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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Natureguurl...the wine equivalent seemed to do her have to figure out a way to get her to wash herself a bit better...kind of like sitting next to someone who has not changed their clothes in a few days...ick! Glad you got outside ....I got out a bit too. It was 7degrees celsius...but I also spent time here at home...fel I needed silence idea why but I listened to it.

    Hope Sassy enjoys her extra treats! You old softy!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    (heh heh. Yeah, Sassy has me trained well.  She knows I'll usually cave Undecided )

    Good to listen to the silence.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    Today I started my day with my Wii Fit and immediately did my treadmill also, so I got the excercise over quickly today.  I actually feel good (like normal) today..... maybe is IS the extra daylight?!?  Going downstairs now to play a little Wii Resort.

    Have a great evening!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited March 2011
    Finally a nice day, I took advantage and walked outside. Cool now THAT's better! {{hugs}}
  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2011
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Good for you Ronna!!! You go girl!

    I walked, went to a tea party (really!) and then came home and had a sandeeonherown day...made a god meal and have vegged....didn't want people around today so....stayed in. Worked for me.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2011

    Hi everyone, I hope you all get to see me in action. I am all in black in the Save the Ta Tas tank.(front row). If more pics come my way, I will share.

    Woke up this morning and had to drag myself out, but I loved every minute of the Paws Rescue Zumbathon. Their doggie of ceremonies was a rescue pit pull who is now a "therapy dog: So sweet. Very different from a regular class. No mirrors, it was in a college gym. 5 instructors were on stage, there were approximately 60 dancers. I was asked to come up on stage and dance with the pros. This was a great cause. I came home exhausted. We danced for 1 and 1/2 hrs, I did Zumba yesterday and have a class tomorrow night. Hurting big time, but I push. My brazilian treatment for my hair has almost disappeared so I look like ClaraBell head. Frizz all the way.So my hair looks terrible.

     Sherry, sorry for the news of your Dad. Hope treatment goes well.

     Carol, my Emma Jane (cat) screams too when she does not get her treats.

    Julie, A started my problems, but I have switchen to Femara which works much better for me.

    I just wanted to share my great day. Hugs to all

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Mary Louise, no more daylight today than yesterday (well, maybe a few minutes) but it comes at the end of the day instead of the beginning, so depending on when you get up, it can make a difference.

    When I was a kid growing up in Chicago I didn't understand how days could get "longer" -- weren't they all 24 hours? Undecided  I was in jr high before I figured out what they meant!  Ay carumba!  I'm not stupid, but I can be way too literal!!

    Ronna, LOVE the picture!!!!  You totally rock!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    PS, Ruth, I haven't seen "The King's Speech" yet, so you aren't the last, although we may be in the minority :)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011

    Go to it, it's awesome. Really one of the best movies I've ever seen!

    Ronna, very cool picture and cause!

    The day kind of slipped away from me. I ended up doing  30 minutes on the treadmill and toning with Richard Simmons.

    I went through the 40 pages of handouts from the speaker I went to last weekend (I'm not exaggerating, I counted them) and am copying them below. I think I will also put them on the arimedex sites I check in with and maybe do a post on the nutrition thread too. But I thought you might all be interested too.

     I went to a very interesting speaker the other day. She is a doctor, nutrition specialist, and an eleven year breast cancer survivor. Here are some of her tips for staying healthy:

    1. We all know we should eat more fruits & veggies, whole grains, less red meat, processed food etc. so I am not going to go into any of that.

    2. EVERYONE should be taking a multi-vitamin. Make sure it says ‘Complete' on the label. Make sure it contains iodine, Vitamin K, selenium and folic acid along with all the other good stuff. Interesting facts about why multi-vitamins are important:

    * older women with the lowest levels of vitamin B-12 were at the greatest risk for breast cancer

    * taking acid-blocking medications make you less able to absorb B-12

    * she recommends 400 mcg of folic acid a day. It works with the B-12 (studies have found that folates may help to make chemo more effective and decrease side effects)

    * B 6 is important in lowering the risk of breast and colon cancer

    * she recommends 90 mg of vitamin C

    * 30 iu of E

    3. Omega 3.....either eat oily fish twice a week or use fish-oil supplements (make sure it says EPA and DHA approved) 1000 mg a day. It's associated with decreased risk of cancer, heart disease, inflammatory disease, depression and more.

