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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    You guys have been very busy, I had to catch up!

    Ruth - Happy Belated Birthday!!  Hope it was great - the menu sounded wonderful!!! 

    Julie - No news yet about DH's biopsy - I consider that a good sign as I was notified within 2 business days of my biopsy.  2 weeks will be March 11th.  DH also seems to be feeling a little better with the new medication that was prescribed, but I wonder if part of that is just being past the biopsy itself!! 

    The rain did wash a lot of the dirtiness away, but now we have a couple inches of snow on the ground again - it is much cleaner looking though!!!

    Heading down to do something "exercisy" - yesterday I did 40 minutes Wii, 50 minutes on treadmill and totally blew all of that last night by overeating!!!  Will try to get back on track today as I REALLY do not want to have to post a gain in weight this week!

    Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011
    OH, and all this talk about pancakes!! Luckily Tuesday is THE day to enjoy them.  Unfortunately, we weigh in on Wednesday!!! Cry
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Did my Body Step class today and they previewed the new release so another learning curve but it was loads of fun and a jam packed class, hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited March 2011

    Hi, went to a Cajun Dinner (sponsored by the Boy Scouts) today & will go to a benefit supper tomorrow my diet is temporarily screwed!! Alas......Cry.....joining Mary Louise in tears!

    I did 30 minutes on the treadmill, 30 of toning and then I did NOT do all the things that I SHOULD have been doing, but instead spent several hours reading for PLEASURE. Quite relaxing and fun!

    'Night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Notice I didn't say anything about how I ate chili and cheesecake last night and went to a buffet brunch down at the beach today oh and yeah for tuesday cause I LOVE pancakes!!!!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited March 2011
    It is a good thing we all like to exercise, 'cause we sure all like to eat!!!! Tongue out
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    AgreeTongue out

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Julie, Natureguurl, patoo, hbcheryl, ruth et al!!! Well. did another 20,000 steps (ie 12 miles) on Saturday...walked down tot eh seaport and then while my friend and her family went wall climing, OI walked for two hours along the river along this gorgeous path in New Jersey...memorized lyrics, took some interesting pictures and just breathed ...thought about all I am grateful for, including my old friend who has reentered my life ....she was my old roomie from when I studies in the US in 1983! Some connections rest and relive and are the same...we have reminded each other of how we are the same and yet different, if that makes sense....then today, wandered around the Newark my plane was delayed and then delayed some of walking in and good eating for most of the weekend

    Ruth, happy belated birthday!!!! So exciting to have another one, hmm?? weeeeha!!

    Carol, glad to hear the service went well and that you too are goin gto do meditative walks...maybe we should start a new train dedicated to walks and wha we do , think about or sing about on them....I intend to start walking to school on tuesday now that my back and ankle ar ebetter...don't think I have anyhting going on at 5pm...which has been part of the problem/my excuse for not walking..ah tomorrow and I am a bit wired..but bed soon, Needed to touch base with all you folks first:)

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited March 2011

    Just returned home so now it is back to the gym time.

    Carol so sorry ((hugs))

    Ruth Sorry i missed your birthday hope you devoured everything then worked it all off.Tongue out

    Elizabeth so good to hear from you love the photos.Hope all goes well with the new scans.

    Missed all of the Tarts glad to be back and my body will thank me later.Yell

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Sandee glad to hear your back and ankle are better.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    Worked through lunch and brought home a project that's due tomorrow so no walk today.  Forgot my pedometer so I can't even take credit for walking around.  Oh well, like Scarlett says, tomorrow is another day... {{hugs}} to all

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    Already did my march - 30 mins watching House Hunters.  May do another 30 before bed.  Weight is up from last Weds and Friday weigh-ins.  I was bad on Saturday but Sunday and today I was good so hopefully will go back down and then some.

    Night all.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Thanks Sherry! Back to work this morning after only a few hours sleep ( in late and was all wired up ..sheesh!!) then a busy day..hoping for sleep tonight but a big party going on above me so ...might have to wait awhile before that happens.

    Ruthbru- the CD arrived today!! Plan on checking it out tomorrow ...tonight with this event upstairs would be a waste:(

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited March 2011

    I am excited for you to try the CD. I need to order another one in case something would happen to the first. It really works for me. I think you are suppose to use it for 30 days in a row or something like that to get into a groove.

    I went to a benefit supper & auction; then came home and walked 'briskly' on the treadmill for an hour. This will be a bad weight week!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Sandee: WOW! Twelve miles!!! Congratulations on that, and on finding an "old" friend. These people really do come in and out of our lives; it's wonderful when someone comes back in after such a long time. So glad your ankle and back are better. I understand about getting close to zero hours of sleep - what is with that at times??? I can't turn my overly-active brain off!

    Patoo: Keep up the good work.

    mumayan: Glad to hear from you. Good luck at the gym.

