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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Mailboxes count!!!!!!!!!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011
    Only if it's 2 miles down the road  Laughing
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    3day, it's a start, and it all counts!  Now do it some more times!

    Following the Japan earthquake... amazing how many of us here in the US know someone there...

    sandee, give your kitty a hug from me (I have Hug Your Kitty Day periodically, my cat hates it but tolerates it and it makes me smile).  My kitty will be 19 next month, she's a tiny little thing and even on anti-hairball food, she urps once in awhile but not often.  She sleeps a lot but when she's up, she can be a little pill and races up and down the stairs.  She has some hearing loss so I have to be careful not to startle her when I walk up behind her :)  I can't believe she's almost 19.

    Cheryl, regardless of how you really look, in my mind you're fit and fabulous!  

    Julie, the one gym here that I considered the most has a flat fee that covers almost everything except tanning beds.  You can work with a trainer for no extra charge (teach use of machines, design of a program, and they meet with you regularly to help you), but if you want one-on-one classes  or hour-long individual fitness training sessions, those are more.  It's all over the map on how gyms do that so it pays to shop around.   I'm waiting to see where I end up moving before I join a gym so I don't get stuck in a contract with a gym I can't use.

    Sherry, those compliments make your day, don't they?!

    Ronna, so glad your wrists are staying better.  The Flector patch would've been a good idea, I didn't know how much the shot would hurt, owie!  Since mine was an injury (& not from A) I have high hopes that it will heal but of course you never know if the shots will work... but it is vastly improved.  Still wearing the brace and doing the gentle wrist stretches.

    badger, thanks for the PM, unbelievable mess there.  Or, as I like to say.... "Idiots." :)

    Ruth, any word on Casey?  I like to think that no news is good news but I know when dealing with cancer, sometimes that's not the case.  Still in my thoughts.  And good for Ryan!  I take it they still have no idea what happened?

    I got in a long walk this morning, it was sunny and nice after a cold wet windy week, so I took advantage.  

    After a year of being unhappy with the hair stylists I was trying, I went to a day spa yesterday, met with a "master stylist," and she was so sweet and so helpful... she didn't do anything that unusual but she showed me some easy blow-dry tips (I'm all thumbs when it comes to fixing my hair) and gave me a great cut and I'm one happy camper.  It actually looks better today, which never happens for me after a new haircut.  Nothing like a bad haircut to make you feel less-than, unless maybe it's being bald, although I didn't totally hate being bald (and loved the wind on my scalp).  Anyway, amazing how such a simple thing makes such a big difference.

    Everyone, a big hug, and keep up the great work....

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    naturegrrl you will have to post a pic.  I've always wanted to go to someone that would just give me a hair makeover.  And yes the compliment made my day as yesterday was a horrible day with getting bad news on my Dads cancer.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011

    Sherry, what is going on with your dad? Sending you a hug.

    Casey's DH posted her report on the wrong spot on the Caringbridge, which is why it didn't go out. She actually had the best possible news....two summers ago she had two surgeries for this cancer; followed by almost a year of a horrible chemo regimen. She had a regular scan recently, and two spots lit up. When they went in now, there were two encapsuled cancerous nodules. They hadn't spread anywhere else, so were removed (along with the tissue around them), and it sounds like that is it (no chemo, rads etc.). So she is very sore and very relieved.

    As far as Ryan's mom has said, they do not know why this all happened. I know they are going to do some more and different tests....but I suppose sometimes an 'ordinary' germ goes rogue and sneaks up on a person at a vulnerable time...yikes!!! (Plus kids usually don't know their own bodies very well.)

    I am watching the Japanese news, so sad.

    I did 45 minutes Hip Hop Cardio and a 35 minutes FIRM DVD. DH and I planned to go to 'The King's Speech' tonight (which is FINALLY here), but it is blizzarding. It is snowing like crazy and the wind is howling at 60 mph (plus). I'm thinking staying home is not a bad idea......burrrrrrrr.....

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Ruth my dad had lung cancer in each lung three years ago had surgery and removed. 6 weeks ago we found out that it has returned in his ribs. So you know the routine biopsy, pet scan etc. We meet with the MO yesterday and with it being mets, aggressive and he is not in good health they have estimated he has a year. He will do three wks rads for pain control them 6 months of weekly chemo with eval every 2 months to see if it is working. Also monthly zometa. I am hoping he responds to the treatment. I know the guess is an estimate but my Dad wanted to know. When my SIL was diag with mets bc they told her 18 months and she made it 3 years, of course she was much younger and in better health to begin with. So prayers are welcome this way. Seems exercise is about the only thing keeping me sain these days. I'm just 6 weeks out of rads. My mom is not handling all this well at all.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011

    oh Sherry, that is bad news, so sorry!  {{{{hugs}}}}

    Did another 3.5 miles today, weather is finally nice.  For my PM break, I took a power walk around the capitol square.  Nice pick-me-up.  Ruth's bad weather is headed this way though, tomorrow's supposed to be windy and cold with sprinkles / flurries.  brrrr is right!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Sherry, a friend of my mom's had lung cancer years ago, continued smoking, lived into her 90's, did finally have her cancer return but she did well with radiation and lived long (2-3 years, sorry, don't remember details) even after the cancer returned.  So you never know.  Warm hug, and you & family are on my list, don't give up hope, but I know it's hard.