    4. Vitamin D....a big deal.....she recommends getting it tested (should be between 40-50 ng/dL). She recommends 2000 iu a day to maintain a good level. Many, many conditions are associated with low vitamin D; heart attack, cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle weakness, asthma, diabetics, multiple sclerosis etc. etc. etc. There are over 200 different body tissues that have been identified so far that have receptors for the vitamin D hormone and they need it to work properly.

    * adequate Vitamin D levels has been shown to reduce the side effects of taxol based chemotherapy

    * Adequate Vitamin D has shown to reduce the side effects of aromatase inhibitors

    * start with a multi-vitamin, drink milk, eat yogurt (check and make sure it has vitamin D added), and most people will also need a supplement to keep that high of levels

    5. Vitamin K, should get 100 mcg a day. Check your multi-vitamin, not all of them have it added.  Inadequacy leads to an increased risk of various cancers, hear disease, osteoporosis and kidney problems.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2011

    Thank you Ruth, I am going to cut and paste your post and put it on my refrigerator.

    Great information!!!

    Hugs, good night.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Thanks Ruth!! Very useful!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    SAndee glad mudpie is feeling better.

    Did not exercise today as I planted my vegetable garden.  Figured that was enough.  Tomorrow will do Yoga and maybe the Elliptical.

    Ronna good for you on the Zumba, I recognized you in the picture.

    Hope everyone has a good exercise week and stays focused

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    Count me in - haven't seen The Kings Speech either.  I usually procrastinate until it's no longer in the movies and at the price to go nowadays, I'm just plain cheap. 

    Thanks for the info Ruth.  Dr Oz had most of that info on his show a few days ago as well. 

    Didn't get to the gym for water workout today.  After church some friends invited me to go with them to Red Lobster.  Let's see - gym vs Red Lobster - well, you know what won out.  But I did go out for a walk when I got home but it was windy and a little cold so I only lasted 45 mins, logging a little under 7000 steps. 

    Now seems the glands in my neck are hurting and my ears as well so seems I'm trying to catch a cold.  Time for some tea, advil and a little reading before bed.

    Night everyone.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011

    Gargle with warm salt water, patoo!

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Sherry: How are you and your family doing today? I see you worked on your garden. I agree, there are times to limit exercise if you can't focus on it and may end up hurting yourself. Can't tell you the number of times I've almost fallen just because my mind was elsewhere and not on what I was doing! More prayers for all of you.

    Sandee: Thanks for the picture compliment. Ha, nothing like a tranquilizer to settle Mudpie down . . . works so well for us humans, too! How was the tea party? And the walk? A Nepal trip sounds fascinating! When you have time, please tell us more about it. Sounds like you had a relaxing day today. It's nice just to spend time alone and gather one's thoughts.

    Carol: Yes, stupid "spring ahead" DST - no matter what time I get up after we set our clocks ahead, I always feel cheated of time. This has been a VERY short day. Oh, well. Sounds like you had a nice walk in the woods; I've never seen a redtail hawk or sandhill crane, but I'm sure they are beautiful birds. As to kitties and their treats, our Nellie is very vocal about wanting food, as is our Cybelle. We've spoiled Cybelle with "people" food; DH will bring in a carryout from a local restaurant, and she is already vocalizing her desire to eat some of it! Ah, well, they are fun to spoil.

    Mary Louise: Glad you are feeling like normal today and had a good workout.

    Badger: Sounds like a nice day back there; glad you enjoyed your walk.

    Ronna: Look at you! Great picture, and the event looks like a lot of fun. 1.5 hours is a long time to dance, but what a good workout! I'm glad the Femara is working better for you.

    Ruth: Thanks for the excellent write-up on vitamins. I'm going to go check my supplements and see how they match up with your information. I'm taking Lindberg Omega 3; their supplement has both EPA and DHA approved ingredients.

    patoo: We love the Red Lobster, too. Hope you don't get sick.

    Hello to hbCheryl, Bobbie and Kim.

