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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    Hi all.  I have to come in more often as it takes too long to catch up.

    Ruth, thanks for sharing the 'exercise hound' badge - you can help me watch out for hydrants!  Embarassed

    Glad Ryan is off the vent and still praying for a full healing.

    Jen, I started my weight loss journey during my Disney trip December 2009 and have kept it off - now at almost 25 lbs.   (had already dropped 18 when I joined ELAB)

    Keep it up friends - it works.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Did Body Step class yesterday but didn't get on my computer as had visitors when I got in from the gym. Kim I'm so sorry to hear about you doggie, our fur babies worm their way into our hearts and our hearts break when we lose them. Ruth like I've said before where were you when I went to school - I want smores and I don't know about being the leader of the pack cause if you're the leader you're supposed to be a good example and I'm naughty as I love cookies and cakeKiss Julie you very well may be allergic, many years ago when HRT was the norm I was given "the patch" you wore it on your stomach one side 4 days then move to the other side for 3 days and after a few months I got red and itchy turns out I was allergic to the latex material the patch was made of. Off up to Long Beach for dinner so no exercise today just a nice drive up the coast.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    ((Kim)) - sorry to hear about your dog - they really do become part of a family!  We'll be here when you are able to get back (you all were for me when I went MIA a few months back!)

    Patoo - I remember you going on that Disney Trip.... has it really been over a year?? 

    Cheryl - you deserve at least ONE day off once in a while Cool!  Makes us believe that you really ARE human after all!!! 

    35 minutes on Wii and 30 minutes on treadmill.  It really is nice when you finally see the scale going down! 

    Hoping Everyone is doing great!!  DH has a movie to watch and I must get in the shower quickly before he starts it without me!!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited March 2011

    Kim, I am so sorry about your doggie. Those darn animals are so precious to us, their human companions, for all the unconditional love, companionship, fun and even naughtiness..... hugs to you!! I can only type for one second as we are getting unexpected overnight company for the next two nights (not unwanted, but unexpected). They are retired friends who go around doing antique shows and are scheduled for a show in a town not far from here, their hotel reservations got all mixed up so they will stay with us. So, I've been sculpt and shoveling out the house & doing the heavy grocery lifting workout. They will be ringing the doorbell any minute. Love to All! Ruth

    P.S. the campfire stories were really fun!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    Ok, I got a little curious as to how long I have been excercising faithfully so went back to check!

    We must give the award for longevity to our very own Patoo - who joined this thread on the very FIRST page!!  Runner up status goes to Mumayan!  I however did not join until page 13 (December 1, 2009 exactly).  I must say that this thread has definitely changed my lifestyle (it got me off my butt and walking in the first place!!)   YOU LADIES have been able to keep me motivated enough to keep coming back!!  Thanks!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited March 2011

    Been MIA, doing my walking getting my chemo wednesdays done. Had Pet Scan on Tuesday waiting for results to see if the chemo is working or if it has spread to my lungs. I say it is working. Hoping to hear today or Friday on the results. Baby Aubrey is crawling now. So exciting! Cannot sleep wired on steriods. Taken benadryl, ambien, cough med w/ codine and still cannot go to sleep. ugh!

    Cheryl - your workout with Eduardo sounded like a fun adventure. You Go Girl

    Sandee - I really enjoy nyc.  Last time I was there I was watching to Chicago play and fell down a flight of stairs and broke/shattered my shoulder. Not good! Have a safe and wonderful trip worth seeing.

    Ruth - good news about Ryan. continue to keep us posted on his condition. prayers are going his ways everyday. Enjoy your retired friends.

    Patoo - congrats on the weight loss.  I'm with you we can use other ways of transportation. It is $3.28 here at costco higher in other areas.

    Ronna - glad you did not break your wrist. How is the new job?

    Kim - I am so sorry about your doggie. I just cannot imagine.

    fmajk - sounds like you are really into the wii exercise. we have discussed getting a wii what are your recommends on it?

