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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited February 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Just read through everyone's posts.

    Carol: I'm so, so sorry about your SIL. Sending many prayers for you and your brother. This rotten, rotten disease. {{{HUGS}}} to all of you. As Sandee says, we're here to help you through this; there's no "bearing with me" here. We share good and bad times.

    hbCheryl: The tee-shirt is the neatest idea; thanks for sharing that. Yes, the 405 stinks royally. At any rate, I'm glad you caught up with Eduardo. We drove the 110 to the 10 Saturday night; I keep asking myself why these two freeways are ALWAYS in gridlock mode, even at 6:00 p.m. on a weekend. Oh, well, so it goes!

    Sandee: Darn that weight gain!!! I understand that completely; I gained about 15 pounds five years ago, and it is just *beginning* to come off. I am sure you'll get your stamina back and I'm very glad things are loosening up.

    patoo: Congratulations on your 3.5 lb. loss; that's always good news. Yes, these darn gas prices! Glad we drive only 6 miles to work. Hope you feel better.

    bobcat: Thanks for the salad info, sounds really good.

    badger: Keep up those protests! I've been lazy this weekend and haven't had TV on, or checked the news, so I'll catch up on the WI politics soon.

    Ruth: The book club sounds like fun; meeting for 12 years?! That's impressive! I'm glad you've got a close-knit group there. And Ryan is finally off the vent! Yeah!!! And, thanks for the recipe link.

    sherryc: Glad your DH is getting some exercise. Hopefully, he'll stick with it. Now, if I can my DH to do the same . . . he needs exercise as stress relief.

    ronna: So good that work gives you the structure that you need and that you got out and walked for three hours.

    I didn't do a minute of exercise this weekend; we met our niece at a downtown L.A. restaurant, which resulted in a major pig-out. We had escargot in puff pastry, macaroni and cheese, a flatbread pizza and I had boulibase. I'll be dieting for a week, working THIS off! But, it was fun.

    Take care; Carol, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    Good night, Everyone.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited February 2011

    Oh yes, I did the treadmill every day this weekend (too cold to be outside), and on Saturday when I went to the Salvation Army looking for a globe for an old lamp, I found some just-like-new 1994 toning tapes; Buns, Abs & Arms of Steel for 50 cents each. So I bought them......pretty good & both the costume and the crazy attitude & comments of the instructor gave me a chuckle. I have been eating bad all weekend and NOT recording my food on I need to get back on track with that.....SIGH. Hugs to All! Ruth

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2011

    Carol, please feel my prayers for your sister in law.

    Ruth, good news about Ryan being off the vent.

    I only have a minute to be on now, on the run, but hugs to all,

    No zumba tonight. Dinner with friends.

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783
    edited February 2011

    I do hill climbing  everyday for about 30 minutes to cover up my  exercise program besides meditation.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited February 2011

    Just checking in to give Carol big ((((HUG)))) and let her know am thinking of her and her family.

    Did do my classes on the weekend, Combat on saturday and Step yesterday but undid all the good work cause went out to breakfast yesterday.  Don't know if they are doing it in other states yet but here in Cali they are now putting on the calorie count on the menu hmmmmm a glass of water and a straw is all you'll start ordering when you see the numbers it is mind bogglingEmbarassed.

    Julie hope you are doing well on your first day back at work and even at 3am 10/110 is a nightmare. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited February 2011

    Carol-prayers and hugs to your family.  Where in Texas does your brother live?

    DH is doing good on his exercise.  Could not find him this morning after he did the stationary bike, he was outside swinging his golf club.  Said he was going to do 100 swings every morning to keep his back stretched. He has lost 10 pounds.  I am proud of him.    Tonight is yoga night, I'll invite him to go with me and see if he does.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited February 2011

    Thanks, everyone.  My SIL passed away last night, just a few weeks shy of 59.  Too young. I didn't talk long with my brother but he did agree to take the week off work and seems mildly shocked.  Natural.  It's going to be rough for him in the coming months, especially as friends return to their normal lives.

    Sherry, he's in Arlington.  I lived there for 2 of the hottest months of my life.  I don't know how you Texans can take the heat, but I guess you say that about people further north and the cold!

    Cheryl, restaurant food is almost always so  high cal.  Why?  It's easy to fix delicious, low-fat and relatively low-cal meals -- but I guess the public doesn't really want a lot of that when they go out to eat.  Well, we all like to indulge a little, right?

    Ruth, any more news on Ryan?