    Didn't do much today; I'm getting organized to go back to work tomorrow, including my exercise stuff. I've resolved to try and get my resistance training in before going to work. That way, I can do my jogs and power walks at noon and be done. The rash is basically gone.

    Good Night, All!


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited March 2011

    Julie My dad is angry and my mom is somewhat in denial. My brothers are all being supportive and starting to help out. One is taking him to an appt today. ThNks for asking, just a stressful time nag gardening helps me relax

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Sherry, warm hug.  I'm glad your brothers are able to help and support you and your parents and  I hope your parents can move beyond their current feelings into something more positive so they can enjoy the time they have together, but those are powerful emotions that can be hard to let go of.  My oncologist has a therapist on staff, available for anyone in the family -- if yours has one (or can recommend one), even if no one else goes, it might be a good support for you.  What a difficult time, but there will be many precious moments in it, too.  You're all on my meditation list.  I love gardening for the release it gives me -- something about putting my hands in dirt that gives me peace.  Do take care of yourself.

    Ruth, thanks for the vitamin reinforcement.  I double-checked what I was taking to make sure I was within the guidelines.

    Sandee -- Nepal!!!!  Wowser!!!  Tell more, please!  How cool -- a hiking trip -- can I come?  Smile  I can't imagine how beautiful that will be!! 

    Patoo, take care of yourself -- good time to pamper a little extra!

    Julie, hope work goes well today.  I'm guessing it will be part slipping back into something familiar and comfortable, and part an adjustment to getting back to the routine and energy demand of it all.  Sounds like you've got a plan to keep up your exercise. 

    I think cats go to some kind of school that teaches them how to howl/cry/screech until we cave Smile  Gotta love 'em!

    I don't know if the rest of you have this as you've gone through recovery from treatment, but I've noticed all along that I'll suddenly reach a new level of energy/well-being/whatever, maintain that for awhile and be grateful for it, and then when I've gotten used to it, I'll suddenly realize I've reached another new level.  Well, that's where I am the last several days.  I wake up feeling GOOD instead of clinging to sleep Undecided.  This morning I found myself singing in the shower, and I can tell you, it's been a looooong time since I've done that!  I have more energy.... I just feel good, and better!  What a great feeling.  Thank you, universe!!

    I'm going on strike against DST (I call it Daylight SHIFTING Time, not Daylight SAVING Time.  It doesn't save any daylight!  The birds still sing with the sunrise!  Who are we kidding!) Wink  I'm going to refuse to honor what the powers that be say the clocks should say, and go with Standard Time.  So as I type, ti's not 10 AM, it's 9 AM!  (OK, I'm done ranting, really.....) Innocent

    I hope to take this powered-up feeling and get more exercise in... long power-walk planned for today. 

    I see Kim post on FB every once in awhile, so I think she's OK, but I'm missing Mary! Bobbi!  Hope to hear from you soon.

    Hugs to all!

    (man, did I use enough smilies?)

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2011

    To Patoo, hope you are feeling better. I would have chosen Red Lobster. Delicious.

    Now you need some chicken soup to make you feel better.

    Sheeryc, my thoughts are with you.

    Well, another zumba class tonight.


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    Carol - you said it better than I ever could have.  That is what I meant by feeling good yesterday!  Cool  I feel exactly like you said.  You reach a level and get to enjoy it, but then realize that you start waking up feeling good and just have a general feeling in "wellness".  I LOVE it!!  I have been very fortunate so far this winter to stay germ free as I have not had a day that I felt sick either.  It took me a year and a half out of tx to be able to notice this, but I really do notice the difference!!

    Hope everyone can achieve that feeling of "Wellness" too! 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited March 2011

    Mary Louise, ho-rah for us!!  Let's go dancing!!

    I PM'd Bobbi and she says to tell everyone she's fine, still exercising, and misses us Smile and hopes to be back shortly.  Just wanted to pass that on!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2011

    If I understand we all reach different levels with this disease. At this time last year, I had not had exchange yet. I was miserable with my TE and constantly crying.

    What a different a year makes. March 30, 2010 was my Exchange Date and was not allowed near the gym until June.