    Ruth, yikes, it never ends in the Dakotas :) stay home and safe!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Sherry:  I'm so sorry for your bad news!  Sending you more {{{HUGS}}} in addition to badger's hugs. 

    Just a short note, as DH and I are going out to eat (it's 5:50 p.m. here in L.A.), so I'll catch up with the individual threads later . . . 

    Thanks to Carol and Ronna for the gym info.  

    Did my 5 miles and then the additional hour of  resistance training.  And, after 4 weeks, I am seeing results.



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011

    Sherry, I am so sorry. They have made advances though; one of my friend's dad was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer awhile ago too. He has done very well with his treatments and has remained stable (knock on wood) with a good quality of life; but of course it is CRAPPY to always be doing treatment and worrying and worrying.

    The interstate highway is closed across the whole state....350 miles!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    Hey everyone..... I'm BAAAAACK!  I have been faithfully excercising with the treadmill and my Wii daily!!  Still struggling with eating, but keeping the calorie intake in check with the excercise!! (that's why I have been faithfully excercising!!) Embarassed  Whatever works!!

    Julie - (like the new pic) As far as we know, my DH's biopsy was not cancer - Thank God!!  But, we do not know what the problem is right now as our GP is off on medical leave and the Surgeon is off on vacation until the end of March.  It IS a relief though that it is NOT cancer!!  Thanks for the prayers everyone!!

    I have quickly read through the posts, and may have to go back to re-read!  Sherry - I know how you are feeling - we went through this with my Father in law last year.  He also was not well enough to get the initial surgery, so it was very scary and painful to watch the steady treatments - my thoughts are with you.  (((sherry)))

    Ruth - Great news on Ryan and Casey!  See sometimes prayers DO get answered. (Maybe it helps if they come from all over the world??? Wink  I guess it is Shovel and Sculpt for you again??

    Great to hear that everyone is still excercising!!  Have we lost a few posters??  Bobbie, Kim, Mary......Where are you?

    I have not been posting as much as usual because I have decided to get a team in the "Relay for Life" event for the Canadian Cancer Society that runs overnight on June 17th.  I think that these events are also run in the States??  I did not realize how much work is actually involved with captaining a team - Let alone trying to get sponsors to pledge me or my team!  At least I have a few months to work on it!!  Wish me luck, as I am planning on walking the entire 12 hours.  Cool  And of course I will be keeping ALL my BCO sisters in mind as I walk through the night!

    Keep on movin'!! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Thanks everyone, I just pray that he responds well to his treatment and right now he is in alot of pain so the rads should take care of that and that alone will make him feel better.

    Today my exercise will be that we are building a raised vegetable garden so I can get my planting done as it is that time in the south.  Sounds funny saying that when some of you are still having terrific show storms.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Mary Louise, good to see you!  Glad you're doing so well with exercise, and really glad of the good news on your husband's biopsy!  They do have Relay for Life here, I've never done it but I have a friend that's been doing it for years.

    Sherry, enjoy your garden-building.  I miss gardening like crazy.  Another week or so and it's time to plant peas, spinach, & lettuce here, hard to believe.  Maybe when I move I'll have an area to at least grow a few tomatoes!

    Ruth, hope you're staying warm and cozy and safe!

    I got in a march with Leslie and some work with weights for my arms.  Tomorrow I'm planning my long meditation walk for the week. 

    TTFN, Tarts!  

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    I actually did a 35 minute FIRM workout.  I can't believe how much I missed it!  Also did 35 minutes Wii.  Must get in the shower now before I use all the water for the laundry!

    Hope everyone is enjoying their week end so far!!  I can't believe we are looking at a time change tonight, but really looking forward to being outside in the evenings again!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011

    Oh, I just LOVE my FIRM workouts. I just finished an old tape with the impressive title of "Maximum Cardio Burn plus Abs". DH was actually home to do the driveway; so missed out on the 'Shovel and Sculpt". Tongue out

    Mary Louise, glad for your DHs results & hope they can figure out what is actually going on.