    Ruth: Glad you read for pleasure; that really is a form of exercise, too.

    badger: Have fun walking tomorrow, which hopefully you can do.

    Mary Louise: Indeed, no news about the biopsy is good news. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    Carol: Hope you are family are doing okay. More {{{HUGS}}}

    Everyone Else: {{{HUGS}}} as well.

    Did my 5 miles of jogging/power walking. Then came home to about 1.25 hours of resistance training. I am finding that I can:

    a) exercise longer as I build up muscle
    b) go faster on the treadmill with ankle weights

    When I ordered the leg press, I also ordered a vest with 10 lbs. of weights to wear when walking. DH had an excellent point - better ask P.S. if it's okay to wear it right now; I'm about 7 weeks out from my implant replacement surgery!!!  So, I stopped by his office today and asked the staff to drop this question into his "in" box. I'll follow up with the response when I receive it.

    The rash is almost gone. I meet with my G.P. Wednesday and will also pass on any info. that she's provided me.

    Good Night, All!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2011

    Hi all,

     Sandy, you said you loved New Yorkers, well, I was born in the Bronx and raised in Queens and  moved to NJ when I was 25, so therefore, I am an authentic New Yawker.(New Yorker). If you heard my voice you would immediately pick up the New Yawk accent.

     MaryLousie, hope tests come out well.

    Kim, I understand how you feel.

    Patoo, you inspire me, Terrific job.

    Ruth, belated Happy Birthday.

    Carol, I love to walk.Will walk anywhere.

    This Sat. is Zumba, on Sunday there is a zumbathon for the rescue dogs, and beginning of April I signed up to do a spin class for another charity. Looking forward to May 15 Komen walk.

    Now sage of the wrist: Ladies with wrist problems: I was taken off Femara for 10 days, it helped. Now back on. Since I got the cortisone shot right in the wrist, no problems. I am praying it stays this way.

    As to my keloid, PS gave me silicone strips to put over my keloid. I was cut completely under augemented breast. (almost like a half moon) . This is the second time for me with problem with keloid. Had surgery in Nov to correct it. I do not heal well.   Julie, I am curious as to what your PS will do for you. My PS said it is too early to laser it out.

    Have a great day everyone. Hugs

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Hi, all.  Can't use left thumb (in a new brace) so typing will be harder but wanted to check in.  Saw orthopedic specialist whoozie today (what a baby face, he looked about 8), very nice & competent, thinks I have an inflammed tendon (he gave it a French name and said it used to be called milkmaid's hand) as a result of my fall and not helped by things like lifting boxes of books and shoveling snow Undecided.  Anyway, got the good ol' cortisone shot and an exercise to do every day and this brace and hopefully my wrist pain will soon be history.  Doesn't feel it's the arimidex, given my very specific symptoms.

    Exhausted after that appt. for some reason but I did walk today.

    Sandee, if you start that meditation thread, let me know!  Maybe we could talk about how we meditate, too (I first wrote "medicate" but that's a different thread  Wink ).

    I had one of my exercise dreams again, swam and walked and rode a bike and ran all in one dream, gosh durn, wish that helped my body, but I will say I woke up with a smile!

    OK, will have to catch up better another time, but wanted to say hi and I'm thinking of and inspired by all of you!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited March 2011
    Did my 500 Calorie FIRM DVD. I have the WINTER BLAHS!!! Too crummy of weather, too many kids with problems, too much paperwork, too much time at the nursing home, too many friends with serious health issues, too many problems in the world etc. etc. plus it is my 'cancerversary' time of year, which always creeps me out. BLAH!!! A kick in the butt or the medication (as opposed as meditation) walk is needed. O.K. that is my crabby whine. On the bright side, Ryan is on the regular ward, still on a breathing support but taking walks and actually typed his own post on his caringbridge site; which said, "I want pudding." Laughing a man after my own heart!!! Love to All! Ruth
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Julie- thanks!! but yowser!!! you do 5miles and then more work after that on a regular basis...I am hoping to start walking to work..snow is gone and getting more sleep means I will be able to wake up early enough to actually walk....I hope!

    Went to the gym today...PT said ; looks like you have lost weight"....nope ...I am pretty certain I have not but I m maintaining which I figure is something to be happy about given that tamoxifen makes many the next step is to lose.

    Natureguurl...ok. I will set something up re. meditation soon...have to try this cd that ruth just arrived. Hopeful!