    Night my tartlett sisters, Elizabeth

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    I walked with my doggie yesteday.  Today a friend has talked me into going to an estate sale so I will miss my YOGA class.  But I love estate sales as well.  Hopefully I'll find a good deal.  Maybe I can squeeze in a walk, we'll see.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited March 2011

    aubrey's 1st day at the park

    Thanks for letting me share

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011


  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2011

    Oh Elizabeth your family is just DARLING!  Those pictures made my day!  What a beautiful, beautiful granddaughter.  Thanks for sharing!



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    ebann - SWEET!  Thanks for sharing her with us.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited March 2011

    Thank you everyone she is truly a blessing in my life and my cure for sure.

    Received call from Dr office. Was told that the chemo is showing a good response and there is no spreading to the lungs. So my appt with onc is the 23rd and I will find out if it is shrinking in the areas or if it is stabilizing. More than likely will continue to as we are until done which will be the end of June. Probably another Pet Scan in July then go from there.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Elizabeth soooo good to see you, I have been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing glad to hear you are responding well. Aubrey is absolutely gorgeous she is growing like topsy and has such a beautiful smile you have every right to be a proud grandma and hope the rest of the family are doing well.

    Tonight did the road trip to take Body Combat with the wonderful Eduardo (swoon) four of us from our gym drove down and Julie, a guy from Torrance came down to take his class - now that is dedication, he really is an amazing teacher and his class is packed. Mary Louise you've made me wonder, hmmmm when did I start posting on this thread, I know it keeps me motivated and one of the girls said on the way back tonight when we exercise together we become like a family and worry about each other and I second that!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2011


    Kim, so sorry to hear about your dog. They truly are our best friends. I have been through it four times already.

    Elizabeth, I am glad to hear of your good news and your granddaughter is precious. As to my volunteering, I love it, in fact have to be there at 9:00 a.m. today. Will be there until 1:00. Then I am ready to pass out.

    Carol, thinking about you and your family.

    Patoo, great weight loss results. Good for you.

    My PS gave me a silicone strip to put on keloid. Now he sees a little swelling in new girl. I give up. However, wrist is holding its own. I am having a painter do some work in the house and I don't even have the strengh to empty out my hutch in dining room. This was so not me.

    Zumba tomorrow a.m.

    To all my other sisters on site, have a great day. Have to get ready to "work/volunteer".


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    Kim, sorry about your dog, it's hard to lose a beloved pet.

    Elizabeth, what a cutie-pie!  Glad to hear good scan results.

    patoo, congrats on your success, I hope I can say the same thing next year.

    Carol, thinking of you and sending prayers for your family.

    Ronna, glad to hear you're enjoying your work.  Volunteering can be very satisfying.

    Ruth, hope you're enjoying your company.

    Julie, how's your allergy situation?

    I am inspired by all of you, it helps when I don't want to get off my butt and go exercise.

    I took off today for a lab appt, just my annual thyroid panel, but will get to the track this afternoon for a nice long power walk.  I've been getting my noon walk on weekdays and longer walks on the weekend, plus yoga class on Weds, but I really need to kick it up a notch.  {{hugs}} to all

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Elizabeth, great news!  And your granddaughter and family are so sweet, thanks for sharing the pix!

    Ronna, glad your wrist is holding up.

    Cheryl, give Eduardo our best! Wink  What fun to be able to do that!

    Thanks to everyone for continued good thoughts.  It's been a hard week, especially for my brother and for Deena's father, and will continue to be hard for them for some time... I feel so helpless.

    I was putting on my shoes to power walk the neighborhood when it started pouring, so now I'm going to watch for a break in the rain and head out.  Have been very mediocre at exercise this week.  

    Hugs to all.  Kim, still thinking of you and your sweet dog.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    Morning all.  Still only doing marching at night although I do try and make it a "power" march.  Tomorrow supposed to be pretty nice so looking forward to getting out for a nice long walk, over to the gym (about 2.5 miles) to work on the machines (yeah, will try a few minutes on the torture elliptical) and then walk back home.  Going to need it since DS wants to go to IHOP for their chicken strips and waffle breakfast!  I think I will pass on the strips since they are probably breaded and fried but waffles - one of my weaknesses.  I hit the 25 lb mark today so I think I can indulge just a little, one time.

    ebann - so happy to hear your med news.  In addition to the meds I bet your continuing to do some exercise is helping.  That's motivation to others - good job!  Kiss that baby and let her know that she has many cyber-aunties (or cyber-grandaunties).

    ronna - I hear you about the hutch.  I need a few rooms painted and procrastinating about calling the painters because it's lots of work just to get ready for them.

    naturegirl - keeping you and your family in my prayers.

    badger (and everyone else) - you can do it.