    I agree hearing the birds in the morning is great. A few more days and Spring is here.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Computer problems at home, computer problems at work ughhhhhhh.    Did Body Step yesterday morning and then went and had my massage which was wonderful, had a sore lower back but after being "worked" on my entire back has released soreness but I feel good.  Ronna great picture I recognized you right away and a great cause.  Ruth thanks for all the info I'll admit I've become lax with the multi vitamin as I bought new ones and they make me feel nauseous, my GP said cut them in half but I need a pill splitter so I just take everything else and forget the multi but now I need to do something about it (can't stand that I may have "wasted" $20.00 and this brand has never bothered me before).    Sandee glad to hear Mudpie is doing better, yikes trekking in Nepal are you going early to get used to the altitude?  I'll warn you, you get terrible headaches if you're not acclimatized but what an adventurer you are, can we live vicariously through you?  Carol I think you are right there is a time we wake up feeling like our old selves and I know that exercise has helped me tremendously and yes I know I do go overboard but it's who I am.  Thanks for letting us know about Bobbi, now Mary you need to come back, just think of it as the deep end of a pool - jump in we're all here waiting for you, oldies miss you and newbies need to meet you.  Hope you are having a good first day back at work Julie.  Don't know if I'll make it back tonight got to try and get wireless router problem at home sorted out - warning do not clean the kitchen corner where all the wires and plugs are, just leave the dust and cobwebs - cleaning equals problems!!!!!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2011

    Wow..this train moves fast too!!! the tea party yesterday was fun...a gal from work throws pots so they had a madhatter tea pay your $$ then when you get there , you choose the mug you want...drink tea and eat and chat and then take home that mug with you!  Then i turned into a sloth and stayed indoors..not in a people mood I guess and wanting to be around Muds....(who is doing much better! phew!).

    Nepal....well, I am going to Istanbul then Qatar and then Nepal. I imagine it will be similar to the mountains in Ecuador and since I am already out of breath these days, it should be interesting. My galpal and I decided on Nepal because it is a place I have wanted to go for over 20 years...from the pictures, it sill be a combination of other places I have visited these last few years but....and this is the big is a place I have chosen to go to instead of going because my sister or friends are living there or have chosen it for us. I usually say ' I don't care...doesn't matter to is all new" and while that is all friend and I decided that it was crucial that I choose the place this I am hoping to sit on a mountain, watch the sunrise and let go of all my fears and just 'be'...I will take lots of pictures!I don't plan on putting a bag below the plane..travelling very lgith so if you can fit into my small backpack natureguurl...come along!

    Carol, Mak, Ronna...yep..some days are feel great, life is good, you remember o be grateful and then...then you wear the wrong bra and are forced to remember that all is not what it was....might be time to toss the beautiful underwire bras I bought last may pre-diagnosis into the fire...or buy bra extensions so my body does not ache afterwards.:) But life is indeed GREAT!

    Sherry- glad your brothers are kicking in...I also had the offer of someone to speak to when I was going through rads...could call at any time for help....might be good for you to blow off steam even if the other family members do not want to go.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,536
    edited March 2011

    Wow Sandee, the Nepal trip sounds tremendous! When are you going? How long will you be gone? Is it with a big group/small group? 

    Julie, how was work? Glad the rash cleared up?

    Cheryl, I feel your pain about the computer problems. The whole state's network where we do all our special education paperwork has been down since the weekend. So we are frozen in doing all the mandatory paperwork..state wide!!! And our school's copier and laminator are both down 'until further notice'. I guess we will just have to hang out and eat bon bons!

    45 minutes on the treadmill and 45 of toning with Denise Austin.

    One surely does realize what a great blessing it is to feel not only 'normal', but actually GOOD and sometimes WONDERFUL! And I think we should take our hats off to ourselves, because it is partly because of our own work that we are on that path Cool

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2011

    Sandee, Nepal - wow!  I'm gonna live it through you.

    Did more walking last night and got over 10,000 steps so that was good.  Sore throat went away by itself.  That's normal for me; feel lousy for a few hours and then get over it.  Actually feel it a little right now so something is trying to "get" me - but it won't because like ruth says, we work to keep healthy!

