BUT I'm not getting out of bed to exercise I just lay there and luxuriateKiss   Bobbi I looked at those bikes and they look impressive but I don't know if I could do it as I'm only just getting comfortable letting go of the handles and getting a drink of waterEmbarassed  Julie are you walking outside cause aren't we the lucky ones our weather is gorgeous, my friend has played golf every day since he's been here.  Ruth continued prayers for Ryan and his family, your school week sounds like such fun - where were you when I was in school instead I had Sister Mary with her rulerInnocent

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    I was just telling the kids that they are lucky to be going to school now; my elementary principal had a big paddle that he called The Board of Education, and if you got sent to his office he would use it on you......

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2011

    Ruth - hugs for Ryan and family.  Scary times.  Ronna - good for you for your volunteering. The newbies are so easy to pick out in the waiting room at Hopkins - they all have that same scared look.  I try to gently make eye contact and some sort of innocuous comment to invite conversation.   If they don't want to talk, that's fine but every time they've been so glad meet someone who has "been there" that they just pour their hearts out to me.   You'll be such a source of comfort.

    Yep, baseball is coming!!!!!!! Laughing

    I'm enjoying the new gym membership. I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to keep up in the step class and the kickboxing class. So I got cocky and took that 7am spin class this morning - OMG!!!!!!  Thought they were going to have to call 911 for me a few times!! Surprised  But I made it through the entire 45 minute class!!!  Cool  I was just about the oldest and fattest in the class, but I hung in there.  If we'd been on real bikes on a real course I would have probably finished an hour behind the young hardbodies, but I would have finished!  I feel good about that.  I will go back next week as it was a fantastic workout, but I think spinning once a week is all I'm going to be able to manage, at least right now. Tonight is an equipment orientation to show newbies how to use all the machines.  I also had my first session with a personal trainer Tuesday morning.  I'd asked for someone who'd worked with b/c patients before, but you never know what you're going to get.  But she was great - very familiar with b/c patients and even with LE so I really lucked out there.  

    Have a good Thursday everyone!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011

    Carol - thanks so much for the info on relieving back pain - I will have to try it out tonight!  I too have been feeling a little weird lately thinking that I caught the flu that my daughter had last week end, but so far just the back achiness and last night a little upset stomach (unfortunately it didn't prevent me from eating!) Embarassed  Today, no nausea and my back just started aching again after excercising!!  Hopefully, I am not getting allergic to it!!

    Cheryl - you are really like the energizer bunny!  Do you have a class every night??

    Congrats, Mary on sticking it out for the who class - I KNOW I am nowhere near being ready for a spin class!!

    50 minutes Wii fit Plus.  Will now make supper and maybe aim for the treadmill again tonight (didn't last night!).

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Hi all.  I also haven't gotten myself to the spin class.  Just looked at the schedule again but the times are just not working for me right now.  (that's my story and I'm sticking to it...).  Was going to do the water aerobics class again tonight but didn't feel like it so came home and did 30 mins on the treadmill and will march during the news again tonight before bed.  That worked great last night so may try and do that every evening.  A good way to get extra movement in.

    You all are doing really good - I'm impressed.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    Hey all, hope this finds you warm and well.  Bobbi, no Trax yet, maybe this weekend.

    Cheryl, I usually listen to public radio in the morning.  Shall I admit to what I'm reading these days?  I'm on book three of Nora Roberts 'Key' trilogy.  Total escapist fiction!

    Loving the pedometer, did over 7,500 steps today 4.3 miles including usual noon jaunt.

    Prayers for Ryan, Sonja and Steve, and {{hugs}} to all, you are a great group of women!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Tonight was yoga! I was so stiff but feel so much better

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited February 2011

    45 minutes of weights, 140 stomach crunches, 15 minutes rowing machine, 15 minutes treadmill.

    Thinking of Ryan, sweet thing.  It must be so hard for his parents.  The one thing I always said when people told me how sorry they were that I had BC was, "Glad it was me and not one of my kids who got sick.  I don't know if I'd be strong enough for that."

    Blessings to all,


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    40 minutes on the treadmill & 20 of toning with Denise.

    Yes, nothing ever could be harder than to be watching at the bedside of a dearly beloved child. That I can not even imagine.

    What a tremendous (and tartly) group we are; I am so glad that we are friends, supporters and cheerleaders for each other. Much Love to All! Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Packjen, I'm with you but I took it one step further.  When I was first dx I thought of all the kids on the prayer list at church who had terrible crippling diseases and knew that I was blessed to have gotten to age 60 with nothing more serious than a cold!  Better me than a little one.

