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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2011

    Hey Ladies,

    I had my exchange surgery on Friday and my MRI to check suspicious node on Monday.  Squishy Boobies and a clean MRI.  What more could a girl ask for?

    Recovery has been so much easier than with my BMX.  I actually went for about a 1/2 mile walk today.   At this point last year they only time I got out of bed was to go to the bathroom.  The antibiotics have given me sores in my mouth (flashback to chemo) so I am definitely not overeating.

    Anyway, I just wanted to check in with you lovelies.  I posted pics over on the pic site -- under "A Tale of Two Titties" --  and will be updating with photos weekly to show my "drop and fluff".

    Keep up the good work girls.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited March 2011

    Hi Jen, congratulations on the squishy boobs and, especially, on the clean MRI! WHEW!!!

    Did some Sculpt and Shovel due to the 4 more inches of snow Mother Nature (who seems rather cranky herself this year!) gave us yesterday, then 35 minutes on the treadmill and 25 of abs.

    If you have a minute, please say a quick prayer or send up a good thought for my friend, Casey, who is having surgery tomorrow in her ongoing fight against colon cancer. Thanks.

    Hugs to All! Ruth

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Packjen: Congratulations on your exchange surgery and the clean MRI! We'll have to check out the "tale of two titties" LOL. Good for you. I believe you said you do resistance training with exercise bands? Well, that sounded like a good idea, so I pulled ours out last night and did some leg exercises myself.

    Ruth: I am sorry you had a bad day, and completely understand about things piling up all at once, including the cancerversary. It's so easy to get the blahs when that happens.  As hbCheryl said, come out and visit us! And, I'm glad Ryan is asking for pudding! Wonderful news. And a prayer for Casey.

    Sandee: I'm sorry about the landlord's son. That is very difficult, having to bury your own child. My husband's grandmother had to do this; I don't think any of us could forget that. Hopefully, you did lose some weight. And sounds like a wonderful trip.

    hbCheryl: Thanks for asking about the rash. It is almost gone; my G.P. is not sure what caused it. I'm still thinking stress from work; I haven't had the best two years there, but we'll see how things are when I go back. I'm actually looking forward to the routine and seeing all my friends and coworkers again. As to the running, I go down the street from us, then make a right turn by an oil refinery and go another couple of miles. I try to avoid running through too many intersections to avoid traffic; those crazy people who turn into the intersection as you're going through the crosswalk.

    Ronna: Sent you a PM regarding keloid, and I've written it down in my long list of questions for my P.S. Have fun at the zumbathon for the rescue dogs. I was a bit disappointed that the Susan Koman race is not being held in the L.A. area; but I'll be doing the Revlon 5k at the L.A. Coliseum May 7.

    Carol: I'm glad to hear the wrist is not arimidex-related; as you say, hopefully your wrist pain will soon be history. And you did get out and walk today. I'm also glad to hear I have a fellow "self-conversationalist". Although, my DH says, you never know these days if people are using "hands-off" cellphones! Good to hear that your area is safe enough for you to walk, and yes, please mind those "trip-and-fall" hazards. I've tripped on uneven sidewalks at times and have fallen when running, and this was in the daytime.

    Sherryc: Congratulations on your 3-mile walk.

    Badger: I read on CNN that the WI legislature passed the "union-limiting" bill . . . I'll have to read the details. Yes, it's that time of the year to start really wanting spring back there.

    Mary Louise: Still no word on DH's biopsy, I see . . . so we're hoping for B9.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.

    Did my 5 miles today, then more resistance training for another hour. I need to do my best to keep to my two-hour daily exercise program when I get back to work; I lost another 4 lbs.

    Good Night to All!


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Mum I love Step, the Attack is new at our gym and they subbed it tonight instead of Combat and I did it but I did all low options and still got a great workout and there are a lot of Step movements in Attack, I'm shocked at myself but I am really good at the agility not so good at the Rockette knee up leg kicks I thought my hips would come unhinged at that part. The problem for me is I think of myself as a young un when in reality I am an almost 61 year old white haired roly poly and I just get caught up in the music. Jen great to hear from you and congrats on the clean MRI. Ronna what a great cause if I lived near you I'd go to the Zumbathon I hope they have a big turnout. Sandee hope the CD worked and you are nice and relaxed. Julie a 4lb weight loss is fantastic, all of that running is really paying off, you may not be able to do as much when you go back to work but you have a really solid foundation.