    Thanks again for support and warm thoughts, everyone.  Take care.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited February 2011

    ((Carol)), my sincerest sympathies go out to you and your extended family.  It is so hard to lose a loved one!

    I haven't been posting much, but have been lurking.  My DH had a stomach biopsy (3 of them) of his stomach last Friday and you know that my mind always wanders to the dark place.  To make things worse, our GP has taken a sudden medical leave due to an emergency quadruple by-pass!  Always scary when your Dr. has medical issues!!  So, I am hoping that we will get the results of the biopsy in a timely manner.  They said 2 weeks, but usually (if our Dr. was around), if it is bad news, the results will come in in a matter of days.

    On the excercise front, I have remained fairly active and am really going for another loss come Wednesday!! (hopefully)  45 minutes Wii Fit Plus today and 20 minute of Kathy Smith Salsa dancing.  Tonight I am still planning on getting on the treadmill!

    Be well Everyone!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2011

    Carol - I hope your brother comes out of his shock enough to grieve and celebrate her life....sad when people pass, sadder still when they are so young. Brings it all home, doesn't it...makes it sadder still. Hope you can find some peace in her passing this quickly...not easy fast or slow.

    No exercize except running up and down and up and down the halls at school today..should have worn that darn pedomenter again. I promise to attach it to my pants when I go to NYC on is supposed to be sunny..which will be good as it has been storming for 2 horus here in Halifax and is now pouring rain! CRAZY

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited March 2011

    Carol, So sorry to hear of your SIL's passing.  I will be thinking of your family.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    I've been missing in action for a few days.  Carol, so very, very sorry for your SIL.  Condolences to your brother and all the family.  It will be a tough time for him and he may turn inward for a period but just let him know that you are there and that your friends are keeping him in prayer as well.

    I have been continuing my nightly "walks" and have been logging about 8,000 steps a day.  From I got this after posting today: 

    "Congratulations,  You have earned the Exercise Hound badge! You have exercised 3 times a week for at least 4 weeks." - how cool is that!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Carol so sorry for your loss, I hope that your brother will take the time to grieve.

    mary Louise hope your DH biopsy is B9,   

    We had a scare with my DH liver last week but the CT scan came back B9 cyst. 

    Had yoga tonight.  My hips are still stiff from my tamox but it is getting better.  If I had to live like this for the next 5 years it is doable but hopefully I will continue to loosen up. 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    Carol, so sorry for your loss.  {{hugs}}

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Sherry. relieved to hear about your didn't need more on your plate, either one of you.

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2011

    Carol -- I am so sorry for your loss.  My thoughts are with you and your family at this very tough time.

    I haven't been on for the past week because of our trip to Disney World.  We had lovely weather and way too much stimulation, but all in all a lovely time.  I ended up making a puzzle for the girls to put together last Saturday morning so they could figure out where we were going for vacation.  So much excitement.  One of the best parts for DH and I was that the girls (age 8 1/2) were sitting in a different part of the plane on all flights to and from.  This has helped prepare them for traveling alone next year and gave us a bit of a break.   They felt quite grown up!

    I wish I had a pedometer to measure how far we walked last week.  5 days of 9+ hours at the various Disney parks -- so much walking.  I weighed myself at the gym today and I lost 4 pounds while on vacation!  Most of that was due to the walking, but I did get a bit of a flu on the way home and lost some weight that way too.  So 12 pounds down and 38 to go!

    30 minutes of weights, 150 stomach crunches, 600 leg lifts with resistance band and 45 min on the treadmill.

    My exchange surgery is this Friday and then an MRI on Monday to check the suspicious node in my neck.  I am hoping to work out thru Thursday this week and then get back to the gym in 2 weeks to continue with lower body only for a while.

    Peace and hugs to all,


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited March 2011

    Hi All! Did 30 minutes pilates, then went to the annual Pops Choir Concert and Taco Feed at the high school. Gosh, those kids do a tremendous job!! (As do their directors!), then came home and treadmilled for 30 minutes to wear off some of the Mexican food anyway.

    Carol, I am so sorry. Will you go down for the funeral? Did they have children? Yes, it will be especially hard for your brother once everyone goes back, to their 'normal' lives. I am thinking of you all.

    Ryan is doing better, off the vent, getting lots of therapies. It's hard when you just get updates from a Caringbridge; as you don't really know what they are and aren't saying and the questions I'd like to ask aren't really ones I'd want to ask on a public form.

