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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2011

    Hello everyone, been MIA for a few days but have done all my classes, so I am keeping up with the exercise but I now have a new normal, I'm asleep by 9pm then awake at 3am and catch up with my DVR'd shows till 6am then another hour of sleep - oh these darned cycles but at least I have been getting 6 hours of sleep.

    Big drama at our gym, Eduardo isn't teaching there any moreCry when they made the announcement on monday and there was a major uproar but he is one of those trainers that is just too good and he spends a lot of time training trainers and his wife is having another baby so he needs to take care of his family, we are all sad and disappointed but he is teaching Combat at another gym 30 miles south so tonight there is a carpool of enthusiasts  going down there to take his class, we figure if we do it every other week we'll all get our fix.  There was a Combat class last night and the instructor is excellent but in his class you just hold yourself differently and get a fabulous workout.

    Patoo you will love Atlantis, my friend who lives in TN had a home on Paradise Island so I've been to the Bahamas 6 times and absolutely love it, and my go to place in my head when I'm having tests is Rose Island.  There is a day trip Catamaran tour that takes you out there, beautiful warm water and white sand beach.  Ruth good on you for ignoring the icing bowl, even if you're heart wasn't in the exercise at least you did it and I am so pleased that Ryan is out of ICU hopefully he has turned the corner.  Fingers crossed for you today Mary Louise look it doesn't matter if you just stub your toe a doctor's visit just isn't the same for us any more.  Congrats on your all clear Carol and fingers crossed for the job.  Ronna you may have hit the nail on the head with the wrist/weights connection, I've been having trouble and I've traced it back to last Friday when I did the Pump class - hmmmmmmUndecided.

    Well off to work, take care everyone and keep up the good work (outs).

  • janicemarie3
    janicemarie3 Member Posts: 20
    edited February 2011

    Just got home from the gym.  We did an hour water aerobics class followed by 30 minutes on the treadmill.  Then an hour yoga class followed by 30 minutes of ab work.  Hopefully I will be able to do the same tomorrow. 

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Julie - thanks! The chiro is helping..the massage is incredibly painful (usually love therapeutic massage but right now...I really want to say 'don't touch me!'0...Ah well. epson salt baths help. Went to my hour trainins sessino today anyhow..working on core. Not really losing weight yet but apparently I am getting more muscle-y so....that is a plus. Needs to get more cardio in clearly but I know ...can't be impatient!:)

    Janicemarie3- WOW! You are going full steam ahead! Congrats~~

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    well ladies, I joined the protest today.  I had gone to see my state representative and was barred by a police officer at the door.  Need an appt he says.  I call for an appt and no one answers the phone.  So I can't make an appt.  When I compared my treatment to that (faux) rich guy who got special access to the Gov, it just frosted my cookies.  So I'm walking the capitol at noon again! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Give 'em hell, Badger!!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2011

    Went on a road trip tonight with 3 girls from my gym and took Body Combat class with the wonderful Eduardo. On the drive down there we were all gosh is this really worth it - traffic, toll road but half way through the class we were all looking at each other and mouthing "totally worth the drive" and now my shoulders are on fire but it's a great feeling

    Badger good for you, I only wish that all of the US had the health coverage that our legislators give themselves, now wouldn't that be nice! Janice you had a truly great workout. Sandee hope the chiro is getting you into alignment, you'll wake up one morning soon and just feel like your old self. Ruth hope the book club was fun. Nite all.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Carol: Sending you energy to do those 5 miles/day! And again, good luck with the job search in Cleveland.

    bobcat: Thanks for the rainbow salad recipe. I'm about 5 weeks out from my replacement surgery and I have a bit of pain in my left side; that may pass. But, I'm not comfortable working my chest muscles right now. Will check with my PS when I see him in April.

    hbCheryl: Oh nuts, losing a good trainer . . . but, it sounds like you got down there - I know that toll road (73?); it bypasses the 405 and goes to Laguna Beach, correct? At any rate, glad you made it down there.

    Mary Louise: Thinking of you today and wondering how your appointment went.

    janicemarie3: Good for you! Keep up the good work.