    Ruth wow that is a short spring break, our girl comes home next friday for a week.  I would gladly share my gym boyfriends with you after all I'm not greedy and I have two of themLaughing they are such sweet boys I'm old enough to be their grandmother but they light up and are so happy to see me and they even call to make sure I'm coming to class oh and they are easy on the eyes, and of course we'd go work out with the wonderful EduardoTongue out. So good to hear that Ryan is progressing and I will offer prayers for Casey.  Bobcat where are you, we miss you.....  Nite all.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2011

    Can anyone join here?

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Hi Rubyeye, of course everyone is welcome here, I see you've only got 3 posts so be careful you can only post 5 times a day until you get to 50 but you can PM as much as you like. 

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Rubyeye:  Yes, anyone who exercises is welcome.  We share our day-to-day experiences and also post our work-outs, whether they are daily or not. 


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited March 2011
    Hi Ruby, welcome! The more the merrier! It's a great way to get and stay motivated; plus you get to hang out with awesome ladies Cool!
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Welcome Ruby this place keeps me motivated.

    Packjen congrats on surgery and a clean MRI

    Ruth will say a prayer for your friend Casey.

    Julie congrats on losing another 4lbs.  Way to go!!!!!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Ruby, welcome!!  This is (in my opinion) Smile the best thread going -- we all support each other through all the ups and downs of exercise and life!  So post away!

    Ruth, your friend is on my list.

    Cheryl, I'm sorry but I just can't picture you as roly poly, you are the workout queen!  along with several others here -- I see you all as slim and fit!!    Enjoy Hannah when she comes back.

    Yeah -- Bobbie and Mary, where are you? 

    Jenn, woo hoo on the good news!

    Julie, I'm not sure I even need bumps in the sidewalk to fall Undecided  I've been known to trip over my own feet, fortunately with warmer weather snow and ice are no longer an issue.  Where do you work and when will you start back?  You have the exercise bug, I'm sure you'll keep it up well.

    Badger, well, things sure got shook up last night, didn't they?  Wow.  There was something on the front page of the paper about IN this morning but I didn't take time to read it so I'll have to wait until this afternoon (but when I was waiting for coffee in the coffee shop I did read in the NY Times about WI).  Isn't it great to realize that some of those treatment things are a year in the past?  I'm still surprised when I realize my dx was almost 2 years ago.

    OK, I've had my 10 days of slacking off (walks only for the most part, and not very vigorous), I'm ready to pump it up again. My wrist isn't normal yet but it's vastly improved, I don't have the pain/ache very often at all, it's always amazing to me how much chronic pain wears me down and I don't notice it until it goes away and I feel so much better.  So, I'm ready to conquer the world again!  Look out, Billy, I'm gonna be kickin'! Undecided  (we need a little muscle-bound emoticon!) Photobucket

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited March 2011
    Yesterday I went late to the gym walked by the combat class only 3 ladies in the class.I guess the word combat scared everyone awayWinkI just did the eliptical and weights but I feel much better getting back into an exercise routine.Now if only I could drop a few lbs.Yell
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited March 2011

    Mum, come over to' Wednesday Weigh In'......the peer pressure/accountability thing works pretty well for the weight as well as the exercise.

    and Kim where are you? hope all the non-posters are just busy doing very fun things (which they then have to share with the rest of us......)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Mum you should try Combat it really is fun, it takes a few go's before you know what a hook and upper cut or a jab is but this is the class where I gained the endurance, now that being said tonight we are driving down to Eduardos class but the other girls want to do both Pump and Combat, my hips still feel like creaky hinges and my legs like logs so goodness knows how I'm going to manage Embarassed

    Sorry to burst your bubble Carol it's who I am and I'm no good at going out for walks (unless I'm being paid and there is a dog at the end of a leash) or doing workouts to videos I'm an in the gym go to class and go home girl but I will say that my body is changing shape no weight change but the other night a couple of people commented on it (the wonderful Eduardo was one of them... sigh...) and I am so excited for Hannah to come home but they posted their schedule on facebook this morning I think we are slated for Sunday as they recover from the 24 non-stop drive which means sleep on couch or play video games all day  and the rest of their time is booked up by friends but just the fact they are here is what's important (she's bringing her boyfriend, he's from Kansas and a really nice boy)  Back later.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Exercize today consisted of about 7000 steps running up and down the halls at school, as per usual. Planning to walk to and from school tomorrow and then have an hour raining session with trainer. Going to the ocean to a friend's house tomorrow eve and plan on walking there too...

