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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    Had today off work so kept working on archaeological document dig and shred-fest.  Sorry to say no walk today, it was freezing rain again this morning.  Left the house for a 1:00 dental appt (just a routine cleaning) then back to more work and a really nice nap.  Had a huge salad for supper so hopefully that made up for my sloth.  Watching Antiques Roadshow and wishing everyone a good night!  {{hugs}}

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Went to yoga and my muscle stiffness and hip joint pain was so much better.  Maybe the SE of tamox are stating to subside.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Did my 5 miles today (ran most of it), then did 30 minutes of resistance training and 25 minutes on the treadmill, with 15 lbs. ankle weights on an incline.

    Sherryc: I would like to see an article like that, too. I'll google it, and see what I can find. And I'm glad your muscle stiffness and hip joint pain is better.

    Ronna: Wow, party until 3:00 a.m. and then go to work at 9:00 a.m.? That's impressive. I couldn't do that, even when I was in my early 20's. I absolutely LOVED Dallas; I keep hoping to catch it in syndication, but haven't seen it for some time. Funny that this show comes up in this thread; I was thinking about it several days ago. Now, maybe I'm psychic? I'm glad you're feeling better and that you can go back to volunteering Weds. Happy 62nd to you! 

    Carol: I hope you can lose your wrist pain soon. Seems like these things take so long to heal; I've been trying to be extra careful when running, walking, etc. Five to six times/week exercising sounds good to me. I'd take Rhett over Ashley any day, too. Hope you got your walk in today.

    Ruth: Good luck with sorting out the financial stuff; that's always a challenge. Any news about Ryan?

    Badger: Got your two PM's; hopefully you can exercise tomorrow.

    Patoo: Keep up the marching. I like your idea of going to bed early so as to avoid eating too much.

    I've read "Gone with the Wind" many, many times, as well as the book "Scarlett" by Alexandra Ripley and "Rhett Butler's People" by Donald McCaig. I liked "Scarlett" quite a bit; "Rhett Butler's People" tells the story from Rhett's point of view. Interesting reading, all of them.

    Good Night, All!


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Ruth, just posting long enough to give you my complete support and sympathy, "been there" with the sibling thing when I was taking care of mom, I know well the frustration!  Big hug!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Thanks, Carol. I basically have to get his money secured away so nobody can get their hands on it except for his expenses. Luckily my DH is very good in the money area so has been able to help me figure out some options....which then I, unfortunately, have to run past the siblngs. BLAH!

    Ryan is out of isolation; but still vented with them trying to wean him off. His mom is a nurse so his caringbridge has alot of medical terms that I don't understand, so I don't have a 'feel for' what is really going on Frown.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Ruth I sympathize with you.  I come from a large family and I don't know how my parents did it but we actually all agree on things and don't try to tell each other how to do stuff.  I cann't image how difficult it would be to be in that position.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Patoo, keep up the nighttime marching -- I couldn't do that and admire that you can!

    I guess that Ryan out of isolation is a good thing?  It sure sounds like progress.  Healing thoughts continuing!

    Sherry, glad you felt better at yoga last night, maybe you're on the upswing now.

    I wonder if the party-all-night thing was connected to the times we grew up in... seems there are a bunch of us in the same apx. age group that did plenty of that!  We are Wild Wonderful Women (even if we crash by 9 PM now Wink)

    I had to force myself to go out today, I was in no way interested in any kind of exercise and it was a bit chilly but I got myself to the park and up the path and of course once I got going I was better.  I may head back with my camera tomorrow, haven't had it out for awhile.

    Happy exercise, everyone!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2011

    Hi Ladies - just a quick drive-by to let you know I've been thinking about you.  I've actually been very good about exercising and recording my eating at - just no time to post!!  We did a 3 mile hike in Catoctin Sunday - it was great to get back out there! Was off yesterday for the holiday so I had the luxury to go to the gym and do over an hour of aerobic then after that I did over an hour of weights and resistance.  I think I need to retire so I can do that everyday . . . wish I could retire, but those silly mortgage people expect a payment every month.  Can you believe their nerve?  Undecided

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Good to see you, Mary, and glad you're keeping up the great work and hiking!

    As my employer from a previous favorite job used to say, Work sure interferes with my personal life! Smile

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Nats, I agree, thos mortgage folks are just plain greedy.   Some nerve.

    Matter of fact, think I'll take my June mortgage payment to pay for my May trip to the Bahamas.  That'll teach them.

    Uh oh, better get off his couch and move so I can fit into a swim suit without looking the size of a dolphin!

    Nature - work is so overrated!

    Ruth, it's not just siblings.  My aunt passed away late last year and since she had never married and had no kids the cousins almost came to blows over her estate.  It wasn't pretty and then it turns out she left almost her entire estate, a quarter million dollars, to charity.   She got the last laugh on the two who were fighting the most.    Thankfully everyone is back to being one big happyt family again. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Did 30 minutes on the treadmill & 45 of toning. I host my Book Club Thursday so am exercising ahead as I know I will be very bad!!

    Patoo, are you really going to the Bahamas in May?