    Sandee: Again, I'm glad you're feeling better, and yes, it's difficult being patient with this stuff - I want so badly to see results, but I know I just need to keep at it.

    badger: Thought about you today; glad you got out and protested.

    Ruth: Books . . . love 'em. What kind of books do you read in the book club?

    Did my 5 miles, then resistance training for another hour.  As I build muscle, I can do things faster and hopefully longer.

    Night, all, it's really Friday as I type this (2:12 a.m.), and am enjoying my last few days of freedom before heading back to work Monday.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    had a great yoga workout last night.  My DH has been having back issues and we  found out he has arthritis in is back (he should not have been a bull rider when he was a young boy).  So he has now found his motivation for exercise because he knows it will help him feel better.  Two days in a row he has gotten up earlier and rode our stationary bike.  He said he is going to start going to yoga class with me when he is in town.  I hate that his back hurts, but I am glad that he finally found some motivation for exercise.  Something has to motivate us and I found my motivation in BC.  I hope he keeps it up.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    janice - WOW!  When I do water aerobics I usually stay after and run in the water for another 15-30 mins but no way would I have the motivation to go so much extra - wish I did! 

    Still just doing my marching at night but dropped the 3.5 lbs. I put on last week so I'm a happy camper.

    With gas prices going the way they are I'm planning on lots of walking; leaving the car in the garage except for work and church.

    Later friends.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2011


    Bobcat, thanks for the info on salad.

    Patoo, I have been to Atlantis but many years ago. Loved it. Enjoy.

    Worked today, yes, and for me working has definitely put more structure back into my life. I come home with my head spinning just like the days when I worked. This time I get to walk out after about 3 hours and no guilt.

    Badger, unbelievable what is going on in your neck of the woods. Cheryl, I agree with you 100%, we should have what our dear legislators give themselves.

    10 days has passed as of tomorrow since I am off Femara. Pain in wrists have subsided, so is it because of the cortisone shot and patch or not taking the Femara. Waiting to hear from onc to see if I am going to resume the Femara. Saga will continue with wrist problems.

    Zumba tomorrow morning.

    Love to all and hugs,

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Just a quick check-in. I thought I would have my x-ray results by today, but no.  So I should find out Monday. Ronna, glad your wrists are better.

    Family coming in tonight (my younger brother, SIL, and married nephew and wife.  Other nephew and niece are here in town at Purdue and will be around some too).  Busy weekend.

    Heard from my older brother, a cryptic text, so I had to ask for more info... my SIL with stage IV ovarian is in the hospital, retaining fluid around her lungs and trouble breathing; they're draining the fluid.  I don't know exactly what this means and he won't be clear (perhaps doesn't want to say anything out loud, as it makes it more real?) but I know it can't be a good thing.  Hopefully she'll get relief.

    Walked yesterday but only cleaned house and did laundry today.  Fold and tone! Fold and tone!

    Have a good weekend, everyone. Sorry not to reply to everyone, but warm hugs.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Natureguurl- so sorry to hear about your SIL....scary not to know....scary to know....she is in my thoughts.

    Badger- protests are good for the soul!!!! Bummer that they are necessary but...there you go....can't be helped!

    hbcheryl/julie- thanks...gym for an hour working on core and cardio/stamina and chiro again tonight.You are right...things are loosening up slowly....sure don't feel like I have my normal energy though....two more sessions next week and a massage...then 4 days in New York ciy (one day of work and three days for me....)..will walk my socks off!.A teacher came in to my office just as he was leaving for the weekend and said ' you seem stressed Sandee....I hope you are planning a relaxing weekend"...and I realized I had been talking a mile a minute for 4 hours !!! trying o get everything done...ah..breathe!

    Ladies- hope the gas prices and the wind do not keep you away from your plans tonight.(gas jumped to 121.99 today from 107.99 yesterday!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Will try and keep my "walking" up before bed tonight.  Shoulders (back) bothering me so giong to put on ice code wrap.  May go for massage tomorrow - long overdue.  Think I'll pop some ibuprofen as well.