    Cute picture, Julie.

    Have a great day everyone! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Oh, I almost forgot about DST (hate it! We didn't have it for years and years and I never could figure out why it finally passed, I don't know anyone who lives here who likes it, it doesn't get dark in summer now until after 10:00, bleech!!), thanks for the reminder!  I think :)

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Julie- The pt is extra at my gym too and it was cheaper to pay for more...but in the long run, this is an expensive venture....but she pushes me and otherwise I would likely not be geting in so ....I am slowly seeing changes, inches as opposed to pounds.

    Went to the ocean and stayed with a friend and then went to a brunch/music event in somsone's home..interesting concept for sure...then an hour walk in a provincial park before heading home.

    Thanks for the well wishes re. Mudpie....think a vet appointment is called for on Monday. She is missing the litter box and was not appreciative of my washing her with soap and least now she is licking herself...

    prayers to all in Japan - I have a ton of sudents there tha I am about to send out emails to to check in on...such devastation...the tsunami warning was also in British Columbia and there were people evacuated on Victoria island in preparation but they were ok....the after shocks will be devastating.

    ronna- dogrescuezumbathon? interesting!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Sherry- so sorry about your more thing....but you are a bright light in his life and there for him and that is more than many have so he will get through as best he can. Take care of YOU while you take care of your folks hmm? Glad you are doing gardening..good for the soul.

    Natureguurl- yes...muds is like that energy and then running around and jumping....right now she is about to fall asleep as I tranquilised her because she was so distressed re. her bowel situation....need her calm so I can clean her some more.

    Marie Louise - goot to have you back. A relay for life team...congrats! There are a bunch of gals I know who have put in Bust a Move teams for the 6 hour exercize-athon here in Halifax..all the $$ goes to the hospital to help build a section in the hospital for would be great for women going in for surgery to not have to go to the hospital right next door ( and then have to take an ambulance a 1/4 of a block)

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    Walked today and already have over 12,000 steps.  Will try and get to pool tomorrow for water workout - haven't done it in a while and I miss it.

    Night friends.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Sandee, aw, I feel so for Mudpie and for you.  Poor kitty.   When I took Sassy to the vet when she was 12, the vet called her "geriatric" -- an appropriate description, but given that Sassy was still going like crazy, it had just never occured to me that she was actually getting old!  Sometimes I think Sassy has a little bit of short-term memory loss, too (I feed her her treat at 4, and then an hour later she's begging again -- memory loss or is she playing me?) :)  Anyway, they're wonderful friends.  Hope Mudpie bounces back soon!

    I went out for a walk, it got so pretty out (sun/clouds and blue blue sky) but the wind was bitter so I didn't last long.  Still, an extra bit of exercise is a step in the right direction!

    Have a good evening, everyone!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    PS, woo hoo, Patoo, keep it up!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Natureguurl- Thanks...she has been with me a long time....don't really want to have to let another thing go right now, you know? my vet said my cat was 'older than god'...makes her pretty old I suppose. She is a bit stunned tonight..still waiting for her to konk out so I can take a washcloth to her again btu she refuses to sleep! Ah well. your Sassy sounds just like her!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Sherry (((HUGS))) praying that the radiation relieves his pain. Patoo great job and hope you get your water workout in cause I know you really enjoy the pool. Ruth I can't believe you're socked in again talk about extremes as today I picked a gardenia it wasn't the best looking flower but the perfume is beautiful. Mary Louise great news about your DH - now you can call him your "mystery" manWink. I'm sure you are going to be an inspirational leader with your "Relay for Life" team, please keep us posted on how all the plans are going, are you approaching local businesses for support or just family and friends? Julie I waved as I went by the refinery last night, I met my girlfriend up at LAX, so I was up and down the 405. I will PM you Eduardos website and you can see the prices for personal training out here most trainers are additional to your gym membership but sometimes it's worth it just to have a few sessions so you can learn. Carol you'll have to get yourself some blackout curtains or sleep with a mask on - can you imagine living in Alaska where it's either always dark or always light - yikes!!!

    This morning I did Body Combat and then I've been house cleaning all day as I'm hosting a BBQ tonight and just did a Costco run for the meat - why is it that you can't get out of that place without spending $100.00!!!! My body is really feeling the effect of exercise this week my back is sore so I think tomorrow I'm going to treat myself to a massage.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    thank you all for thinking about me and my family.  We will get though it. My brothers are trying to help, it is just hard because they all live an hour away in different directions. 

    Got my raised vegetable garden built and all the dirt etc put in today.  Tomorrow will be planting, tomotoes, yellow squash and Okra. Also some flowers I could not resist buying today.  Can't wait to see color in my flower beds.

    patto great on you steps today. 