    Julie- you inspire me!

    Cheryl- took a pill and tried out the cd last night...fell asleep but woek up many times...figure my exhaustion will knock me out tonight. plan on trying it again. Keep your fingers crossed

    Ruth- so many folk sare ill....good thing positive thought and prayer helps. Will keep your friend in my thoughts tonight

    Welcome Ruby!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    welcome Ruby, I'm kind of a newbie here too but can attest this is a great thread!

    Ruth, good thoughts & prayers for your friend having surgery.

    Sandee, enjoy the ocean and hope you get some rest.

    Cheryl, maybe it's not a bad thing to know how to throw a punch?

    Carol & Julie, you're right, what a wild ride in WI.  I'll PM you some thoughts.

    Hi to Jen, Sherry, Ronna, mum, Mary, Bobbi, Kim, and sorry anyone else I missed.

    Got in 3.5 miles today, took a lovely mid-morning break and walked around outside. :-)

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Thanks Badger....working on it. Gray's Anatomy tonight may have to wait ..I can always watch it on video / computer on the weekend right?

    good for you walking 3.5 miles today! Yowser!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited March 2011

    Cheryl, if Eduardo says you are looking good, then you must be looking good, indeed! Smile

    Badger, this isn't a political thread so I won't say what I yelled at the TV while watching the news tonight (plus I'd be reported for foul language), but some words going through my head that are printable are 'unsavory, dirty politics' and 'recall election' can private message me too as I'm interested in your take on it all.

    Sandee, when you wake up, turn on the CD again. I do that at least once a night.

    Carol, glad your wrist is improving. Don't overwork it and have to start all over.

    50 minutes of toning & 10 on the treadmill to round out the hour.

    No news on Casey, which is making me nervous as her DH was supposed to post something on her Caringbridge once she was out of surgery. Good news on Ryan; he is 'tubeless' and playing Uno with the nurses. I wrote him that we'd have a Pudding/Uno Party Day once he gets back to school. What could be a better incentive than that?!

    'Night All! Ruth

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    pudding and uno! Too much for one day! thanks for the advice Ruth. that is what I did last night...then my cat vomited on my computer (since I had it on the floor)...guess I will have to find anothe rplace for it tonight! off to do that in a few minutes. Meeting a coworker tomorrow am at 7:50 to walk to school...wheeha!! seize the day!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,537
    edited March 2011

    Ah yes, cat vomit.....does tend to disturb one's peaceful repose (I have three cats so can relate).

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Yep...mudpie is 181/2...has been ill alongside me this year...I got sick, she got sick...I went for suergery, she got sicker...she was fine yesterday but is clearly not feeling well today. Ah well....all I can do is change her litter, make sure food and water are available and clean up behind her!

  • packjen
    packjen Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2011

    Geez Cheryl, sounds like I'm really missing out belonging to a women's gym.

    Sending little, teeny, gentle kisses to Mudpie.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    We did go down early to Eduardos classes and the other girls did the Body Pump class but I sat and read my book for an hour and then I joined the Body Combat class. I didn't feel like working out but once in the room the energy carried me through the hour.

    Jen too funny, is it obvious that I'm very social at the gym. Sandee hope Mudpie is feeling better today. Yeah for Ryan glad to hear he is on the mend. Badger I always joke that I'm your girl if ever there is a bar fight but I need the music to throw my punchsSurprised. Carol, Billy Blanks will be on GMA tomorrow morning. I am sooooo tired didn't sleep well last night and hope tonight will be better. Nite all.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Good Morning, Everyone:

    Not to deviate from our usual topic of daily exercise, but woke up to the Japan earthquake; am saying prayers for those folks . . . for those of you who don't know, TimTam (Fumi) is our photo gallery administrator and she is in Japan. There is a thread that's been started today, asking if she's okay.  I'm hoping to see a response from her soon.

    Now, onto exercise:

    sherryc: Thanks for the congrats. on the extra weight loss. As you told Ruby, this place keeps me motivated as well.