    Night friends.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    hey all, thanks for the support.  I know it's futile but it makes me feel better to DO something.  (kind of like trying to lose weight while on tamoxifen LOL) 

    The highlight of my day was hearing a woman about my age telling a young girl (child or grandchild) about how her parents had brought her to protests against the Vietnam War in Madison in the 1960's.  Seeing the the thread of time spinning back generations was very cool.

    Carol, sorry about your SIL, hope she finds relief.  Sending healing thoughts for all in pain.  {{hugs}} to all

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Badger- yeah,,,,,WTH???!! I figure going to the gym and only losing 2.5 pounds in 3 months is a good thing given that the alternative was to have gained 5-10 pounds...still...pretty frustrating given how good I am eating! ARGH! Ah well...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Finally have a chance to check in. Had a fun Book Club night. Julie, the hostess gets to pick the next book so we read a little bit of everything. We have been meeting once a month for about 12 YEARS, so it is a pretty cool thing. The cake I made is on just search for "Maple Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting"......yes, as dangerously good as it sounds, I had to bring the rest of it to work today to remove myself from tempation.

    Carol, I will be saying a prayer for your SIL. A bit of good news, Ryan is finally off the vent! So hopefully is at least at the beginning on the road to recovery.

    I walked ' very briskly' on the treadmill for an hour & did 15 minutes of toning with Richard. I have eaten bad for two days, but tomorrow will get back on the program. 'Night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2011

    Did Body Pump class tonight, must be nothing going on in town tonight as class was jam packed full, had a little trouble with my wrist but took it easy. Ronna sounds like you're enjoying the job and glad that you've gotten some relief for your hands, you don't realize how important they are till they hurt like heck. Ruth, so glad to hear the news about Ryan. So what is the next book you've chosen? I've been reading fluff as I just can't seem to concentrate. Julie I know my way around the 73 as I work in Costa Mesa we did 405/133/241 to Rancho Santa Margarita the 405 was the horrible part, heck you're in the south bay you know that!!! Sherry unfortunate that your DH has arthritis but great that he recognizes that exercise will help. Patoo no kidding on the gas prices I filled up last Sunday and paid $3.59/gal then on Tuesday I had to go up to LA and used half a tank was going to fill up Wednesday when it was $3.65 but waited till yesterday at $3.79 yeah. Carol so sorry to hear the news about you SIL hopefully she will get some relief when they get the fluid drained, I will add her to my prayers and enjoy your weekend with the family. Sandee a couple of days in NY sounds like fun even if you have to have to work for a dayInnocent. Nite all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    On the the recommendation from several ladies on the Book Thread, I picked " A Summons to Memphis" by Peter Taylor. In is fairly short, about family relationships and people said that it generated good discussions. The book we just finished, 'The Forgotten Garden' by Kate Morton was very good. Takes you back and forth in time trying to unravel a family mystery...part of it takes place in Australia and part in can not guess the ending until it happens, so it is a very good read.

    OK, no rest for the wicked so it's off to school I go on another Saturday Frown.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2011

    Cheryl - your workout with Eduardo (swoon) so totally worth the trip!

    Sandee - I LOVE nyc.  Have a great time.

    Carol - prayers for your brother and SIL.

    Ruth - good news about Ryan.

    Badger - I saw you on the news last night! 

    Patoo - congrats on the weight loss.  I'm with you on the gas useage.  It's crazy - everyday the prices going up in Jersey.

    Ronna - glad you like the job and good news on the wrist.

    Sherry - I hope your DH sticks with his plan.  Just sent my SO off to 90 minute endurance spin class with he new heart rate monitor.  He's motivated but stuck in a rut.  Going to try and get him to go to a realryder class with me this week.

    Did realryder yesterday because it was pouring rain but heading out now to ride outside.  The weather is slowly getting more "springy" - dare I say that?  Going to Philadelphia to have lunch with my son this afternoon - I am so anxious to see/hug that boy!! 