    Ruth- so sorry you are having  a lousy time of it....there is a lot going on right now. I undersand . Was just told my landlords' son died and the wake was last night..funeral today...they are in their 80's so he must have been 60's? late 50's? How sad to bury your own child....feeling very teary tonight....We are allowed to whine a bit (or a lot sometimes hmm?)...not to worry. We hear you>...glad Ryan is improving...must do your heart good!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited March 2011
    Sandee, I am fine. Interested to hear your reaction to the CD. I am going to be a good girl now and eat some oatmeal for a snack Innocent (my angelic face).
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Ruth- I willkeep you posted...have to get it all sorted out and set up and be ready to let go...I am eating cereal and then off to bed myself. Night!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    ((((Ruth)))) you need to come visit here it's absolutely gorgeous, in fact my friend is sunburned from so much time on the golf course!!!! Nature hope the cortisone gives you some relief and glad you got your walk in. Julie good to hear the rash is going away, when you run/walk do you just run the neighborhood or go to a park? Sandee you may not see the weight loss but with all the work you are doing your body is probably shifting and changing and it sounds like you had a great weekend in New York.

    I did my Body Attack class last night and tonight I did Body Step but it was hard, my legs felt like logs but I persevered and made it through the class so I'm very proud of myself, cause tonight for the first time ever I felt like packing up and leaving class, oh and my gym boyfriend brought me home made Vietnamese food tonight, it was yummo.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited March 2011

    I use the step class when I really want to push myself.I havent tried the attack class yet.Cheryl which do you prefer.?

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    I'm going to try to catch up a little, and have to start out by saying, Cheryl, you and your boyfriends!  I'm jealous! Laughing But what I'm really jealous of is homemade Vietnamese food!!

    Julie, I don't hesitate to talk to myself in public, I'm sure some people think I'm a little off, but I don't care.  My saying hello to a bird or a squirrel or some other part of nature does seem to get me some odd looks Undecided Thanks for the warning to stay safe outside in the dark.  I don't walk in the dark often and this is a relatively safe community but I'm always aware and alert.  I do love walking in the dark but it's better for strolls than hearty exercise -- too easy to not see something and trip!

    Mary Louise, any word about DH's biopsy yet?

    Ruth, good for you for doing some reading just for pleasure... we all need time like that.  I love rainy Sundays and good movies for a nice break once in awhile.  Glad Ryan is asking for pudding!  Hope your winter blahs pass quickly, it's that time of year... {{{{{Ruth!!}}}}}

    mum, was your most recent trip another tropical port of call? Cool

    Badger, how are things in WI?  Not much in the news here lately, and even the IN stuff isn't getting front-page coverage.

    Ronna, my SIL was from NYC and never forgot it, it was always a big part of her, especially her fashion sense!  Enjoy your Zumbathon for the puppies!

    Wrist shot site hurt like a son of a gun last night but not so much today, keep your fingers crossed.  Hated getting a shot in my left arm but I felt I needed to risk it.

    Rainy and cold the next couple of days; now that the temps are better, I'm really anxious to be out as much as possible, but may have to make dates with Leslie and Billy instead.

    Patoo, Sandee, Elizabeth, Kim, Sherry, and everyone else, I'm sorry if I missed you, but sending warm hugs and gratitude that you're all here!  Keep up the good work!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Ruth sorry you are having a crabby time but we all need those every now and then.  Glad to hear Ryan is on a regular ward now.  Maybe he can get the vent out soon.

    took my dog for a walk last night.  I think I have spoiled her as soon as I started putting on my tennis shoes she sat right at my feet and staired at me.  She wanted to go.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    Hi everyone - just a quick pass by.  Ruth - glad to hear Ryan is improving.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited March 2011
    Cheryl, if I had more than a two day spring break I would come out and visit you and your boyfriends in California....although I would be torn between Eduardo and the food making guy!!!! Undecided tough call!
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Dear Cheryl, Ruth, Jo, Ronna, Sherry, Patoo, Badger, Kim, Elizabeth, Mary Louise, Carol, Julie (have I missed anyone???)

    You know..the fact that we are exercizing and moving and doing all that we are told will help us heal....well....Congratulations US!...just thought I needed to shout that for a second...progress is slow but steady!

    I was going to go to Flow tonight but I am completely whacked..came home and made supper instead and plan on sitting on an ice pack and doing some stretches..then trying out that hypnosis cd...wee...very excited!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    SAndee yes congrats to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Did a three mile walk this evening.  The weather was really nice.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    hi all, a year ago today I was having my first chemo infusion.  Tongue out 

    Carol, the WI Dems are still in IL, I wonder if they're hanging out with the IN Dems? 

    The budget battle is still on but it can't last forever.  One of the 'Fab 14' is seven months pregnant and I bet she'd like to have her baby at home!

    I haven't been in the Capitol since they locked it up last week.  A judge had to order it open and it is, kind of.  Now there are lines to get in with cops and metal detectors, your bag is searched and your person is wanded.  Makes me wistful for the old days, when I just walked right in and went right upstairs, for my daily constitutional. 

    It cannot get warm soon enough for me.  Remind me I said that, later this year when I'm griping about the heat!  {{hugs}} to all