    Let's make it a moving weekend, okay?

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    Ebann - glad to hear that you are doing good!!  Wishing you the Best for the scan results!!  I am doing only the Wii Fit Plus (with the balance board).  I love it and have not gotten bored yet with it!  My DH and I play the Wii Resort games also - they are quite fun when company comes over!

    Cheryl - don't think it is only Eduardo's teaching abilities that gets the ladies hearts pumping so that you actually drive out of your way for one of his classes!!  Wink 

    ((Ronna)) - hope you can catch a break!!  Glad to hear the wrist is better!

    Badger - did you get your power walk in??

    Patoo - Congrats on the milestone!!  Keep on marchin!! Kiss 

    Nature - we are in the midst of all that rain also!! Just hope it washes all the dirtiness away!!

    Did 30 minutes Wii Plus and 30 minutes treadmill, but really did not do well with my eating yesterday and today!!  Must get back on track as I don't want to register a gain this week!!

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Ruth/Julie...I teach adult ESL and a a teacher wear a couple o fhats...I run back and forth down the hally ways,..cock in approx 7000  steps per day without gym...still don't burn enough calories though...for my 4'11 (ok..10.5) frame....i do not appear to burn eonough...

    that being said...i c,ocked in at 20.076 steps yesterday in 5.5 hours..walked from Canad street to 65th and over to 6th aqnd down to Gran central..foewent broadway for bed at 9:38///der did I get so tired that i would go fo mCanaaadian maritimes to NYUC and be inbed by 9:38 pm?@!??!!??!?!?!?!?!?! ah well..20 kms (or 12 miles\) would knock anyone out..right? (that and two glasses of wine..only bought one but the water seng me a second one as I sat in their front seat and read my book...i l,ove new yorkers!!!)


  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Elizabeth: Oh, what a cute grandbaby! Aubrey is just adorable! Makes me want to pick her up and hug her! I'm glad your chemo is showing a good response.

    Kim: I'm so sorry about your dog. These guys are our kids; I understand your grieving completely. We adopt cats (both abandoned and via adoption agencies), and they are all so special. {{{HUGS}}} to you.

    patoo: Good for you! 25 lbs off, excellent.

    hbCheryl: Thanks for the comment about my rash. I hadn't thought about HRT; I'll run that by my G.P. when I see her Thursday. Wow, a guy from Torrance came down for Euduardo's class? That IS dedication! He sounds like "eye candy"; I'm sure that makes the workout more fun!

    Mary Louise: Any word on DH's biopsy? I know you said approximately two weeks.

    Carol: Sent you a response to you via PM; will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. You're bound to miss a few days of exercise after what you've been through.

    Ronna: What next with the new girl(s)? Really makes you wonder. I have a keloid on my left side; will discuss with P.S. next time I see him.  Looked at my clothes drying on my treadmill and thought about your funny comments Laughing

    Badger: Thanks for your concern about the rash. I haven't heard anything about the situation in Madison; I hope everything is good with you.

    Sandee: Sounds like you had a nice long walk. I understand about not burning enough calories; sometimes I feel as though I have the metabolism of a slug . . .

    Ruth: Enjoy your company. Sounds like a fun time.

    Did my 5 miles yesterday and today . . . more running than power-walking, which is good. Then came home for about an hour of resistance training and treadmill. However, I undid some of this by eating mini peanut butter cups and malted milk balls . . . oh, well. Those of you who exercise weekends have inspired me, and I will make it a point to get out and run again tomorrow.

    Regarding the rash: apparently material that is not 100% silicone can cause a rash. I believe it is slowly clearing up. We'll see.

