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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2011

    Hi everyone:

    Hello to all.

    Prayers for Ryan, Steve and Sophia.

    Bobbie, Thank goodness for the helmut.

    Gastro dr. called me let me know my chlosterol is off a little, (I take Lipitor) and that my Vitamin D is in the 40s. Have no idea what that is so I will check it out later. But the prep was not bad at all. I mixed the power with White Grape Juice. It was not a bad taste at all.

    Last night walked around my complex two times totalling 1 mile.

    Did zumba this morning, shook books and stretched arms.

    Was beautiful here today, but exhausted.

    Went to library, now to settle in and do some quiet time.

    Natsfan: Do you work at in a hospital setting????


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    Gee, ice has not been nice to many of us.  Glad everyone is okay.  bobcat, so happy you had on the helmet.

    Took DS into NYC so got in some walking and will do more a little later before bed.  Made myself do it last night but thought about saying I was going to make it routine and so I did. 

    I'm going to relax with some reading tonight.  Night my sculpted friends.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited February 2011

    Mary Louise -- I find that vacuuming is VERY hard on the back.  Consider asking your DH to do it.

    Today was one of my 2 days off from the gym per week.  I spent some time with one of my twins lugging a giant Costco bag of Girl Scout cookies door to door this afternoon.  My DH is out with the other twin selling right now.  I have CASES of these evil cookies in my house calling my name and begging me to eat them (OK, really only the Thin Mints and Tagalongs are screaming).  I should just take them out and lock them in the van!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Hi, I did survive my chase and chisel; actually spent two and a half hours supervising kids playing 'A Minute to Win It'.......we had about 300 kids (half our school population) show up; bingo in the band room, dodge ball tournaments in one gym, volleyball & basketball in the other gym, board games, pizza and pop in the cafeteria etc. etc. I was tired when I got home!!!!

    We actually had a gorgeous day today. Sunny, no wind and in the 40s. All the side streets were full of slush, but I waded (almost literally) over to some main streets and took a long walk in the fresh air and sunshine. Very, very fun! Also did 25 minutes FIRM sculpt.

    Ryan is still in the medically induced coma & on a vent. From what I am reading on his caringbridge, they still haven't figured out what caused the problem in the first place, so have him on several antibiotics & are doing testing. His vital signs are stable, so I don't know what to think.

    I would have to lock the cookies in the car and give someone else the key!!

    Be careful everybody!!!!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited February 2011

    mornin' all, it was nice here too yesterday... also got out into the fresh air and sunshine.  Sidewalks on my route were fine and will wear sneaks when I head out today.

    There's a bird singing outside my window right now... there are still huge piles of snow but I'm getting vibes of spring.  Been doing some spring cleaning including shredding documents.  Feels good to see a big bag of confetti for the recycling tomorrow.

    Have a good day everyone, more prayers for Ryan, and {{hugs}} to all.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited February 2011
    Hi Tarts I have been under the weather again and my asthma is really bad.Working out is impossible without coughing fits.Not only that but i accidently removed this thread from my favorites.Embarassed
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    I hate that when that happens (being sick AND accidently removing threads). We all need spring so we can be healthy and dare to go outside without risking life and limb!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Ruthbru...will be sending Ryan special thoughts today.

    Back is completely 'out' from all the ankle distress so have heating pad and hot rub on it hoping to losen it up pre-gym with trainer...was going to walk there but that might not happen if this pain doesn't stop. Hopefuly the ibprofen will kick in soon....then I am going to get active!!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    SAndee hope your back gets better

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2011

    My gym subbed a Body Jam class yesterday and I got to dance for an hour which was so fun and am getting ready to go out for a walk in the sunshine, once again it's a glorious day here hopefully we'll be sending sunshine on to the east so you can all thaw out.