    Haven't done anything today so going up now and will walk, hopefully for an hour.

    Night friends.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited March 2011

    Hey everyone!  Just a quick drop in.  This week is March Break for my kids and they wanted to go shopping today.  So, this morning I got in 35 mins on the Wii and a 35 min FIRM floor workout.  Then when we got back I jumped on the treadmill for 40 minutes.  Am ready for bed now and back to work tomorrow!  I did enjoy the sunshine until about 7 o'clock tonight!!   

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011

    Hello, Everyone:

    Sherry: Sorry to hear about your dad being angry and your mom in denial. I'm glad your brothers are helping out and that your gardening relaxes you.

    Carol: I think your stages of energy increasing over time is wonderful! Feeling good and then feeling better - I can't wait to get to that stage. Hope you got your power walk in today. And I'm glad to hear Bobbi is okay.

    Ronna: Enjoy zumba tonight.

    hbCheryl: Silly old computers. Glad you enjoyed your massage. I get to see the cobwebs in my dining room whenever I use my treadmill; I'll have to clean those one of these days!

    Sandee: It's great you are going to Istanbul, Qatar and then Nepal because YOU want to go, not because someone you know lives there. When you sit on top of the mountain, we'll be there with you! When are you going? I hope I can fit into your backpack, along with Carol.

    Ruth: Hope you don't get buried in paperwork! They don't expect you to fill things out by hand, do they? Eating bon bons sounds wonderful right now. DH and I are working on several bags of Sweet Tarts Jelly Beans . . .

    patoo: Glad you are feeling better.

    Mary Louise: I hope you enjoyed your shopping, and you did get your exercise in for the day.

    Thanks for asking about work. The rash is almost completely gone. I actually got my first hour of resistance training in before I went to work, then ran at noon. My coworkers were happy to have me back, which is always nice. Also, I received an award for leading a project, which was great!

    Made a chocolate cake last night, called "If you only live once chocolate cake". You bake the cake, then scoop out the middle, leaving room for hand-made chocolate mousse. After the mousse is placed into the hollowed-out portion of the cake, it is topped with the previously-removed crumbs and a home-made glaze. Since I don't want to eat too much of it, DH is taking it into work for coworkers. I can type up the recipe if anyone wants it.  Actually, I will type it up anyway, since I suspect I'm not the only chocoholic posting on this thread!

    Good night, Everyone!


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited March 2011

    Spent almost 3 hours on the phone to a lovely lady in India who really did try to help. I really freaked out when she went through the process of ordering us a new router then she said it will ship out in 3 to 5 days - ah no, we have kids home from college this weekend and unless they can get on the internet they think it is the deep dark ages, finally gave up and went to Radio Shack and bought a new router - bingo bongo up and running again.

    Julie good to hear your day went well and the cake sounds delicious, can I have whipped cream on my slice?Sealed  Patoo you should keep a log as it would be a fun way to track your progress and I'll bet that in no time you'd "walk/march" to Florida or you can come west and visit us. Sandee sometimes you really do need some alone quiet time, I sat and read for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon no one home just me and a book and a nice cup of tea and it was wonderful. Ruth I'll bet once they get your computer system up and running they'll require you to get all the paperwork done ASAP and you know me I'm up for bon bons anytime? Mary Louise you forgot to add your shopping trek into the exercise equation and have fun with the kids this week.

    Did Boy Attack class tonight but I was good and did it all low options and I signed up for what they call a super class on Friday the 25th where you do 20 minutes each of 4 different programs, just a fun way to mix it up.  Nite all.

  • julie75
    julie75 Member Posts: 295
    edited March 2011
    Everyone: Here is the recipe for the cake I've described.

    Devilish Chocolate Cake

    I use a 13 x 9 inch glass pan to make this; I've never liked baking with metal pans.

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

    Place oven rack in the middle of the oven. Line the bottom of the pan with parchment paper or wax paper, then butter the paper.