    Goodnight, Everyone!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited March 2011

    Quickly jumping in here before jumping into bed. Two very fun visiting and eating like a mad woman and not exercising nights with the company (and Thursday was my birthday....which means besides the company eating, I also had muffins, pound cake and homemade chocolate cake with ice cream at school). Tried to atone tonight by treadmilling for 75 minutes and toning for 30....still won't dare step on the scale tomorrow.

    By the time I got home tonight it was either read or exercise so I will catch up on all your posts tomorrow.  'Night! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Ruth, happy belated birthday!!  I just smiled at your menu for that day!! Smile

    Julie, glad your rash seems to be better, and thank you for the PM.  Peanut butter cups and malted milk balls... Smile  Your running amazes me, wish I were up to that, I miss it... something to work towards, right?! 

    Patoo, 25#, woo hoo!  You rock!

    Kim, more hugs for you and Moby.  I just know Deena's giving him lots of hugs.

    Mary Louise, hope the rain washed the dirt away!  

    Sandee, what a walk!  Sounds like you had a fun evening with the wine, too Wink

    Which brings me to this... I'm FB friends with a bc woman in England. She and her partner/husband, Ronnie, are incredibly sweet and often talk about their walks together.  She shared this lovely post ( if the link doesn't work and you need to copy and paste) by Ronnie -- it's about walking -- and I love it. 

    I know for me walking can help me connect with what my soul is saying to me and with the universe, but lately I haven't been walking long enough or thoughtfully enough to do so... this post reminds me of the importance of slowing down a bit and taking the time to let things surface.  So today, I will begin a once-a-week dedication to a long, long walk (not all day but a couple of hours) that's for my soul. I'll keep the other days for pushing my body -- but Saturdays will be for listening.

    I talked with my brother today and the service was lovely -- the opening part was simply 50+ slides of Deena from childhood and up (I love photos, and I know putting together something like that is so healing and such a nice way to recall some memories).  Her dad is having a rough time but my brother is supporting him as best as he can.  He says he's still pretty numb but things come out (like, "I'm staying away from the house as much as I can") that are strong clues about how hard this is for him.  Tonight they're having a small party to share memories of Deena.  Difficult times.  But, he's also laughing and sharing and being pretty open, so I know he'll get through this.

    Happy exercise, Tart sisters, and lots of hugs!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    Happy belated birthday, Ruth.  Nature, still keeping your brother and Deena's dad and family in prayer.

    DS took me to IHOP for breakfast.  I think I ate my entire day's allocation of calories in that one meal!  Veggie omelet and 3 pancakes - YUM.  But I did do the sugar-free syrup.  Really did not taste bad at all.  So came back and immediately went out and walked for 2 hours, over 11,000 steps.  Nature it is nice to just go for a long walk and let your mind wander.  I tend to talk with God, say a prayer for someone in a house that I pass, plan the rest of my life, have a conversation with someone who needs a good dressing down, sing along with my ipod in my wonderful operatic voice (hey, it's opera quality to my ears!).  I get a kick out of how my mind flips to different things.  

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Patoo, my walks used to involve almost entirely the things you mention -- kind of a chance to let stream of consiousness rip! It's a good way for things to come to the surface.  But lately I've been a lot more caught up in the exercise side and have let the other side slip.  Reading that article reminded me how much I got out of a more meditative walk, so that's why I'm slipping them back in.  (And although I would love to sing on my walks, I'm so badly off-key a singer that I just can't bring myself to do that!).  Undecided

    I love IHOP's harvest grain and nut pancakes, but yikes!  on the calories... I usually only get two but still, why does restaurant food have to be so high-cal??

    It rained, drizzled, and now it's snowing, so I did not get in a long walk but marched with Leslie instead.  Tomorrow should be much better so I moved my long walk to then.  Guess I'll have to remain flexible with the weather!

    Um...  now I can't get pancakes off the brain :)

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    did you see the ad for pancake batter in an aerosol can?  (like cheez whiz)  wow doesn't anyone cook anything from scratch anymore!

    It was nice enough yesterday and today to walk outside.  Much prefer that, like y'all.  :-)

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    badger, omg, no, and YUCK!  FWIW, I cook almost everything from scratch (I stilll pop popcorn on the stove, I hate the microwave stuff), but I grew up that way and was a back-to-the-earth gardener and cook for most of my adult life.  It's harder as a single person to cook for one but most of the time I still do it.  I just don't can and freeze very much right now.