    Bobbi glad you are okay after your fall but you should get your helmet checked just to be sure and Sandee, Mary Louise and Mum I hope you are all feeling better. Badger, yes I do a class a day it's the only thing that keeps me motivated I discovered classes almost 2 years ago and just love them, of course there are days where my knees ache or my feet hurt but for me it's what works and I am so in awe of all of you who power through when your weather is the pits. Ruth prayers for Ryan and his family, hope you are recovered from your fun school week. I'm enjoying living in this beautiful place and I had my friends over here yesterday and we all decided if we won the lottery we'd love to live here but I can hardly wait for thursday I'm missing home. Take care all.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Went for my walk and DH went with me. The weather is beautiful today

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2011

    More prayers for Ryan.  Young fiance of a co-worker also came down with a mysterious illness about 3 weeks ago.  Also put into induced coma and on ventilator.  They have absolutely no idea what caused it.  New job she visited, under supervision with another coworker, a home that apparently was filthy dirty.  The coworker is okay so they don't know if she picked up something there or not.  Very sad.

    You all have motivated me to go out for a walk.  It's 46 deg so should be quite nice.  Later.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Sherryc, hbcheryl...thanks!! Woke up and lay in bed wondering " are you going to get out of bed?!" Muscles completely out of whack from this ankle..went to the gym anyhow after 30 minutes of heating pad and some heat rub but spent the hour stretching with my trainer instead of doing any weight etc...have managed to lose 1.5 pounds since last weigh in and half an inch on waist so...slow but steady....can't wait for the massage Tuesday evening....

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011
    Hi, Everyone:

    Thought I'd check in and see how everyone is doing. I usually don't exercise on the weekends, but after seeing so many of you working out weekends, I'm going to start doing so.

    HBCheryl: Yes, I do walk outside every day during the week, and feel very fortunate that our weather here is usually nice.

    Ruth: That is so strange about Ryan. One of my coworkers had a similar situation with his little girl. She initially had pneumonia and then went into a coma, and the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong. They then tested for some kind of autoimmune disorder, and found out she was suffering from that. She's pretty much back to normal these days. More prayers for Ryan and his family.

    Bobbi: Wow, scary experience! Hope you are doing okay.

    Sandee: Ouch! So sorry about your ankle. Agree with Carol; once an ankle is injured, it tends to be weaker. When this happened to my husband, our doctor gave him some strengthening exercises to do after it was healed.

    Mumayan: Feel better; hope your asthema subsides.

    Mary Louise: It is difficult, at least for me, to acknowledge health limitations. As you say, this is the "new normal", wondering about new pains that don't go away! But, on we go.

    I need some advice. As part of my celebration of getting through my BMX, I had lipo on my outer thighs and butt. However, I'm not toned at all - thought jogging and power walking would do this, but apparently not. So, I need to start resistance training with gym machines. If I do this for 2 or 3 hours/week, how soon will I see results?  (Mrs. Impatient, here!)

    Take care, everyone, and NO MORE accidents!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    The FIRM always says you will see results in 10 sessions, so....I'd say you'd see something in a couple weeks.

    Sunny, mild but super windy here (as in winds gusting to 45 miles an hour); convinced my neighbor to go out with me, so we drove to a part of town that was more protected & had pretty clear streets & walked for 45 minutes (if we were ligher we could have flown at times!), then did 15 minutes of toning with Richard Simmons.

    When I had a really sprained ankle years ago, an athletic trainer friend told me to squeeze a towel with my toes and also do the ABCs with my foot. Also elevate and ice.

    We have parent conferences two evenings this week (if we survive long enough we will get next Monday off). I am afraid there will be alot of CANDY floating around the school tomorrow for Valentine's Day; actually I know there will be because the 7th grade teachers (of which I am one) are making up candy baskets for the staff. YIkes!!!!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011

    Hey Ruth!  I hear you about the tempations!  This week-end has NOT been good for me, but I will just have to allow myself some time to simply enjoy the finer (sweeter) things in life and then get back to the program ASAP!!  Luckily for me, Wednesday is still a few days away, so I may be able to work some of the indulgences off before then!!