    Sherry, my DH is an exercise nut but eats just terrible (like bags of carmels, licorice, boxes of crackers, bags of chips etc...... all in the same sitting I might add!). He was SHOCKED when he had a physical & his cholesterol numbers were way off (and his ratios much worse than mine), so now he is ordering grilled chicken more often when he goes out, reading food labels, buying low calorie crackers etc. Scared Straight, I guess!!

    Jen, glad you had fun at Disney. It is definitely a workout of a vacation. Good luck on the exchange & let us know about the MRI.

    Mary Louise, let us know how your DH comes out.

    OK, fellow exercise hounds, I better sign off. Hugs all around! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    I did a "Body Attack" class tonight, did anyone not know I'm an old woman - and tonight I was a huffin' and puffin' old woman but it was fun to mix it up, there were 64 push ups in this class and that is way toooooo many for me as my wrist was giving me a bit of trouble but I took a lot of the low options and enjoyed myself.

    Carol please accept my condolences for your loss, she was way too young, does your brother have family down there with him?  Jen I'm glad you had a fun time at DW and weight loss to boot you can't beat that. Mary Louise praying for B9 for your DH. Sherry you are a great example for your DH and seems he's following your lead. Nite all.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Hi, Everyone:

    Carol: I'm very sorry to hear about your SIL. {{{HUGS}}} to you, your brother and the rest of your extended family.  Damn this stupid disease!!!!!

    Mary Louise: Prayers and strong thoughts of good health coming your way; hope your DH is okay. Glad to see you've kept going with the exercise. {{{HUGS}}}

    Sandee: Well, as you said, you got some exercise running up and down halls. Hope your weather clears soon!  BTW, you're on Atlantic time, correct?  That's 4 hours ahead of us out here in L.A.

    Patoo: Keep up the good work! I like the "exercise hound" badge!

    hbcheryl: Yes, our wonderful freeways here . . . ah, but I digress. Hopefully, your exercise wasn't completely undone with your breakfast out.

    sherryc: Congratulations to your DH for his weight loss. Glad your husband's CT scan came back B9! Gotta love those!

    Jen: So glad all of you enjoyed your vacation and that you lost 4 lbs. down there! Wow! Most impressive.  Yes, the girls are VERY grown-up, sitting by themselves on the airplane!

    Ruth: Mexican food is right up my alley; sounds really good. Your DH sounds a bit like mine; my DH is pretty thin, but he needs some exercise as well, just for sanity.

    All: At least we exercise regularly, even if we do "overdo" our eating habits at times.

    Now, here's my news: I tried to go back to work today, and the nurse at work denied my medical clearance! I have a rash that is all over my body, and I wasn't too worried about it, but she sent me packing down to my G.P., who gave me prednisone and Allegra. I had my implant replacement surgery about 5 weeks ago; but I've never been allergic to silicone (at least, I don't think I have been). I'll meet with my G.P. next week and see how things are going then. Too weird.

    No exercise today, due to all of the "excitement", but tomorrow, I'll try and undo the weekend damage.

    Good night, Everyone.


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited March 2011

    Carol - many prayers to you and your brother on Deena's passing.  I am so sorry for his loss - sounds like they were together since they were quite young.

    Sounds like everyone keeping up the good work and the eating!  Had lunch with Nils on Saturday at a BBQ joint in Philly.  I don't ever eat that style of food but oh! so good and then didn't exercise at all on Sunday.  Not a good eating weekend.  Took a realryder class yesterday because it was pouring here in the AM.  Going to another class this morning.  I am anxious to get back outside though as the weather for this week sounds wonderful.

    Jen - welcome back and good luck with exchange this week.

    Ruth - your DH sounds like my SO - he eats all kinds of junk and works out like a nut.  But I think I've got him making healthier choices now at least when he's with me.

    Julie - let us know about that rash.  I've never heard of that because of implants.

    Patoo - exercise hound!!!

    Carol - 64 pushups??  You are a wonder woman!

    Hello to everyone else and hugs to all waiting for results of tests.  It's a different place we ladies live when it comes to waiting.  Hug to all Kiss

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2011

    Carol, please accept my condolences to you and your family. When will this madness stop???

    Did not go to zumba class last night, now my keloid under augmented breast is flaring up and back to silicone patches over scar. If its not one thing its another.

     Electrician is here now so he has to shut electric off.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Ruth-hopefully your DH will keep up the better eating habits.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Thank you again, everyone, for your kind and compassionate words.  I'm not going to try to catch up with posts but wanted to say hi and thank you.

    I'm still undecided about going but I have to decide by tomorrow, since the service is Friday AM. 

    FWIW, my wrist isn't broken.  Pain keeps increasing.  Next step, orthopedic doctor.  Time to get this sorted out and fixed.