    If I wake up in the middle of the night and want to walk, I'm just going to do it, instead of waiting for light (like I did this morning).  

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Happy Belated Birthday Ruth, your birthday menu sounds absolutely wonderful to meSealed Patoo congratulations on the weight loss and so what if you splurged at IHOP you were spending quality time with your son. Julie I'm in awe of you I've never been able to run, not even as a kid. Nature that was a beautiful piece, I love to walk on the beach even when it is crowded I find a great peace at the ocean and I agree cooking for one is the pits but yes I do it too, but there are nights when I have baked beans on toast. Sandee enjoy your weekend, ahhh New York it sounds like so much fun.

    Last night did Body Pump class and this morning did Body Combat then went and met our gym baby her Mom was in classes right up until 3 days before she was born, she is 5 weeks old today oh there is nothing like the smell of a little baby. Absolutely beautiful day here so this afternoon I cleaned kitchen windows and pulled down the blinds took them outside and gave them a good scrub and boy did they need it. Badger last night I made a cheesecake from scratch, am going out to eat chili and play Cranium tonight and it's my contribution. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited March 2011

    Hi All!

    Elizabeth, so glad that the treatment is doing what it is suppose to do. Aubrey is a DOLL!! How much fun!

    I checked. Cheryl joined this thread on page 13 (Jan. 3, 2009) and I followed a page and a day later (Jan. 4, 2009) Very cool, as this is now page 156!!!!

    Patoo, 25 pounds. Wow! That is tremendous!

    Carol, I loved the walking article. I also love to walk, think, notice, pray, sort through things in my head. Of course, I also like to walk and talk; especially when I can go with my fast friend who pushes me. That being said, it was more indoor exercise for me today as it is cold and icy here still.

    I went to a great brunch today put on by a women's service group in town. The speaker was a doctor who is a clinical and metabolic nutrition specialist (and is a 11 year BC survivor herself). Her topic was Nutrition and Health. Very interesting!  After I go through the whole packet of handouts she gave us, I will give you a report......I don't imagine that large slices of chocolate cake will be among the recommendations Cry.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Ruth happy belated bday

    DS and family came in to visit for the weekend and all we have done is eat. Will have to go for a long walk tomorrow after they go home and cut back on calories next week. I made apple pie and it was to die for and of course had to have Ice cream with it. Oh well it has been fun

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Ruth: Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had lots of good stuff to eat. I, too, over-ate a bit this weekend - homemade bread and more peanut-butter cups. Yikes. Stuff just tastes too good.

    Carol: No doubt you'll be running very soon again. As you said, grief definitely takes time to work through, and Saturday seems like a good time to listen to your soul, as you say. And, I just read the article by Ronnie - it REALLY makes sense! I'm fond of following anything other than orders and habit, period. Love it.

    I'm so glad Deena's service was lovely. More prayers for all of you.

    As for singing off-key, well that's fun to do sometimes, just to shock passerbys :) Can't tell you the number of people I've shocked just by talking to myself in public . . . but that's just me. I think I can use the "senior moment(s)" excuse for that one.

    Stay safe when walking (I always worry a bit about anyone walking when it's not light outside).

    Patoo: I like your style. My rambles don't take me past too many houses, but it's a neat idea to pray for someone when passing their house.

    badger: Yikes! Spray pancake batter??? Think I'll pass. Still keeping up with the WI state drama . . . see those 14 AOL legislatures are still holed up in Illinois. Will they ever resolve this? Looks like Indiana now has similar issues, with Democrats there going AOL as well.

    hbCheryl: Thanks for the kudos; it's taken me many years to work up to "running" - I actually jog most of the time, then power walk. Have fun with Euduardo's classes! If I get time, I'll check that out. Yes, babies smell so good!

    Sherryc: You'll be out exercising in no time.

    Everyone Else: Hello, hope you are all doing well.

    Will be ordering a leg-press exercise machine tonight. DH complains there's never enough room, but then one can always make room somehow; maybe it's a matter of house cleaning.

    Goodnight, and take care, Everyone.