    Thanks to everyone for the tips and well wishes on my back issues.  The funny thing is that I have vacuumed, shovelled snow and chipped ice this week-end and it does not seem to be bothering me at all now!!  Now I am wondering if it could have possibly be from my weirdo cycle I have been experiencing (possible ovulating?? - can that cause that much pain??)  All I know is that the constant pain has definitely subsided - Yee Haw

    Sandee - hoping you can get back on you 'feet' soon.  Mum - hope you are feeling better also.

    Bobcat - you ok??  I'm not sure that you have posted since telling us about the accident?

    To Everyone Else - Thanks for being here - it is great to be able to write down your feelings and worries just to get them off your chest (so to speak!)  Hope everyone is well and motivated! Cool

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Julie, Ruth, Mary Louise....thank you ladies...ABC's, ice and a tensor bandage are all in order...will even try the towel with my toes....ibprofen is also in order! It is an old injury that crops up when I am exhaused and not acknowledging how tired I body's way of saying STOP! so...ok...I stopped!

     Julie - resistance training takes tenacity and won't take long before you see the may not show up on the scale for awhile, since muscle weighs more than fat but you will see the difference soon enough.

    Be careful this week ladies!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    Did 30 mins on the exercise bike this morning, while one of the dogs sacked out on the couch beside me.  Yesterday, we went to a small dog show, primarily for practice for both of us, and had a good time.  The plantar fas causes shooting pains in my foot, but I'm able to get around.  I've got it on ice now.

    Bobcat--Wow.  Good you're ok.  I second/third the suggestion that you have your helmet checked out.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited February 2011

    30 minutes of weights, 150 stomach crunches, 520 leg lifts with resistance bands and 30 minutes on the eliptical!

    Count down to Disney World!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Fun!!! When do you leave again?

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2011

    Ruth - thinking about your little Ryan.  Poor little fellow.  It's so unfair when kids have something like that.   

    Everyone else, I'm impressed by how much you all are doing, and worried about our wounded tartlets.  Work out hard but don't overdo and take care of yourselves!

    I'm still enjoying the new gym - took another step and sculpt class Sunday, then dh and I celebrated the nice weather with a 3 mile walk in 45 minutes.  Did a half an hour of elliptical this am.  Also, I have been seeing the LE therapist for a flare up and it turns out that she suspects that a good part of my recent swollen belly/weight gain issues are actually truncal LE and that we should be able to move much of that fluid out with MLD.  So while it's not fun to be dx with truncal LE, in a way I feel relieved that much of it may not be belly fat like I thought.  

    Went to an Ethiopian restaurant last night for the first time.  It was wonderful!!!  There's no silverware - you get your food on a platter, and they have this special flat bread (think a spongy tortilla) and you tear off pieces and use that to scoop the food out of the platter.  They also had tons of yummy spicy veggie options so I didn't feel stuffed and heavy when I finished my dinner. I will definitely go again.

    Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!! 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Just flying by to catch up, and saw Mary's post about Ethiopian food -- I agree, Mary, YUM!!!!!  Definitely at the top of my list!!!   The spongy bread is injera.  I've eaten at several places in 3 or 4 cities and never had a bad experience -- whoever I go with, we always get a sampler veggie platter for a mix of spicy and sweeter things to try.  I hadn't thought of it in awhile, I may have to find someone and go to Indianapolis soon!

    It's warming up some here and things are melting nicely so I'm planning a long walk after work.  My wrist is now officially slightly swollen, even though I wear a brace almost 100% of the time, I guess I'll call my dr. and see what they recommend and will ice it in the meantime.  I thought it was the arimidex but it's been 6 weeks now and is getting a bit worse so I don't know any more.

    Everyone, take care, keep up the good work, and enjoy the day!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    PS ♥ ♥ ♥  Happy Valentine's, everyone!!  Hug somebody you love!  ♥ ♥ ♥

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Never had Ethopian food but my son took us to a middle eastern place one time and you ate with your fingers and sat on the floor with a low table and pillows.  It was very interesting and the food was very good.  I just don't remember exactly what kind it was.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Sherry, middle eastern, another fav!  My experience is the ME restaurants can vary some depending on the exact region they represent, although a maza platter (with things like hummus, baba ghannoush, and falafel) are often standard. Another big Yum!  And there is an excellent local middle eastern place, maybe lunch there soon!