    Keep up the good work, everyone... hugs to all of you, and hug your loved ones!  I'll catch up when I have more time but if you don't hear from me for a few days it's because I'm in TX.

    Hugs again...

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Jen- great re. the weight loss. An inspiration. Good luck with your exchange surgery!

    Ruth- excellent news regarding Ryan! Such a relief, hmm?

    Julie- yep...Atlantic hour ahead of New York...I figure running up and down the hall all day long has to count for something...but not enough for sure

    Worked out with the trainer for an hour and also did some major sweating on the stationary bike, ried to sort out how I could get an hour in tomorrow as well but have to get some American $ and have to go to my bank..only so many minutes in a lunch 'half' hour!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2011

    Hi ladies.  I did my 30 minute weight circuit, 200 stomach crunches, 850 leg lifts with resistance band and 35 minutes on the treadmill.  I bought one of the resistance band things so I can keep working my butt and thighs after exchange surgery.

    Nighty night.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538
    edited March 2011

    Hi All! Tonight I did 45 minutes cardio dance and 30 minutes of toning.

    Patoo, I got the 'exercise hound' badge too, so now we can prowl around together. I don't think any of us will beat Cheryl; who should get a 'leader of the pack' badge! Cool

    Goodness sakes, Julie, I hope you are not allergic to your boobs!!!!! and Ronna, I sure hope yours start to behave themselves!

    Jen, good for you for already planning your workouts for after surgery. I always disliked lower body workouts, so actually firmed that area up quite a bit when those were the only exercises I could do.

    Carol, if we don't here from you for the next few days, know we will be thinking about you.

    Sandee, I teach too and know I burn a lot of calories every day just as part of the job....and I know about the lunch 'hour' (officially 30 minutes here, in reality more like 20). Tomorrow is Dr. Suess' Birthday and to celebrate we are doing a 'Read Across America' event with our advisee groups. Our librarian is serving birthday cake to her group and they are reading Dr. Suess books. I made a campfire out of cardboard, and we are going to turn down the lights, sit around the 'fire' and I will read scary campfire stories (does anyone remember 'The Hook"?). I bought some pop tart "S'mores"...because really you should eat s'mores when you have a campfire!!!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Thanks for the kind words of concern about my rash. Last night, I googled silicone allergies, and apparently, an allergy to silicone is relatively rare. The prednizone and Allegra seem to be working.

    Jen: Here's hoping your exchange surgery goes well. You're a Wonder Woman with all of your exercise!

    Carol: So sorry about your wrist not behaving on top of everything else. As Ruth says, we'll be thinking of you.

    Sandee: Sounds like you had a good workout today. Understand about cramming exercise into the lunch-break, good luck with that. When I'm at work, I usually do 4.5 miles, then shower, which works out well.

    Ruth: Have fun with the Dr. Seuss books ("I LIKE green eggs and ham, Sam I am!"). The cardboard fire and Pop Tarts S'mores sound like fun.

    Ronna: Ugh, so sorry about your keloid flaring up. The stuff we go through with this disease . . .

    Ran 5 miles, then did 40 minutes of resistance training and 25 minutes on the treadmill with weights. I am seeing some progress!

    I'll keep all of you posted on the allergy. If I find out any more info. on silicone allergies, I'll post it.



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    OK -- I'm not going to TX.  My younger brother is going to represent this part of the family, and my older brother was emphatic that he understands.  It was a tough decision.  Everyone has been asked to share a memory so I'm going to sit down tomorrow and get that sent off for my brother to have.  

    Back to exercise:  have walked but not with any real vigor this week.  But at least I'm getting out.  Weather has been in the 30's and 40's so pretty pleasant to be out. 

    I'm going to try to catch up, and keep up with posts.

    Keep up the great work, everyone, and thank you again for the support. 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    PS  The Dr. Suess party sounds like so much fun, anyone else old enough to remember when his first book came out?  I remember buying it at the school book fair. And still have it.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    LOL to Dr. Seuss and eating pop tarts & cake instead of green eggs & ham!

    Yoga class at noon today, nice but nippy walk over and back.

    Sending out good thoughts and {{hugs}} to all.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2011

    Hi guys-

    Oh so sorry I have been MIA-lost my dog on top of other stuff....but my heart broke for Carol.

    What would we do without each other?  Can't type much more now, so grief stricken about the dog I can't believe it..just need to sort all this stuff out-what a year.

    God Bless you all.  I'll try to get back here soon and be "normal" whatever that is.