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011
    Hi, Ladies:

    Ruth: Along with Carol, I'm hoping that Ryan's being out of isolation is a good thing. We'll keep him and his family in our daily prayers. Sounds like you've got the monetary situation pretty well in hand. I'm thinking our family will have similar issues when my dad passes; not looking forward to that at all.

    Patoo: The Bahamas sound good right now . . . I'm with you, the heck with the mortgage!

    Carol: Work ruining your life couldn't be more true at times. I'm due to go back to work Monday and am not looking forward to it. But, that's the way things are . . . I'll survive, as we all will.

    Did 5 miles of walking, followed by half hour of resistance training, another 25 minutes on the treadmill with weights, and even a few steps up and down on the footstool. Hope to keep all this up when I get back to work.

    Good night, Everyone!


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    Good morning all, thanks for the rec on I just joined and am amazed at the technology.  Boy it sure points out the need for more veggies and more movement!  I've been missing my noon walks in the capitol building due to the protests here.  Too cold yet to walk outside at noon and I sure don't want to be spending a half-hour power walking in the parking garage (exhaust fumes cough cough).  So it was just 2 miles of walking per the pedometer yesterday.  The Denver omelette for lunch and chili verde with beans & rice for supper really boosted my calorie count.  Will do better today, it's yoga class at noon and a salad for supper!  {{hugs}} to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Badger, if you want, come and join some of us at 'Wednesday Weigh In'. I think all of us are doing loseit over there too.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2011

    Hi everyone, offered to volunteer today, but off until Friday. Love it.

    I guess in NY/NJ it was a fast pace and believe it or not, I was able to get myself to work. Remember, in early 20's and I was never a drinker, just danced and danced, maybe two the most when I partied so it was plain exhaustion, but was able to get to work on time.  Ah, the good old days. Now, I am in bed by 10 and have to watch The Office at 11. Then good night. What a difference.

    As to the wrist problems from A, having gone to orthopedic who said it was Arthritis and to take Advil or Aleve, then living with the pain, then going off A for two months, it still not going away, having them test me for carpel tunnel which it was not, then going on Femara which lessened all delightful side effects except wrist, then it flaring up again, but I realized I started to pick up my weights again and I wonder if that could have caused the excessive pain, and the oncologist taking me off Femara for 10 days and then going to rheumotolgoist who said it was tendonitis and giving me the cortisone short and the fletchor patch which I wore for 12 hours straight at a time, (not wearing it for the last two days) and not being on Femara for another 3 days, In PT I was also working with a 1 lb weight to move the wrists but that has been over for over a month,I now have relatively no pain in my right wrist and I was able to write like a person again yesterday at my volunteer job. My left wrist hurts a little in the same joint but I did not get a cortisone shot there. So is the answer my tendonitis which has to be controlled by a cortisone short or the Femara wearing off me. I will call my my onc after the 26th and let him know and I will keep you all advised for those with the wrist problems. I do know working with weights right now are out of the question so my flab a dab under the arms will have to do.

    I look back now and ask myself how did I ever work there is so much to do.

    I understand situation with kids and parents and money. My dh is an only child and I asked his kids to help me clean out her apartment when she went to nursing home, they were young and refused to help me, dh could not handle it, so I found close to $2,000 hidden in drawers, shoes, house dresses, under beds, etc. Finders keepers, It was mine to keep. That was an easy call.

    Maybe I will go to gym this p.m. instead of zumba tonight.


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Ronna, finders, keepers, love it!  You deserved it!  All I found in my mom's drawers was cracker crumbs -- we knew she was hiding snacks to feed her obese dog but didn't realize how much until I cleaned things out! Smile   I think my brothers think I'm going to clean out the entire house alone, boy are they going to have a shock when I don't, but I do work on some pieces as I'm able.

    Glad your wrist is so much better.  I'll see what my rad. oncologist says this afternoon.    I don't use weights right now but I do the same exericises as I would with weights -- bicep curls, etc etc -- and just do a lot more reps.  It's starting to help a little with toning but I still need to lose weight.

    I actually am looking forward to working full time again, to getting back into a routine, to having my own place, and to things settling down awhile. I found a great local job yesterday that I'm going to apply for... still waiting to hear from Cleveland but they told me it might be awhile... keep your fingers crossed for me!

    Let's see, dr. appointment today, not sure when I'll get home, but I read about tabata on another thread an am eager to add that to my walking routine, so I may head out late this afternoon for a walk in the park.

    badger, chili, yum... I've been craving that all winter, may be time to cave! 

    Marchons, marchons, mes amies! Smile (why is the French national anthem running through my head?  I haven't thought of it since junior French class!) :)

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Ruth, yes, Atlantis in May, booked it last night.  Stay 3 nights, fourth night is free and free companion airfare so I saved over $1,000.00.

    Ronna, good for you on the $2000.  Hope you treated yourself.  My aunt had $5000. in the house but we knew it was there to do pay some last minute expenses however, we also found an insurance policy hidden deep within the loads of stuff.  Anyone know the show "The Hoarders" - that was my aunt!  We couldn't even finish it all after 8-10 weekends of work by 4-6 of us at a time.  No telling what Catholic Charities found once we let them in to take the rest of the "stuff".