    Sorry if I missed anyone.  Have a great weekend all Kiss

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    They called hospice for my SIL today.  She's declining rapidly, anxious, and in some pain in spite of morphine, but hopefully hospice will be able to help with all of that.  I'm sorry to post such unhappy news but my heart is full of it and I just needed to share.  Cancer sucks.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2011

    Oh Carol I am so sorry may she find comfort and peace, you are both in my prayers.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Carol, sending out prayers for her and for your whole family.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011

    Carol, I am so sorry to hear about you SIL.  My thoughts and prayers are with you, your SIL and Brother and extended Family.  It is so hard to realize that the end is near, but they will make her comfortable and take really good care of her.  I agree, Cancer Sucks!!  ((Carol))

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    Carol, so sorry to hear that news, hope she's free from pain, sending prayers for the family

    Bobbi, yep that was me, 'well-behaved women seldom make history' (Laurel Thatcher Ulrich)

    {{hugs}} to all

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Thanks, all.  Latest is that her responsiveness continues to decline but that she seems to be comfortable.   I talked with my brother this morning and he's sad but grateful for the many years (34) they've had together.  She's been fighting ovarian cancer for the better part of the last 7 years -- her determination is a lot of what got her this far, I'm convinced.  It's an incredibly sad time and I feel my brother's pain acutely but I know it's also a gift to be part of someone's final days. Heartbreaking, bittersweet times.

    It was good to have the rest of the family around this weekend and share some laughter and memories. I haven't walked in a couple of days but I think I'll head out now.

    Thanks for letting me share something I know none of us necessarily wants to think about too much.

    badger, that's one of my favorite quotes :)  I guess I like to think I'm not a well-behaved woman!

    hugs to you all. 

    Edited to add:  just had another update.  They're giving my SIL "hours."  I know you already are, but please send prayers or healing energy or good thoughts or whatever to my SIL and brother as they face this transition.  My brother will especially need love as he moves on without her -- I know he's been grieving for some time, and I know you think you can't possibly grieve any more after watching someone go through what my SIL has gone through -- and I know his grief hasn't even started.  He will be lost without her. I know my heart is breaking.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Carol- where else to share but here? Be well.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Oh Carol, I am so sad. Do they live anywhere near you? I know you will be a good sisterly comfort for him.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2011

    Carol I don't know if this is appropriate or not but I would like to tell you about my dear friend Kay, Kay was my Hannahs Nana and Kay and I didn't meet until later in life and from the moment we met we "knew" we'd been together in a different life and we often laughed and talked of it cause we fit together like hand in glove. Kay passed away in 2005 from ovarian cancer which she fought like the dickens, for 5 years, she had complained to the docs for years and years and of course was stage iv when finally diagnosed, sometimes she would stop chemo and just come over to the US and sometimes she was ok and other times we'd rent a wheelchair and just do the things we always did just a bit differently when it got near the end I would travel to the UK and visit her. One of the things I made for her was a nightgown, now I am not "crafty" at all but I bought a plain long t-shirt nightdress and got paints from Michaels and laid my arms across it and painted arms and hands and then had other friends paint their hands on so that even when we weren't there we could "hug" her. In the end she would only be awake for short periods and we would sit and chat then she would go back to bed. I miss her dreadfully and her husband John is my friend who keeps coming over from the UK and he was the most amazing caregiver and still wears his wedding band, sometimes we'll all be out somewhere and get a "sign" so we still feel her around us and there is still much joy when we think of her. I know your family is hurting and there is a deep sadness but memories are wonderful things and they can never be taken from us even though we lose those we love. I am praying that her passage from this world to the next is one of peace, may she be surrounded by angels to ease her journey and may you all find comfort in knowing that you have loved her in this life and she will always be in your hearts.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Ruth, they're in Texas... 950 miles or so.  So not close but I guess I'll be headed there soon.  He will reject my attempts to help him (always has, he's such a 50's macho guy and as my older brother thinks I'm still a baby sister) but I will still say what is meaningful to me to say and will send my love to him as he goes through this.

    Cheryl, what you shared was so incredible.  I wish I could have done a t-shirt or nightgown like that for Deena, she would have loved it.  Sometimes I know I'm channeling my mother, or at times a dear friend of mine for whom I was a primary caregiver... I love those moments, so I know what you mean about messages.

    I know I'm kind of kidnapping this thread but I consider y'all so special and caring and loving and am so grateful you're here.  Please bear with me.

    Cancer sucks.  Still, again, and always.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    I know we will be thinking of and praying for you all.