    I did get another 30 mins just walking in front of the TV last night.  I can walk fast, jump, lift legs, knees, kickbacks, etc and have a really decent workout, all the time fussing at the craziness at people on the news (talk and sculpt).  Going to try and make that a daily part of my routine in addition to other exercise.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Naturegrrl. thanks for the back info. I will try them and have made a massage therapist appointment for Tuesday evening...

    Went to the gym with my PT this after for an hour and am about to leave for African dance (another 1.5  cardio ) i feel today has been a good day. ?Ankle and back do not hurt as much. The exercise helps..not losing yet so clearly need to do more of the cardio end of things.

     Ruth- I am sending positive energy Ryan's way. He is lucky he has you thinkonf of him and sending him so much love.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Beautiful day!!!  Well, assuming you like gray and 30 degrees, but still, it felt wonderful to me! :)  If you stick to the side roads walking is clear so I went for a long walk at a good clip around various neighborhoods today.  Felt so wonderful to be outside. 

    Gotta run but wanted to check in.

    Hugs to all!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    30 minutes of back to 'Activity Night' at the school  for some Chase and Chisel!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Well, did an hour of dance and then went to  a friend's...and on the way back to my car, went RIGHT over on my ankle again...2nd time in a week...means I am achilles 'ankle'....Have made a dr appointment so I can get a referral to a physio and have a massage appointment Tues evening....ARGH!!!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited February 2011

    45 minutes of weights, 140 stomach crunches and 30 minutes of treadmill.  DH came home after being in LA for the week.  YAY, Daddy's home!


  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    Went dog training for an hour this morning, then rode the exercise bike for 30 mins this afternoon.  Made cupcakes for a friend, but did not eat any!

    Off to roll my arch and ice my heel.

    Thinking of Ryan and his family, Ruth.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2011

    Sandee - ouch on the ankle.  Patoo - I always yell at the news.  I am picturing you kicking and jumping! Jen - my SO just home after a week in Boston.  Yay!!  And I finished painting the bathroom about 1/2 hour before he arrived last night at 9.  Been a long week of fixing and painting but now it's all DONE!!!  Actually woke this morning and watched Julie and Julia from bed while drinking my coffee.  It feels great!

    Rode yesterday and hit a patch of ice - whoa!!!!Yell Bike slid out from under me and flipped me on my head.  I swear my helmet saved my life.  I cracked it so hard, I thought I had broken the helmet.  Laid there and cried, took inventory, checked the bike and my body.  Nothing broken.  Finished the ride but very carefully.   I am glad it's going to thaw this week and take care of those overnight frozen boobie traps.

    I am off to ride again this morning and we are heading to the shore this afternoon for a quick visit.  My town, Easton, is hosting a RedBull winter ramp festival in Center Square so our town will be full of snowboarders and families and music and food all day an into the night.  Have a great day all Kiss

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Bobbi, wow!!! I'm so glad you're OK -- what a scary thing to have happen! 

    I know NOTHING about bike helmets, so take this with a grain of salt, but in reading up on bikes and helmets last fall, one of the pieces of information I ran across was to always have your helmet checked out after a crash -- that the safety "stuff" inside can be damaged or compressed and not work as it should in future accidents.  I have no idea if that's even true, just passing it on in case it's something you want to do or learn more about.  Bottom line, I'm really glad you're ok!  Enjoy your "new" digs, and the festival!

    Sandee, ouch on the ankle.  It seems like once they're weakened they keep wanting to mess you up -- at least that's been my experience -- be careful.

    And retriever, glad you're exercising, and I hope the ice helps your heel.  I remember how that felt -- like a really awful stone bruise.

    So... healing thoughts for all the injured, along with healing energy for Ryan and others.

    It's going up to 36 today, sunny... must get outside (avoiding ice!) and perhaps do some hiking.  The birds are singing up a storm.  I'll check back with whatever I do.

    Enjoy the day, everyone, and stay safe!  No more injuries/accidents!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011

    Wow!  Sandee and Bobcat - hope you are both feeling ok and not too stiff today!  Take care on that ice!!  Retreiver hope you are feeling less pain today!

    Ruth, hope you enjoyed your chase and chisel time last night!  Keeping Ryan in my prayers - any further news??

    Nature - enjoy your walk - take care around that icy stuff!  It is snowing like crazy here today!!  Will stay in (AGAIN) today and might get on treadmill - we will see how I feel after vacuuming!  Already did my Wii fit Plus today for 50 minutes.