    Carol: I'm so glad your wrist is getting better all the time, you'll be back exercising on a regular basis in no time. I understand about tripping over my own feet. Some days, I'm just not focused, and those are the days when I trip and fall. I work for Northrop-Grumman; I start back Monday. And, thanks for the encouragement. I was trying on pants that haven't fitted properly for about two years - well, now they fit!!! This is most exciting, as it is for all of us when we realize our weight-loss goals.  Now, to KEEP those lbs. off!

    mumayan: Good for you, getting back into the exercise routine. The weight loss will follow.

    hbCheryl: Have fun with Hannah when she comes back! So, they're pulling an "all-nighter" drive? I'm sure it will be nice having her home, even if she is sleeping, gaming or whatever. So, Body Combat sounds like fun. I'll have to check that out. And, congratulations on the body shape!

    Sandee: 7000 steps at school; that's most impressive. Enjoy your friend and the ocean today. Thanks for the compliment. All of you inspire me! Dealing with cat vomit is so much fun! I hope mudpie is feeling better today.

    badger: Good for you, getting in 3.5 miles. PM me as much as you like about the WI govt. issues. DH and I just sat and shook our heads when we heard how the bill was passed.

    Ruth: Sounds like Ryan is having a good time; a Pudding/Uno party would be great. Let's hope for some news today about Casey.

    Hello to everyone else . . . patoo? Ronna? bobbi? Kim? Are you doing okay?

    Did my 5 miles and then resistance training. I'm working out 2 hours/day. This just seems like a good time to really focus on getting toned, with all of you of you to inspire me.

    Now, a question - for those of you working with personal trainers, how does that work? Are their services included in the gym membership, or do you pay separately? Also, do they get tips? I'm still thinking of joining the health club by work, and would like to know how this works.

    Will check in later today.

    Have a good day, Ladies!


  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    BTW, TimTam (Fumi) is safe - another poster got a text message from her, indicating that she, her mom and kitties are all safe and sound. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    good news on timtam.

    Missed yoga last night as my Dad's dr appt ran really late.Frown I hate missing yoga.  Hopefully I will get a nice walk in after work today.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Sherry:  You go, girl!!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Oh I got a really nice compliment this morning as I was picking up my breakfast taco.  Ran into a guy I have not seen in a long time and he said wow you look really good, you have lost weight and look like you did in high school (been out for 30 years).  Of course he did not know I have had bc so I explain and told him of my new outlook of eating better and exercising.  He said well it is working keep it up. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    Dropping in quickly to just say HI to everyone.

    Prayers going up for any who need it and for survivors in Japan.  Can't imagine going through something like that.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2011

    Worked/volunteering this morning at breast center. Just got in. When I am "on the job", I give it all my concentration. It must be some form of great therapy for me as well mentally.

    Carol, I also wore a Flector patch to help the pain right after cortisone shot. I hate to jinx myself, but I am absolutely pain free with my hands and wrists. Oh how I hope this lasts. If I can only get comfortable with new girl and keloid.

    I too feel terrible about what is going on in Japan.

    Ruth, prayers for Casey.

    Julie, got your pm and responded. BTW, before BC, I worked with personal trainers for about 10 years in the gym I belong to.  Their cost is in addition to gym membership. Some gyms offer packages. No tips. Be careful, they really try to suck you in with more stuff. I found the more lessons you purchased, the cheaper it was. In my gym, classes are free unless you come into for a one time visit. I have been thinking about going back to trainer, however, I don't want to disturb anything with my hands.

    So tomorrow morning I have zumba, Sunday is dog rescue zumbathon some place else and Mon night more zumba. I also ate very well this week, went back to Jenny Craig. Hope results show on Tue. when I go for weigh in.

    Sandy, I know all about cat vomit. Have a 9 year old rescue cat, who is constantly eating paper and then vomits. I have her since she was a day old. Mother abandoned her and I became Mom to the cat, taught her how to go to bathroom, fed her with little squeezer etc. She truly is the vomit queen.

    Welcome Ruby, this is definitely an exercise "crowd".

    Jen, hope you are healing well.

    If I left anyone out, sorry. Hugs to all.

  • 3daywalker
    3daywalker Member Posts: 15
    edited March 2011

    Ah, I walked to the mail box, does that count!