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Back from rad oncol, she always does a great breast exam so I love coming out of there with another confirmation of "so far, so good!" and she sent me across the street for a wrist x-ray, so I'll see what comes of that.  The more questions they asked me about the pain, etc., the more it pointed to my fall, but who knows.

    Patoo, enjoy!!!!! My favorite word may be "vacation" Cool

    Charging right back out the door to walk.  Later, Tarts!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Carol so glad ryan is out of isolation.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Well, back at the gym today with the personal trainer. Getting stronger but still exhausted. Then I went to the chiropractor and realized that while I was ok during the session, sitting in my car on the way to chiro was painful!! Ah well.....son enough I will be all back to normal and aligned:) Back to the gym tomorrow.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2011

    Glad to see everyone keeping it up! I love the marching and I love the Bahamas!!  Can't seem to get away at all these days except for the occasional long weekend.  DS is going to Costa Rica in a week for his last spring break with 5 buddies. 

    I've been awol for a couple of days.  Monday rode my bike and had the day off from work - spent it working at home :(  Tuesday did my RealRyder class - completely exhausting full-body workout for 70 minutes.  It's aerobics and muscle building all together.  Just love it.  Rode today and then mucho work.  Settling in for the evening after I make my Rainbow Salad for dinner.  Yum...  Take care all Kiss

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Bobcat, what's in your rainbow salad - share please.  And "RealRyder class" is that at a gym?   Not that I can do anything that strenuous but I can live it through you.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    took my dog and went for a 2 mile walk today and did my elliptical this morning.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    I'm so proud of you all continuing to move no matter what.  Way to go friends!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011

    Did 50 minutes walking on the treadmill.  I have an appt tomorrow with the ovarian clinic.  It is really amazing how I dread going to ANY Dr.'s appointments these days - oh well, I guess I can just grin and bear it!  I am not ready for SE's from having them removed just yet.... I guess we will discuss again and get more blood drawn!  Yay!

    Carol - I know what you mean after your appointment is over and told that everything looks good - hoping for that again tomorrow!  Hopefully I can relax again until my Onc appt in April!

    Hope everyone is well and feeling great!! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    I am feeling tired! I host my Book Club tomorrow night so came home & did some light cleaning (ie just cleaned the parts of the house where people will be & did not dust because it will be night), and then made my very sinful 490 calorie per serving dessert, a two layer maple cake; whose ingredients include, among other things, buttermilk, maple syrup, nutmeg, cinnamon & a maple cream cheese frosting! Then forced myself to the basement and very half-heartedly did 30 minutes of abs & 30 Cardio Dance Party....but that was better for me than sitting on the couch licking the frosting bowl, right?! Very cold and icy here. I'm glad I got outside last week. Night All! Ruth

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Lots of yummy food talk going on!   I'd love the recipe for the rainbow salad, as well as the two-layer maple cake, if possible!

    Ronna: I'm glad you are finally able to write again and that your left wrist is better. And, good for you - finding the $2,000. I hate cleaning house; sounds like a nice reward for that.

    Carol: Good luck with Cleveland and getting back into a full-time job. I could use some of your good attitude next week; we'll see how that goes for me.  At least, I'm going back part-time to start.

    Sandee: You'll get your strength back, and get your back aligned. I keep crossing my fingers that I can avoid back issues . . .

    patoo: Good for you, booking your vacation. Sounds like fun.

    Mary Louise: Good luck at your appointment tomorrow.

    Did my usual 5 miles and resistance training.

    Good night, All!


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Julie, I'll share my attitude about work if you'll share some of your motivation to get out and do 5 miles!! Wink

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2011

    Mary Louise - I had my ovaries out last March.  My last body part identifying me as female :)  The spring and summer were rough but now I don't miss them at all.

    Ruth - that dessert sounds scrumptious!  Take care on the iceSurprised

    Patoo - is a new spin bike that a local woman imported to PA from CA.  She now has two gyms with about 25 bikes in each and always full classes.  It simulates outdoor riding more than the traditional spin bike as it pivots and simulates turns.  The workout consists of using your core to stabilize the bike and isolates arm, back and chest muscles for a kind of isometric workout.  I have to be careful of the chest part because my implants are under my pectorals and I don't want to compromise the reconstruction but I spoke with the trainer and she gave me alternative moves to do when she is working that area.  Does anyone else have problems working the chest muscles?  Just wondering.

    Rainbow Salad - I buy a bag of Mann's Rainbow Salad at the ShopRite - it's shredded broccoli, carrots, cauliflower and red cabbage.  Add a teaspoon of mayonaise and then balsamic vinegar to help stretch the mayo.  I add raisins, feta, a chopped jalapeno, turkey, grape tomatoes...whatever is in the fridge.  You can add black olives, tuna, chicken....whatever you like but it's very filling, healthy and delicious.   I always have a bag in the fridge.  It's my go to meal when I'm really hungry.

    Off to ride before work.  Looks like rain tomorrow so will sign up for a realryde class in the am.  Have a great day all Kiss

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2011

    Oh Carol - good luck with the job search!!