    SAndee my cat is old as well.  We get so attached to our animals.  My cat is now 13 and has always been a house cat, but for some reason here lately she has decided to venture outside.  I have a doggy door for the pouch so can't keep her form going out.  She does not know what the real world is like and she is scared of everything go figure.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Sherry. Mudpie is the opposite..was an indoor/outdoor and when I moved to an apartment (my first time ever) she is now housebound...I feel bad that she cannot go and lie inthe leaves and sleep off this lousy feeling...if yours is scared, she won;t venure far...just enough to get a sense of what is outside. They generally venure out a bit at a time in new surroundings. Even though she is an indoor kitty, might be good to get her a collar with your phone number on it:)

    An hour away is tough but might be a blessing as it gives each person that amount of time to digest their feelings on the way in and out!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011

    Went out for to a Dangerous for the Diet Chinese Buffet and The King's Speech, which was fantastic ( a review in case I'm not the last person in the world to have seen it).

    In case anyone needs a cat, I would be glad to send you one mine!!!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Well, you ladies inspired me to do my 5 miles and extra hour of resistance training today! Way to go, all of you!

    Sherryc: Hoping that the zometa and the rads work, and that your dad proves the docs wrong! Hopefully he'll be like your SIL; sending prayers for all of you. Good luck with the gardening; I would think that would be good stress therapy.

    Ruth: Wonderful news on Casey and Ryan! So very strange about what caused Ryan's condition; I hope they find out. Thanks to you and Mary Louise for the compliment about the new pic; that handsome guy off to my left is my DH; the other one is my dad. This was taken out front of the "old homestead" in Northern Wisconsin. We were being silly, but the picture turned out pretty well. You need a strong dose of Spring!

    Mary Louise: Great news about DH! Thank God! One less thing to worry about. Good luck with walking 12 hours! We do have that here in the States (as Carol pointed out); we do this every year for Northrop and will be doing it this year. I've also signed up for the Revlon 5K in May as part of the Torrance Memorial Medical Center Team (which is where I've had all my surgeries). This running stuff fits so nicely with these events!

    Carol: Hope your march with Leslie and your arm weight training went well. Thanks for the compliment on my new pic. So Indiana didn't have DST? That's interesting; I know Arizona and Hawaii don't have it, either. Sometimes those long days are TOO long. Good for you, getting out and walking even though the weather was a bit brisk.

    Sandee: Thanks again for the trainer info. Glad you enjoyed the ocean, the brunch/music event and the walk in the park. Poor Mudpie! Hope she gets better. I'm trying to think if one of our cats has had this issue, but I don't think so.

    Patoo: Good job! Keep it up!

    hbCheryl: Waved back as I saw you go by :). Thanks for the PM; I'll check out Eduardo's websites. Yes, it really is easy to spend lots of cash at Costco. Hope your BBQ went well; enjoy your massage.

    DH and I have always had cats. They just kind of come into your lives; four of ours were adopted, others just wandered in and we kept them. Wouldn't have it any other way!

    We didn't see any tsumani-related damage up here (Cheryl, I'm not sure if you got any down there, either). I guess the Santa Cruz Harbor got hammered pretty well.

    Good Night, Everyone! Hoping Bobbi, Kim and Others check in soon.


  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Julie- great pic indeed!...another 5miles...sheesh!!! I am going to a Madhatter tea party in a couple of hours and then plan to either head to the beach , naturepark or the gym for an hour or two of exercize...need to get my walking stamina up for the treking in Nepal (mini-trekking as I am calling it...still 5 or 6 hours in a high altitude will be hard enough I think) is going to be SLOW friend has already warned the guide company!

    Ruth- will be interested to hear what they say re. Ryan....our odies are mysteries...that they have any answers boggles my mind more than the answers and solutions they don't have.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    PS.- mudpie is doing much better today..eating, purring and not lookg as her a tranquiliser last night was the best thing....similar to drinking the odd glass of wine I imagine!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Hurrah for Mudpie, guess even kitties need their wine (equivilent) once in awhile!  :)

    I didn't set my clocks back last night, no biggie, right?  Well, except when I woke up this morning and had to set them forward an hour I felt cheated out of part of my morning.  I won't do that again!  

    OK, DST rant officially over.  

    For the moment, anyway.


    I got out for a nice long walk in a part this morning, it was a bit colder than I expected but it was nice to be out in the woods and listening to all the birds.  Saw a redtail hawk and heard lots of sandhill cranes, one of my favorite all-time bird sounds.

    Time to think about dinner.  And of course, Sassy is sitting on the steps and telling me she hasn't had her treat yet tonight (little liar) :)

    Hugs, all!