    Cake Ingredients:

    2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, cut into pieces
    2 cups cake flour (don't use regular flour!)
    2/3 cup unsweetened Dutch process cocoa powder (I like Droste's, but Hershey's is just fine)
    1 teaspoon of baking soda
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/4 pound (1 stick) soft unsalted butter
    2 cups sugar
    3 large eggs
    1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
    1 1/4 cups buttermilk

    Place the unsweetened chocolate into a heatproof container and melt it in the oven, about 6 to 8 minutes. (I usually just put the chocolate into a glass bowl and heat it at 30-second intervals in the microwave, taking it out after each 30-second interval and stirring it until it is liquid).

    Sift the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt together and set aside.

    Put the butter in a large bowl of an electric mixer, and mix it on low speed for 15 seconds. Add the sugar and beat on medium speed for 2 minutes, or until the mixture is fluffy and lightens from yellow to cream color. The mixture will look sugary. Beat in the eggs, one at a time. Stop the mixer and scrape the bowl during this mixing. Beat for 2 more minutes. Decrease the speed to low, and mix in the vanilla extract and melted chocolate. Keep scraping the bowl as you mix. Add the flour mixture and the buttermilk alternately, beginning and ending with the flour mixture (3 flour, 2 buttermilk). Let the mixture absorb the flour before adding more buttermilk. Stop the mixer and scrape the bowl after the last addition of flour. The batter is ready when the final addition of flour is completely mixed with the batter. Pour the batter into the 13 x 9 inch pan and smooth the top of the batter.

    Bake the cake for about 40 - 50 minutes, or until the top is firm, or until a toothpick inserted into the cake comes out clean. Cool the cake completely.

    While the cake is cooling, make the glaze:

    Thick Chocolate Glaze

    1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
    2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
    2 tablespoons light corn syrup
    8 ounces semisweet chocolate chips

    Put the cream, butter and corn syrup into a medium saucepan and stir over medium heat, until the mixture is hot and the butter is melted. The hot cream mixture will form tiny bubbles around the edge of the pan and measure about 175 degrees on a food thermometer. DO NOT let the mixture boil! Remove the saucepan from the heat (I usually take it off the burner and set it on top of the oven). Add the chocolate chips and let them melt in the hot cream mixture for about 30 seconds. Gently stir the mixture until all of the chocolate is melted and the glaze is smooth. Set the glaze aside to cool and thicken slightly. The glaze can be transferred to a small bowl, covered, and refrigerated for up to 1 week. To soften cold glaze, warm it in a medium saucepan over low heat, stirring frequently. This recipe makes about 1 1/2 cups of glaze.

    Finally, make the mousse:

    Chocolate Mousse Filling

    9 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped
    2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped.
    4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
    3/4 cup heavy whipping cream
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    3 large egg whites
    1/4 teaspoon cream of tarter
    1/2 cup sugar

    Put the semisweet chocolate, unsweetened chocolate and butter into a heatproof container and place it over, but not touching, a saucepan of barely simmering water. (I usually put the chocolate and butter into a saucepan and heat everything on very low heat, stirring constantly, until everything is melted together.) Remove the mixture from over the hot water (or from the burner) and pour it into a large bowl to cool slightly.

    Put the cream and vanilla into a medium-sized bowl. Beat these two ingredients together with an electric mixer until soft peaks form. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate.

    Put the egg whites and cream of tarter into a large bowl, making sure no yolk gets into the bowl. (You will be beating this mixture with an electric mixer, so be sure the beaters are clean and dry, or else the egg whites won't form peaks.)

    Begin beating the egg whites and cream of tarter together on low speed, until the cream of tarter is dissolved. Increase the mixer speed to medium-high and beat until soft peaks form. Slowly add the sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time. Beat until the mixture is shiny. Whisk about 1/4 of this egg-white mixture into the melted chocolate and butter mixture, stirring until completely blended. Then, use a rubber spatula to fold in the rest of the egg-white mixture into the melted chocolate. Finally, fold in the whipped-cream mixture.

    If the cake is completely cooled, spoon out the center of the cake, leaving a 1-inch margin around all sides and a 3/4 inch base. Now spoon the mousse into the hollowed-out center of the cake, spreading it until the hollowed-out portion is completely filled with mousse. Then, press the cake crumbs into the mousse. Finally, drizzle the chocolate glaze over the cake crumbs and mousse.