    OK, before I turn this into an eating thread instead of an exercise thread Smile I'll note that I did indeed get out for a long walk this afternoon, in my "rocker" sneakers, that should wake up my muscles a little!

    Keep your heart ♥ happy, get out there and exercise!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited February 2011

    For the baseball fans here, MLB has announced their 2011 Honorary Bat Girl Contest for Breast Cancer Awareness.  I was the Nats Bat Girl in 2009 (the very first year they did it) and it was a blast.  I got an authentic Nats jersey with a pink ribbon on the back where the number would be and "Bat Girl" across the top where the name would be; a bunch of other goodies like the pink wristbands the players wear on B/C Awareness day; and a regulation MLB pink bat like the players use on B/C day with my name engraved on it.  I got to meet with a bunch of players and got to go on the field before a game and was introduced on the big scoreboard.  It was a game against the Phillies and even your Phillies fans clapped, Bobcat - I was afraid they'd boo or throw snowballs, but since I wasn't Santa Claus I guess I was safe.  Tongue out They also gave us parking in the garage that's attached to the ballpark (our normal parking is in the cheap lots in Outer Siberia) and tickets for the best seating section in the ballpark (the $325 seats directly behind home). They treated dh and me royally.  I was even interviewed on a couple of local TV stations, and got to do an interview in the dugout with the roving reporter.  Then they did a feature story on me in the next game program they printed.  It was such an amazing day all the way around.  

    Each ballpark honors their Bat Girls in their own way, so I'm not sure what other teams do, but from what I understand most teams go all out.  In case you're interested, here's the press release:

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011

    Just popping in to wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day!!  So far all the excercise I have achieved today was of the "retail" variety. 

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2011

    Hi all - just checking in.  Thanks for all the good wishes about my fall.  I have a major bruise on my right hip and real soreness in my neck.  Figure I got a little side by side whiplash(I made that term up but it seems to fit) as my neck hurts down along the sides and my head feels a little heavy at the end of the day.  Taking care with it and using a neck warming thingy in the microwave.  My downstairs neighbor does "touch healing"(a little like Reiki) and she offered to work on me tonight or tomorrow.  I think I will give it a shot.  Still riding but being very careful and now all the ice has melted due to 50 degree weather!!  Whoo Hoo - a taste of spring.

    Mary - love the Bat Girl story.  I know the Phillies fans are a tough bunch - glad they clapped for you :) 

    Ruth - more prayers for Ryan.  What a terrible thing to go through for his parents. 

    Carol - there is a new Ethiopian restaurant across the bridge in NJ.  Now I will definitely give it a try.

    Happy Valentine's Day to all you wonderful ladies!  Take care of your hearts, hug your families and friends.  Here is a ((((((((((HUG))))))))) from me Kiss

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Mary, wow, so cool about being a Bat Girl!  I love your story! I'm not a good enough fan to qualify as a Cubs bat girl but if I lived there and went to a lot of games they'd hear from me for sure!

    Bobbi, not surprised you've had some pain post-accident, but I'm still really glad it wasn't worse than it was... I hope the touch healing helps.  A friend of mine did Reiki for me after my mom died... I have mixed feelings about whether it helped or not  (I'm part skeptic, part scientist, part mystic!) but I was still so grateful for her love and willingness to do that for me.

    Mary Louise, retail is good exercise!

    OK, I'm popping in a movie... later, tarts!


  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2011

    Hi everyone,just popping in, I love my volunteering position however, however since I have not worked since July 2008 and with all the added pain from Femara and still have some mobility problems I am exhausted. Skipped Zumba tonight, but managed to cook for dh because I was too tired to even go out. I am working tomorow and Wed. However, I told them no more than 2 days a week.

    Just had to say hello.