    Yesterday I kinda blew my diet to pieces with it being my DH's birthday, but still the Wii said I had lost weight (I know it will eventually catch up to me though!!).  Must make sure I keep on the excercising and watching my calorie intake.

    As you guys know, I have been having some lower back and hip issues lately. (Have not tried the back stretch position yet, but will after I vacuum today - will probably need it for sure then!!) I am sure you can just imagine where my mind has gone lately worrying about it. I DO NOT like that black hole of fear!  SO, yesterday, I did not do any excercise at all and did not take any pain medication and did not have any discomfort at all!  YAY!!  I guess this is going to just be how I will live the rest of my life..... wondering about every ache and pain that lasts longer than a day!  NOW I need to find out WHAT is making me so sore in the excercises I do.  Have decided to omit the incline on the treadmill for one to see if that helps, and add the back stretch when possible! 

    Thanks guys, I feel much better 'voicing' my worries to those who will understand my fears!

    Love you guys! 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    Hi ladies, stay safe out there!  It's supposed to be in the 30's today so was thinking of walking outside this afternoon, the indoor track is closed for an event today.  I'll wear my big Sorels and clomp along, no local Trax vendor so will order on-line.  Walked 3.7 miles yesterday including noon walk inside the capitol.  We each invited someone so there were four of us who walked yesterday, see good habits can be catching!  {{hugs}} to all

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    SAndee ouch and bobcat glad you are ok and had that helmet on.  Hope both of you are feeling ok doday

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Mary Louise, glad your back eased up for a day... sounds like it's clearly muscle pain, which doesn't make it feel better but at least gives you some peace of mind!  If your back continues to bother you, it might be worth seeing a PT -- s/he can give you great (and easy) exercises for stretching out those muscles and also to strengthen them.  Also, s/he may want to watch how you do your exercises to see if maybe you're either doing something that isn't "correct" or if there would be a better way to do them.  Just a thought... along with my healing thoughts for you!

    I did walk today, I didn't go to Celery Bog (they're doing major work on the road that goes there and although normally Saturdays are quiet, today they were driving piles for the new bridge, and I could hear the clanging 2 miles away and decided it wouldn't be all that peaceful Tongue out ), but did get to a park and did another lovely walk outside.

    Working through my file box of website memberships & passwords, some of them are over 10 years old and defunct (but some of the old ones still work!).  Just paperwork to clean out and update.

     Hugs, everyone!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011

    Wearing the Sorels will give you a better workout Badger!

    Thanks for the advice Nature. I actually vacuumed my whole house including 2 stair cases and my back is not screaming at me like I thought it would!  Took me 2 hours and I was able to work up a bit of a sweat doing it!  I never did think of actually making a file box with all my memberships and passwords - great idea!!

    Now to relax a bit - before folding the laundry that I have been doing as well!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    naturegrrl, bobcat, fmakj, sherryc- thanks for the thoughts ladies...bought a tensor bandage and will get a physio referral from my Gp on Tuesday...I have had this injury for 43 years...serves me right for learning to skip prior to learning to walk...slowing down has never been my for the past 30 of my 48 years, my ankle has told me when I am going to fast, not sleeping enough or paying enough attention to, working on it. Picked up "Crazy Sexy Diet" today......Kris Carr also wrote Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips and CRazy Sexy Cancer Survivor..Barbe, you would LOVE her dry sense of humour and kick ass attitude...they were the first books I bought last July when I was diagnosed.! Anyhow, this book includes exercise and while it is based on her vegan lifestyle, she makes a lot of sense..similar to "Clean Eating", going to empty my shelves this week of anything not in these books and get serious..

    Didn't do much in the way of walking on ice thanks to the ankle but have been up and at 'em since 8am with workshops, shopping etc. so not a slouch day until this moment in time!

    Bobcat, a pal of mine was in a bike accident and also credits his helmet for saving his life....when he had his helmet checked afterwards, despite not being able to see it, there was a crack in it so you may want to check that sucker out! Glad you are ok.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011

    Did Ruth survive the "Chase & Chisel"???   Hmmmmm....

    Just added 30 minutes of treadmill - run/walk.  Now for a shower.  Hope that I burned off the helping of DH's birthday cake now!!  lol

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Just got back form a 2.5 mile walk did not run much of it.  The weather has been so cold I have not done as much exercise so it was nice to get today in the sun and it was 60 degrees.